mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 00:05:02 -05:00
parameter to that type - change default level to WARNING - change startup messages to INFO - don't unhide the warning button for INFO messages - fix warnings produced by python code
180 lines
5.8 KiB
180 lines
5.8 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Date : November 2012
Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya
Email : volayaf at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
__author__ = 'Victor Olaya'
__date__ = 'November 2012'
__copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya'
# This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive
__revision__ = '$Format:%H$'
# Based on ogr2vrt.py implementation by Frank Warmerdam included in GDAL/OGR
import string
import re
import cgi
import sys
from osgeo import gdal, ogr
from string import Template
import os
import tempfile
def GeomType2Name( type ):
if type == ogr.wkbUnknown:
return 'wkbUnknown'
elif type == ogr.wkbPoint:
return 'wkbPoint'
elif type == ogr.wkbLineString:
return 'wkbLineString'
elif type == ogr.wkbPolygon:
return 'wkbPolygon'
elif type == ogr.wkbMultiPoint:
return 'wkbMultiPoint'
elif type == ogr.wkbMultiLineString:
return 'wkbMultiLineString'
elif type == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon:
return 'wkbMultiPolygon'
elif type == ogr.wkbGeometryCollection:
return 'wkbGeometryCollection'
elif type == ogr.wkbNone:
return 'wkbNone'
elif type == ogr.wkbLinearRing:
return 'wkbLinearRing'
return 'wkbUnknown'
def Esc(x):
return gdal.EscapeString( x, gdal.CPLES_XML )
def transformed_template(template, substitutions):
vrt_templ = Template(open(template).read())
vrt_xml = vrt_templ.substitute(substitutions)
vrt = tempfile.mktemp( '.vrt', 'ogr_', '/vsimem')
# Create in-memory file
gdal.FileFromMemBuffer(vrt, vrt_xml)
return vrt
def free_template(vrt):
# Free memory associated with the in-memory file
def transformed_datasource(template, substitutions):
vrt = transformed_template(template, substitutions)
ds = ogr.Open(vrt)
return ds
def close_datasource(ds):
if ds is not None:
def ogr2vrt(infile,
outfile = None,
layer_list = [],
relative = "0",
# Open the datasource to read.
src_ds = ogr.Open( infile, update = 0 )
if src_ds is None:
return None
if schema:
infile = '@dummy@'
if len(layer_list) == 0:
for layer in src_ds:
layer_list.append( layer.GetLayerDefn().GetName() )
# Start the VRT file.
vrt = '<OGRVRTDataSource>\n'
# Process each source layer.
for name in layer_list:
layer = src_ds.GetLayerByName(name)
layerdef = layer.GetLayerDefn()
vrt += ' <OGRVRTLayer name="%s">\n' % Esc(name)
vrt += ' <SrcDataSource relativeToVRT="%s" shared="%d">%s</SrcDataSource>\n' \
% (relative,not schema,Esc(infile))
if schema:
vrt += ' <SrcLayer>@dummy@</SrcLayer>\n'
vrt += ' <SrcLayer>%s</SrcLayer>\n' % Esc(name)
vrt += ' <GeometryType>%s</GeometryType>\n' \
% GeomType2Name(layerdef.GetGeomType())
srs = layer.GetSpatialRef()
if srs is not None:
vrt += ' <LayerSRS>%s</LayerSRS>\n' \
% (Esc(srs.ExportToWkt()))
# Process all the fields.
for fld_index in range(layerdef.GetFieldCount()):
src_fd = layerdef.GetFieldDefn( fld_index )
if src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTInteger:
type = 'Integer'
elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTString:
type = 'String'
elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTReal:
type = 'Real'
elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTStringList:
type = 'StringList'
elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTIntegerList:
type = 'IntegerList'
elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTRealList:
type = 'RealList'
elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTBinary:
type = 'Binary'
elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTDate:
type = 'Date'
elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTTime:
type = 'Time'
elif src_fd.GetType() == ogr.OFTDateTime:
type = 'DateTime'
type = 'String'
vrt += ' <Field name="%s" type="%s"' \
% (Esc(src_fd.GetName()), type)
if not schema:
vrt += ' src="%s"' % Esc(src_fd.GetName())
if src_fd.GetWidth() > 0:
vrt += ' width="%d"' % src_fd.GetWidth()
if src_fd.GetPrecision() > 0:
vrt += ' precision="%d"' % src_fd.GetPrecision()
vrt += '/>\n'
vrt += ' </OGRVRTLayer>\n'
vrt += '</OGRVRTDataSource>\n'
if outfile is not None:
f = open(outfile, "w")
return vrt