DelazJ 828e447991 More spelling fixes
* editation
* definintion
* Unabled
* capitalize QGIS
* replace algs by algorithms
* queryings
* symbo(s)
* missing space after a dot
2016-12-29 01:53:55 +01:00

13 lines
828 B

"name": "regexp_matches",
"type": "function",
"description": "Returns an array of all strings captured by capturing groups, in the order the groups themselves appear in the supplied regular expression against a string.",
"arguments": [
{"arg":"string", "description":"the string to capture groups from against the regular expression"},
{"arg":"regex","description":"the regular expression used to capture groups"},
{"arg":"empty_value","optional":true,"default":"''","description":"the optional string to use as replacement for empty (zero length) matches"}],
"examples": [ { "expression":"regexp_matches('QGIS=>rocks','(.*)=>(.*)')", "returns":"array: 'QGIS', 'rocks'"},
{ "expression":"regexp_matches('key=>','(.*)=>(.*)','empty value')", "returns":"array: 'key', 'empty value'"}