Hugo Mercier 845894b313
[FEATURE] Selective masking (#30747)
* [FEATURE] Selective masking

Advanced rendering feature that allows the definition of 'masks' areas around labels or with a new typ of symbol layer. These masks will "un-draw" symbol layers of other layers underneath.
It modifies the rendering process by adding an optional second pass.
2019-11-07 08:17:25 +01:00

Selective masking case 6

Layers Polys Lines Points Labels
Symbol layers 0: black roads
1: yellow roads
0: black jets
1: orange jets
2: other black jets
Masks A buffer that masks
Outer glow effect on the mask buffer
First pass
Mask image
(still in first pass)
Second pass Lines without 0
Points without 0, 2
Composition with mask
Second pass image inside mask
First pass image oustide mask
Updated first pass image

Final image