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* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/gui/qgsattributeeditorcontext.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsAttributeEditorContext
This class contains context information for attribute editor widgets.
It will be passed to embedded widgets whenever this occurs (e.g. when
showing an embedded form due to relations)
#include "qgsattributeeditorcontext.h"
enum RelationMode
enum FormMode
Constructor for QgsAttributeEditorContext
QgsAttributeEditorContext( const QgsAttributeEditorContext &parentContext, FormMode formMode );
QgsAttributeEditorContext( const QgsAttributeEditorContext &parentContext, const QgsRelation &relation, RelationMode relationMode, FormMode widgetMode );
void setDistanceArea( const QgsDistanceArea &distanceArea );
const QgsDistanceArea &distanceArea() const;
:rtype: QgsDistanceArea
void setVectorLayerTools( QgsVectorLayerTools *vlTools );
const QgsVectorLayerTools *vectorLayerTools() const;
:rtype: QgsVectorLayerTools
void setRelation( const QgsRelation &relation, RelationMode mode );
const QgsRelation &relation() const;
:rtype: QgsRelation
RelationMode relationMode() const;
:rtype: RelationMode
FormMode formMode() const;
Returns the form mode.
.. seealso:: setFormMode()
:rtype: FormMode
void setFormMode( FormMode mode );
Sets the form mode.
\param mode form mode
.. seealso:: formMode()
.. versionadded:: 2.16
bool allowCustomUi() const;
Returns true if the attribute editor should permit use of custom UI forms.
.. seealso:: setAllowCustomUi()
.. versionadded:: 2.16
:rtype: bool
void setAllowCustomUi( bool allow );
Sets whether the attribute editor should permit use of custom UI forms.
\param allow set to true to allow custom UI forms, or false to disable them and use default generated
QGIS forms
.. seealso:: allowCustomUi()
.. versionadded:: 2.16
const QgsAttributeEditorContext *parentContext() const;
:rtype: QgsAttributeEditorContext
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/gui/qgsattributeeditorcontext.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *