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357 lines
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* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/symbology/qgscptcityarchive.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsCptCityArchive
#include "qgscptcityarchive.h"
QgsCptCityArchive( const QString &archiveName = DEFAULT_CPTCITY_ARCHIVE,
const QString &baseDir = QString() );
QString baseDir() const;
static QString baseDir( QString archiveName );
static QString defaultBaseDir();
void setBaseDir( const QString &dirName );
QString copyingFileName( const QString &dirName ) const;
QString descFileName( const QString &dirName ) const;
static QString findFileName( const QString &target, const QString &startDir, const QString &baseDir );
static QMap< QString, QString > copyingInfo( const QString &fileName );
static QMap< QString, QString > description( const QString &fileName );
bool isEmpty();
QString archiveName() const;
static void initArchives( bool loadAll = false );
static void initArchive( const QString &archiveName, const QString &archiveBaseDir );
static void initDefaultArchive();
static void clearArchives();
static QgsCptCityArchive *defaultArchive();
static QMap< QString, QgsCptCityArchive * > archiveRegistry();
QVector< QgsCptCityDataItem * > rootItems() const;
QVector< QgsCptCityDataItem * > selectionItems() const;
QgsCptCityArchive( const QgsCptCityArchive &rh );
class QgsCptCityDataItem : QObject
Base class for all items in the model
#include "qgscptcityarchive.h"
enum Type
QgsCptCityDataItem( QgsCptCityDataItem::Type type, QgsCptCityDataItem *parent,
const QString &name, const QString &path );
bool hasChildren();
int rowCount();
virtual int leafCount() const;
virtual void refresh();
virtual QVector<QgsCptCityDataItem *> createChildren();
virtual void populate();
bool isPopulated();
virtual void addChildItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *child /Transfer/, bool refresh = false );
virtual void deleteChildItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *child );
virtual QgsCptCityDataItem *removeChildItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *child ) /TransferBack/;
virtual bool equal( const QgsCptCityDataItem *other );
virtual QWidget *paramWidget() /Factory/;
virtual QList<QAction *> actions();
virtual bool acceptDrop();
virtual bool handleDrop( const QMimeData * /*data*/, Qt::DropAction /*action*/ );
static int findItem( QVector<QgsCptCityDataItem *> items, QgsCptCityDataItem *item );
Type type() const;
QgsCptCityDataItem *parent() const;
void setParent( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent );
QVector<QgsCptCityDataItem *> children() const;
virtual QIcon icon();
virtual QIcon icon( QSize size );
QString name() const;
QString path() const;
QString info() const;
QString shortInfo() const;
void setIcon( const QIcon &icon );
void setToolTip( const QString &msg );
QString toolTip() const;
bool isValid();
void beginInsertItems( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent, int first, int last );
void endInsertItems();
void beginRemoveItems( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent, int first, int last );
void endRemoveItems();
class QgsCptCityColorRampItem : QgsCptCityDataItem
Item that represents a layer that can be opened with one of the providers
#include "qgscptcityarchive.h"
QgsCptCityColorRampItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent,
const QString &name, const QString &path,
const QString &variantName = QString(),
bool initialize = false );
QgsCptCityColorRampItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent,
const QString &name, const QString &path,
const QStringList &variantList,
bool initialize = false );
virtual bool equal( const QgsCptCityDataItem *other );
virtual int leafCount() const;
const QgsCptCityColorRamp &ramp() const;
virtual QIcon icon();
virtual QIcon icon( QSize size );
void init();
class QgsCptCityCollectionItem : QgsCptCityDataItem
A Collection: logical collection of subcollections and color ramps
#include "qgscptcityarchive.h"
QgsCptCityCollectionItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent,
const QString &name, const QString &path );
void setPopulated();
void addChild( QgsCptCityDataItem *item /Transfer/ );
QVector<QgsCptCityDataItem *> childrenRamps( bool recursive );
class QgsCptCityDirectoryItem : QgsCptCityCollectionItem
A directory: contains subdirectories and color ramps
#include "qgscptcityarchive.h"
QgsCptCityDirectoryItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent,
const QString &name, const QString &path );
virtual QVector<QgsCptCityDataItem *> createChildren();
virtual bool equal( const QgsCptCityDataItem *other );
static QgsCptCityDataItem *dataItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent,
const QString &name, const QString &path );
QMap< QString, QStringList > rampsMap();
QStringList dirEntries() const;
class QgsCptCitySelectionItem : QgsCptCityCollectionItem
A selection: contains subdirectories and color ramps
#include "qgscptcityarchive.h"
QgsCptCitySelectionItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent, const QString &name, const QString &path );
virtual QVector<QgsCptCityDataItem *> createChildren();
virtual bool equal( const QgsCptCityDataItem *other );
QStringList selectionsList() const;
void parseXml();
class QgsCptCityAllRampsItem : QgsCptCityCollectionItem
An "All ramps item", which contains all items in a flat hierarchy *
#include "qgscptcityarchive.h"
QgsCptCityAllRampsItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent, const QString &name,
const QVector<QgsCptCityDataItem *> &items );
virtual QVector<QgsCptCityDataItem *> createChildren();
class QgsCptCityBrowserModel : QAbstractItemModel
#include "qgscptcityarchive.h"
enum ViewType
QgsCptCityBrowserModel( QObject *parent /TransferThis/ = 0,
QgsCptCityArchive *archive = QgsCptCityArchive::defaultArchive(),
ViewType Type = Authors );
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags( const QModelIndex &index ) const;
virtual QVariant data( const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const;
virtual QVariant headerData( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const;
virtual int rowCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
virtual int columnCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
virtual QModelIndex index( int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
QModelIndex findItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *item, QgsCptCityDataItem *parent = 0 ) const;
virtual QModelIndex parent( const QModelIndex &index ) const;
QgsCptCityDataItem *dataItem( const QModelIndex &idx ) const;
virtual bool dropMimeData( const QMimeData * data, Qt.DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent ); */
virtual bool hasChildren( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
void reload();
void refresh( const QString &path );
void refresh( const QModelIndex &index = QModelIndex() );
QModelIndex findPath( const QString &path );
Returns index of a path
void connectItem( QgsCptCityDataItem *item );
virtual bool canFetchMore( const QModelIndex &parent ) const;
virtual void fetchMore( const QModelIndex &parent );
public slots:
void beginInsertItems( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent, int first, int last );
void endInsertItems();
void beginRemoveItems( QgsCptCityDataItem *parent, int first, int last );
void endRemoveItems();
void addRootItems();
void removeRootItems();
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/symbology/qgscptcityarchive.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *