2017-08-07 19:34:28 +10:00

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* This file has been generated automatically from *
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* src/core/layout/qgslayout.h *
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* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsLayout : QGraphicsScene, QgsExpressionContextGenerator
Base class for layouts, which can contain items such as maps, labels, scalebars, etc.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
#include "qgslayout.h"
enum ZValues
QgsLayout( QgsProject *project );
Construct a new layout linked to the specified ``project``.
If the layout is a "new" layout (as opposed to a layout which will
restore a previous state from XML) then initializeDefaults() should be
called on the new layout.
void initializeDefaults();
Initializes an empty layout, e.g. by adding a default page to the layout. This should be called after creating
a new layout.
QgsProject *project() const;
The project associated with the layout. Used to get access to layers, map themes,
relations and various other bits. It is never null.
:rtype: QgsProject
QString name() const;
Returns the layout's name.
.. seealso:: setName()
:rtype: str
void setName( const QString &name );
Sets the layout's name.
.. seealso:: name()
void setUnits( QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit units );
Sets the native measurement ``units`` for the layout. These also form the default unit
for measurements for the layout.
.. seealso:: units()
.. seealso:: convertToLayoutUnits()
QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit units() const;
Returns the native units for the layout.
.. seealso:: setUnits()
.. seealso:: convertToLayoutUnits()
:rtype: QgsUnitTypes.LayoutUnit
double convertToLayoutUnits( const QgsLayoutMeasurement &measurement ) const;
Converts a measurement into the layout's native units.
:return: length of measurement in layout units
.. seealso:: convertFromLayoutUnits()
.. seealso:: units()
:rtype: float
QSizeF convertToLayoutUnits( const QgsLayoutSize &size ) const;
Converts a size into the layout's native units.
:return: size of measurement in layout units
.. seealso:: convertFromLayoutUnits()
.. seealso:: units()
:rtype: QSizeF
QPointF convertToLayoutUnits( const QgsLayoutPoint &point ) const;
Converts a ``point`` into the layout's native units.
:return: point in layout units
.. seealso:: convertFromLayoutUnits()
.. seealso:: units()
:rtype: QPointF
QgsLayoutMeasurement convertFromLayoutUnits( const double length, const QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit unit ) const;
Converts a ``length`` measurement from the layout's native units to a specified target ``unit``.
:return: length of measurement in specified units
.. seealso:: convertToLayoutUnits()
.. seealso:: units()
:rtype: QgsLayoutMeasurement
QgsLayoutSize convertFromLayoutUnits( const QSizeF &size, const QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit unit ) const;
Converts a ``size`` from the layout's native units to a specified target ``unit``.
:return: size of measurement in specified units
.. seealso:: convertToLayoutUnits()
.. seealso:: units()
:rtype: QgsLayoutSize
QgsLayoutPoint convertFromLayoutUnits( const QPointF &point, const QgsUnitTypes::LayoutUnit unit ) const;
Converts a ``point`` from the layout's native units to a specified target ``unit``.
:return: point in specified units
.. seealso:: convertToLayoutUnits()
.. seealso:: units()
:rtype: QgsLayoutPoint
QgsLayoutContext &context();
Returns a reference to the layout's context, which stores information relating to the
current context and rendering settings for the layout.
:rtype: QgsLayoutContext
QgsLayoutSnapper &snapper();
Returns a reference to the layout's snapper, which stores handles layout snap grids and lines
and snapping points to the nearest matching point.
:rtype: QgsLayoutSnapper
virtual QgsExpressionContext createExpressionContext() const;
Creates an expression context relating to the layout's current state. The context includes
scopes for global, project, layout and layout context properties.
:rtype: QgsExpressionContext
void setCustomProperty( const QString &key, const QVariant &value );
Set a custom property for the layout.
\param key property key. If a property with the same key already exists it will be overwritten.
\param value property value
.. seealso:: customProperty()
.. seealso:: removeCustomProperty()
.. seealso:: customProperties()
QVariant customProperty( const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue = QVariant() ) const;
Read a custom property from the layout.
\param key property key
\param defaultValue default value to return if property with matching key does not exist
:return: value of matching property
.. seealso:: setCustomProperty()
.. seealso:: removeCustomProperty()
.. seealso:: customProperties()
:rtype: QVariant
void removeCustomProperty( const QString &key );
Remove a custom property from the layout.
\param key property key
.. seealso:: setCustomProperty()
.. seealso:: customProperty()
.. seealso:: customProperties()
QStringList customProperties() const;
Return list of keys stored in custom properties for the layout.
.. seealso:: setCustomProperty()
.. seealso:: customProperty()
.. seealso:: removeCustomProperty()
:rtype: list of str
QgsLayoutItemMap *referenceMap() const;
:rtype: QgsLayoutItemMap
void setReferenceMap( QgsLayoutItemMap *map );
QgsLayoutPageCollection *pageCollection();
Returns a pointer to the layout's page collection, which stores and manages
page items in the layout.
:rtype: QgsLayoutPageCollection
QRectF layoutBounds( bool ignorePages = false, double margin = 0.0 ) const;
Calculates the bounds of all non-gui items in the layout. Ignores snap lines, mouse handles
and other cosmetic items.
\param ignorePages set to true to ignore page items
\param margin optional marginal (in percent, e.g., 0.05 = 5% ) to add around items
:return: layout bounds, in layout units.
:rtype: QRectF
void addLayoutItem( QgsLayoutItem *item /Transfer/ );
Adds an ``item`` to the layout. This should be called instead of the base class addItem()
method. Ownership of the item is transferred to the layout.
public slots:
void updateBounds();
Updates the scene bounds of the layout.
void variablesChanged();
Emitted whenever the expression variables stored in the layout have been changed.
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/layout/qgslayout.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *