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* This file has been generated automatically from *
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* src/core/qgsspatialindex.h *
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class QgsSpatialIndex : QgsFeatureSink
A spatial index for :py:class:`QgsFeature` objects.
:py:class:`QgsSpatialIndex` objects are implicitly shared and can be inexpensively copied.
.. note::
While the underlying libspatialindex is not thread safe on some platforms, the :py:class:`QgsSpatialIndex`
class implements its own locks and accordingly, a single :py:class:`QgsSpatialIndex` object can safely
be used across multiple threads.
.. seealso:: :py:class:`QgsSpatialIndexKDBush` which is an optimised non-mutable index for point geometries only.
.. seealso:: :py:class:`QgsMeshSpatialIndex` which is for mesh faces
#include "qgsspatialindex.h"
enum Flag
typedef QFlags<QgsSpatialIndex::Flag> Flags;
QgsSpatialIndex( QgsSpatialIndex::Flags flags = QgsSpatialIndex::Flags() );
Constructor for QgsSpatialIndex. Creates an empty R-tree index.
explicit QgsSpatialIndex( const QgsFeatureIterator &fi, QgsFeedback *feedback = 0, QgsSpatialIndex::Flags flags = QgsSpatialIndex::Flags() );
Constructor - creates R-tree and bulk loads it with features from the iterator.
This is much faster approach than creating an empty index and then inserting features one by one.
The optional ``feedback`` object can be used to allow cancellation of bulk feature loading. Ownership
of ``feedback`` is not transferred, and callers must take care that the lifetime of feedback exceeds
that of the spatial index construction.
explicit QgsSpatialIndex( const QgsFeatureSource &source, QgsFeedback *feedback = 0, QgsSpatialIndex::Flags flags = QgsSpatialIndex::Flags() );
Constructor - creates R-tree and bulk loads it with features from the source.
This is much faster approach than creating an empty index and then inserting features one by one.
The optional ``feedback`` object can be used to allow cancellation of bulk feature loading. Ownership
of ``feedback`` is not transferred, and callers must take care that the lifetime of feedback exceeds
that of the spatial index construction.
QgsSpatialIndex( const QgsSpatialIndex &other );
bool insertFeature( const QgsFeature &feature ) /Deprecated="Since 3.40. Use addFeature() instead."/;
Adds a ``feature`` to the index.
.. deprecated:: 3.40
Use :py:func:`~QgsSpatialIndex.addFeature` instead.
virtual bool addFeature( QgsFeature &feature, QgsFeatureSink::Flags flags = QgsFeatureSink::Flags() );
Adds a ``feature`` to the index.
The ``flags`` argument is ignored.
.. versionadded:: 3.4
virtual bool addFeatures( QgsFeatureList &features, QgsFeatureSink::Flags flags = QgsFeatureSink::Flags() );
Adds a list of ``features`` to the index.
The ``flags`` argument is ignored.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`addFeature`
bool insertFeature( QgsFeatureId id, const QgsRectangle &bounds ) /Deprecated="Since 3.40. Use addFeature() instead."/;
Add a feature ``id`` to the index with a specified bounding box.
:return: ``True`` if feature was successfully added to index.
.. deprecated:: 3.40
Use :py:func:`~QgsSpatialIndex.addFeature` instead.
bool addFeature( QgsFeatureId id, const QgsRectangle &bounds );
Add a feature ``id`` to the index with a specified bounding box.
:return: ``True`` if feature was successfully added to index.
.. versionadded:: 3.4
bool deleteFeature( const QgsFeature &feature );
Removes a ``feature`` from the index.
bool deleteFeature( QgsFeatureId id, const QgsRectangle &bounds );
Removes a feature from the index by ``id`` and ``bounds``.
.. versionadded:: 3.36
QList<QgsFeatureId> intersects( const QgsRectangle &rectangle ) const;
Returns a list of features with a bounding box which intersects the specified ``rectangle``.
.. note::
The intersection test is performed based on the feature bounding boxes only, so for non-point
geometry features it is necessary to manually test the returned features for exact geometry intersection
when required.
QList<QgsFeatureId> nearestNeighbor( const QgsPointXY &point, int neighbors = 1, double maxDistance = 0 ) const;
Returns nearest neighbors to a ``point``. The number of neighbors returned is specified
by the ``neighbors`` argument.
If the ``maxDistance`` argument is greater than 0, then only features within the specified
distance of ``point`` will be considered.
Note that in some cases the number of returned features may differ from the requested
number of ``neighbors``. E.g. if not enough features exist within the ``maxDistance`` of the
search point. If multiple features are equidistant from the search ``point`` then the
number of returned feature IDs may exceed ``neighbors``.
.. warning::
If this QgsSpatialIndex object was not constructed with the FlagStoreFeatureGeometries flag,
then the nearest neighbor test is performed based on the feature bounding boxes ONLY, so for non-point
geometry features this method is not guaranteed to return the actual closest neighbors.
QList<QgsFeatureId> nearestNeighbor( const QgsGeometry &geometry, int neighbors = 1, double maxDistance = 0 ) const;
Returns nearest neighbors to a ``geometry``. The number of neighbors returned is specified
by the ``neighbors`` argument.
If the ``maxDistance`` argument is greater than 0, then only features within the specified
distance of ``point`` will be considered.
Note that in some cases the number of returned features may differ from the requested
number of ``neighbors``. E.g. if not enough features exist within the ``maxDistance`` of the
search point. If multiple features are equidistant from the search ``point`` then the
number of returned feature IDs may exceed ``neighbors``.
.. warning::
If this QgsSpatialIndex object was not constructed with the FlagStoreFeatureGeometries flag,
then the nearest neighbor test is performed based on the feature bounding boxes ONLY, so for non-point
geometry features this method is not guaranteed to return the actual closest neighbors.
.. versionadded:: 3.8
SIP_PYOBJECT geometry( QgsFeatureId id ) const /TypeHint="QgsGeometry"/;
Returns the stored geometry for the indexed feature with matching ``id``.
Geometry is only stored if the QgsSpatialIndex was created with the FlagStoreFeatureGeometries flag.
:raises KeyError: if no geometry with the specified feature id exists in the index.
.. versionadded:: 3.6
std::unique_ptr< QgsGeometry > g = std::make_unique< QgsGeometry >( sipCpp->geometry( a0 ) );
if ( g->isNull() )
PyErr_SetString( PyExc_KeyError, QStringLiteral( "No geometry with feature id %1 exists in the index." ).arg( a0 ).toUtf8().constData() );
sipIsErr = 1;
sipRes = sipConvertFromType( g.release(), sipType_QgsGeometry, Py_None );
int refs() const;
Gets reference count - just for debugging!
QFlags<QgsSpatialIndex::Flag> operator|(QgsSpatialIndex::Flag f1, QFlags<QgsSpatialIndex::Flag> f2);
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/qgsspatialindex.h *
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* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.py again *