mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 00:17:30 -05:00
instead of adding an extra CMakeLists in .ci/travis/code_layout to build API doc, astyle and run tests (indentation, spelling, sip, doc coverage), the top CMakeLists has been adapted to allow not building core libraries and possibly just the static code layout * astyle has been moved from /src/astyle to /lib/astyle (I would propose to move all external libraries, and possibly add git submodules)
449 lines
9.9 KiB
449 lines
9.9 KiB
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* tests/code_layout/sipifyheader.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
#include <qgsnetworkspeedstrategy.h>
#include <qgsnetworkdistancestrategy.h>
typedef qint64 QgsFeatureId;
typedef QSet<qint64 > QgsFeatureIds;
typedef QMap<qint64 , QMap<int, QVariant>> QgsChangedAttributesMap;
typedef QMap<qint64, QMap<int, QVariant> > QgsChangedAttributesMap;
typedef QMap<qint64, QMap<int, QVariant>> QgsChangedAttributesMap;
typedef QVector<QVariant> QgsSuperClass;
%MappedType QgsSuperClass
// The annotations are modified by astyle (these will be fixed by sipify.pl)
#include <qgssipifyheader.h>
// Create the list.
PyObject *l;
return l;
typedef QtClass<QVariant> QtClassQVariantBase;
class QgsSipifyHeader : QtClassQVariantBase
Documentation goes here
Here's some comment mentioning another class QgsAutoAwesomemater.makeAwesome.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
.. note::
some other note
#include "sipifyheader.h"
#include "qtclass.h"
typedef QtClass<QVariant> QtClassQVariantBase;
if ( sipCpp->headerType() == QgsSipifyHeader::Special )
sipType = sipType_QgsSpecialSipifyHeader;
sipType = sipType_QgsStandardSipifyHeader;
enum MyEnum
PythonName /PyName=DifferentName/,
typedef QFlags<QgsSipifyHeader::MyEnum> Flags;
enum OneLiner { Success, NoSuccess };
struct Data
Data( QgsMapLayer *layer, Qstring name );
QString mName;
int mCount;
QgsMapLayer *mLayer;
static const int MONTHS;
explicit QgsSipifyHeader();
A constructor with definition in header
QgsSipifyHeader( QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
A classic constructor with arguments
QgsSipifyHeader( bool a = true );
A constructor with no empty `()`
QgsSipifyHeader( QList<Point> a, const Issues &b = Issues::weDontHaveIssues(), QgsClass *b = 0 );
A constructor with some special character types
virtual ~Destructor();
Constructor( const QString &name,
bool optional = false,
const QVariant &defaultValue = QVariant() );
Default constructor
bool operator==( const QgsSipifyHeader other );
void multilineMethod( const QgsPointXY &startPoint,
QgsFeatureId featureId,
QgsVectorLayer *vl,
QgsSnappingResult::SnappingType snap_to ) const;
A multiline method signature
void nonAnnotatedMethodFollowingSkip();
virtual QgsMapLayerRenderer *createMapRenderer( QgsRenderContext &rendererContext ) /Factory/;
Factory annotation
:rtype: QgsMapLayerRenderer
SomeObject *createAnother() /Factory/;
:rtype: SomeObject
virtual SomeObject *createAnother2() /Factory/;
void LongDocStringMethod();
My long doc string
is not very interesting!
void LongDocStringMethodWithBrief();
some brief
My long doc ``string``
is not very interesting!
Here's some comment mentioning another class QgsAutoAwesomemater.makeLessAwesome.
MyPointer *pointerReturnValue();
I return a pointer. If something bad happens, I return None.
:return: pointer to something cool
:rtype: MyPointer
bool isOKwithErrMesg( QString &ErrMsg /Out/ );
:rtype: bool
void InOutParam( bool &ok = true /In,Out/ );
void setDiagramRenderer( QgsDiagramRenderer *r /Transfer/ );
void differentDefaultValue( bool defaultValue = false , QWidget *parent = 0, QString msg = "hello" );
void differentType( QList<qint64> & list );
void complexDefaultValueAndType( QList<QPair<qint64 , QMap<int, QString>>> list = QList<QPair<qint64, QMap<int, QString>>> );
complex default value and type (i.e. containing commas) should be given as a string with single quotes
int inlineKeyWordShouldNotAppear();
:rtype: int
QString labelForRange( double lower, double upper ) const /PyName=labelForLowerUpper/;
:rtype: str
void setComposition( QgsComposition *c /KeepReference/ );
void removeProxyFactory( QNetworkProxyFactory *factory /TransferBack/ );
bool removeFunctionBody( const QList<int, QString> &list, QgsVectorLayer *vl, Some::Thing _part = -1 /*default =-1*/ );
:rtype: bool
void multilineBodyAndDefinition( const QList<int,
QString> &list,
QgsVectorLayer *vl,
Some::Thing _part = -1 /*default =-1*/ );
QgsRaster::RasterBuildPyramids buildPyramidsFlag() const;
Removing function body with namespaced return value
:rtype: QgsRaster.RasterBuildPyramids
virtual const QgsLayerMetadata &metadata() const;
Removing function body with virtual const reference
:rtype: QgsLayerMetadata
bool myMultiLineBody();
Mulitline body
:rtype: bool
virtual int overriddenProperty();
virtual int overrideWithoutVirtual();
virtual void overrideWithoutVirtualMultLine( const QList<int, QString> &list1,
const QList<int, QString> &list2 );
QString returnTypeString() const;
:rtype: str
double returnTypeDouble() const;
:rtype: float
QList< QgsAnnotation * > returnTypeList();
:rtype: list of QgsAnnotation
QVector< QgsAnnotation > returnTypeVector();
:rtype: list of QgsAnnotation
QStringList returnTypeStringList();
:rtype: list of str
QSet<QgsActionScope> returnTypeSet();
:rtype: set of QgsActionScope
This<Member> shouldBeIncluded;
static QString invokableMethod();
:rtype: str
bool initializedMember;
struct PublicStruct
explicit PublicStruct( int _part = -1, int _ring = -1, int _vertex = -1, VertexType _type = SegmentVertex );
bool isValid( const QgsAbstractGeometry *geom ) const;
:rtype: bool
int part;
int ring;
int vertex;
VertexType type;
void combinedAnnotations() /Factory,PyName=otherName/;
void multiAnnotationArg( SomeClass **object /Out,TransferBack/, int &another /Out/ );
void simple( );
remove argument
void method( );
void test( );
void avoidIntersections( const QList<QgsVectorLayer *> &avoidIntersectionsLayers );
void position( );
void position( bool keep );
void position( bool keep, bool keep );
void position( bool keep );
static SIP_PYLIST changeReturnType( QVector<int> *resultTree = 0, QVector<double> &resultCost = 0 );
Whatever &operator[]( int i ) /Factory/;
void ZshouldBeShown();
void methodCodeWithMultiLineDef();
if ( QgsWkbTypes::flatType( a0 ) != QgsWkbTypes::Point )
multiLineDef( PyExc_ValueError,
QString( "%1 is not nice" ).arg( QgsWkbTypes::displayString( a0 ) ).toUtf8().constData() );
sipCpp = new sipQgsPoint( a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 );
bool thisShouldBeListed();
:rtype: bool
void privateMethodSIPRUNareShown();
void FallBackToPublic();
void ShowThisPrivateOne() ;
class ClassWithPrivateInheritanceOnly /Abstract/
Documentation goes here
#include "sipifyheader.h"
explicit ClassWithPrivateInheritanceOnly();
A constructor with definition in header on several lines
class AbstractClass /Abstract/
Documentation goes here
#include "sipifyheader.h"
explicit AbstractClass();
A constructor
QFlags<QgsSipifyHeader::MyEnum> operator|(QgsSipifyHeader::MyEnum f1, QFlags<QgsSipifyHeader::MyEnum> f2);
typedef QgsTemplate<Something> QgsTemplateSomethingBase;
class TemplateInheritance1 : QgsTemplateSomethingBase
#include "sipifyheader.h"
#include "qgstemplate.h"
typedef QgsTemplate<Something> QgsTemplateSomethingBase;
class TemplateInheritance2
#include "sipifyheader.h"
typedef QgsTemplate<Something> QgsTemplateSomethingBase;
class TemplateInheritance3 : QgsTemplateSomethingBase, SomethingElse
#include "sipifyheader.h"
#include "qgstemplate.h"
typedef QgsTemplate<Something> QgsTemplateSomethingBase;
class TemplateInheritance4 : SomethingElse1, SomethingElse2
#include "sipifyheader.h"
class TemplateInheritance5 : SomethingElse
#include "sipifyheader.h"
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* tests/code_layout/sipifyheader.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *