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synced 2025-02-26 00:02:08 -05:00
git-svn-id: http://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk/qgis@4234 c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
535 lines
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535 lines
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//Added by qt3to4:
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <Q3Frame>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QCloseEvent>
#include <QPixmap>
begin : September, 2005
copyright : (C) 2005 by Radim Blazek
email : radim.blazek@gmail.com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
class QCloseEvent;
class QString;
class QStringList;
class Q3GroupBox;
class Q3Frame;
class Q3ListView;
class QDomNode;
class QDomElement;
class QComboBox;
class QLineEdit;
class QPixmap;
#include <vector>
#include <q3groupbox.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <q3process.h>
#include <q3canvas.h>
// Must be here, so that it is included to moc file
#include "../../src/qgisapp.h"
#include "../../src/qgisiface.h"
class QgsGrassProvider;
class QgsGrassTools;
class QgsGrassModuleItem;
class QgsGrassMapcalcView;
class QgsGrassMapcalcFunction;
class QgsGrassMapcalcItem;
class QgsGrassMapcalcObject;
class QgsGrassMapcalcConnector;
#include "qgsgrassmapcalcbase.h"
#include "qgsgrassmodule.h"
* \class QgsGrassMapcalc
* \brief Interface for r.mapcalc
class QgsGrassMapcalc: public QgsGrassMapcalcBase, public QgsGrassModuleOptions
//! Constructor
QgsGrassMapcalc (
QgsGrassTools *tools, QgsGrassModule *module,
QgisApp *qgisApp, QgisIface *iface,
QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 );
//! Destructor
// Current tool
enum Tool {
AddMap = 0,
//! Get module options as list of arguments for QProcess
QStringList arguments();
/** \brief recieves contentsMousePressEvent from view */
void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*);
/** \brief recieves contentsMouseReleaseEvent from view */
void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
/** \brief recieves contentsMouseMoveEvent from view */
void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*);
void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e );
/** Cut coordinates by current canvas extent */
void limit ( QPoint* );
/** Grow canvas and move items */
void growCanvas (int left, int right, int top, int bottom);
/** Grow automaticaly if an item is near border */
void autoGrow();
void resizeCanvas( int width, int height);
/** Show/hide options for tool */
void showOptions ( int tool );
/** Set option for selected object */
void setOption(void);
public slots:
//! Add new map
void addMap(void);
//! Add constant
void addConstant(void);
//! Add function
void addFunction(void);
//! Add connection
void addConnection(void);
//! Select item
void selectItem(void);
//! Delete selected item
void deleteItem(void);
//! Reset tool actions togles
void setToolActionsOff(void);
//! Set currnt tool and toggle menu
void setTool ( int );
//! Map selection changed
void mapChanged();
//! Constant changed
void constantChanged();
//! Function selection changed
void functionChanged();
//! Save current state to file
void save();
void saveAs();
//! Load from file
void load();
//! Remove all items including output
void clear();
// Get next item id and increase counter
int nextId() { return mNextId++; }
// Canvas view
QgsGrassMapcalcView *mView;
// Canvas
Q3Canvas *mCanvas;
// Tool
int mTool;
int mToolStep;
// Pointer to current object
QgsGrassMapcalcObject *mObject;
// Pointer to current connector
QgsGrassMapcalcConnector *mConnector;
// Update combobox with maps
void updateMaps();
//! Vector of map@mapset in the combobox
std::vector<QString> mMaps;
//! Last point position
QPoint mLastPoint;
//! Start point with move
QPoint mStartMovePoint;
//! Start end points of connector with move
std::vector<QPoint> mStartMoveConnectorPoints;
//! Available functions
std::vector<QgsGrassMapcalcFunction> mFunctions;
//! Output object
QgsGrassMapcalcObject *mOutput;
//! Current file name, empty if no file is loaded/saved
QString mFileName;
//! Item id
int mNextId;
//! Background
Q3CanvasRectangle *mPaper;
* Function. Represents function or operator data.
class QgsGrassMapcalcFunction
enum Type {
Operator = 0,
QgsGrassMapcalcFunction() {};
QgsGrassMapcalcFunction( int type, QString name, int count =2,
QString description = 0, QString label = 0,
QString labels = 0, bool drawLabel = true );
~QgsGrassMapcalcFunction() {};
QString name() { return mName; }
int type() { return mType; }
int inputCount() { return mInputCount; }
QString label() { return mLabel; }
QString description() { return mDescription; }
QStringList inputLabels() { return mInputLabels; }
bool drawlabel() { return mDrawLabel; }
/* Value used in expression, e.g. 'if' */
QString mName;
int mType;
/* Number of inputs */
int mInputCount;
/* Identification name, eg. 'if(x,a,b)' */
//QString mName;
/* Label used in combobox and objects */
QString mLabel;
/* More detailed description */
QString mDescription;
/* Input labels */
QStringList mInputLabels;
// Draw main label in box
bool mDrawLabel;
/******************** CANVAS ITEMS *****************************/
* Base class inherited by QgsGrassMapcalcObject and
* QgsGrassMapcalcConnector
class QgsGrassMapcalcItem
virtual ~QgsGrassMapcalcItem();
virtual void setSelected( bool s );
bool selected( void );
// virtual void draw ( QPainter & painter );
int id() { return mId; }
void setId( int id ) { mId = id; }
bool mSelected;
int mId;
* QgsGrassMapcalcObject represents map, constant or function
* All coordinates are calculated from mCenter using font size,
* number of input and labels.
* QCanvasRectangle.x()
* |
* | mRect.x()
* | | mCenter.x()
* | | |
* +----------------------------+------QCanvasRectangle.y()
* | +------------------------+ |---mRect.y()
* | | +---------+ | |
* |o| | Input 1 | | |
* | | +---------+ +--------+ | |----------------+
* +---| | | Label | |o|--mCenter.y() |
* | | | +---------+ +--------+ | |----------------+
* | |o| | Input 2 | | | |
* | | | +---------+ | | mTextHeight
* +---| +------------------------+ |
* | +----------------------------+
* | | | | | |
* | | | | +-+---mMargin = 2*mSocketHalf+1
* | +---------+-- mInputTextWidth
* | |
* mInputHeight mLabelX
class QgsGrassMapcalcObject: public Q3CanvasRectangle, public QgsGrassMapcalcItem
enum Type {
Map = 0, // raster map
enum Dir {
In = 0,
QgsGrassMapcalcObject( int type );
// Set map name, constant value or function/operator
void setValue( QString val, QString lab = 0);
// Set function
void setFunction ( QgsGrassMapcalcFunction f );
void draw ( QPainter & painter );
// Set object center
void setCenter ( int, int );
// Get center point
QPoint center() { return mCenter; }
// Recalculate size
void resetSize();
void setSelected( bool s );
// Try to connect connector end
bool tryConnect ( QgsGrassMapcalcConnector *, int );
// Get socket coordinates
QPoint socketPoint ( int direction , int socket );
// Set socket's connector
void setConnector ( int direction, int socket,
QgsGrassMapcalcConnector *connector = 0, int end = 0 );
// Object type
int type();
// Value
QString value() { return mValue; }
// label
QString label() { return mLabel; }
//! Function
QgsGrassMapcalcFunction function() { return mFunction; }
// Expression
QString expression();
// bool mSelected;
// Object type: Map,Constant,Function
int mType;
// Map name, constant or function/operator
QString mValue;
// Label
QString mLabel;
// Number of inputs
int mInputCount;
// Number of outputs (0 or 1)
int mOutputCount;
// Funcion
QgsGrassMapcalcFunction mFunction;
// Label font
QFont mFont;
// Drawn rectangle
QRect mRect;
// Rounding of box
int mRound;
// Center of object
QPoint mCenter;
// Half size of socket symbol
int mSocketHalf;
// Margin beteween mRect and QCanvasRectangle.rect()
int mMargin;
// Space between text boxes
int mSpace;
// Height of text box
int mTextHeight;
// Maximum width of input labels
int mInputTextWidth;
// Label box
QRect mLabelRect;
// Coordinates of input sockets
std::vector<QPoint> mInputPoints;
// Coordinates of output
QPoint mOutputPoint;
// Selection box size
int mSelectionBoxSize;
// Input connectors
std::vector<QgsGrassMapcalcConnector *> mInputConnectors;
std::vector<int> mInputConnectorsEnd;
// Output connector
QgsGrassMapcalcConnector *mOutputConnector;
int mOutputConnectorEnd;
* Connector.
* End are stored in vectors with indexes 0,1
class QgsGrassMapcalcConnector: public Q3CanvasLine, public QgsGrassMapcalcItem
QgsGrassMapcalcConnector( Q3Canvas * );
void draw ( QPainter & painter );
// Set connector end point coordinates
void setPoint ( int, QPoint );
QPoint point ( int );
// Recalculate size
//void resetSize();
void setSelected( bool s );
// Select end
void selectEnd( QPoint );
// Which end is selected
int selectedEnd();
// Try to connect specified end to an object
bool tryConnectEnd ( int end);
// Register end as connected to object/input
// If this end of connector was connected to an object
// the connection is also deleted from object
// If object is NULL the old connection is deleted.
void setSocket ( int end, QgsGrassMapcalcObject *object = 0,
int direction = QgsGrassMapcalcObject::None,
int socket = 0
// Returnt pointer to object on end
QgsGrassMapcalcObject *object(int end);
// End object direction
int socketDirection ( int end ) { return mSocketDir[end]; }
// End object socket number
int socket ( int end ) { return mSocket[end]; }
// Refresh/repaint
void repaint();
// Is it connected to a socket of given direction
bool connected ( int direction );
// Expression
QString expression();
// Coordinates of ends
std::vector<QPoint> mPoints;
// Selected end, -1 for whole connector
int mSelectedEnd;
// Connected objects
std::vector<QgsGrassMapcalcObject *> mSocketObjects;
std::vector<int> mSocketDir;
std::vector<int> mSocket;
/******************** CANVAS VIEW ******************************/
class QgsGrassMapcalcView: public Q3CanvasView
QgsGrassMapcalcView (QgsGrassMapcalc *mapcalc, QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0, Qt::WFlags f=0);
void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*);
void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*);
void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e );
QgsGrassMapcalc *mMapcalc;