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* Copyright (C) 2003 by Tim Sutton *
* tim@linfiniti.com *
* *
* Gyps - Species Distribution Modelling Toolkit *
* This toolkit provides data transformation and visualisation *
* tools for use in species distribution modelling tools such as GARP, *
* CSM, Bioclim etc. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "openmodellergui.h"
//qt includes
#include "qlineedit.h"
#include "qstring.h"
#include "qfiledialog.h"
#include "qmessagebox.h"
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qlistbox.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextedit.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
//openmodeller includes
#include "control_interface.hh"
#include <om.hh>
#include <log.hh>
#include <file_parser.hh>
//standard includes
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
: OpenModellerGuiBase()
_log.info( "\n%s qgis openModeller plugin starting.\n\n", "" );
OpenModellerGui::OpenModellerGui( QWidget* parent , const char* name , bool modal , WFlags fl )
: OpenModellerGuiBase( parent, name, modal, fl )
_log.info( "\n%s qgis openModeller plugin starting.\n\n", "" );
/** This is the page selected event which I am reimplementing to do some housekeeping
* between wizard pages.
* This routine is a slot that runs each time next is pressed */
void OpenModellerGui::formSelected(const QString &thePageNameQString)
std::cout << thePageNameQString << " has focus " << std::endl;
QString myQString;
if (thePageNameQString==tr("Step 3 of 8")) //we do this after leaving the file selection page
if (leLocalitiesFileName->text() !="")
if (thePageNameQString==tr("Step 4 of 8"))
if ( lstLayers->count()==0)
if (thePageNameQString==tr("Step 7 of 8"))
if ( leOutputFileName->text()=="")
else if (thePageNameQString==tr("Step 8 of 8"))
/** This method is used when you already have a valid model paramters text file
and want to run it without interacting with the user.
@see pbnRun method which is run when model inputs have been obtained via the wizard. */
void OpenModellerGui::parseAndRun(QString theParametersFileNameQString)
// Create a fileparser to read in the request file
// and a controlInterface to manage the model process
//strdup is used to convert the qstring to a non const char *
FileParser myFileParser( strdup(theParametersFileNameQString));
ControlInterface myController;
// Parse the model paramter file...
// Get the environmental variables (continuous and categorical)
char *myMaskFileNameCharArray = myFileParser.get( "Mask" );
char *myCategoricalMapCharArray = "Categorical map";
int myNumberOfCategoriesInt = myFileParser.count( myCategoricalMapCharArray );
//The key name in the paramters file that indicates its value is a map layer
char *myLayerLabelCharArray = "Map";
//find out the number of enviroinmental layers
int myNumberOfLayersInt = myFileParser.count( myLayerLabelCharArray );
//Find out the total layer count including environmental and mask layers
int myTotalLayerCountInt = myNumberOfLayersInt + myNumberOfCategoriesInt;
//create a char array and populate it with all layer names
char *myLayersCollectionCharArray[myTotalLayerCountInt];
myFileParser.getAll( myCategoricalMapCharArray, myLayersCollectionCharArray );
myFileParser.getAll( myLayerLabelCharArray, myLayersCollectionCharArray + myNumberOfCategoriesInt );
//get the coordinate system that point data should be transformed into
char *myCoordinateSystem = GeoTransform::cs_default;
// Get the details for the output Map
char *myOutputFleNameCharArray = myFileParser.get( "Output" );
char *myOutputFormatCharArray = myFileParser.get( "Output format" );
//scale is used to scale the model results e.g. from 0-1 to 0-255 - useful for image gen
char *myScaleCharArray = myFileParser.get( "Scale" );
// find out which model algorithm is to be used e,g. bioclim, cartesian etc
char *myAlgorithmNameCharArray = myFileParser.get( "Algorithm" );
//obtain any model parameters that are specified in the request file
char *myAlgorithmParametersCharArray= myFileParser.get( "Parameters" );
// Obtain the Well Known Text string for the localities coordinate system
char *myLocalitiesCoordinateSystem = myFileParser.get( "WKT coord system" );
// Get the name of the file containing localities
char *myLocalitiesFileCharArray = myFileParser.get( "Species file" );
// Get the name of the taxon being modelled!
char *myTaxonNameCharArray = myFileParser.get( "Species" );
// Make sure the basic variables have been defined in the parameter file...
if ( ! myOutputFleNameCharArray )
QMessageBox::warning( this,QString("Acme Wizard Error"),QString("The 'Output file name' was not specified!"));
if ( ! myOutputFormatCharArray )
QMessageBox::warning( this,"Acme Wizard Error","The 'Output format' was not specified!");
if ( ! myScaleCharArray )
myScaleCharArray = "255.0";
// Set up the output map builder
RasterFile map( myOutputFormatCharArray );
// Set up the model controller
myController.setEnvironment( myCoordinateSystem, myNumberOfCategoriesInt, myTotalLayerCountInt, myLayersCollectionCharArray, myMaskFileNameCharArray );
// Prepare the output map
myController.setOutputMap( myOutputFleNameCharArray, map.header(), atof(myScaleCharArray) );
// Set the model algorithm to be used by the controller
myController.setAlgorithm( myAlgorithmNameCharArray, myAlgorithmParametersCharArray );
// Populate the occurences list from the localities file
myController.setOccurrences( myLocalitiesFileCharArray, myLocalitiesCoordinateSystem, myTaxonNameCharArray );
// Run the model
if ( ! myController.run() )
QString myErrorQString;
QMessageBox::warning( this,"Acme Wizard Error",myErrorQString.sprintf("Error: %s\nModel aborted.", myController.error()));
//if all went ok, send notification to the parent app that we are finished
emit drawRasterLayer(QString( myOutputFleNameCharArray ));
} //end of parseAndRun
void OpenModellerGui::makeConfigFile()
QFile myQFile( outputFileNameQString+".cfg");
if ( myQFile.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
QTextStream myQTextStream( &myQFile );
//write the header to the file
myQTextStream << tr("#################################################################\n");
myQTextStream << tr("##\n");
myQTextStream << tr("## openModeller Configuration file\n");
myQTextStream << tr("##\n");
myQTextStream << tr("##Autogenerated using openModeller Plugin for QGIS (c) T.Sutton 2003\n");
myQTextStream << tr("##\n");
myQTextStream << tr("#################################################################\n");
myQTextStream << tr("\n\n##\n");
myQTextStream << tr("## Coordinate system and projection in WKT format\n");
myQTextStream << tr("##\n\n");
myQTextStream << tr("WKT Coord System = ") << coordinateSystemQString << "\n";
myQTextStream << tr("\n\n##\n");
myQTextStream << tr("## Localities Data Configuration Options...\n");
myQTextStream << tr("##\n\n");
myQTextStream << tr("# Full path and file name of the file containing localities data.\n");
myQTextStream << tr("Species file = ") << localitiesFileNameQString << "\n";
myQTextStream << tr("# The taxon in the localities file to be modelled.\n");
myQTextStream << tr("# (Defaults to the first taxon found.)\n");
myQTextStream << tr("Species = ") << taxonNameQString << "\n";
myQTextStream << tr("\n\n##\n");
myQTextStream << tr("## Independent Variable Layers (map layers)\n");
myQTextStream << tr("##\n\n");
// Iterate through the items in the layers list
for ( QStringList::Iterator myIterator = layerNamesQStringList.begin(); myIterator != layerNamesQStringList.end(); ++myIterator)
myQTextStream << tr("Map = ") << *myIterator << "\n";
myQTextStream << tr("# A layer that species the region of interest\n");
myQTextStream << tr("Mask = ") << maskNameQString << "\n";
myQTextStream << tr("\n\n##\n");
myQTextStream << tr("## Model Output Settings\n");
myQTextStream << tr("##\n\n");
// NOTE by Tim: not too sure what this next option does - will have to sak Mauro
// I think it just sets the ouput file extents etc
// I am hardcoding it to match the first layer in the collection for now
myQTextStream << tr("# File to be used as the output format.\n") ;
myQTextStream << tr("Output format = ") << layerNamesQStringList.front() << "\n";
myQTextStream << tr("# Output file name (should end in .tif)\n");
myQTextStream << tr("Output = ") << outputFileNameQString << ".tif\n";
myQTextStream << tr("# Scale algorithm output (originally between 0 and 1) by this factor.\n");
//NOTE I am hard coding the output scaling variable for now!
myQTextStream << tr("Scale = 240.0\n");
myQTextStream << tr("\n\n##\n");
myQTextStream << tr("## Model Type and Extra Model Parameters\n");
myQTextStream << tr("##\n\n");
myQTextStream << tr("# Name of the algorithm used to construct the model.\n");
myQTextStream << tr("Algorithm = ");
if (modelNameQString=="")
// Default to bioclim if modelname has not been set
myQTextStream << modelNameQString << "\n";
// Iterate through the items in the extra parameters list
for ( QStringList::Iterator myIterator = extraParametersQStringList.begin(); myIterator != extraParametersQStringList.end(); ++myIterator)
myQTextStream << tr("Parameters = ") << *myIterator << "\n";
myQTextStream << tr("\n\n###########################################\n");
myQTextStream << tr("## End of autogenerated configuration file.\n");
myQTextStream << tr("###########################################\n");
//for ( QStringList::Iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it )
// myQTextStream << *it << "\n";
// What follow are the overridden methods from the base form...
/** The accept method overrides the qtwizard method of the same name and is run when the finish button is pressed */
void OpenModellerGui::accept()
std::cout << "cboModelAlgorithm .. current text : " << cboModelAlgorithm->currentText() << std::endl;
if (cboModelAlgorithm->currentText()==tr("Bioclimatic Envelope Model"))
else if (cboModelAlgorithm->currentText()==tr("Cartesian Distance"))
//pull all the form data into local class vars.
//build up the map layers qstringlist
for ( unsigned int myInt = 0; myInt < lstLayers->count(); myInt++ )
QListBoxItem *myItem = lstLayers->item( myInt );
// build up the model parameters qstringlist
for ( unsigned int myInt = 0; myInt < lstParameters->count(); myInt++ )
QListBoxItem *myItem = lstParameters->item( myInt );
//strip linefeeds and escape carriage returns in WKT string
coordinateSystemQString=coordinateSystemQString.replace( QRegExp("\""), "\\\"" );
coordinateSystemQString=coordinateSystemQString.replace( QRegExp("\n"), "" );
//close the dialog
void OpenModellerGui::cboModelAlgorithm_activated( const QString &theAlgorithmQString)
if (theAlgorithmQString==tr("Bioclimatic Envelope Model"))
else if (theAlgorithmQString==tr("Cartesian Distance"))
void OpenModellerGui::pbnSelectOutputFile_clicked()
std::cout << " OpenModellerGui::pbnSelectOutputFile_clicked() " << std::endl;
QString myOutputFileNameQString = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
"All Files (*.)",
"save file dialog"
"Choose a filename to save under" );
if ( leOutputFileName->text()=="")
void OpenModellerGui::pbnRemoveParameter_clicked()
for ( unsigned int myInt = 0; myInt< lstParameters->count(); myInt++ )
QListBoxItem *myItem = lstParameters->item( myInt );
// if the item is selected...
if ( myItem->isSelected() )
//remove the item if it is selected
void OpenModellerGui::pbnAddParameter_clicked()
void OpenModellerGui::pbnRemoveLayerFile_clicked()
for ( unsigned int myInt = 0; myInt< lstLayers->count(); myInt++ )
QListBoxItem *myItem = lstLayers->item( myInt );
// if the item is selected...
if ( myItem->isSelected() )
//remove the item if it is selected
//also remove the item from the mask layer combo
//if user has removed last list entry, disable next button
if ( lstLayers->count()==0)
void OpenModellerGui::pbnSelectLayerFile_clicked()
std::cout << " OpenModellerGui::pbnSelectLayerFile_clicked() " << std::endl;
QString myFileTypeQString;
QString myGDALFilterString="GDAL (*.tif; *.asc; *.bil;*.jpg;*.adf)";
QString myFileNameQString = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
"" , //initial dir
myGDALFilterString, //filters to select
this , //parent dialog
"OpenFileDialog" , //QFileDialog qt object name
"Select localities text file" , //caption
&myFileTypeQString //the pointer to store selected filter
std::cout << "Selected filetype filter is : " << myFileTypeQString << std::endl;
if (myFileNameQString==NULL || myFileNameQString=="") return;
//check if the file is an arc/info binary grid in which case we should only use the
//directory name in which the adf file occurs
if (myFileNameQString.endsWith(".adf"))
//try to find unix path separater first (search backwards from end of line)
if (myFileNameQString.findRev('/') != -1)
else //no forward slash found so assume dos and look for backslash
//try looking for dos separaters
//also add the layer to the mask combo
//enable the user to carry on to the next page...
void OpenModellerGui::pbnSelectLocalitiesFile_clicked()
std::cout << " OpenModellerGui::pbnSelectLocalitiesFile_clicked() " << std::endl;
QString myFileTypeQString;
QString myTextFileFilterString="Text File (*.txt)";
QString myFileNameQString = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
"" , //initial dir
myTextFileFilterString, //filters to select
this , //parent dialog
"OpenFileDialog" , //QFileDialog qt object name
"Select localities text file" , //caption
&myFileTypeQString //the pointer to store selected filter
std::cout << "Selected filetype filter is : " << myFileTypeQString << std::endl;
if (myFileNameQString==NULL || myFileNameQString=="") return;
// Now that we have the localities text file, we need to parse it and find
// all unique instances of taxon names and populate the taxon combo...
//first build a regex to match text at the beginning of the line
QRegExp myQRegExp( "^[^#][ a-zA-Z]*" ); //seconf caret means 'not'
QStringList myTaxonQStringList;;
QFile myQFile( myFileNameQString );
if ( myQFile.open( IO_ReadOnly ) )
//clear the existing entries in the taxon combo first
//now we parse the loc file, checking each line for its taxon
QTextStream myQTextStream( &myQFile );
QString myCurrentLineQString;
while ( !myQTextStream.atEnd() )
myCurrentLineQString = myQTextStream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n'
QStringList myMatchesQStringList = myQRegExp.capturedTexts();
QStringList::Iterator myIterator = myMatchesQStringList.begin();
QString myTaxonQString=*myIterator;
if (myTaxonQString != "")
//make sure there are only single spaces separating words.
myTaxonQString=myTaxonQString.replace( QRegExp(" {2,}"), " " );
//sort the taxon list alpabetically
//now find the uniqe entries in the qstringlist and
//add each entry to the taxon combo
QString myLastTaxon="";
QStringList::Iterator myIterator= myTaxonQStringList.begin();
while( myIterator!= myTaxonQStringList.end() )
QString myCurrentTaxon=*myIterator;
if (myCurrentTaxon!=myLastTaxon)
QMessageBox::warning( this,QString("Acme Wizard Error"),QString("The localities file is not readable. Check you have the neccessary file permissions and try again."));
// if all that went ok, update the form field and the class var
localitiesFileNameQString = myFileNameQString;
//enable the user to carry on to the next page...
} //end of pbnSelectLocalitiesFile_clicked
void OpenModellerGui::leLocalitiesFileName_textChanged( const QString &theFileNameQString )
// this should never run - I am changing the line edit control to read only so that
// file parsing for taxon names does not happen with every text change
localitiesFileNameQString = theFileNameQString;
//enable the user to carry on to the next page...
void OpenModellerGui::leLocalitiesFileName_returnPressed()
// this should never run - I am changing the line edit control to read only so that
// file parsing for taxon names does not happen with every text change
localitiesFileNameQString = leLocalitiesFileName->text();
//enable the user to carry on to the next page...