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for attribute tables in the composer. If selected, the attribute table will show all related features to the current atlas feature within the table body. Sponsored by City of Uster, Switzerland.
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/**Helper class for sorting tables, takes into account sorting column and ascending / descending*/
class QgsComposerAttributeTableCompareV2
#include <qgscomposerattributetablev2.h>
bool operator()( const QgsComposerTableRow& m1, const QgsComposerTableRow& m2 );
/**Sets column number to sort by
* @param col column number for sorting
void setSortColumn( int col );
/**Sets sort order for column sorting
* @param asc set to true to sort in ascending order, false to sort in descending order
void setAscending( bool asc );
/**A table that displays attributes from a vector layer*/
class QgsComposerAttributeTableV2 : QgsComposerTableV2
#include <qgscomposerattributetablev2.h>
/*! Specifies the content source for the attribute table
enum ContentSource
LayerAttributes = 0, /*!< table shows attributes from features in a vector layer */
AtlasFeature, /*!< table shows attributes from the current atlas feature */
RelationChildren /*!< table shows attributes from related child features */
QgsComposerAttributeTableV2( QgsComposition* composition /TransferThis/, bool createUndoCommands );
/**Writes properties specific to attribute tables
* @param elem an existing QDomElement in which to store the attribute table's properties.
* @param doc QDomDocument for the destination xml.
* @see readXML
virtual bool writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument & doc, bool ignoreFrames = false ) const;
/**Reads the properties specific to an attribute table from xml.
* @param itemElem a QDomElement holding the attribute table's desired properties.
* @param doc QDomDocument for the source xml.
* @see writeXML
virtual bool readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDocument& doc, bool ignoreFrames = false );
virtual void addFrame( QgsComposerFrame* frame /Transfer/, bool recalcFrameSizes = true );
/**Sets the source for attributes to show in table body.
* @param source content source
* @see source
void setSource( const ContentSource source );
/**Returns the source for attributes shown in the table body.
* @returns content source
* @see setSource
ContentSource source() const;
/**Sets the vector layer from which to display feature attributes
* @param layer Vector layer for attribute table
* @see vectorLayer
void setVectorLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer );
/**Returns the vector layer the attribute table is currently using
* @returns attribute table's current vector layer
* @see setVectorLayer
QgsVectorLayer* vectorLayer() const;
/**Sets the relation id from which to display child features
* @param relationId id for relation to display child features from
* @see relationId
* @see setSource
* @note only used if table source is set to RelationChildren
void setRelationId( const QString relationId );
/**Returns the relation id which the table displays child features from
* @returns relation id
* @see setRelationId
* @see source
* @note only used if table source is set to RelationChildren
QString relationId() const;
/**Resets the attribute table's columns to match the vector layer's fields
* @see setVectorLayer
void resetColumns();
/**Sets the composer map to use to limit the extent of features shown in the
* attribute table. This setting only has an effect if setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures is
* set to true. Changing the composer map forces the table to refetch features from its
* vector layer, and may result in the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed
* feature attributes.
* @param map QgsComposerMap which drives the extents of the table's features
* @see composerMap
* @see setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures
void setComposerMap( const QgsComposerMap* map );
/**Returns the composer map whose extents are controlling the features shown in the
* table. The extents of the map are only used if displayOnlyVisibleFeatures() is true.
* @returns composer map controlling the attribute table
* @see setComposerMap
* @see displayOnlyVisibleFeatures
const QgsComposerMap* composerMap() const;
/**Sets the maximum number of features shown by the table. Changing this setting may result
* in the attribute table changing its size to accommodate the new number of rows, and requires
* the table to refetch features from its vector layer.
* @param features maximum number of features to show in the table
* @see maximumNumberOfFeatures
void setMaximumNumberOfFeatures( int features );
/**Returns the maximum number of features to be shown by the table.
* @returns maximum number of features
* @see setMaximumNumberOfFeatures
int maximumNumberOfFeatures() const;
/**Sets attribute table to only show features which are visible in a composer map item. Changing
* this setting forces the table to refetch features from its vector layer, and may result in
* the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes.
* @param visibleOnly set to true to show only visible features
* @see displayOnlyVisibleFeatures
* @see setComposerMap
void setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures( bool visibleOnly );
/**Returns true if the table is set to show only features visible on a corresponding
* composer map item.
* @returns true if table only shows visible features
* @see composerMap
* @see setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures
bool displayOnlyVisibleFeatures() const;
/**Returns true if a feature filter is active on the attribute table
* @returns bool state of the feature filter
* @see setFilterFeatures
* @see featureFilter
bool filterFeatures() const;
/**Sets whether the feature filter is active for the attribute table. Changing
* this setting forces the table to refetch features from its vector layer, and may result in
* the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes.
* @param filter Set to true to enable the feature filter
* @see filterFeatures
* @see setFeatureFilter
void setFilterFeatures( bool filter );
/**Returns the current expression used to filter features for the table. The filter is only
* active if filterFeatures() is true.
* @returns feature filter expression
* @see setFeatureFilter
* @see filterFeatures
QString featureFilter() const;
/**Sets the expression used for filtering features in the table. The filter is only
* active if filterFeatures() is set to true. Changing this setting forces the table
* to refetch features from its vector layer, and may result in
* the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes.
* @param expression filter to use for selecting which features to display in the table
* @see featureFilter
* @see setFilterFeatures
void setFeatureFilter( const QString& expression );
/**Sets the attributes to display in the table.
* @param attr QSet of integer values refering to the attributes from the vector layer to show.
* Set to an empty QSet to show all feature attributes.
* @param refresh set to true to force the table to refetch features from its vector layer
* and immediately update the display of the table. This may result in the table changing size
* to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes.
* @see displayAttributes
void setDisplayAttributes( const QSet<int>& attr, bool refresh = true );
/**Returns the attributes used to sort the table's features.
* @returns a QList of integer/bool pairs, where the integer refers to the attribute index and
* the bool to the sort order for the attribute. If true the attribute is sorted ascending,
* if false, the attribute is sorted in descending order.
* @note not available in python bindings
//QList<QPair<int, bool> > sortAttributes() const;
/**Queries the attribute table's vector layer for attributes to show in the table.
* @param attributeMaps list of QgsAttributeMaps where the fetched feature attributes will be stored
* @returns true if attributes were successfully fetched
* @note not available in python bindings
bool getTableContents( QgsComposerTableContents &contents );