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begin : Nov 18, 2015
copyright : (C) 2015 by Matthias Kuhn
email : matthias at opengis dot ch
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
class QgsAttributeEditorElement : QObject
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
QgsAttributeEditorElement* e = qobject_cast<QgsAttributeEditorElement*>( sipCpp );
sipType = 0;
if ( e )
switch ( e->type() )
case QgsAttributeEditorElement::AeTypeContainer: sipType = sipType_QgsAttributeEditorContainer; break;
case QgsAttributeEditorElement::AeTypeField: sipType = sipType_QgsAttributeEditorField; break;
case QgsAttributeEditorElement::AeTypeRelation: sipType = sipType_QgsAttributeEditorRelation; break;
enum AttributeEditorType
* Constructor
* @param type The type of the new element. Should never
* @param name
* @param parent
QgsAttributeEditorElement( AttributeEditorType type, const QString& name, QObject *parent /TransferThis/ = NULL );
//! Destructor
virtual ~QgsAttributeEditorElement();
* Return the name of this element
* @return The name for this element
QString name() const;
* The type of this element
* @return The type
AttributeEditorType type() const;
* Is reimplemented in classes inheriting from this to serialize it.
* @param doc The QDomDocument which is used to create new XML elements
* @return An DOM element which represents this element
virtual QDomElement toDomElement( QDomDocument& doc ) const = 0;
class QgsAttributeEditorContainer : QgsAttributeEditorElement
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
* Creates a new attribute editor container
* @param name The name to show as title
* @param parent The parent. May be another container.
QgsAttributeEditorContainer( const QString& name, QObject *parent /TransferThis/ );
//! Destructor
* Will serialize this containers information into a QDomElement for saving it in an XML file.
* @param doc The QDomDocument used to generate the QDomElement
* @return The XML element
virtual QDomElement toDomElement( QDomDocument& doc ) const;
* Add a child element to this container. This may be another container, a field or a relation.
* @param element The element to add as child
virtual void addChildElement( QgsAttributeEditorElement *widget );
* Determines if this container is rendered as collapsible group box or tab in a tabwidget
* @param isGroupBox If true, this will be a group box
virtual void setIsGroupBox( bool isGroupBox );
* Returns if this container is going to be rendered as a group box
* @return True if it will be a group box, false if it will be a tab
virtual bool isGroupBox() const;
* Get a list of the children elements of this container
* @return A list of elements
QList<QgsAttributeEditorElement*> children() const;
* Traverses the element tree to find any element of the specified type
* @param type The type which should be searched
* @return A list of elements of the type which has been searched for
virtual QList<QgsAttributeEditorElement*> findElements( AttributeEditorType type ) const;
* Change the name of this container
* @param name
void setName( const QString& name );
* Get the number of columns in this group
int columnCount() const;
* Set the number of columns in this group
void setColumnCount( int columnCount );
* This element will load a field's widget onto the form.
class QgsAttributeEditorField : QgsAttributeEditorElement
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
* Creates a new attribute editor element which represents a field
* @param name The name of the element
* @param idx The index of the field which should be embedded
* @param parent The parent of this widget (used as container)
QgsAttributeEditorField( const QString& name, int idx, QObject *parent /TransferThis/ );
//! Destructor
* Will serialize this elements information into a QDomElement for saving it in an XML file.
* @param doc The QDomDocument used to generate the QDomElement
* @return The XML element
virtual QDomElement toDomElement( QDomDocument& doc ) const;
* Return the index of the field
* @return
int idx() const;
* This element will load a relation editor onto the form.
* @note Added in 2.1
class QgsAttributeEditorRelation : QgsAttributeEditorElement
* Creates a new element which embeds a relation.
* @param name The name of this element
* @param relationId The id of the relation to embed
* @param parent The parent (used as container)
QgsAttributeEditorRelation( const QString& name, const QString &relationId, QObject *parent /TransferThis/ );
* Creates a new element which embeds a relation.
* @param name The name of this element
* @param relation The relation to embed
* @param parent The parent (used as container)
QgsAttributeEditorRelation( const QString& name, const QgsRelation& relation, QObject *parent /TransferThis/);
//! Destructor
* Will serialize this elements information into a QDomElement for saving it in an XML file.
* @param doc The QDomDocument used to generate the QDomElement
* @return The XML element
virtual QDomElement toDomElement( QDomDocument& doc ) const;
* Get the id of the relation which shall be embedded
* @return the id
const QgsRelation& relation() const;
* Initializes the relation from the id
* @param relManager The relation manager to use for the initialization
* @return true if the relation was found in the relationmanager
bool init( QgsRelationManager *relManager );
class QgsEditFormConfig : QObject
#include <qgseditformconfig.h>
/** The different types to layout the attribute editor. */
enum EditorLayout
GeneratedLayout = 0, //!< Autogenerate a simple tabular layout for the form
TabLayout = 1, //!< Use a layout with tabs and group boxes. Needs to be configured.
UiFileLayout = 2 //!< Load a .ui file for the layout. Needs to be configured.
struct GroupData
GroupData( const QString& name, const QList<QString>& fields );
QString mName;
QList<QString> mFields;
struct TabData
TabData( const QString& name, const QList<QString>& fields, const QList<QgsEditFormConfig::GroupData>& groups );
QString mName;
QList<QString> mFields;
QList<QgsEditFormConfig::GroupData> mGroups;
* Types of feature form suppression after feature creation
enum FeatureFormSuppress
SuppressDefault = 0, //!< Use the application-wide setting
SuppressOn = 1, //!< Suppress feature form
SuppressOff = 2 //!< Do not suppress feature form
* The python init code source options.
enum PythonInitCodeSource
CodeSourceNone, //!< Do not use python code at all
CodeSourceFile, //!< Load the python code from an external file
CodeSourceDialog, //!< Use the python code provided in the dialog
CodeSourceEnvironment //!< Use the python code available in the python environment
* This is only useful in combination with EditorLayout::TabLayout.
* Adds a new tab to the layout. Should be a QgsAttributeEditorContainer.
void addTab( QgsAttributeEditorElement* data );
* Returns a list of tabs for EditorLayout::TabLayout.
QList< QgsAttributeEditorElement* > tabs();
* Clears all the tabs for the attribute editor form with EditorLayout::TabLayout.
void clearTabs();
/** Get the active layout style for the attribute editor for this layer */
EditorLayout layout();
/** Set the active layout style for the attribute editor for this layer */
void setLayout( EditorLayout editorLayout );
/** Get path to the .ui form. Only meaningful with EditorLayout::UiFileLayout. */
QString uiForm() const;
* Set path to the .ui form.
* When a string is provided, the layout style will be set to EditorLayout::UiFileLayout,
* if an empty or a null string is provided, the layout style will be set to
* EditorLayout::GeneratedLayout.
void setUiForm( const QString& ui );
// Widget stuff
* Set the editor widget type for a field
* QGIS ships the following widget types, additional types may be available depending
* on plugins.
* <ul>
* <li>CheckBox (QgsCheckboxWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>Classification (QgsClassificationWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>Color (QgsColorWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>DateTime (QgsDateTimeEditWrapper)</li>
* <li>Enumeration (QgsEnumerationWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>FileName (QgsFileNameWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>Hidden (QgsHiddenWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>Photo (QgsPhotoWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>Range (QgsRangeWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>RelationReference (QgsRelationReferenceWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>TextEdit (QgsTextEditWrapper)</li>
* <li>UniqueValues (QgsUniqueValuesWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>UuidGenerator (QgsUuidWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>ValueMap (QgsValueMapWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>ValueRelation (QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>WebView (QgsWebViewWidgetWrapper)</li>
* </ul>
* @param fieldIdx Index of the field
* @param widgetType Type id of the editor widget to use
void setWidgetType( int fieldIdx, const QString& widgetType );
* Get the id for the editor widget used to represent the field at the given index
* @param fieldIdx The index of the field
* @return The id for the editor widget or a NULL string if not applicable
QString widgetType( int fieldIdx ) const;
* Get the id for the editor widget used to represent the field at the given index
* @param fieldName The name of the field
* @return The id for the editor widget or a NULL string if not applicable
QString widgetType( const QString& fieldName ) const;
* Set the editor widget config for a field.
* Python: Will accept a map.
* Example:
* \code{.py}
* layer.setWidgetConfig( 1, { 'Layer': 'otherlayerid_1234', 'Key': 'Keyfield', 'Value': 'ValueField' } )
* \endcode
* @param attrIdx Index of the field
* @param config The config to set for this field
* @see setWidgetType() for a list of widgets and choose the widget to see the available options.
void setWidgetConfig( int attrIdx, const QgsEditorWidgetConfig& config );
* Set the editor widget config for a widget.
* Example:
* \code{.py}
* layer.setWidgetConfig( 'relation_id', { 'nm-rel': 'other_relation' } )
* \endcode
* @param widgetName The name of the widget or field to configure
* @param config The config to set for this field
* @see setWidgetType() for a list of widgets and choose the widget to see the available options.
* @note not available in python bindings
// void setWidgetConfig( const QString& widgetName, const QgsEditorWidgetConfig& config );
* Get the configuration for the editor widget used to represent the field at the given index
* @param fieldIdx The index of the field
* @return The configuration for the editor widget or an empty config if the field does not exist
QgsEditorWidgetConfig widgetConfig( int fieldIdx ) const;
* Get the configuration for the editor widget used to represent the field with the given name
* @param widgetName The name of the widget. This can be a field name or the name of an additional widget.
* @return The configuration for the editor widget or an empty config if the field does not exist
QgsEditorWidgetConfig widgetConfig( const QString& widgetName ) const;
* Remove the configuration for the editor widget used to represent the field at the given index
* @param fieldIdx The index of the field
* @return true if successful, false if the field does not exist
bool removeWidgetConfig( int fieldIdx );
* Remove the configuration for the editor widget used to represent the field with the given name
* @param widgetName The name of the widget. This can be a field name or the name of an additional widget.
* @return true if successful, false if the field does not exist
bool removeWidgetConfig( const QString& widgetName );
* This returns true if the field is manually set to read only or if the field
* does not support editing like joins or virtual fields.
bool readOnly( int idx );
* If set to false, the widget at the given index will be read-only.
void setReadOnly( int idx, bool readOnly = true );
* Returns the constraint expression of a specific field
* @param idx The index of the field
* @return the expression
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
QString expression( int idx ) const;
* Set the constraint expression for a specific field
* @param idx the field index
* @param str the constraint expression
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
void setExpression( int idx, const QString& str );
* Returns the constraint expression description of a specific filed.
* @param idx The index of the field
* @return the expression description
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
QString expressionDescription( int idx ) const;
* Set the constraint expression description for a specific field.
* @param idx The index of the field
* @param descr The description of the expression
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
void setExpressionDescription( int idx, const QString &descr );
* Returns if the field at fieldidx should be treated as NOT NULL value
bool notNull( int fieldidx) const;
* Set if the field at fieldidx should be treated as NOT NULL value
void setNotNull( int idx, bool notnull = true );
* If this returns true, the widget at the given index will receive its label on the previous line
* while if it returns false, the widget will receive its label on the left hand side.
* Labeling on top leaves more horizontal space for the widget itself.
bool labelOnTop( int idx );
* If this is set to true, the widget at the given index will receive its label on
* the previous line while if it is set to false, the widget will receive its label
* on the left hand side.
* Labeling on top leaves more horizontal space for the widget itself.
void setLabelOnTop( int idx, bool onTop );
// Python form init function stuff
* Get python function for edit form initialization.
* Will be looked up in a python file relative to the project folder if it
* includes a module name or if it's a pure function name it will searched
* in the python code set with @link setInitCode @endlink.
QString initFunction() const;
* Set python function for edit form initialization.
* Will be looked up in a python file relative to the project folder if it
* includes a module name or if it's a pure function name it will searched
* in the python code set with @link setInitCode @endlink.
void setInitFunction( const QString& function );
* Get python code for edit form initialization from the configuration dialog.
QString initCode() const;
* Set python code for edit form initialization.
* Make sure that you also set the appropriate function name in
* @link setInitFunction @endlink
void setInitCode( const QString& code );
* Get python external file path for edit form initialization.
QString initFilePath() const;
* Set python external file path for edit form initialization.
* Make sure that you also set the appropriate function name in
* @link setInitFunction @endlink
void setInitFilePath( const QString& filePath );
/** Return python code source for edit form initialization
* (if it shall be loaded from a file, read from the
* provided dialog editor or inherited from the environment)
PythonInitCodeSource initCodeSource() const;
/** Set if python code shall be used for edit form initialization */
void setInitCodeSource( const PythonInitCodeSource initCodeSource );
/** Type of feature form pop-up suppression after feature creation (overrides app setting) */
FeatureFormSuppress suppress() const;
/** Set type of feature form pop-up suppression after feature creation (overrides app setting) */
void setSuppress( QgsEditFormConfig::FeatureFormSuppress s );
// Serialization
* Read XML information
* Deserialize on project load
void readXml( const QDomNode& node );
* Write XML information
* Serialize on project save
void writeXml( QDomNode& node ) const;
* Deserialize drag and drop designer elements.
QgsAttributeEditorElement* attributeEditorElementFromDomElement( QDomElement &elem, QObject* parent );