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synced 2025-02-27 00:33:48 -05:00
Now all classes and members are either exposed to bindings or marked as "not available in Python bindings" in the docs. Drop test thresholds to 0. Now it should be much easier to determine what missing members have been added which are causing test failures.
112 lines
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112 lines
3.2 KiB
class QgsStyleV2ManagerDialog : QDialog
#include <qgsstylev2managerdialog.h>
QgsStyleV2ManagerDialog( QgsStyleV2* style, QWidget* parent /TransferThis/ = NULL );
//! open add color ramp dialog, return color ramp's name if the ramp has been added
static QString addColorRampStatic( QWidget* parent, QgsStyleV2* style,
QString RampType = QString() );
public slots:
void addItem();
void editItem();
void removeItem();
void exportItemsSVG();
void exportItemsPNG();
void exportSelectedItemsImages( const QString& dir, const QString& format, const QSize& size );
void exportItems();
void importItems();
void on_tabItemType_currentChanged( int );
//! adds symbols of some type to list
void populateList();
//! called when the dialog is going to be closed
void onFinished();
void on_buttonBox_helpRequested();
void itemChanged( QStandardItem* item );
void groupChanged( const QModelIndex& );
void groupRenamed( QStandardItem * );
void addGroup();
void removeGroup();
//! carryout symbol grouping using check boxes
void groupSymbolsAction();
//! edit the selected smart group
void editSmartgroupAction();
//! symbol changed from one group
void regrouped( QStandardItem* );
//! filter the symbols based on input search term
void filterSymbols( const QString& );
//! Listen to tag changes
void tagsChanged();
//! Perform symbol specific tasks when selected
void symbolSelected( const QModelIndex& );
//! Context menu for the groupTree
void grouptreeContextMenu( const QPoint& );
//! Context menu for the listItems ( symbols list )
void listitemsContextMenu( const QPoint& );
protected slots:
bool addColorRamp( QAction* action );
//! populate combo box with known style items (symbols, color ramps)
void populateTypes();
//! populate the groups
void populateGroups();
//! build the groups tree
void buildGroupTree( QStandardItem* &parent );
//! to set symbols checked when in editing mode
void setSymbolsChecked( const QStringList& );
//! populate list view with symbols of the current type with the given names
void populateSymbols( const QStringList& symbolNames, bool checkable = false );
//! populate list view with color ramps
void populateColorRamps( const QStringList& colorRamps, bool checkable = false );
int currentItemType();
QString currentItemName();
//! add a new symbol to style
bool addSymbol();
//! add a new color ramp to style
bool addColorRamp();
bool editSymbol();
bool editColorRamp();
bool removeSymbol();
bool removeColorRamp();
//! Enables or disbables the symbol specific inputs
void enableSymbolInputs( bool );
//! Enables or disables the groupTree specific inputs
void enableGroupInputs( bool );
//! Enables or diables the groupTree items for grouping mode
void enableItemsForGroupingMode( bool );
//! Event filter to capture tagsLineEdit out of focus
bool eventFilter( QObject*, QEvent* );
//! sets the text of the item with bold font
void setBold( QStandardItem* );