mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 00:08:20 -04:00
- rename methods with XML to Xml, CRS to Crs, WMS to Wms, ID to Id - rename methods with SRS to Crs - rename methods with abbreviations like "dest" to "destination" - rename methods with abbreviations like "src" to "source"
483 lines
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483 lines
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/** Animated icon is keeping an animation running if there are listeners connected to frameChanged */
class QgsAnimatedIcon : QObject
#include <qgsdataitem.h>
/** Constructor
* @param iconPath path to a movie, e.g. animated GIF */
QgsAnimatedIcon( const QString & iconPath = QString::null );
QString iconPath() const;
void setIconPath( const QString & iconPath );
QIcon icon() const;
/** Connect listener to frameChanged() signal */
void connectFrameChanged( const QObject * receiver, const char * method );
/** Disconnect listener from frameChanged() signal */
void disconnectFrameChanged( const QObject * receiver, const char * method );
public slots:
void onFrameChanged();
/** Emitted when icon changed */
void frameChanged();
/** Base class for all items in the model.
* Parent/children hierarchy is not based on QObject. */
class QgsDataItem : QObject
#include <qgsdataitem.h>
if (qobject_cast<QgsLayerItem*>(sipCpp))
sipType = sipType_QgsLayerItem;
else if (qobject_cast<QgsErrorItem*>(sipCpp))
sipType = sipType_QgsErrorItem;
else if (qobject_cast<QgsDirectoryItem*>(sipCpp))
sipType = sipType_QgsDirectoryItem;
else if (qobject_cast<QgsFavouritesItem*>(sipCpp))
sipType = sipType_QgsFavouritesItem;
else if (qobject_cast<QgsZipItem*>(sipCpp))
sipType = sipType_QgsZipItem;
else if (qobject_cast<QgsDataCollectionItem*>(sipCpp))
sipType = sipType_QgsDataCollectionItem;
else if (qobject_cast<QgsProjectItem*>(sipCpp))
sipType = sipType_QgsProjectItem;
sipType = 0;
enum Type
Project //! Represents a QGIS project
/** Create new data item. */
QgsDataItem( QgsDataItem::Type type, QgsDataItem* parent /TransferThis/, const QString& name, const QString& path );
virtual ~QgsDataItem();
bool hasChildren();
int rowCount();
/** Create children. Children are not expected to have parent set.
* This method MUST BE THREAD SAFE. */
virtual QVector<QgsDataItem*> createChildren() /Factory/;
enum State
NotPopulated, //!< Children not yet created
Populating, //!< Creating children in separate thread (populating or refreshing)
Populated //!< children created
//! @note added in 2.8
State state() const;
/** Set item state. It also take care about starting/stopping loading icon animation.
* @param state
* @note added in 2.8
virtual void setState( State state );
//! @deprecated in 2.8, use state()
bool isPopulated() /Deprecated/;
/** Inserts a new child item. The child will be inserted at a position using an alphabetical order based on mName.
* @param child child item to insert. Ownership is transferred, and item parent will be set and relevant connections made.
* @param refresh - set to true to refresh populated item, emitting relevant signals to the model
* @see deleteChildItem()
virtual void addChildItem( QgsDataItem *child /Transfer/, bool refresh = false );
/** Removes and deletes a child item, emitting relevant signals to the model.
* @param child child to remove. Item must exist as a current child.
* @see addChildItem()
virtual void deleteChildItem( QgsDataItem * child );
/** Removes a child item and returns it without deleting it. Emits relevant signals to model as required.
* @param child child to remove
* @returns pointer to the removed item or null if no such item was found
virtual QgsDataItem *removeChildItem( QgsDataItem * child ) /TransferBack/;
/** Returns true if this item is equal to another item (by testing item type and path).
virtual bool equal( const QgsDataItem *other );
virtual QWidget *paramWidget() /Factory/;
/** Returns the list of actions available for this item. This is usually used for the popup menu on right-clicking
* the item. Subclasses should override this to provide actions.
virtual QList<QAction*> actions();
/** Returns whether the item accepts drag and dropped layers - e.g. for importing a dataset to a provider.
* Subclasses should override this and handleDrop() to accept dropped layers.
* @see handleDrop()
virtual bool acceptDrop();
/** Attempts to process the mime data dropped on this item. Subclasses must override this and acceptDrop() if they
* accept dropped layers.
* @see acceptDrop()
virtual bool handleDrop( const QMimeData * /*data*/, Qt::DropAction /*action*/ );
enum Capability
SetCrs, //!< Can set CRS on layer or group of layers
Fertile, //!< Can create children. Even items without this capability may have children, but cannot create them, it means that children are created by item ancestors.
Fast //!< createChildren() is fast enough to be run in main thread when refreshing items, most root items (wms,wfs,wcs,postgres...) are considered fast because they are reading data only from QSettings
typedef QFlags<QgsDataItem::Capability> Capabilities;
// This will _write_ selected crs in data source
virtual bool setCrs( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs );
//! @deprecated since 2.8, returned type this will changed to Capabilities
virtual Capability capabilities() /Deprecated/;
virtual Capabilities capabilities2() const;
virtual void setCapabilities( const Capabilities& capabilities );
// static methods
// Find child index in vector of items using '==' operator
static int findItem( QVector<QgsDataItem*> items, QgsDataItem * item );
// members
Type type() const;
/** Get item parent. QgsDataItem maintains its own items hierarchy, it does not use
* QObject hierarchy. */
QgsDataItem* parent() const;
/** Set item parent and connect / disconnect parent to / from item signals.
* It does not add itself to parents children (mChildren) */
void setParent( QgsDataItem* parent );
QVector<QgsDataItem*> children() const;
QIcon icon();
QString name() const;
void setName( const QString &name );
QString path() const;
void setPath( const QString );
//! Create path component replacing path separators
static QString pathComponent( const QString &component );
// Because QIcon (QPixmap) must not be used in outside the GUI thread, it is
// not possible to set mIcon in constructor. Either use mIconName/setIconName()
// or implement icon().
void setIcon( const QIcon& icon );
void setIconName( const QString & iconName );
void setToolTip( const QString& msg );
QString toolTip() const;
// deleteLater() items anc clear the vector
static void deleteLater( QVector<QgsDataItem*> &items );
/** Move object and all its descendants to thread */
void moveToThread( QThread * targetThread );
virtual void populate( const QVector<QgsDataItem*>& children );
virtual void refresh( QVector<QgsDataItem*> children );
/** The item is scheduled to be deleted. E.g. if deleteLater() is called when
* item is in Populating state (createChildren() running in another thread),
* the deferredDelete() returns true and item will be deleted once Populating finished.
* Items with slow reateChildren() (for example network or database based) may
* check during createChildren() if deferredDelete() returns true and return from
* createChildren() immediately because result will be useless. */
bool deferredDelete();
public slots:
/** Safely delete the item:
* - disconnects parent
* - unsets parent (but does not remove itself)
* - deletes all its descendants recursively
* - waits until Populating state (createChildren() in thread) finished without blocking main thread
* - calls QObject::deleteLater()
virtual void deleteLater();
// Populate children using children vector created by createChildren()
// @param foreground run createChildren in foreground
virtual void populate( bool foreground = false );
/** Remove children recursively and set as not populated. This is used when refreshing collapsed items. */
virtual void depopulate();
virtual void refresh();
void emitBeginInsertItems( QgsDataItem* parent, int first, int last );
void emitEndInsertItems();
void emitBeginRemoveItems( QgsDataItem* parent, int first, int last );
void emitEndRemoveItems();
void emitDataChanged( QgsDataItem* item );
void emitDataChanged();
void emitStateChanged( QgsDataItem* item, QgsDataItem::State oldState );
virtual void childrenCreated();
void beginInsertItems( QgsDataItem* parent, int first, int last );
void endInsertItems();
void beginRemoveItems( QgsDataItem* parent, int first, int last );
void endRemoveItems();
void dataChanged( QgsDataItem * item );
void stateChanged( QgsDataItem * item, QgsDataItem::State oldState );
QFlags<QgsDataItem::Capability> operator|(QgsDataItem::Capability f1, QFlags<QgsDataItem::Capability> f2);
/** Item that represents a layer that can be opened with one of the providers */
class QgsLayerItem : QgsDataItem
#include <qgsdataitem.h>
enum LayerType
Plugin //!< added in 2.10
QgsLayerItem( QgsDataItem* parent, const QString& name, const QString& path, const QString& uri, LayerType layerType, const QString& providerKey );
// --- reimplemented from QgsDataItem ---
virtual bool equal( const QgsDataItem *other );
// --- New virtual methods for layer item derived classes ---
// Returns QgsMapLayer::LayerType
QgsMapLayer::LayerType mapLayerType();
// Returns layer uri or empty string if layer cannot be created
QString uri();
// Returns provider key
QString providerKey();
/** Returns the supported CRS
* @note Added in 2.8
QStringList supportedCrs();
/** Returns the supported formats
* @note Added in 2.8
QStringList supportedFormats();
/** Returns comments of the layer
* @note added in 2.12
virtual QString comments() const;
static const QIcon &iconPoint();
static const QIcon &iconLine();
static const QIcon &iconPolygon();
static const QIcon &iconTable();
static const QIcon &iconRaster();
static const QIcon &iconDefault();
virtual QString layerName() const;
/** A Collection: logical collection of layers or subcollections, e.g. GRASS location/mapset, database? wms source? */
class QgsDataCollectionItem : QgsDataItem
#include <qgsdataitem.h>
QgsDataCollectionItem( QgsDataItem* parent, const QString& name, const QString& path = QString::null );
void addChild( QgsDataItem *item /Transfer/ );
static const QIcon &iconDir(); // shared icon: open/closed directory
static const QIcon &iconDataCollection(); // default icon for data collection
/** A directory: contains subdirectories and layers */
class QgsDirectoryItem : QgsDataCollectionItem
#include <qgsdataitem.h>
enum Column
QgsDirectoryItem( QgsDataItem* parent, const QString& name, const QString& path );
/** Constructor.
* @param parent
* @param name directory name
* @param dirPath path to directory in file system
* @param path item path in the tree, it may be dirPath or dirPath with some prefix, e.g. favourites: */
QgsDirectoryItem( QgsDataItem* parent, const QString& name, const QString& dirPath, const QString& path );
virtual void setState( State state );
QVector<QgsDataItem*> createChildren();
QString dirPath() const;
virtual bool equal( const QgsDataItem *other );
virtual QIcon icon();
virtual QWidget *paramWidget() /Factory/;
/* static QVector<QgsDataProvider*> mProviders; */
//! @note not available via python bindings
// static QVector<QLibrary*> mLibraries;
/** Check if the given path is hidden from the browser model */
static bool hiddenPath( QString path );
public slots:
virtual void childrenCreated();
void directoryChanged();
void init();
Data item that can be used to represent QGIS projects.
class QgsProjectItem : QgsDataItem
#include <qgsdataitem.h>
* @brief A data item holding a reference to a QGIS project file.
* @param parent The parent data item.
* @param name The name of the of the project. Displayed to the user.
* @param path The full path to the project.
QgsProjectItem( QgsDataItem* parent, const QString& name, const QString& path );
Data item that can be used to report problems (e.g. network error)
class QgsErrorItem : QgsDataItem
#include <qgsdataitem.h>
QgsErrorItem( QgsDataItem* parent, const QString& error, const QString& path );
// ---------
class QgsDirectoryParamWidget : QTreeWidget
#include <qgsdataitem.h>
QgsDirectoryParamWidget( const QString& path, QWidget* parent /TransferThis/ = NULL );
void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event );
public slots:
void showHideColumn();
/** Contains various Favourites directories */
class QgsFavouritesItem : QgsDataCollectionItem
#include <qgsdataitem.h>
QgsFavouritesItem( QgsDataItem* parent, const QString& name, const QString& path = QString() );
QVector<QgsDataItem*> createChildren();
void addDirectory( const QString& favIcon );
void removeDirectory( QgsDirectoryItem *item );
static const QIcon &iconFavourites();
/** A zip file: contains layers, using GDAL/OGR VSIFILE mechanism */
class QgsZipItem : QgsDataCollectionItem
#include <qgsdataitem.h>
QgsZipItem( QgsDataItem* parent, const QString& name, const QString& path );
QVector<QgsDataItem*> createChildren();
const QStringList & getZipFileList();
//! @note not available via python bindings
// static QVector<dataItem_t *> mDataItemPtr;
static QStringList mProviderNames;
static QString vsiPrefix( const QString& uri );
static QgsDataItem* itemFromPath( QgsDataItem* parent, QString path, QString name ) /Factory/;
//! @note available in python as itemFromFilePath
static QgsDataItem* itemFromPath( QgsDataItem* parent, const QString& filePath, const QString& name, const QString& path ) /Factory,PyName=itemFromFilePath/;
static const QIcon &iconZip();