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synced 2025-03-04 00:30:59 -05:00
[FEATURE] Introduces mesh virtual datasets With the mesh calculator the user can choose to create those "virtual" dataset groups that will be added to the layer. Then, for these dataset groups, values are not stored in memory but each dataset is calculated when needed whit the formula entered in the mesh calculator. Those virtual dataset groups are saved with the project. If needed, the user can remove them or can persist them on files to make them persistent. Co-authored-by: Étienne Trimaille <gustrimaille@yahoo.fr>
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647 lines
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MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License)
Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com)
#ifndef MDAL_H
#define MDAL_H
# define MDAL_EXPORT
# if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
# ifdef mdal_EXPORTS
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define MDAL_EXPORT __attribute__ ((dllexport))
# else
# define MDAL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) // Note: actually gcc seems to also supports this syntax.
# endif
# else
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define MDAL_EXPORT __attribute__ ((dllimport))
# else
# define MDAL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport) // Note: actually gcc seems to also supports this syntax.
# endif
# endif
# else
# if __GNUC__ >= 4
# define MDAL_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
# else
# define MDAL_EXPORT
# endif
# endif
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Statuses
enum MDAL_Status
// Errors
// Warnings
* Log levels
enum MDAL_LogLevel
* Specifies where the data is defined
enum MDAL_DataLocation
//! Unknown/Invalid location
DataInvalidLocation = 0,
//! Data is defined on vertices of 1D or 2D mesh
//! Data is defined on face centres of 2D mesh
//! Data is defined on volume centres of 3D mesh
//! Data is defined on edges of 1D mesh \since MDAL 0.6.0
typedef void *MDAL_MeshH;
typedef void *MDAL_MeshVertexIteratorH;
typedef void *MDAL_MeshEdgeIteratorH;
typedef void *MDAL_MeshFaceIteratorH;
typedef void *MDAL_DatasetGroupH;
typedef void *MDAL_DatasetH;
typedef void *MDAL_DriverH;
typedef void ( *MDAL_LoggerCallback )( MDAL_LogLevel logLevel, MDAL_Status status, const char *message );
* Returns MDAL version
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_Version();
* Returns last status message
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_Status MDAL_LastStatus();
* Sets custom callback for logging output
* By default standard stdout is used as output.
* Calling this method with nullptr dissables logger ( logs will not be shown anywhere ).
* MDAL_LoggerCallback is a function accepting MDAL_LogLevel, MDAL_Status and const char* string
* \since MDAL 0.6.0
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_SetLoggerCallback( MDAL_LoggerCallback callback );
* Sets maximum log level (verbosity)
* By default logger outputs errors.
* Log levels (low to high): Error, Warn, Info, Debug
* For example, if LogVerbosity is set to Warn, logger outputs errors and warnings.
* \since MDAL 0.6.0
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_SetLogVerbosity( MDAL_LogLevel verbosity );
* Returns count of registed MDAL drivers
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_driverCount();
* Returns driver handle by index
* Do not free the returned pointer
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_DriverH MDAL_driverFromIndex( int index );
* Returns driver handle by name
* Do not free the returned pointer
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_DriverH MDAL_driverFromName( const char *name );
* Returns whether driver can be used to mesh
* if false, driver can be only used to load datasets to existing mesh
MDAL_EXPORT bool MDAL_DR_meshLoadCapability( MDAL_DriverH driver );
* Returns whether driver has capability to write/edit dataset (groups)
MDAL_EXPORT bool MDAL_DR_writeDatasetsCapability( MDAL_DriverH driver, MDAL_DataLocation location );
* Returns the file suffix used to write datasets on file
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
* \since MDAL 0.7.0
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_DR_writeDatasetsSuffix( MDAL_DriverH driver );
* Returns whether driver has capability to save mesh
MDAL_EXPORT bool MDAL_DR_saveMeshCapability( MDAL_DriverH driver );
* Returns name of MDAL driver
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_DR_name( MDAL_DriverH driver );
* Returns long name of MDAL driver
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_DR_longName( MDAL_DriverH driver );
* Returns file filters that MDAL driver recognizes
* Filters are separated by ;;, e.g. *.abc;;*.def
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_DR_filters( MDAL_DriverH driver );
/// MESH
* Loads mesh file. On error see MDAL_LastStatus for error type
* This may effectively load whole mesh in-memory for some providers
* Caller must free memory with MDAL_CloseMesh() afterwards
* since MDAL 0.6.0 const char parameter is renamed to uri and might contain
* following: <DriverName>:"<MeshFilePath>":<SpecificMeshName or Id>
* examples: Ugrid:"mesh.nc":0, Ugrid:"mesh.nc":mesh1d, "mesh.nc":mesh1d, Ugrid:"mesh.nc", "mesh.nc", mesh.nc
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_MeshH MDAL_LoadMesh( const char *uri );
* Returns uris that the resource contains (mesh names)
* Uris are separated by ;; and have form <DriverName>:"<MeshFilePath>"[:<SpecificMeshName>]
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
* Parameter uri can be in format:
* - <drivername>:"meshfile" - function then returns uris with provided driver and meshfile
* - "meshfile" or meshfile - function then finds proper driver and returns uris with it
* The uris can be used directly in MDAL_LoadMesh to load particular meshes
* \since MDAL 0.6.0
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_MeshNames( const char *uri );
* Closes mesh, frees the memory
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_CloseMesh( MDAL_MeshH mesh );
* Saves mesh (only mesh structure) on a file with the specified driver. On error see MDAL_LastStatus for error type.
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_SaveMesh( MDAL_MeshH mesh, const char *meshFile, const char *driver );
* Returns mesh projection
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_M_projection( MDAL_MeshH mesh );
* Returns mesh extent in native projection
* Returns NaN on error
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_M_extent( MDAL_MeshH mesh, double *minX, double *maxX, double *minY, double *maxY );
* Returns vertex count for the mesh
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_M_vertexCount( MDAL_MeshH mesh );
* Returns edge count for the mesh
* \since MDAL 0.6.0
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_M_edgeCount( MDAL_MeshH mesh );
* Returns face count for the mesh
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_M_faceCount( MDAL_MeshH mesh );
* Returns maximum number of vertices face can consist of, e.g. 4 for regular quad mesh
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_M_faceVerticesMaximumCount( MDAL_MeshH mesh );
* Loads dataset file. On error see MDAL_LastStatus for error type.
* This may effectively load whole dataset in-memory for some providers
* Datasets will be closed automatically on mesh destruction or memory
* can be freed manually with MDAL_CloseDataset if needed
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_M_LoadDatasets( MDAL_MeshH mesh, const char *datasetFile );
* Returns dataset groups count
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_M_datasetGroupCount( MDAL_MeshH mesh );
* Returns dataset group handle
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_DatasetGroupH MDAL_M_datasetGroup( MDAL_MeshH mesh, int index );
* Adds empty (new) dataset group to the mesh
* This increases dataset group count MDAL_M_datasetGroupCount() by 1
* The Dataset Group is opened in edit mode.
* To persist dataset group, call MDAL_G_closeEditMode();
* It is not possible to read and write to the same group
* at the same time. Finalize edits before reading.
* \param mesh mesh handle
* \param driver the driver to use for storing the data
* \param name dataset group name
* \param dataLocation location of data (face, vertex, volume)
* \param hasScalarData whether data is scalar (false = vector data)
* \param datasetGroupFile file to store the new dataset group
* \returns empty pointer if not possible to create group, otherwise handle to new group
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_DatasetGroupH MDAL_M_addDatasetGroup(
MDAL_MeshH mesh,
const char *name,
MDAL_DataLocation dataLocation,
bool hasScalarData,
MDAL_DriverH driver,
const char *datasetGroupFile );
* Returns name of MDAL driver
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_M_driverName( MDAL_MeshH mesh );
* Returns iterator to the mesh vertices
* For some formats this may effectively load all vertices in-memory until iterator is closed
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_MeshVertexIteratorH MDAL_M_vertexIterator( MDAL_MeshH mesh );
* Returns vertices from iterator for the mesh
* \param iterator mesh data iterator
* \param verticesCount maximum number or vertices to be written to buffer
* \param coordinates must be allocated to 3* verticesCount items to store x1, y1, z1, ..., xN, yN, zN coordinates
* \returns number of vertices written in the buffer
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_VI_next( MDAL_MeshVertexIteratorH iterator, int verticesCount, double *coordinates );
* Closes mesh data iterator, frees the memory
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_VI_close( MDAL_MeshVertexIteratorH iterator );
* Returns iterator to the mesh edges
* For some formats this may effectively load all edges in-memory until iterator is closed
* \since MDAL 0.6.0
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_MeshEdgeIteratorH MDAL_M_edgeIterator( MDAL_MeshH mesh );
* Returns edges from iterator for the mesh
* \param iterator mesh data iterator
* \param edgesCount maximum number or edges to be written to buffer
* \param startVertexIndices must be allocated to edgesCount items to store start vertex indices for edges
* \param endVertexIndices must be allocated to edgesCount items to store end vertex indices for edges
* \returns number of vertices written in the buffer
* \since MDAL 0.6.0
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_EI_next( MDAL_MeshEdgeIteratorH iterator, int edgesCount, int *startVertexIndices, int *endVertexIndices );
* Closes mesh data iterator, frees the memory
* \since MDAL 0.6.0
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_EI_close( MDAL_MeshEdgeIteratorH iterator );
* Returns iterator to the mesh faces
* For some formats this may effectively load all faces in-memory until iterator is closed
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_MeshFaceIteratorH MDAL_M_faceIterator( MDAL_MeshH mesh );
* Returns next faces from iterator for the mesh
* Reading stops when vertexIndicesBuffer capacity is full / faceOffsetsBuffer
* capacity is full / end of faces is reached, whatever comes first
* \param iterator mesh data iterator
* \param faceOffsetsBufferLen size of faceOffsetsBuffer, minimum 1
* \param faceOffsetsBuffer allocated array to store face offset in vertexIndicesBuffer for given face.
* To find number of vertices of face i, calculate faceOffsetsBuffer[i] - faceOffsetsBuffer[i-1]
* \param vertexIndicesBufferLen size of vertexIndicesBuffer, minimum is MDAL_M_faceVerticesMaximumCount()
* \param vertexIndicesBuffer writes vertex indexes for faces
* faceOffsetsBuffer[i-1] is index where the vertices for face i begins,
* \returns number of faces written in the buffer
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_FI_next( MDAL_MeshFaceIteratorH iterator,
int faceOffsetsBufferLen,
int *faceOffsetsBuffer,
int vertexIndicesBufferLen,
int *vertexIndicesBuffer );
* Closes mesh data iterator, frees the memory
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_FI_close( MDAL_MeshFaceIteratorH iterator );
* Returns dataset parent mesh
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_MeshH MDAL_G_mesh( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Returns dataset count in group
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_G_datasetCount( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Returns dataset handle
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_DatasetH MDAL_G_dataset( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group, int index );
* Returns number of metadata values
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_G_metadataCount( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Returns dataset metadata key
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_G_metadataKey( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group, int index );
* Returns dataset metadata value
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_G_metadataValue( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group, int index );
* Adds new metadata to the group
* Group must be in edit mode MDAL_G_isInEditMode()
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_G_setMetadata( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group, const char *key, const char *val );
* Returns dataset group name
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_G_name( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Returns name of MDAL driver
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_G_driverName( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Whether dataset has scalar data associated
MDAL_EXPORT bool MDAL_G_hasScalarData( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Whether dataset is on vertices
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_DataLocation MDAL_G_dataLocation( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Returns maximum number of vertical levels (for 3D meshes)
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_G_maximumVerticalLevelCount( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Returns the minimum and maximum values of the group
* Returns NaN on error
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_G_minimumMaximum( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group, double *min, double *max );
* Adds empty (new) dataset to the group
* This increases dataset group count MDAL_G_datasetCount() by 1
* The dataset is opened in edit mode.
* To persist dataset, call MDAL_G_closeEditMode() on parent group
* Minimum and maximum dataset values are automatically calculated
* Only for 2D datasets
* \param group parent group handle
* \param time time for dataset (hours)
* \param values For scalar data on vertices, the size must be vertex count
* For scalar data on faces, the size must be faces count
* For scalar data on edges, the size must be edges count
* For vector data on vertices, the size must be vertex count * 2 (x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., xN, yN)
* For vector data on faces, the size must be faces count * 2 (x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., xN, yN)
* For vector data on edges, the size must be edges count * 2 (x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., xN, yN)
* \param active if null pointer, MDAL_D_hasActiveFlagCapability returns false. Otherwise size must be equal to face count.
* \returns empty pointer if not possible to create dataset (e.g. group opened in read mode), otherwise handle to new dataset
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_DatasetH MDAL_G_addDataset(
MDAL_DatasetGroupH group,
double time,
const double *values,
const int *active
* Returns whether dataset group is in edit mode
MDAL_EXPORT bool MDAL_G_isInEditMode( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Close edit mode for group and all its datasets.
* This may effectively write the data to the files and/or
* reopen the file in read-only mode
* When closed, minimum and maximum dataset group values are automatically calculated
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_G_closeEditMode( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Returns reference time for dataset group expressed in date with ISO8601 format, return "" if reference time is not defined
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_G_referenceTime( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Sets reference time for dataset group expressed in date with ISO8601 format
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_G_setReferenceTime( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group, const char *referenceTimeISO8601 );
* Returns whether the dataset group is temporal, i.e. has time-related datasets
* \since MDAL 0.6.0
MDAL_EXPORT bool MDAL_G_isTemporal( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Returns dataset group uri
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
* \since MDAL 0.7.0
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_G_uri( MDAL_DatasetGroupH group );
* Returns dataset parent group
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_DatasetGroupH MDAL_D_group( MDAL_DatasetH dataset );
* Returns dataset time (hours)
MDAL_EXPORT double MDAL_D_time( MDAL_DatasetH dataset );
* Returns volumes count for the mesh (for 3D meshes)
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_D_volumesCount( MDAL_DatasetH dataset );
* Returns maximum number of vertical levels (for 3D meshes)
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_D_maximumVerticalLevelCount( MDAL_DatasetH dataset );
* Returns number of values
* For dataset with data location DataOnVertices returns vertex count
* For dataset with data location DataOnFaces returns face count
* For dataset with data location DataOnVolumes returns volumes count
* For dataset with data location DataOnEdges returns edges count
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_D_valueCount( MDAL_DatasetH dataset );
* Returns whether dataset is valid
MDAL_EXPORT bool MDAL_D_isValid( MDAL_DatasetH dataset );
* Returns whether dataset supports active flag for dataset faces
MDAL_EXPORT bool MDAL_D_hasActiveFlagCapability( MDAL_DatasetH dataset );
* Data type to be returned by MDAL_D_data
enum MDAL_DataType
SCALAR_DOUBLE = 0, //!< Double value for scalar datasets (DataOnVertices or DataOnFaces or DataOnEdges)
VECTOR_2D_DOUBLE, //!< Double, double value for vector datasets (DataOnVertices or DataOnFaces or DataOnEdges)
ACTIVE_INTEGER, //!< Integer, active flag for dataset faces. Some formats support switching off the element for particular timestep (see MDAL_D_hasActiveFlagCapability)
VERTICAL_LEVEL_COUNT_INTEGER, //!< Number of vertical level for particular mesh's face in 3D Stacked Meshes (DataOnVolumes)
VERTICAL_LEVEL_DOUBLE, //!< Vertical level extrusion for particular mesh's face in 3D Stacked Meshes (DataOnVolumes)
FACE_INDEX_TO_VOLUME_INDEX_INTEGER, //!< The first index of 3D volume for particular mesh's face in 3D Stacked Meshes (DataOnVolumes)
SCALAR_VOLUMES_DOUBLE, //!< Double scalar values for volumes in 3D Stacked Meshes (DataOnVolumes)
VECTOR_2D_VOLUMES_DOUBLE, //!< Double, double value for volumes in 3D Stacked Meshes (DataOnVolumes)
* Populates buffer with values from the dataset
* for nodata, returned is numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN
* \param dataset handle to dataset
* \param indexStart index of face/vertex to start reading of values to the buffer
* \param count number of values to be written to the buffer
* \param dataType type of values to be written to the buffer
* \param buffer output array to be populated with the values. must be already allocated
* For SCALAR_DOUBLE, the minimum size must be valuesCount * size_of(double)
* For VECTOR_2D_DOUBLE, the minimum size must be valuesCount * 2 * size_of(double).
* Values are returned as x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., xN, yN
* For ACTIVE_INTEGER, the minimum size must be valuesCount * size_of(int)
* For VERTICAL_LEVEL_COUNT_INTEGER, the minimum size must be faceCount * size_of(int)
* For VERTICAL_LEVEL_DOUBLE, the minimum size must be (faceCount + volumesCount) * size_of(double)
* For FACE_INDEX_TO_VOLUME_INDEX_INTEGER, the minimum size must be faceCount * size_of(int)
* For SCALAR_VOLUMES_DOUBLE, the minimum size must be volumesCount * size_of(double)
* For VECTOR_2D_VOLUMES_DOUBLE, the minimum size must be 2 * volumesCount * size_of(double)
* \returns number of values written to buffer. If return value != count requested, see MDAL_LastStatus() for error type
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_D_data( MDAL_DatasetH dataset, int indexStart, int count, MDAL_DataType dataType, void *buffer );
* Returns the minimum and maximum values of the dataset
* Returns NaN on error
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_D_minimumMaximum( MDAL_DatasetH dataset, double *min, double *max );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //MDAL_H