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synced 2025-03-10 00:13:55 -04:00
Move the QgsExpression::Interval class out to its own QgsInterval class, extend with new methods and add tests Add a typedef to keep API compatibility for 2.16
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class QgsExpression
#include "qgsexpression.h"
* Creates a new expression based on the provided string.
* The string will immediately be parsed. For optimization
* {@link prepare()} should alwys be called before every
* loop in which this expression is used.
QgsExpression( const QString& expr );
//! Returns true if an error occurred when parsing the input expression
bool hasParserError() const;
//! Returns parser error
QString parserErrorString() const;
//! Returns root node of the expression. Root node is null is parsing has failed
const QgsExpression::Node* rootNode() const;
//! Get the expression ready for evaluation - find out column indexes.
//! @deprecated use prepare( const QgsExpressionContext *context ) instead
bool prepare( const QgsFields &fields ) /Deprecated/;
/** Get the expression ready for evaluation - find out column indexes.
* @param context context for preparing expression
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
bool prepare( const QgsExpressionContext *context );
* Get list of columns referenced by the expression.
* @note if the returned list contains the QgsFeatureRequest::AllAttributes constant then
* all attributes from the layer are required for evaluation of the expression.
* QgsFeatureRequest::setSubsetOfAttributes automatically handles this case.
* TODO QGIS3: Return QSet<QString>
QStringList referencedColumns() const;
//! Returns true if the expression uses feature geometry for some computation
bool needsGeometry() const;
// evaluation
//! Evaluate the feature and return the result
//! @note prepare() should be called before calling this method
//! @deprecated use evaluate( const QgsExpressionContext* context ) instead
QVariant evaluate( const QgsFeature* f ) /Deprecated/;
//! Evaluate the feature and return the result
//! @note prepare() should be called before calling this method
//! @note available in python bindings as evaluatePrepared
//! @deprecated use evaluate( const QgsExpressionContext* context ) instead
QVariant evaluate( const QgsFeature& f ) /PyName=evaluatePrepared,Deprecated/;
//! Evaluate the feature and return the result
//! @note this method does not expect that prepare() has been called on this instance
//! @deprecated use evaluate( const QgsExpressionContext* context ) instead
QVariant evaluate( const QgsFeature* f, const QgsFields& fields ) /Deprecated/;
//! Evaluate the feature and return the result
//! @note this method does not expect that prepare() has been called on this instance
//! @note not available in python bindings
//! @deprecated use evaluate( const QgsExpressionContext* context ) instead
// inline QVariant evaluate( const QgsFeature& f, const QgsFields& fields ) { return evaluate( &f, fields ); }
/** Evaluate the feature and return the result.
* @note this method does not expect that prepare() has been called on this instance
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
QVariant evaluate();
/** Evaluate the expression against the specified context and return the result.
* @param context context for evaluating expression
* @note prepare() should be called before calling this method.
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
QVariant evaluate( const QgsExpressionContext* context );
//! Returns true if an error occurred when evaluating last input
bool hasEvalError() const;
//! Returns evaluation error
QString evalErrorString() const;
//! Set evaluation error (used internally by evaluation functions)
void setEvalErrorString( const QString& str );
//! Set the number for $rownum special column
//! @deprecated use QgsExpressionContext to set row number instead
void setCurrentRowNumber( int rowNumber ) /Deprecated/;
//! Return the number used for $rownum special column
//! @deprecated use QgsExpressionContext to retrieve row number instead
int currentRowNumber() /Deprecated/; //TODO QGIS 3.0: make the following methods private. They are still required for replaceExpressionText
//but should not be publicly used
/** Assign a special column
* @deprecated use global or project QgsExpressionContext variables instead
static void setSpecialColumn( const QString& name, const QVariant& value ) /Deprecated/;
/** Unset a special column
* @deprecated use global or project QgsExpressionContext variables instead
static void unsetSpecialColumn( const QString& name ) /Deprecated/;
/** Return the value of the given special column or a null QVariant if undefined
* @deprecated use global or project QgsExpressionContext variables instead
static QVariant specialColumn( const QString& name ) /Deprecated/;
/** Check whether a special column exists
* @note added in 2.2
static bool hasSpecialColumn( const QString& name );
/** Checks whether an expression consists only of a single field reference
* @note added in 2.9
bool isField() const;
//! @deprecated use QgsExpressionContext variant instead
static bool isValid( const QString& text, const QgsFields& fields, QString &errorMessage ) /Deprecated/;
/** Tests whether a string is a valid expression.
* @param text string to test
* @param context optional expression context
* @param errorMessage will be filled with any error message from the validation
* @returns true if string is a valid expression
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
static bool isValid( const QString& text, const QgsExpressionContext* context, QString &errorMessage );
void setScale( double scale );
double scale();
//! Return the original, unmodified expression string.
//! If there was none supplied because it was constructed by sole
//! API calls, dump() will be used to create one instead.
QString expression() const;
//! Return an expression string, constructed from the internal
//! abstract syntax tree. This does not contain any nice whitespace
//! formatting or comments. In general it is preferrable to use
//! expression() instead.
QString dump() const;
/** Return calculator used for distance and area calculations
* (used by $length, $area and $perimeter functions only)
* @see setGeomCalculator()
* @see distanceUnits()
QgsDistanceArea *geomCalculator();
/** Sets the geometry calculator used for distance and area calculations in expressions.
* (used by $length, $area and $perimeter functions only). By default, no geometry
* calculator is set and all distance and area calculations are performed using simple
* cartesian methods (ie no ellipsoidal calculations).
* @see geomCalculator()
//TODO QGIS 3.0 change calc to a pointer, so that calculator can be cleared by passing nullptr
void setGeomCalculator( const QgsDistanceArea &calc );
/** Returns the desired distance units for calculations involving geomCalculator(), eg "$length" and "$perimeter".
* @note distances are only converted when a geomCalculator() has been set
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
* @see setDistanceUnits()
QGis::UnitType distanceUnits() const;
/** Sets the desired distance units for calculations involving geomCalculator(), eg "$length" and "$perimeter".
* @note distances are only converted when a geomCalculator() has been set
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
* @see distanceUnits()
void setDistanceUnits( QGis::UnitType unit );
/** Returns the desired areal units for calculations involving geomCalculator(), eg "$area".
* @note areas are only converted when a geomCalculator() has been set
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
* @see setAreaUnits()
* @see distanceUnits()
QgsUnitTypes::AreaUnit areaUnits() const;
/** Sets the desired areal units for calculations involving geomCalculator(), eg "$area".
* @note areas are only converted when a geomCalculator() has been set
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
* @see areaUnits()
* @see setDistanceUnits()
void setAreaUnits( QgsUnitTypes::AreaUnit unit );
/** This function currently replaces each expression between [% and %]
* in the string with the result of its evaluation on the feature
* passed as argument.
* Additional substitutions can be passed through the substitutionMap
* parameter
* @param action
* @param feat
* @param layer
* @param substitutionMap
* @param distanceArea optional QgsDistanceArea. If specified, the QgsDistanceArea is used for distance and area conversion
* @deprecated use QgsExpressionContext variant instead
static QString replaceExpressionText( const QString &action, const QgsFeature *feat,
QgsVectorLayer *layer,
const QMap<QString, QVariant> *substitutionMap = 0,
const QgsDistanceArea* distanceArea = 0 ) /Deprecated/;
/** This function replaces each expression between [% and %]
* in the string with the result of its evaluation with the specified context
* Additional substitutions can be passed through the substitutionMap parameter
* @param action
* @param context expression context
* @param substitutionMap
* @param distanceArea optional QgsDistanceArea. If specified, the QgsDistanceArea is used for distance
* and area conversion
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
static QString replaceExpressionText( const QString &action, const QgsExpressionContext* context,
const QMap<QString, QVariant> *substitutionMap = 0,
const QgsDistanceArea* distanceArea = 0 );
/** Attempts to evaluate a text string as an expression to a resultant double
* value.
* @param text text to evaluate as expression
* @param fallbackValue value to return if text can not be evaluated as a double
* @returns evaluated double value, or fallback value
* @note added in QGIS 2.7
* @note this method is inefficient for bulk evaluation of expressions, it is intended
* for one-off evaluations only.
static double evaluateToDouble( const QString& text, const double fallbackValue );
* @brief list of unary operators
* @note if any change is made here, the definition of QgsExpression::UnaryOperatorText[] must be adapted.
enum UnaryOperator
* @brief list of binary operators
* @note if any change is made here, the definition of QgsExpression::BinaryOperatorText[] must be adapted.
enum BinaryOperator
// logical
// comparison
boEQ, // =
boNE, // <>
boLE, // <=
boGE, // >=
boLT, // <
boGT, // >
// math
// strings
enum SpatialOperator
//! @note not available in Python bindings
// static const char* BinaryOperatorText[];
//! @note not available in Python bindings
// static const char* UnaryOperatorText[];
* Represents a single parameter passed to a function.
* \note added in QGIS 2.16
class Parameter
/** Constructor for Parameter.
* @param name parameter name, used when named parameter are specified in an expression
* @param optional set to true if parameter should be optional
* @param defaultValue default value to use for optional parameters
Parameter( const QString& name,
bool optional = false,
const QVariant& defaultValue = QVariant() );
//! Returns the name of the parameter.
QString name() const;
//! Returns true if the parameter is optional.
bool optional() const;
//! Returns the default value for the parameter.
QVariant defaultValue() const;
bool operator==( const QgsExpression::Parameter& other ) const;
//! List of parameters, used for function definition
typedef QList< QgsExpression::Parameter > ParameterList;
* A abstract base class for defining QgsExpression functions.
class Function
//! Constructor for function which uses unnamed parameters
Function( const QString& fnname,
int params,
const QString& group,
const QString& helpText = QString(),
bool usesGeometry = false,
const QStringList& referencedColumns = QStringList(),
bool lazyEval = false,
bool handlesNull = false,
bool isContextual = false );
/** Constructor for function which uses named parameter list.
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
Function( const QString& fnname,
const QgsExpression::ParameterList& params,
const QString& group,
const QString& helpText = QString(),
bool usesGeometry = false,
const QStringList& referencedColumns = QStringList(),
bool lazyEval = false,
bool handlesNull = false,
bool isContextual = false );
virtual ~Function();
/** The name of the function. */
QString name() const;
/** The number of parameters this function takes. */
int params() const;
/** The mininum number of parameters this function takes. */
int minParams() const;
/** Returns the list of named parameters for the function, if set.
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
const QgsExpression::ParameterList& parameters() const;
/** Does this function use a geometry object. */
bool usesgeometry() const;
/** Returns a list of possible aliases for the function. These include
* other permissible names for the function, eg deprecated names.
* @return list of known aliases
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
virtual QStringList aliases() const;
/** True if this function should use lazy evaluation. Lazy evaluation functions take QgsExpression::Node objects
* rather than the node results when called. You can use node->eval(parent, feature) to evaluate the node and return the result
* Functions are non lazy default and will be given the node return value when called
bool lazyEval() const;
virtual QStringList referencedColumns() const;
/** Returns whether the function is only available if provided by a QgsExpressionContext object.
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
bool isContextual() const;
/** The group the function belongs to. */
QString group() const;
/** The help text for the function. */
const QString helptext() const;
//! @deprecated Use QgsExpressionContext variant instead
virtual QVariant func( const QVariantList& values, const QgsFeature* f, QgsExpression* parent ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns result of evaluating the function.
* @param values list of values passed to the function
* @param context context expression is being evaluated against
* @param parent parent expression
* @returns result of function
* @note named funcV2 in Python bindings. Will be renamed to func to replace deprecated method in QGIS 3.0.
//TODO QGIS 3.0 - rename python method
virtual QVariant func( const QVariantList& values, const QgsExpressionContext* context, QgsExpression* parent ) /PyName=funcV2/;
virtual bool handlesNull() const;
static const QList<QgsExpression::Function *>& Functions();
static const QStringList& BuiltinFunctions();
/** Registers a function to the expression engine. This is required to allow expressions to utilise the function.
* @param function function to register
* @param transferOwnership set to true to transfer ownership of function to expression engine
* @returns true on successful registration
* @see unregisterFunction
static bool registerFunction( Function* function );
/** Unregisters a function from the expression engine. The function will no longer be usable in expressions.
* @param name function name
* @see registerFunction
static bool unregisterFunction( const QString& name );
/** Deletes all registered functions whose ownership have been transferred to the expression engine.
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
static void cleanRegisteredFunctions();
//! tells whether the identifier is a name of existing function
static bool isFunctionName( const QString& name );
//! return index of the function in Functions array
static int functionIndex( const QString& name );
/** Returns the number of functions defined in the parser
* @return The number of function defined in the parser.
static int functionCount();
* Returns a list of special Column definitions
static QList<QgsExpression::Function *> specialColumns();
/** Returns a quoted column reference (in double quotes)
* @see quotedString()
* @see quotedValue()
static QString quotedColumnRef( QString name );
/** Returns a quoted version of a string (in single quotes)
* @see quotedValue()
* @see quotedColumnRef()
static QString quotedString( QString text );
/** Returns a string representation of a literal value, including appropriate
* quotations where required.
* @param value value to convert to a string representation
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
* @see quotedString()
* @see quotedColumnRef()
static QString quotedValue( const QVariant& value );
/** Returns a string representation of a literal value, including appropriate
* quotations where required.
* @param value value to convert to a string representation
* @param type value type
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
* @see quotedString()
* @see quotedColumnRef()
static QString quotedValue( const QVariant& value, QVariant::Type type );
enum NodeType
class Node
switch (sipCpp->nodeType())
case QgsExpression::ntUnaryOperator: sipType = sipType_QgsExpression_NodeUnaryOperator; break;
case QgsExpression::ntBinaryOperator: sipType = sipType_QgsExpression_NodeBinaryOperator; break;
case QgsExpression::ntInOperator: sipType = sipType_QgsExpression_NodeInOperator; break;
case QgsExpression::ntFunction: sipType = sipType_QgsExpression_NodeFunction; break;
case QgsExpression::ntLiteral: sipType = sipType_QgsExpression_NodeLiteral; break;
case QgsExpression::ntColumnRef: sipType = sipType_QgsExpression_NodeColumnRef; break;
case QgsExpression::ntCondition: sipType = sipType_QgsExpression_NodeCondition; break;
default: sipType = 0; break;
virtual ~Node();
* Abstract virtual that returns the type of this node.
* @return The type of this node
virtual QgsExpression::NodeType nodeType() const = 0;
* Abstract virtual eval method
* Errors are reported to the parent
* @deprecated use QgsExpressionContext variant instead
virtual QVariant eval( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsFeature* f ) /Deprecated/;
* Abstract virtual eval method
* Errors are reported to the parent
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
virtual QVariant eval( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
* Abstract virtual preparation method
* Errors are reported to the parent
* @deprecated use QgsExpressionContext variant instead
virtual bool prepare( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsFields &fields ) /Deprecated/;
* Abstract virtual preparation method
* Errors are reported to the parent
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
virtual bool prepare( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
* Abstract virtual dump method
* @return An expression which represents this node as string
virtual QString dump() const = 0;
* Generate a clone of this node.
* Make sure that the clone does not contain any information which is
* generated in prepare and context related.
* Ownership is transferred to the caller.
* @return a deep copy of this node.
virtual QgsExpression::Node* clone() const = 0;
* Abstract virtual method which returns a list of columns required to
* evaluate this node.
* When reimplementing this, you need to return any column that is required to
* evaluate this node and in addition recursively collect all the columns required
* to evaluate child nodes.
* @return A list of columns required to evaluate this expression
virtual QStringList referencedColumns() const = 0;
* Abstract virtual method which returns if the geometry is required to evaluate
* this expression.
* This needs to call `needsGeometry()` recursively on any child nodes.
* @return true if a geometry is required to evaluate this expression
virtual bool needsGeometry() const = 0;
* Support the visitor pattern.
* For any implementation this should look like
* C++:
* v.visit( *this );
* Python:
* v.visit( self)
* @param v A visitor that visits this node.
virtual void accept( QgsExpression::Visitor& v ) const = 0;
//! Named node
//! @note added in QGIS 2.16
class NamedNode
/** Constructor for NamedNode
* @param name node name
* @param node node
NamedNode( const QString& name, QgsExpression::Node* node );
//! Node name
QString name;
//! Node
QgsExpression::Node* node;
class NodeList
/** Takes ownership of the provided node */
void append( QgsExpression::Node* node /Transfer/ );
/** Adds a named node. Takes ownership of the provided node.
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
void append( QgsExpression::NamedNode* node /Transfer/ );
/** Returns the number of nodes in the list.
int count() const;
//! Returns true if list contains any named nodes
//! @note added in QGIS 2.16
bool hasNamedNodes() const;
const QList<QgsExpression::Node*>& list();
//! Returns a list of names for nodes. Unnamed nodes will be indicated by an empty string in the list.
//! @note added in QGIS 2.16
QStringList names() const;
/** Creates a deep copy of this list. Ownership is transferred to the caller */
QgsExpression::NodeList* clone() const;
virtual QString dump() const;
//TODO QGIS 3.0 - remove
//! @deprecated use QgsInterval instead
class Interval
Interval( int seconds = 0 );
//! interval length in years
double years() const;
//! interval length in months
double months() const;
//! interval length in weeks
double weeks() const;
//! interval length in days
double days() const;
//! interval length in hours
double hours() const;
//! interval length in minutus
double minutes() const;
//! interval length in seconds
double seconds() const;
//! getter interval validity
bool isValid() const;
//! setter interval validity
void setValid( bool valid );
//! compare two intervals
bool operator==( QgsExpression::Interval other ) const;
//! convert a string to an interval
static QgsExpression::Interval fromString( const QString& string );
class NodeUnaryOperator : QgsExpression::Node
NodeUnaryOperator( QgsExpression::UnaryOperator op, QgsExpression::Node* operand /Transfer/ );
QgsExpression::UnaryOperator op() const;
QgsExpression::Node* operand() const;
virtual QgsExpression::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepare( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QVariant eval( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QStringList referencedColumns() const;
virtual bool needsGeometry() const;
virtual void accept( QgsExpression::Visitor& v ) const;
virtual QgsExpression::Node* clone() const;
class NodeBinaryOperator : QgsExpression::Node
NodeBinaryOperator( QgsExpression::BinaryOperator op, QgsExpression::Node* opLeft /Transfer/, QgsExpression::Node* opRight /Transfer/ );
QgsExpression::BinaryOperator op() const;
QgsExpression::Node* opLeft() const;
QgsExpression::Node* opRight() const;
virtual QgsExpression::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepare( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QVariant eval( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QStringList referencedColumns() const;
virtual bool needsGeometry() const;
virtual void accept( QgsExpression::Visitor& v ) const;
virtual QgsExpression::Node* clone() const;
int precedence() const;
bool leftAssociative() const;
bool compare( double diff );
int computeInt( int x, int y );
double computeDouble( double x, double y );
/** Computes the result date time calculation from a start datetime and an interval
* @param d start datetime
* @param i interval to add or subtract (depending on mOp)
QDateTime computeDateTimeFromInterval( const QDateTime& d, QgsInterval *i );
class NodeInOperator : QgsExpression::Node
NodeInOperator( QgsExpression::Node* node /Transfer/, QgsExpression::NodeList* list /Transfer/, bool notin = false );
QgsExpression::Node* node() const;
bool isNotIn() const;
QgsExpression::NodeList* list() const;
virtual QgsExpression::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepare( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QVariant eval( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QStringList referencedColumns() const;
virtual bool needsGeometry() const;
virtual void accept( QgsExpression::Visitor& v ) const;
virtual QgsExpression::Node* clone() const;
class NodeFunction : QgsExpression::Node
NodeFunction( int fnIndex, QgsExpression::NodeList* args /Transfer/ );
//NodeFunction( QString name, QgsExpression::NodeList* args );
int fnIndex() const;
QgsExpression::NodeList* args() const;
virtual QgsExpression::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepare( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QVariant eval( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QStringList referencedColumns() const;
virtual bool needsGeometry() const;
virtual void accept( QgsExpression::Visitor& v ) const;
virtual QgsExpression::Node* clone() const;
//! Tests whether the provided argument list is valid for the matching function
static bool validateParams( int fnIndex, QgsExpression::NodeList* args, QString& error );
class NodeLiteral : QgsExpression::Node
NodeLiteral( const QVariant& value );
/** The value of the literal. */
const QVariant& value() const;
virtual QgsExpression::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepare( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QVariant eval( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QgsExpression::Node* clone() const;
virtual QStringList referencedColumns() const;
virtual bool needsGeometry() const;
virtual void accept( QgsExpression::Visitor& v ) const;
class NodeColumnRef : QgsExpression::Node
NodeColumnRef( const QString& name );
/** The name of the column. */
QString name() const;
virtual QgsExpression::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual bool prepare( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QVariant eval( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QStringList referencedColumns() const;
virtual bool needsGeometry() const;
virtual void accept( QgsExpression::Visitor& v ) const;
virtual QgsExpression::Node* clone() const;
class WhenThen
WhenThen( QgsExpression::Node* whenExp /Transfer/, QgsExpression::Node* thenExp /Transfer/ );
QgsExpression::Node* mWhenExp;
QgsExpression::Node* mThenExp;
WhenThen( const QgsExpression::WhenThen& rh );
class NodeCondition : QgsExpression::Node
NodeCondition( QList<QgsExpression::WhenThen*> *conditions, QgsExpression::Node* elseExp = 0 );
virtual QgsExpression::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual QVariant eval( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual bool prepare( QgsExpression* parent, const QgsExpressionContext* context );
virtual QString dump() const;
virtual QStringList referencedColumns() const;
virtual bool needsGeometry() const;
virtual void accept( QgsExpression::Visitor& v ) const;
virtual QgsExpression::Node* clone() const;
/** Support for visitor pattern - algorithms dealing with the expressions
may be implemented without modifying the Node classes */
class Visitor
virtual ~Visitor();
virtual void visit( const QgsExpression::NodeUnaryOperator& n ) = 0;
virtual void visit( const QgsExpression::NodeBinaryOperator& n ) = 0;
virtual void visit( const QgsExpression::NodeInOperator& n ) = 0;
virtual void visit( const QgsExpression::NodeFunction& n ) = 0;
virtual void visit( const QgsExpression::NodeLiteral& n ) = 0;
virtual void visit( const QgsExpression::NodeColumnRef& n ) = 0;
virtual void visit( const QgsExpression::NodeCondition& n ) = 0;
/** Entry function for the visitor pattern */
void acceptVisitor( QgsExpression::Visitor& v ) const;
/** Returns the help text for a specified function.
* @param name function name
* @see variableHelpText()
static QString helptext( QString name );
/** Returns the help text for a specified variable.
* @param variableName name of variable
* @param showValue set to true to include current value of variable in help text
* @param value current value of variable to show in help text
* @see helptext()
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
static QString variableHelpText( const QString& variableName, bool showValue = true, const QVariant& value = QVariant() );
/** Returns the translated name for a function group.
* @param group untranslated group name
static QString group( const QString& group );
/** Formats an expression result for friendly display to the user. Truncates the result to a sensible
* length, and presents text representations of non numeric/text types (eg geometries and features).
* @param value expression result to format
* @returns formatted string, may contain HTML formatting characters
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
static QString formatPreviewString( const QVariant& value );
void initGeomCalculator();