mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 00:17:30 -05:00
instead of adding an extra CMakeLists in .ci/travis/code_layout to build API doc, astyle and run tests (indentation, spelling, sip, doc coverage), the top CMakeLists has been adapted to allow not building core libraries and possibly just the static code layout * astyle has been moved from /src/astyle to /lib/astyle (I would propose to move all external libraries, and possibly add git submodules)
493 lines
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493 lines
15 KiB
sipifyheader.h - Demo for sipify.pl
Date : 28.03.2017
Copyright : (C) 2017 Denis Rouzaud
email : denis.rouzaud@gmail.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "qgis_core.h"
#include <QtClass>
#ifdef SIP_RUN
% ModuleHeaderCode
#include <qgsnetworkspeedstrategy.h>
#include <qgsnetworkdistancestrategy.h>
% End
#include "sipifyheader.h"
// one shall include qgis.h to use SIP annotations
#include "qgis.h"
class QgsForwardDeclaration;
* This is some random block comment that will not be displayed.
* Block comments shall will placed upon class, method, enum without
* any blank lines in between.
// typedef have no Docstring, so commenting here will not be used
#ifdef SIP_RUN
typedef qint64 QgsFeatureId;
typedef WhatEver ShouldNotBeDisplayed;
typedef QSet<QgsFeatureId SIP_PYALTERNATIVETYPE( qint64 )> QgsFeatureIds;
typedef QMap<QgsFeatureId SIP_PYALTERNATIVETYPE( qint64 ), QgsAttributeMap SIP_PYALTERNATIVETYPE( 'QMap<int, QVariant>' )> QgsChangedAttributesMap;
typedef QMap<QgsFeatureId, QgsAttributeMap> SIP_PYALTERNATIVETYPE( 'QMap<qint64, QMap<int, QVariant> >' ) QgsChangedAttributesMap;
typedef QMap<QgsFeatureId, QPair<QMap<Something, Complex> >> SIP_PYALTERNATIVETYPE( 'QMap<qint64, QMap<int, QVariant>>' ) QgsChangedAttributesMap;
/** \ingroup core
* A super QGIS class
#ifndef SIP_RUN // following will be hidden
class CORE_EXPORT QgsSuperClass : public QtClass<QVariant>
//! A constructor with definition in header
: QtClass<QVariant>()
#else // following will be displayed in generated file
typedef QVector<QVariant> QgsSuperClass;
% MappedType QgsSuperClass
// The annotations are modified by astyle (these will be fixed by sipify.pl)
% TypeHeaderCode
#include <qgssipifyheader.h>
% End
% ConvertFromTypeCode
// Create the list.
PyObject *l;
return l;
% End
/** \ingroup core
* Documentation goes here
* Here's some comment mentioning another class QgsAutoAwesomemater::makeAwesome.
* \since QGIS 3.0
* \note some other note
class CORE_EXPORT QgsSipifyHeader : public QtClass<QVariant>, private Ui::QgsBaseClass
#ifdef SIP_RUN
if ( sipCpp->headerType() == QgsSipifyHeader::Special )
sipType = sipType_QgsSpecialSipifyHeader;
sipType = sipType_QgsStandardSipifyHeader;
//! This is an enum
enum MyEnum
Success = 0, //!< Edit operation was successful
NoSuccess = 1, //!< Edit operation resulted in an empty geometry
ImaginarySuccess = 1 << 3, //!< Edit operation resulted in an imaginary geometry
RecursiveSuccess = 1 << 4, //!< Edit operation resulted in an n-dimensional wormhole
SuccessCombination = Success | ImaginarySuccess, //!< Holy Graal
PythonName SIP_PYNAME( DifferentName ), //!< Different python name
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS( Flags, MyEnum )
enum OneLiner { Success, NoSuccess };
* Docstring headers for structs are not supported by sip (as of 4.18) and
* therefore this docstring must not to be copied to the sipfile.
struct Data
Data( QgsMapLayer *layer, Qstring name )
: mLayer( layer )
, mName( name )
QString mName;
int mCount = 100;
QgsMapLayer *mLayer = nullptr;
static const int MONTHS = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; // something
//! A constructor with definition in header
explicit QgsSipifyHeader()
: QtClass<QVariant>()
, QgsBaseClass()
* A classic constructor with arguments
QgsSipifyHeader( QWidget *parent SIP_TRANSFERTHIS = nullptr );
//! A constructor with no empty `()`
QgsSipifyHeader( bool a = true )
: mMember( nullptr )
//! A constructor with some special character types
QgsSipifyHeader( QList<Point> a, const Issues &b = Issues::weDontHaveIssues(), QgsClass *b = nullptr )
: mMember( nullptr )
Constructor() : mHasNamedNodes( false ) {}
virtual ~Destructor() { qDeleteAll( mList ); }
Constructor( const QString &name,
bool optional = false,
const QVariant &defaultValue = QVariant() )
: mName( name )
, mOptional( optional )
, mDefaultValue( defaultValue )
//! Default constructor
QgsSipifyHeader() = default;
//! Assignment operator should be removed in sip
QgsSipifyHeader &operator=( const QgsSipifyHeader other );
//! Comparison operator should be kept
bool operator==( const QgsSipifyHeader other );
//! A multiline method signature
void multilineMethod( const QgsPointXY &startPoint,
QgsFeatureId featureId,
QgsVectorLayer *vl,
QgsSnappingResult::SnappingType snap_to ) const;
// Adding SIP_SKIP at the end of a line will discard this line
bool thisShouldBeSkipped() const SIP_SKIP;
void nonAnnotatedMethodFollowingSkip();
bool myMultiLineSkipped( const QList<int, QString> &list1,
const QList<int, QString> &list2,
const QList<int, QString> &list3 ) SIP_SKIP;
//! Factory annotation
virtual QgsMapLayerRenderer *createMapRenderer( QgsRenderContext &rendererContext ) override SIP_FACTORY;
SomeObject *createAnother() SIP_FACTORY { return something; }
SomeObject *createAnother2() override SIP_FACTORY { return something; }
* My long doc string
* is not very interesting!
void LongDocStringMethod();
* \brief some brief
* My long doc \a string
* is not very interesting!
* Here's some comment mentioning another class QgsAutoAwesomemater::makeLessAwesome.
void LongDocStringMethodWithBrief();
* I return a pointer. If something bad happens, I return nullptr.
* \returns pointer to something cool
MyPointer *pointerReturnValue();
bool isOKwithErrMesg( QString &ErrMsg SIP_OUT );
void InOutParam( bool &ok = true SIP_INOUT );
void setDiagramRenderer( QgsDiagramRenderer *r SIP_TRANSFER );
void differentDefaultValue( bool defaultValue = true SIP_PYARGDEFAULT( false ), QWidget *parent = nullptr, QString msg = QString() SIP_PYARGDEFAULT( "hello" ) );
void differentType( QList<QgsFeatureId> SIP_PYALTERNATIVETYPE( QList<qint64> ) & list );
//! complex default value and type (i.e. containing commas) should be given as a string with single quotes
void complexDefaultValueAndType( QList<QPair<QgsFeatureId SIP_PYALTERNATIVETYPE( qint64 ), QMap<int, QString>>> list = QList<QPair<QgsFeatureId, QMap<int, QString>>>() SIP_PYARGDEFAULT( 'QList<QPair<qint64, QMap<int, QString>>>()' ) );
inline int inlineKeyWordShouldNotAppear();
QString labelForRange( double lower, double upper ) const SIP_PYNAME( labelForLowerUpper );
void setComposition( QgsComposition *c SIP_KEEPREFERENCE );
void removeProxyFactory( QNetworkProxyFactory *factory SIP_TRANSFERBACK );
bool removeFunctionBody( const QList<int, QString> &list, QgsVectorLayer *vl, Some::Thing _part = -1 /*default =-1*/ ) { doSomething; return true; } // some comments
static inline QgsMapLayer *skippedMethodWithBody() SIP_SKIP
if ( ThisIsTrue() )
return false;
void multilineBodyAndDefinition( const QList<int,
QString> &list,
QgsVectorLayer *vl,
Some::Thing _part = -1 /*default =-1*/ )
return true;
//! Removing function body with namespaced return value
QgsRaster::RasterBuildPyramids buildPyramidsFlag() const { return mBuildPyramidsFlag; }
//! Removing function body with virtual const reference
virtual const QgsLayerMetadata &metadata() const { return mMetadata; }
//! Mulitline body
bool myMultiLineBody()
if ( isTrue() )
return false;
return true;
bool deletedFunction() = delete; // some comments
virtual int overriddenProperty() override { return 42; } // if in doubt, comment it out
int overrideWithoutVirtual() override;
void overrideWithoutVirtualMultLine( const QList<int, QString> &list1,
const QList<int, QString> &list2 ) override;
QString returnTypeString() const;
double returnTypeDouble() const;
QList< QgsAnnotation * > returnTypeList();
QVector< QgsAnnotation > returnTypeVector();
QStringList returnTypeStringList();
QSet<QgsActionScope> returnTypeSet();
This<Member> shouldBeIncluded;
Q_INVOKABLE static QString invokableMethod();
bool initializedMember{ false };
struct CORE_EXPORT PublicStruct
explicit PublicStruct( int _part = -1, int _ring = -1, int _vertex = -1, VertexType _type = SegmentVertex )
: part( _part )
, ring( _ring )
, vertex( _vertex )
, type( _type )
bool isValid( const QgsAbstractGeometry *geom ) const
return ( part >= 0 && part < geom->partCount() ) &&
( ring < geom->ringCount( part ) ) &&
( vertex < 0 || vertex < geom->vertexCount( part, ring ) );
int part;
int ring;
int vertex;
VertexType type;
void combinedAnnotations() SIP_FACTORY SIP_PYNAME( otherName );
void multiAnnotationArg( SomeClass **object SIP_OUT SIP_TRANSFERBACK, int &another SIP_OUT );
//! remove argument
void simple( bool test SIP_PYARGREMOVE );
void method( bool myArg SIP_PYARGREMOVE = test );
void test( QgsMapLayer *vl SIP_PYARGREMOVE = nullptr );
void avoidIntersections( const QList<QgsVectorLayer *> &avoidIntersectionsLayers,
const QHash<QgsVectorLayer *, QSet<QgsFeatureId> > &ignoreFeatures SIP_PYARGREMOVE = ( QHash<QgsVectorLayer *, QSet<QgsFeatureId> >() ) );
void position( bool single_remove SIP_PYARGREMOVE );
void position( bool first_remove SIP_PYARGREMOVE, bool keep );
void position( bool keep, bool middle_remove SIP_PYARGREMOVE, bool keep );
void position( bool keep, bool last_remove SIP_PYARGREMOVE );
static void SIP_PYALTERNATIVETYPE( SIP_PYLIST ) changeReturnType( QVector<int> *resultTree = 0, QVector<double> &resultCost = 0 );
//! Some comment
Whatever &operator[]( int i ) SIP_FACTORY;
#ifdef SIP_RUN
% MethodCode
% End
#if 0
#if Whatever
void X();
void Y();
void ZshouldBeShown();
void methodCodeWithMultiLineDef();
#ifdef SIP_RUN
% MethodCode
if ( QgsWkbTypes::flatType( a0 ) != QgsWkbTypes::Point )
multiLineDef( PyExc_ValueError,
QString( "%1 is not nice" ).arg( QgsWkbTypes::displayString( a0 ) ).toUtf8().constData() );
sipCpp = new sipQgsPoint( a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 );
% End
bool thisShouldBeListed();
Whatever skipMember;
Whatever::Something *alsoSkipMember = nullptr;
mutable Whatever alsoSkipThis;
Some<Other> memberToSkip;
QList<QgsMapLayer *> list2skip;
QMap<QString, Qt::CheckState> map2skip;
FilterType mFilter = FilterNone;
QgsFeatureId mFilterFid = -1;
QgsFeatureIds mFilterFids;
std::unique_ptr< QgsExpression > mFilterExpression;
long mLimit = -1;
InvalidGeometryCheck mInvalidGeometryFilter = GeometryNoCheck;
std::function< void( const QgsFeature & ) > mInvalidGeometryCallback;
static QHash<QString, Help> sFunctionHelpTexts;
friend class QgsOgcUtils;
template<typename> friend class QgsAbstractFeatureIteratorFromSource;
const QgsAbstractGeometry *mGeometry = 0;
mutable unsigned char *mP;
void privateMethodAreNotShown();
#ifdef SIP_RUN
void privateMethodSIPRUNareShown();
void FallBackToPublic();
void PrivateAgain();
/* Single line block comments shouldn't break the parser */
void ShowThisPrivateOne() SIP_FORCE;
struct ProcessFeatureWrapper
QgsGeometrySnapper *instance = nullptr;
double snapTolerance;
SnapMode mode;
explicit ProcessFeatureWrapper( QgsGeometrySnapper *_instance, double snapTolerance, SnapMode mode )
: instance( _instance )
, snapTolerance( snapTolerance )
, mode( mode )
void operator()( QgsFeature &feature ) { return instance->processFeature( feature, snapTolerance, mode ); }
enum PointFlag { SnappedToRefNode, SnappedToRefSegment, Unsnapped };
* \class ClassWithPrivateInheritanceOnly
* \ingroup core
* Documentation goes here
class CORE_EXPORT ClassWithPrivateInheritanceOnly : private QgsBaseClass SIP_ABSTRACT
//! A constructor with definition in header on several lines
explicit ClassWithPrivateInheritanceOnly()
: QtClass<QVariant>()
, QgsBaseClass()
* \class AbstractClass
* \ingroup core
* Documentation goes here
//! A constructor
explicit AbstractClass()
* This method should be overridden by subclasses but not exposed to the public
* or protected API.
virtual QString reason() = 0;
class CORE_EXPORT TemplateInheritance1 : public QgsTemplate<Something>
class CORE_EXPORT TemplateInheritance2 : public QList<Something>, private SomethingElse
class CORE_EXPORT TemplateInheritance3 : public QgsTemplate<Something>, public SomethingElse
class CORE_EXPORT TemplateInheritance4 : public SomethingElse1, public QList<Something>, public SomethingElse2
class CORE_EXPORT TemplateInheritance5 : public SomethingElse, public QList<Something>