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972 lines
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972 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# fTools
# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Carson Farmer
# EMAIL: carson.farmer (at) gmail.com
# WEB : http://www.ftools.ca/fTools.html
# A collection of data management and analysis tools for vector data
# licensed under the terms of GNU GPL 2
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from qgis.core import *
from ui_frmGeometry import Ui_Dialog
import ftools_utils
import math
from itertools import izip
import voronoi
from sets import Set
class GeometryDialog(QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
def __init__(self, iface, function):
self.iface = iface
self.myFunction = function
self.buttonOk = self.buttonBox_2.button( QDialogButtonBox.Ok )
QObject.connect(self.toolOut, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.outFile)
if self.myFunction == 1:
QObject.connect(self.inShape, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.update)
self.success = False
self.cancel_close = self.buttonBox_2.button( QDialogButtonBox.Close )
def update(self):
inputLayer = unicode(self.inShape.currentText())
if inputLayer != "":
changedLayer = ftools_utils.getVectorLayerByName(inputLayer)
changedField = ftools_utils.getFieldList(changedLayer)
for i in changedField:
self.cmbField.addItem("--- " + self.tr( "Merge all" ) + " ---")
def accept(self):
if self.inShape.currentText() == "":
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Geometry"), self.tr( "Please specify input vector layer" ) )
elif self.outShape.text() == "":
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Geometry"), self.tr( "Please specify output shapefile" ) )
elif self.lineEdit.isVisible() and self.lineEdit.value() < 0.00:
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Geometry"), self.tr( "Please specify valid tolerance value" ) )
elif self.cmbField.isVisible() and self.cmbField.currentText() == "":
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Geometry"), self.tr( "Please specify valid UID field" ) )
self.geometry( self.inShape.currentText(), self.lineEdit.value(), self.cmbField.currentText() )
def outFile(self):
(self.shapefileName, self.encoding) = ftools_utils.saveDialog(self)
if self.shapefileName is None or self.encoding is None:
def manageGui(self):
if self.myFunction == 1: # Singleparts to multipart
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Singleparts to multipart" ) )
self.label_2.setText( self.tr( "Output shapefile" ) )
elif self.myFunction == 2: # Multipart to singleparts
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Multipart to singleparts" ) )
self.label_2.setText(self.tr( "Output shapefile" ) )
elif self.myFunction == 3: # Extract nodes
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Extract nodes" ) )
elif self.myFunction == 4: # Polygons to lines
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Polygons to lines" ) )
self.label_2.setText( self.tr( "Output shapefile" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input polygon vector layer" ) )
elif self.myFunction == 5: # Export/Add geometry columns
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Export/Add geometry columns" ) )
self.label_2.setText( self.tr( "Output shapefile" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input vector layer" ) )
elif self.myFunction == 7: # Polygon centroids
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Polygon centroids" ) )
self.label_2.setText( self.tr( "Output point shapefile" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input polygon vector layer" ) )
self.label.setVisible( False )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
self.cmbField.setVisible( False )
self.field_label.setVisible( False )
if self.myFunction == 8: # Delaunay triangulation
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Delaunay triangulation" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input point vector layer" ) )
self.label.setVisible( False )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
elif self.myFunction == 10: # Voronoi Polygons
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Voronoi polygon" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input point vector layer" ) )
self.label.setText( self.tr( "Buffer region" ) )
self.lineEdit.setSuffix(" %")
self.lineEdit.setRange(0, 100)
elif self.myFunction == 11: #Lines to polygons
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Lines to polygons" ) )
self.label_2.setText( self.tr( "Output shapefile" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input line vector layer" ) )
else: # Polygon from layer extent
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Polygon from layer extent" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input layer" ) )
self.label.setVisible( False )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
self.label_2.setText( self.tr( "Output polygon shapefile" ) )
self.cmbField.setVisible( False )
self.field_label.setVisible( False )
self.resize( 381, 100 )
myList = []
if self.myFunction == 3 or self.myFunction == 6:
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( [ QGis.Polygon, QGis.Line ] )
elif self.myFunction == 4 or self.myFunction == 7:
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( [ QGis.Polygon ] )
elif self.myFunction == 8 or self.myFunction == 10:
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( [ QGis.Point ] )
elif self.myFunction == 9:
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( "all" )
elif self.myFunction == 11:
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( [ QGis.Line ] )
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( [ QGis.Point, QGis.Line, QGis.Polygon ] )
self.inShape.addItems( myList )
#1: Singleparts to multipart
#2: Multipart to singleparts
#3: Extract nodes
#4: Polygons to lines
#5: Export/Add geometry columns
#6: Simplify geometries (disabled)
#7: Polygon centroids
#8: Delaunay triangulation
#9: Polygon from layer extent
#10:Voronoi polygons
#11: Lines to polygons
def geometry( self, myLayer, myParam, myField ):
if self.myFunction == 9:
vlayer = ftools_utils.getMapLayerByName( myLayer )
vlayer = ftools_utils.getVectorLayerByName( myLayer )
error = False
check = QFile( self.shapefileName )
if check.exists():
if not QgsVectorFileWriter.deleteShapeFile( self.shapefileName ):
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr("Geoprocessing"), self.tr( "Unable to delete existing shapefile." ) )
self.buttonOk.setEnabled( False )
self.testThread = geometryThread( self.iface.mainWindow(), self, self.myFunction, vlayer, myParam,
myField, self.shapefileName, self.encoding )
QObject.connect( self.testThread, SIGNAL( "runFinished(PyQt_PyObject)" ), self.runFinishedFromThread )
QObject.connect( self.testThread, SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), self.runStatusFromThread )
QObject.connect( self.testThread, SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), self.runRangeFromThread )
self.cancel_close.setText( self.tr("Cancel") )
QObject.connect( self.cancel_close, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.cancelThread )
def cancelThread( self ):
self.buttonOk.setEnabled( True )
def runFinishedFromThread( self, success ):
self.buttonOk.setEnabled( True )
extra = ""
if success == "math_error":
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr("Geometry"), self.tr("Error processing specified tolerance!\nPlease choose larger tolerance...") )
if not QgsVectorFileWriter.deleteShapeFile( self.shapefileName ):
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr("Geometry"), self.tr( "Unable to delete incomplete shapefile." ) )
elif success == "attr_error":
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr("Geometry"), self.tr("At least two features must have same attribute value!\nPlease choose another field...") )
if not QgsVectorFileWriter.deleteShapeFile( self.shapefileName ):
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr("Geometry"), self.tr( "Unable to delete incomplete shapefile." ) )
if success == "valid_error":
extra = self.tr("One or more features in the output layer may have invalid "
+ "geometry, please check using the check validity tool\n")
success = True
self.cancel_close.setText( "Close" )
QObject.disconnect( self.cancel_close, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.cancelThread )
if success:
addToTOC = QMessageBox.question( self, self.tr("Geometry"),
self.tr( "Created output shapefile:\n%1\n%2\n\nWould you like to add the new layer to the TOC?" ).arg( unicode( self.shapefileName ) ).arg( extra ),
QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.NoButton )
if addToTOC == QMessageBox.Yes:
if not ftools_utils.addShapeToCanvas( unicode( self.shapefileName ) ):
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr("Geoprocessing"), self.tr( "Error loading output shapefile:\n%1" ).arg( unicode( self.shapefileName ) ))
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr("Geometry"), self.tr( "Error writing output shapefile." ) )
def runStatusFromThread( self, status ):
self.progressBar.setValue( status )
def runRangeFromThread( self, range_vals ):
self.progressBar.setRange( range_vals[ 0 ], range_vals[ 1 ] )
class geometryThread( QThread ):
def __init__( self, parentThread, parentObject, function, vlayer, myParam, myField, myName, myEncoding ):
QThread.__init__( self, parentThread )
self.parent = parentObject
self.running = False
self.myFunction = function
self.vlayer = vlayer
self.myParam = myParam
self.myField = myField
self.myName = myName
self.myEncoding = myEncoding
def run( self ):
self.running = True
if self.myFunction == 1: # Singleparts to multipart
success = self.single_to_multi()
elif self.myFunction == 2: # Multipart to singleparts
success = self.multi_to_single()
elif self.myFunction == 3: # Extract nodes
success = self.extract_nodes()
elif self.myFunction == 4: # Polygons to lines
success = self.polygons_to_lines()
elif self.myFunction == 5: # Export/Add geometry columns
success = self.export_geometry_info()
# note that 6 used to be associated with simplify_geometry
elif self.myFunction == 7: # Polygon centroids
success = self.polygon_centroids()
elif self.myFunction == 8: # Delaunay triangulation
success = self.delaunay_triangulation()
elif self.myFunction == 9: # Polygon from layer extent
success = self.layer_extent()
elif self.myFunction == 10: # Voronoi Polygons
success = self.voronoi_polygons()
elif self.myFunction == 11: # Lines to polygons
success = self.lines_to_polygons()
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runFinished(PyQt_PyObject)" ), success )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0 )
def stop(self):
self.running = False
def single_to_multi( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
allAttrs = vprovider.attributeIndexes()
vprovider.select( allAttrs )
fields = vprovider.fields()
allValid = True
geomType = self.singleToMultiGeom(vprovider.geometryType())
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding,
fields, geomType, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
outGeom = QgsGeometry()
index = vprovider.fieldNameIndex( self.myField )
if not index == -1:
unique = ftools_utils.getUniqueValues( vprovider, int( index ) )
unique = [QVariant(QString())]
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount() * len( unique )
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
merge_all = self.myField == QString("--- " + self.tr( "Merge all" ) + " ---")
if not len( unique ) == self.vlayer.featureCount() \
or merge_all:
for i in unique:
multi_feature= []
first = True
while vprovider.nextFeature( inFeat ):
atMap = inFeat.attributeMap()
if not merge_all:
idVar = atMap[ index ]
idVar = QVariant(QString())
if idVar.toString().trimmed() == i.toString().trimmed() \
or merge_all:
if first:
atts = atMap
first = False
inGeom = QgsGeometry( inFeat.geometry() )
vType = inGeom.type()
feature_list = self.extractAsMulti( inGeom )
multi_feature.extend( feature_list )
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), nElement )
outFeat.setAttributeMap( atts )
outGeom = QgsGeometry( self.convertGeometry(multi_feature, vType) )
if not outGeom.isGeosValid():
allValid = "valid_error"
del writer
return "attr_error"
return allValid
def multi_to_single( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
allAttrs = vprovider.attributeIndexes()
vprovider.select( allAttrs )
fields = vprovider.fields()
geomType = self.multiToSingleGeom(vprovider.geometryType())
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding,
fields, geomType, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
outGeom = QgsGeometry()
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount()
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
while vprovider.nextFeature( inFeat ):
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), nElement )
inGeom = inFeat.geometry()
atMap = inFeat.attributeMap()
featList = self.extractAsSingle( inGeom )
outFeat.setAttributeMap( atMap )
for i in featList:
outFeat.setGeometry( i )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def extract_nodes( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
allAttrs = vprovider.attributeIndexes()
vprovider.select( allAttrs )
fields = vprovider.fields()
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding,
fields, QGis.WKBPoint, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
outGeom = QgsGeometry()
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount()
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
while vprovider.nextFeature( inFeat ):
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), nElement )
inGeom = inFeat.geometry()
atMap = inFeat.attributeMap()
pointList = ftools_utils.extractPoints( inGeom )
outFeat.setAttributeMap( atMap )
for i in pointList:
outFeat.setGeometry( outGeom.fromPoint( i ) )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def polygons_to_lines( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
allAttrs = vprovider.attributeIndexes()
vprovider.select( allAttrs )
fields = vprovider.fields()
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding,
fields, QGis.WKBLineString, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
outGeom = QgsGeometry()
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount()
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0)
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
while vprovider.nextFeature(inFeat):
multi = False
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), nElement )
inGeom = inFeat.geometry()
if inGeom.isMultipart():
multi = True
atMap = inFeat.attributeMap()
lineList = self.extractAsLine( inGeom )
outFeat.setAttributeMap( atMap )
for h in lineList:
outFeat.setGeometry( outGeom.fromPolyline( h ) )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def lines_to_polygons( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
allAttrs = vprovider.attributeIndexes()
vprovider.select( allAttrs )
fields = vprovider.fields()
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding,
fields, QGis.WKBPolygon, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount()
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0)
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
while vprovider.nextFeature(inFeat):
outGeomList = []
multi = False
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), nElement )
if inFeat.geometry().isMultipart():
outGeomList = inFeat.geometry().asMultiPolyline()
multi = True
outGeomList.append( inFeat.geometry().asPolyline() )
polyGeom = self.remove_bad_lines( outGeomList )
if len(polyGeom) <> 0:
outFeat.setGeometry( QgsGeometry.fromPolygon( polyGeom ) )
atMap = inFeat.attributeMap()
outFeat.setAttributeMap( atMap )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def export_geometry_info( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
allAttrs = vprovider.attributeIndexes()
vprovider.select( allAttrs )
( fields, index1, index2 ) = self.checkGeometryFields( self.vlayer )
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding,
fields, vprovider.geometryType(), vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount()
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0)
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
while vprovider.nextFeature(inFeat):
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), nElement )
nElement += 1
inGeom = inFeat.geometry()
( attr1, attr2 ) = self.simpleMeasure( inGeom )
outFeat.setGeometry( inGeom )
atMap = inFeat.attributeMap()
outFeat.setAttributeMap( atMap )
outFeat.addAttribute( index1, QVariant( attr1 ) )
outFeat.addAttribute( index2, QVariant( attr2 ) )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def polygon_centroids( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
allAttrs = vprovider.attributeIndexes()
vprovider.select( allAttrs )
fields = vprovider.fields()
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding,
fields, QGis.WKBPoint, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount()
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
while vprovider.nextFeature( inFeat ):
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), nElement )
inGeom = inFeat.geometry()
atMap = inFeat.attributeMap()
outGeom = QgsGeometry(inGeom.centroid())
if outGeom is None:
return "math_error"
outFeat.setAttributeMap( atMap )
outFeat.setGeometry( outGeom )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def delaunay_triangulation( self ):
import voronoi
from sets import Set
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
allAttrs = vprovider.attributeIndexes()
vprovider.select( allAttrs )
fields = {
0 : QgsField( "POINTA", QVariant.Double ),
1 : QgsField( "POINTB", QVariant.Double ),
2 : QgsField( "POINTC", QVariant.Double ) }
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding,
fields, QGis.WKBPolygon, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
c = voronoi.Context()
pts = []
ptDict = {}
ptNdx = -1
while vprovider.nextFeature(inFeat):
geom = QgsGeometry(inFeat.geometry())
point = geom.asPoint()
x = point.x()
y = point.y()
pts.append((x, y))
ptNdx +=1
ptDict[ptNdx] = inFeat.id()
if len(pts) < 3:
return False
uniqueSet = Set(item for item in pts)
ids = [pts.index(item) for item in uniqueSet]
sl = voronoi.SiteList([voronoi.Site(*i) for i in uniqueSet])
c.triangulate = True
voronoi.voronoi(sl, c)
triangles = c.triangles
feat = QgsFeature()
nFeat = len( triangles )
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
for triangle in triangles:
indicies = list(triangle)
polygon = []
step = 0
for index in indicies:
vprovider.featureAtId(ptDict[ids[index]], inFeat, True, allAttrs)
geom = QgsGeometry(inFeat.geometry())
point = QgsPoint(geom.asPoint())
if step <= 3: feat.addAttribute(step, QVariant(ids[index]))
step += 1
geometry = QgsGeometry().fromPolygon([polygon])
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), nElement )
del writer
return True
def voronoi_polygons( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
allAttrs = vprovider.attributeIndexes()
vprovider.select( allAttrs )
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding,
vprovider.fields(), QGis.WKBPolygon, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
extent = self.vlayer.extent()
extraX = extent.height()*(self.myParam/100.00)
extraY = extent.width()*(self.myParam/100.00)
height = extent.height()
width = extent.width()
c = voronoi.Context()
pts = []
ptDict = {}
ptNdx = -1
while vprovider.nextFeature(inFeat):
geom = QgsGeometry(inFeat.geometry())
point = geom.asPoint()
x = point.x()-extent.xMinimum()
y = point.y()-extent.yMinimum()
pts.append((x, y))
ptNdx +=1
ptDict[ptNdx] = inFeat.id()
self.vlayer = None
if len(pts) < 3:
return False
uniqueSet = Set(item for item in pts)
ids = [pts.index(item) for item in uniqueSet]
sl = voronoi.SiteList([voronoi.Site(i[0], i[1], sitenum=j) for j, i in enumerate(uniqueSet)])
voronoi.voronoi(sl, c)
inFeat = QgsFeature()
nFeat = len(c.polygons)
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
for site, edges in c.polygons.iteritems():
vprovider.featureAtId(ptDict[ids[site]], inFeat, True, allAttrs)
lines = self.clip_voronoi(edges, c, width, height, extent, extraX, extraY)
geom = QgsGeometry.fromMultiPoint(lines)
geom = QgsGeometry(geom.convexHull())
nElement += 1
self.emit(SIGNAL("runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), nElement)
del writer
return True
def clip_voronoi(self, edges, c, width, height, extent, exX, exY):
""" Clip voronoi function based on code written for Inkscape
Copyright (C) 2010 Alvin Penner, penner@vaxxine.com
def clip_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, x, y):
if x1 < 0-x and x2 < 0-x:
return [0, 0, 0, 0]
if x1 > w+x and x2 > w+x:
return [0, 0, 0, 0]
if x1 < 0-x:
y1 = (y1*x2 - y2*x1)/(x2 - x1)
x1 = 0-x
if x2 < 0-x:
y2 = (y1*x2 - y2*x1)/(x2 - x1)
x2 = 0-x
if x1 > w+x:
y1 = y1 + (w+x - x1)*(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)
x1 = w+x
if x2 > w+x:
y2 = y1 + (w+x - x1)*(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)
x2 = w+x
if y1 < 0-y and y2 < 0-y:
return [0, 0, 0, 0]
if y1 > h+y and y2 > h+y:
return [0, 0, 0, 0]
if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2:
return [0, 0, 0, 0]
if y1 < 0-y:
x1 = (x1*y2 - x2*y1)/(y2 - y1)
y1 = 0-y
if y2 < 0-y:
x2 = (x1*y2 - x2*y1)/(y2 - y1)
y2 = 0-y
if y1 > h+y:
x1 = x1 + (h+y - y1)*(x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1)
y1 = h+y
if y2 > h+y:
x2 = x1 + (h+y - y1)*(x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1)
y2 = h+y
return [x1, y1, x2, y2]
lines = []
hasXMin = False
hasYMin = False
hasXMax = False
hasYMax = False
for edge in edges:
if edge[1] >= 0 and edge[2] >= 0: # two vertices
[x1, y1, x2, y2] = clip_line(c.vertices[edge[1]][0], c.vertices[edge[1]][1], c.vertices[edge[2]][0], c.vertices[edge[2]][1], width, height, exX, exY)
elif edge[1] >= 0: # only one vertex
if c.lines[edge[0]][1] == 0: # vertical line
xtemp = c.lines[edge[0]][2]/c.lines[edge[0]][0]
if c.vertices[edge[1]][1] > (height+exY)/2:
ytemp = height+exY
ytemp = 0-exX
xtemp = width+exX
ytemp = (c.lines[edge[0]][2] - (width+exX)*c.lines[edge[0]][0])/c.lines[edge[0]][1]
[x1, y1, x2, y2] = clip_line(c.vertices[edge[1]][0], c.vertices[edge[1]][1], xtemp, ytemp, width, height, exX, exY)
elif edge[2] >= 0: # only one vertex
if c.lines[edge[0]][1] == 0: # vertical line
xtemp = c.lines[edge[0]][2]/c.lines[edge[0]][0]
if c.vertices[edge[2]][1] > (height+exY)/2:
ytemp = height+exY
ytemp = 0.0-exY
xtemp = 0.0-exX
ytemp = c.lines[edge[0]][2]/c.lines[edge[0]][1]
[x1, y1, x2, y2] = clip_line(xtemp, ytemp, c.vertices[edge[2]][0], c.vertices[edge[2]][1], width, height, exX, exY)
if x1 or x2 or y1 or y2:
if 0-exX in (x1, x2):
hasXMin = True
if 0-exY in (y1, y2):
hasYMin = True
if height+exY in (y1, y2):
hasYMax = True
if width+exX in (x1, x2):
hasXMax = True
if hasXMin:
if hasYMax:
lines.append(QgsPoint(extent.xMinimum()-exX, height+extent.yMinimum()+exY))
if hasYMin:
lines.append(QgsPoint(extent.xMinimum()-exX, extent.yMinimum()-exY))
if hasXMax:
if hasYMax:
lines.append(QgsPoint(width+extent.xMinimum()+exX, height+extent.yMinimum()+exY))
if hasYMin:
lines.append(QgsPoint(width+extent.xMinimum()+exX, extent.yMinimum()-exY))
return lines
def layer_extent( self ):
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), ( 0, 0 ) )
fields = {
0 : QgsField( "MINX", QVariant.Double ),
1 : QgsField( "MINY", QVariant.Double ),
2 : QgsField( "MAXX", QVariant.Double ),
3 : QgsField( "MAXY", QVariant.Double ),
4 : QgsField( "CNTX", QVariant.Double ),
5 : QgsField( "CNTY", QVariant.Double ),
6 : QgsField( "AREA", QVariant.Double ),
7 : QgsField( "PERIM", QVariant.Double ),
8 : QgsField( "HEIGHT", QVariant.Double ),
9 : QgsField( "WIDTH", QVariant.Double ) }
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding,
fields, QGis.WKBPolygon, self.vlayer.crs() )
rect = self.vlayer.extent()
minx = rect.xMinimum()
miny = rect.yMinimum()
maxx = rect.xMaximum()
maxy = rect.yMaximum()
height = rect.height()
width = rect.width()
cntx = minx + ( width / 2.0 )
cnty = miny + ( height / 2.0 )
area = width * height
perim = ( 2 * width ) + (2 * height )
rect = [
QgsPoint( minx, miny ),
QgsPoint( minx, maxy ),
QgsPoint( maxx, maxy ),
QgsPoint( maxx, miny ),
QgsPoint( minx, miny ) ]
geometry = QgsGeometry().fromPolygon( [ rect ] )
feat = QgsFeature()
feat.setGeometry( geometry )
feat.setAttributeMap( {
0 : QVariant( minx ),
1 : QVariant( miny ),
2 : QVariant( maxx ),
3 : QVariant( maxy ),
4 : QVariant( cntx ),
5 : QVariant( cnty ),
6 : QVariant( area ),
7 : QVariant( perim ),
8 : QVariant( height ),
9 : QVariant( width ) } )
writer.addFeature( feat )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange(PyQt_PyObject)" ), ( 0, 100 ) )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus(PyQt_PyObject)" ), 0 )
del writer
return True
def simpleMeasure( self, inGeom ):
if inGeom.wkbType() in (QGis.WKBPoint, QGis.WKBPoint25D):
pt = QgsPoint()
pt = inGeom.asPoint()
attr1 = pt.x()
attr2 = pt.y()
measure = QgsDistanceArea()
attr1 = measure.measure(inGeom)
if inGeom.type() == QGis.Polygon:
attr2 = self.perimMeasure( inGeom, measure )
attr2 = attr1
return ( attr1, attr2 )
def perimMeasure( self, inGeom, measure ):
value = 0.00
if inGeom.isMultipart():
poly = inGeom.asMultiPolygon()
for k in poly:
for j in k:
value = value + measure.measureLine( j )
poly = inGeom.asPolygon()
for k in poly:
value = value + measure.measureLine( k )
return value
def checkForField( self, L, e ):
e = QString( e ).toLower()
fieldRange = range( 0,len( L ) )
for item in fieldRange:
if L[ item ].toLower() == e:
return True, item
return False, len( L )
def checkGeometryFields( self, vlayer ):
vprovider = vlayer.dataProvider()
nameList = []
fieldList = vprovider.fields()
geomType = vlayer.geometryType()
for i in fieldList.keys():
nameList.append( fieldList[ i ].name().toLower() )
if geomType == QGis.Polygon:
plp = "Poly"
( found, index1 ) = self.checkForField( nameList, "AREA" )
if not found:
field = QgsField( "AREA", QVariant.Double, "double", 21, 6, self.tr("Polygon area") )
index1 = len( fieldList.keys() )
fieldList[ index1 ] = field
( found, index2 ) = self.checkForField( nameList, "PERIMETER" )
if not found:
field = QgsField( "PERIMETER", QVariant.Double, "double", 21, 6, self.tr("Polygon perimeter") )
index2 = len( fieldList.keys() )
fieldList[ index2 ] = field
elif geomType == QGis.Line:
plp = "Line"
(found, index1) = self.checkForField(nameList, "LENGTH")
if not found:
field = QgsField("LENGTH", QVariant.Double, "double", 21, 6, self.tr("Line length") )
index1 = len(fieldList.keys())
fieldList[index1] = field
index2 = index1
plp = "Point"
(found, index1) = self.checkForField(nameList, "XCOORD")
if not found:
field = QgsField("XCOORD", QVariant.Double, "double", 21, 6, self.tr("Point x coordinate") )
index1 = len(fieldList.keys())
fieldList[index1] = field
(found, index2) = self.checkForField(nameList, "YCOORD")
if not found:
field = QgsField("YCOORD", QVariant.Double, "double", 21, 6, self.tr("Point y coordinate") )
index2 = len(fieldList.keys())
fieldList[index2] = field
return (fieldList, index1, index2)
def extractAsLine( self, geom ):
multi_geom = QgsGeometry()
temp_geom = []
if geom.type() == 2:
if geom.isMultipart():
multi_geom = geom.asMultiPolygon()
for i in multi_geom:
multi_geom = geom.asPolygon()
temp_geom = multi_geom
return temp_geom
return []
def remove_bad_lines( self, lines ):
temp_geom = []
if len(lines)==1:
if len(lines[0]) > 2:
temp_geom = lines
temp_geom = []
temp_geom = [elem for elem in lines if len(elem) > 2]
return temp_geom
def singleToMultiGeom(self, wkbType):
if wkbType in (QGis.WKBPoint, QGis.WKBMultiPoint,
QGis.WKBPoint25D, QGis.WKBMultiPoint25D):
return QGis.WKBMultiPoint
elif wkbType in (QGis.WKBLineString, QGis.WKBMultiLineString,
QGis.WKBMultiLineString25D, QGis.WKBLineString25D):
return QGis.WKBMultiLineString
elif wkbType in (QGis.WKBPolygon, QGis.WKBMultiPolygon,
QGis.WKBMultiPolygon25D, QGis.WKBPolygon25D):
return QGis.WKBMultiPolygon
return QGis.WKBUnknown
except Exception, err:
print str(err)
def multiToSingleGeom(self, wkbType):
if wkbType in (QGis.WKBPoint, QGis.WKBMultiPoint,
QGis.WKBPoint25D, QGis.WKBMultiPoint25D):
return QGis.WKBPoint
elif wkbType in (QGis.WKBLineString, QGis.WKBMultiLineString,
QGis.WKBMultiLineString25D, QGis.WKBLineString25D):
return QGis.WKBLineString
elif wkbType in (QGis.WKBPolygon, QGis.WKBMultiPolygon,
QGis.WKBMultiPolygon25D, QGis.WKBPolygon25D):
return QGis.WKBPolygon
return QGis.WKBUnknown
except Exception, err:
print str(err)
def extractAsSingle( self, geom ):
multi_geom = QgsGeometry()
temp_geom = []
if geom.type() == 0:
if geom.isMultipart():
multi_geom = geom.asMultiPoint()
for i in multi_geom:
temp_geom.append( QgsGeometry().fromPoint ( i ) )
temp_geom.append( geom )
elif geom.type() == 1:
if geom.isMultipart():
multi_geom = geom.asMultiPolyline()
for i in multi_geom:
temp_geom.append( QgsGeometry().fromPolyline( i ) )
temp_geom.append( geom )
elif geom.type() == 2:
if geom.isMultipart():
multi_geom = geom.asMultiPolygon()
for i in multi_geom:
temp_geom.append( QgsGeometry().fromPolygon( i ) )
temp_geom.append( geom )
return temp_geom
def extractAsMulti( self, geom ):
temp_geom = []
if geom.type() == 0:
if geom.isMultipart():
return geom.asMultiPoint()
return [ geom.asPoint() ]
elif geom.type() == 1:
if geom.isMultipart():
return geom.asMultiPolyline()
return [ geom.asPolyline() ]
if geom.isMultipart():
return geom.asMultiPolygon()
return [ geom.asPolygon() ]
def convertGeometry( self, geom_list, vType ):
if vType == 0:
return QgsGeometry().fromMultiPoint(geom_list)
elif vType == 1:
return QgsGeometry().fromMultiPolyline(geom_list)
return QgsGeometry().fromMultiPolygon(geom_list)