2019-10-26 10:50:30 +10:00

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* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/layertree/qgslayertreeregistrybridge.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge : QObject
Listens to the updates in map layer registry and does changes in layer tree.
When connected to a layer tree, any layers added to the map layer registry
will be also added to the layer tree. Similarly, map layers that are removed
from registry will be removed from the layer tree.
If a layer is completely removed from the layer tree, it will be also removed
from the map layer registry.
.. versionadded:: 2.4
#include "qgslayertreeregistrybridge.h"
struct InsertionPoint
InsertionPoint( QgsLayerTreeGroup *group, int position );
Constructs an insertion point as layer tree group with its corresponding position.
QgsLayerTreeGroup *group;
int position;
explicit QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge( QgsLayerTreeGroup *root, QgsProject *project, QObject *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
Create the instance that synchronizes given project with a layer tree root
void setEnabled( bool enabled );
bool isEnabled() const;
void setNewLayersVisible( bool enabled );
bool newLayersVisible() const;
void setLayerInsertionPoint( QgsLayerTreeGroup *parentGroup, int index ) /Deprecated/;
Set where the new layers should be inserted - can be used to follow current selection.
By default it is root group with zero index.
.. deprecated:: QGIS 3.10
use setLayerInsertionPoint( const InsertionPoint &insertionPoint ) instead
void setLayerInsertionPoint( const InsertionPoint &insertionPoint );
Set where the new layers should be inserted - can be used to follow current selection.
By default it is root group with zero index.
.. versionadded:: 3.10
void addedLayersToLayerTree( const QList<QgsMapLayer *> &layers );
Tell others we have just added layers to the tree (used in QGIS to auto-select first newly added layer)
.. versionadded:: 2.6
protected slots:
void layersAdded( const QList<QgsMapLayer *> &layers );
void layersWillBeRemoved( const QStringList &layerIds );
void groupWillRemoveChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode *node, int indexFrom, int indexTo );
void groupRemovedChildren();
void removeLayersFromRegistry( const QStringList &layerIds );
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/layertree/qgslayertreeregistrybridge.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *