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/** \ingroup core
* Reads and writes project states.
Has two general kinds of state to make persistent. (I.e., to read and
write.) First, QGIS proprietary information. Second plug-in information.
A singleton since there shall only be one active project at a time; and
provides canonical location for plug-ins and main app to find/set
class QgsProject : QObject
#include <qgsproject.h>
// TODO XXX Should have semantics for saving project if dirty as last gasp?
//! Returns the QgsProject singleton instance
static QgsProject * instance();
* Every project has an associated title string
* @deprecated Use setTitle instead.
void title( const QString & title ) /Deprecated/;
/** Sets the project's title.
* @param title new title
* @note added in 2.4
* @see title()
void setTitle( const QString& title );
/** Returns the project's title.
* @see setTitle()
QString title() const;
* Returns true if the project has been modified since the last write()
bool isDirty() const;
* Flag the project as dirty (modified). If this flag is set, the user will
* be asked to save changes to the project before closing the current project.
* @deprecated use setDirty instead
void dirty( bool b ) /Deprecated/;
/** Sets the file name associated with the project. This is the file which contains the project's XML
* representation.
* @param name project file name
* @see fileName()
void setFileName( const QString& name );
/** Returns the project's file name. This is the file which contains the project's XML
* representation.
* @see setFileName()
* @see fileInfo()
QString fileName() const;
/** Returns QFileInfo object for the project's associated file.
* @see fileName()
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
QFileInfo fileInfo() const;
/** Clear the project - removes all settings and resets it back to an empty, default state.
* @note added in 2.4
void clear();
/** Reads a project file.
* @param file name of project file to read
* @note Any current plug-in state is erased
* @note Calling read() performs the following operations:
* - Gets the extents
* - Creates maplayers
* - Registers maplayers
* @note it's presumed that the caller has already reset the map canvas, map registry, and legend
bool read( const QFileInfo& file );
/** Reads the current project file.
* @note Any current plug-in state is erased
* @note Calling read() performs the following operations:
* - Gets the extents
* - Creates maplayers
* - Registers maplayers
* @note it's presumed that the caller has already reset the map canvas, map registry, and legend
bool read();
/** Reads the layer described in the associated DOM node.
* @param layerNode represents a QgsProject DOM node that encodes a specific layer.
* QgsProject raises an exception when one of the QgsProject::read()
* implementations fails. Since the read()s are invoked from qgisapp,
* then qgisapp handles the exception. It prompts the user for the new
* location of the data, if any. If there is a new location, the DOM
* node associated with the layer has its datasource tag corrected.
* Then that node is passed to this member function to be re-opened.
bool read( QDomNode& layerNode );
/** Writes the project to a file.
* @param file destination file
* @note calling this implicitly sets the project's filename (see setFileName() )
* @note isDirty() will be set to false if project is successfully written
* @returns true if project was written successfully
bool write( const QFileInfo& file );
/** Writes the project to its current associated file (see fileName() ).
* @note isDirty() will be set to false if project is successfully written
* @returns true if project was written successfully
bool write();
* Removes all project properties.
* @deprecated use clear() instead
void clearProperties() /Deprecated/;
* Write a boolean entry to the project file.
* Keys are '/'-delimited entries, implying
* a hierarchy of keys and corresponding values
* @note The key string must be valid xml tag names in order to be saved to the file.
* @note available in python bindings as writeEntryBool
bool writeEntry( const QString & scope, const QString & key, bool value ) /PyName=writeEntryBool/;
* Write a double entry to the project file.
* Keys are '/'-delimited entries, implying
* a hierarchy of keys and corresponding values
* @note The key string must be valid xml tag names in order to be saved to the file.
* @note available in python bindings as writeEntryDouble
bool writeEntry( const QString& scope, const QString& key, double value ) /PyName=writeEntryDouble/;
* Write an integer entry to the project file.
* Keys are '/'-delimited entries, implying
* a hierarchy of keys and corresponding values
* @note The key string must be valid xml tag names in order to be saved to the file.
bool writeEntry( const QString& scope, const QString& key, int value );
* Write a string entry to the project file.
* Keys are '/'-delimited entries, implying
* a hierarchy of keys and corresponding values
* @note The key string must be valid xml tag names in order to be saved to the file.
bool writeEntry( const QString& scope, const QString& key, const QString& value );
* Write a string list entry to the project file.
* Keys are '/'-delimited entries, implying
* a hierarchy of keys and corresponding values
* @note The key string must be valid xml tag names in order to be saved to the file.
bool writeEntry( const QString& scope, const QString& key, const QStringList& value );
/** Key value accessors
* keys would be the familiar QSettings-like '/' delimited entries,
* implying a hierarchy of keys and corresponding values
QStringList readListEntry( const QString & scope, const QString & key, const QStringList& def = QStringList(), bool *ok = 0 ) const;
QString readEntry( const QString & scope, const QString & key, const QString & def = QString::null, bool * ok = 0 ) const;
int readNumEntry( const QString & scope, const QString & key, int def = 0, bool * ok = 0 ) const;
double readDoubleEntry( const QString & scope, const QString & key, double def = 0, bool * ok = 0 ) const;
bool readBoolEntry( const QString & scope, const QString & key, bool def = false, bool * ok = 0 ) const;
/** Remove the given key */
bool removeEntry( const QString & scope, const QString & key );
/** Return keys with values -- do not return keys that contain other keys
* @note equivalent to QSettings entryList()
QStringList entryList( const QString & scope, const QString & key ) const;
/** Return keys with keys -- do not return keys that contain only values
* @note equivalent to QSettings subkeyList()
QStringList subkeyList( const QString & scope, const QString & key ) const;
/** Dump out current project properties to stderr
* @todo XXX Now slightly broken since re-factoring. Won't print out top-level key
* and redundantly prints sub-keys.
void dumpProperties() const;
/** Prepare a filename to save it to the project file */
QString writePath( const QString& filename, const QString& relativeBasePath = QString::null ) const;
/** Turn filename read from the project file to an absolute path */
QString readPath( QString filename ) const;
/** Return error message from previous read/write */
QString error() const;
/** Change handler for missing layers.
* Deletes old handler and takes ownership of the new one.
void setBadLayerHandler( QgsProjectBadLayerHandler* handler /Transfer/ );
/** Returns project file path if layer is embedded from other project file. Returns empty string if layer is not embedded*/
QString layerIsEmbedded( const QString& id ) const;
/** Creates a maplayer instance defined in an arbitrary project file. Caller takes ownership
* @return the layer or 0 in case of error
* @note not available in Python bindings
bool createEmbeddedLayer( const QString& layerId, const QString& projectFilePath, QList<QDomNode>& brokenNodes,
QList< QPair< QgsVectorLayer*, QDomElement > >& vectorLayerList, bool saveFlag = true );
/** Create layer group instance defined in an arbitrary project file.
* @note: added in version 2.4
QgsLayerTreeGroup* createEmbeddedGroup( const QString& groupName, const QString& projectFilePath, const QStringList &invisibleLayers );
/** Convenience function to set snap settings per layer */
void setSnapSettingsForLayer( const QString& layerId, bool enabled, QgsSnapper::SnappingType type, QgsTolerance::UnitType unit, double tolerance,
bool avoidIntersection );
/** Convenience function to query snap settings of a layer */
bool snapSettingsForLayer( const QString& layerId, bool& enabled /Out/, QgsSnapper::SnappingType& type /Out/, QgsTolerance::UnitType& units /Out/, double& tolerance /Out/,
bool& avoidIntersection /Out/ ) const;
/** Convenience function to set topological editing */
void setTopologicalEditing( bool enabled );
/** Convenience function to query topological editing status */
bool topologicalEditing() const;
/** Convenience function to query default distance measurement units for project.
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
* @see areaUnits()
QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnit distanceUnits() const;
/** Convenience function to query default area measurement units for project.
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
* @see distanceUnits()
QgsUnitTypes::AreaUnit areaUnits() const;
/** Return project's home path
@return home path of project (or QString::null if not set) */
QString homePath() const;
QgsRelationManager* relationManager() const;
/** Return pointer to the root (invisible) node of the project's layer tree
* @note added in 2.4
QgsLayerTreeGroup* layerTreeRoot() const;
/** Return pointer to the helper class that synchronizes map layer registry with layer tree
* @note added in 2.4
QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge* layerTreeRegistryBridge() const;
/** Returns pointer to the project's visibility preset collection.
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
QgsMapThemeCollection* mapThemeCollection();
* Set a list of layers which should not be taken into account on map identification
void setNonIdentifiableLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer*> layers );
* Set a list of layers which should not be taken into account on map identification
void setNonIdentifiableLayers( const QStringList& layerIds );
* Get the list of layers which currently should not be taken into account on map identification
QStringList nonIdentifiableLayers() const;
* Transactional editing means that on supported datasources (postgres databases) the edit state of
* all tables that originate from the same database are synchronized and executed in a server side
* transaction.
* @note Added in QGIS 2.16
bool autoTransaction() const;
* Transactional editing means that on supported datasources (postgres databases) the edit state of
* all tables that originate from the same database are synchronized and executed in a server side
* transaction.
* Make sure that this is only called when all layers are not in edit mode.
* @note Added in QGIS 2.16
void setAutoTransaction(bool autoTransaction );
* Should default values be evaluated on provider side when requested and not when committed.
* @note added in 2.16
bool evaluateDefaultValues() const;
* Defines if default values should be evaluated on provider side when requested and not when committed.
* @note added in 2.16
void setEvaluateDefaultValues( bool evaluateDefaultValues );
QgsExpressionContext createExpressionContext() const;
/** Set error message from read/write operation
* @note not available in Python bindings
//void setError( const QString& errorMessage );
/** Clear error message
* @note not available in Python bindings
//void clearError();
//! Creates layer and adds it to maplayer registry
//! @note not available in python bindings
// bool addLayer( const QDomElement& layerElem, QList<QDomNode>& brokenNodes, QList< QPair< QgsVectorLayer*, QDomElement > >& vectorLayerList );
//! @note not available in python bindings
// void initializeEmbeddedSubtree( const QString& projectFilePath, QgsLayerTreeGroup* group );
//! @note not available in python bindings
// void loadEmbeddedNodes( QgsLayerTreeGroup* group );
//! emitted when project is being read
void readProject( const QDomDocument & );
//! emitted when project is being written
void writeProject( QDomDocument & );
* Emitted, after the basic initialization of a layer from the project
* file is done. You can use this signal to read additional information
* from the project file.
* @param mapLayer The map layer which is being initialized
* @param layerNode The layer node from the project file
void readMapLayer( QgsMapLayer *mapLayer, const QDomElement &layerNode );
* Emitted, when a layer is being saved. You can use this method to save
* additional information to the layer.
* @param mapLayer The map layer which is being initialized
* @param layerElem The layer element from the project file
* @param doc The document
void writeMapLayer( QgsMapLayer *mapLayer, QDomElement &layerElem, QDomDocument &doc );
//! emitted when the project file has been written and closed
void projectSaved();
//! emitted when an old project file is read.
void oldProjectVersionWarning( const QString& );
//! emitted when a layer from a projects was read
// @param i current layer
// @param n number of layers
void layerLoaded( int i, int n );
void loadingLayer( const QString& );
void snapSettingsChanged();
//! Emitted when the list of layer which are excluded from map identification changes
void nonIdentifiableLayersChanged( QStringList nonIdentifiableLayers );
//! Emitted when the file name of the project changes
void fileNameChanged();
//! Emitted when the home path of the project changes
void homePathChanged();
/** Emitted whenever the expression variables stored in the project have been changed.
* @note added in QGIS 3.0
void variablesChanged();
public slots:
* Flag the project as dirty (modified). If this flag is set, the user will
* be asked to save changes to the project before closing the current project.
* @note added in 2.4
* @note promoted to public slot in 2.16
void setDirty( bool b = true );
/** Causes the project to emit the variablesChanged() signal. This should
* be called whenever expression variables related to the project are changed.
* @see variablesChanged()
* @note added in QGIS 3.0
void emitVariablesChanged();
QgsProject(); // private 'cause it's a singleton
}; // QgsProject
/** Interface for classes that handle missing layer files when reading project file. */
class QgsProjectBadLayerHandler
#include <qgsproject.h>
virtual void handleBadLayers( const QList<QDomNode>& layers, const QDomDocument& projectDom ) = 0;
virtual ~QgsProjectBadLayerHandler();
/** Default bad layer handler which ignores any missing layers. */
class QgsProjectBadLayerDefaultHandler : QgsProjectBadLayerHandler
#include <qgsproject.h>
virtual void handleBadLayers( const QList<QDomNode>& layers, const QDomDocument& projectDom );