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* This file has been generated automatically from *
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* src/core/qgsrelation.h *
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* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.py again *
class QgsRelation
Represents a relationship between two vector layers.
#include "qgsrelation.h"
static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject;
Default constructor. Creates an invalid relation.
QgsRelation( const QgsRelationContext &context );
Constructor with context. Creates an invalid relation.
QgsRelation( const QgsRelation &other );
Copies a relation.
This makes a shallow copy, relations are implicitly shared and only duplicated when the copy is
static QgsRelation createFromXml( const QDomNode &node, QgsReadWriteContext &context, const QgsRelationContext &relationContext = QgsRelationContext() );
Creates a relation from an XML structure. Used for reading .qgs projects.
:param node: The dom node containing the relation information
:param context: to pass project translator
:param relationContext: a relation context
:return: A relation
void writeXml( QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc ) const;
Writes a relation to an XML structure. Used for saving .qgs projects
:param node: The parent node in which the relation will be created
:param doc: The document in which the relation will be saved
void setId( const QString &id );
Set an id for this relation
void setName( const QString &name );
Set a name for this relation
void setStrength( Qgis::RelationshipStrength strength );
Set a strength for this relation
void setReferencingLayer( const QString &id );
Set the referencing (child) layer id. This layer will be searched in the registry.
void setReferencedLayer( const QString &id );
Set the referenced (parent) layer id. This layer will be searched in the registry.
void addFieldPair( const QString &referencingField, const QString &referencedField );
Add a field pair which is part of this relation
The first element of each pair are the field names of the foreign key.
The second element of each pair are the field names of the matching primary key.
:param referencingField: The field name on the referencing (child) layer (FK)
:param referencedField: The field name on the referenced (parent) layer (PK)
QgsFeatureIterator getRelatedFeatures( const QgsFeature &feature ) const;
Creates an iterator which returns all the features on the referencing (child) layer
which have a foreign key pointing to the provided feature.
:param feature: A feature from the referenced (parent) layer
:return: An iterator with all the referenced features
.. seealso:: :py:func:`getRelatedFeaturesRequest`
.. seealso:: :py:func:`getRelatedFeaturesFilter`
QgsFeatureRequest getRelatedFeaturesRequest( const QgsFeature &feature ) const;
Creates a request to return all the features on the referencing (child) layer
which have a foreign key pointing to the provided feature.
:param feature: A feature from the referenced (parent) layer
:return: A request for all the referencing features
.. seealso:: :py:func:`getRelatedFeatures`
.. seealso:: :py:func:`getRelatedFeaturesFilter`
QString getRelatedFeaturesFilter( const QgsFeature &feature ) const;
Returns a filter expression which returns all the features on the referencing (child) layer
which have a foreign key pointing to the provided feature.
:param feature: A feature from the referenced (parent) layer
:return: expression filter string for all the referencing features
.. seealso:: :py:func:`getRelatedFeatures`
.. seealso:: :py:func:`getRelatedFeaturesRequest`
QgsFeatureRequest getReferencedFeatureRequest( const QgsAttributes &attributes ) const;
Creates a request to return the feature on the referenced (parent) layer
which is referenced by the provided feature.
:param attributes: An attribute vector containing the foreign key
:return: A request the referenced feature
QgsFeatureRequest getReferencedFeatureRequest( const QgsFeature &feature ) const;
Creates a request to return the feature on the referenced (parent) layer
which is referenced by the provided feature.
:param feature: A feature from the referencing (child) layer
:return: A request the referenced feature
QgsFeature getReferencedFeature( const QgsFeature &feature ) const;
Creates a request to return the feature on the referenced (parent) layer
which is referenced by the provided feature.
:param feature: A feature from the referencing (child) layer
:return: The referenced (parent) feature, or an invalid feature if no matching feature
was found
QString name() const;
Returns a human readable name for this relation. Mostly used as title for the children.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`id`
:return: A name
Qgis::RelationshipStrength strength() const;
Returns the relation strength as a string
:return: strength
QString id() const;
A (project-wide) unique id for this relation
:return: The id
void generateId();
Generate a (project-wide) unique id for this relation
QString referencingLayerId() const;
Access the referencing (child) layer's id
This is the layer which has the field(s) which point to another layer
:return: The id of the referencing layer
QgsVectorLayer *referencingLayer() const;
Access the referencing (child) layer
This is the layer which has the field(s) which point to another layer
:return: The referencing layer
QString referencedLayerId() const;
Access the referenced (parent) layer's id
:return: The id of the referenced layer
QgsVectorLayer *referencedLayer() const;
Access the referenced (parent) layer
:return: referenced layer
QMap< QString, QString > fieldPairs() const;
Returns the field pairs which form this relation
The first element of each pair are the field names of the foreign key.
The second element of each pair are the field names of the matching primary key.
:return: The fields forming the relation
const QList< QgsRelation::FieldPair > &pairs = sipCpp->fieldPairs();
sipRes = new QMap< QString, QString >();
for ( const QgsRelation::FieldPair &pair : pairs )
sipRes->insert( pair.first, pair.second );
QgsAttributeList referencedFields() const;
Returns a list of attributes used to form the referenced fields
(most likely primary key) on the referenced (parent) layer.
:return: A list of attributes
QgsAttributeList referencingFields() const;
Returns a list of attributes used to form the referencing fields
(foreign key) on the referencing (child) layer.
:return: A list of attributes
bool referencingFieldsAllowNull() const;
Returns ``True`` if none of the referencing fields has a NOT NULL constraint.
.. versionadded:: 3.28
bool isValid() const;
Returns the validity of this relation. Don't use the information if it's not valid.
A relation is considered valid if both referenced and referencig layers are valid.
:return: ``True`` if the relation is valid
.. seealso:: :py:func:`validationError`
QString validationError() const;
Returns a user-friendly explanation for why the relationship is invalid.
Returns an empty string if the relationship :py:func:`~QgsRelation.isValid`.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`isValid`
.. versionadded:: 3.28
bool hasEqualDefinition( const QgsRelation &other ) const;
Compares the two QgsRelation, ignoring the name and the ID.
:param other: The other relation
:return: ``True`` if they are similar
QString resolveReferencedField( const QString &referencingField ) const;
Gets the referenced field counterpart given a referencing field.
QString resolveReferencingField( const QString &referencedField ) const;
Gets the referencing field counterpart given a referenced field.
void updateRelationStatus();
Updates the validity status of this relation.
Will be called internally whenever a member is changed.
.. versionadded:: 3.6
void setPolymorphicRelationId( const QString &polymorphicRelationId );
Sets the parent polymorphic relation id.
.. versionadded:: 3.18
QString polymorphicRelationId() const;
Returns the parent polymorphic relation id. If the relation is a normal relation, a null string is returned.
.. versionadded:: 3.18
QgsPolymorphicRelation polymorphicRelation() const;
Returns the parent polymorphic relation. If the relation is a normal relation, an invalid polymorphic relation is returned.
.. versionadded:: 3.18
Qgis::RelationshipType type() const;
Returns the type of the relation
.. versionadded:: 3.18
static QString cardinalityToDisplayString( Qgis::RelationshipCardinality cardinality );
Returns a user-friendly translated string representing a relationship ``cardinality``.
.. versionadded:: 3.28
static QString strengthToDisplayString( Qgis::RelationshipStrength strength );
Returns a user-friendly translated string representing a relationship ``strength``.
.. versionadded:: 3.28
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/qgsrelation.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.py again *