Juergen E. Fischer 490236f2f2 spelling fixes
2016-02-02 02:37:15 +01:00

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</head><body><h1>OrthoRectification</h1><h2>Brief Description</h2>This application allows ortho-rectifying optical images from supported sensors.
<h2>Tags</h2>Geometry<h2>Long Description</h2>An inverse sensor model is built from the input image metadata to convert geographical to raw geometry coordinates. This inverse sensor model is then combined with the chosen map projection to build a global coordinate mapping grid. Last, this grid is used to resample using the chosen interpolation algorithm. A Digital Elevation Model can be specified to account for terrain deformations.
In case of SPOT5 images, the sensor model can be approximated by an RPC model in order to speed-up computation.<h2>Parameters</h2><ul><li><b>[param] -io</b> &lt;string&gt; This group of parameters allows setting the input and output images.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: &quot;0&quot;</li><li><b>[param] -outputs</b> &lt;string&gt; This group of parameters allows defining the grid on which the input image will be resampled.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: &quot;0&quot;</li><li><b>[param] -elev</b> &lt;string&gt; This group of parameters allows managing elevation values. Supported formats are SRTM, DTED or any geotiff. DownloadSRTMTiles application could be a useful tool to list/download tiles related to a product.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: &quot;0&quot;</li><li><b>[param] -opt</b> &lt;string&gt; This group of parameters allows optimizing processing time.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: &quot;0&quot;</li><li><b>[param] -inxml</b> &lt;string&gt; Load otb application from xml file. Mandatory: False. Default Value: &quot;&quot;</li><li><b>[param] -outxml</b> &lt;string&gt; Save otb application to xml file. Mandatory: False. Default Value: &quot;&quot;</li><b>[choice] -map</b> Parameters of the output map projection to be used. utm,lambert2,lambert93,wgs,epsg. Mandatory: True. Default Value: &quot;utm&quot;<ul><li><b>[group] -utm</b></li><ul><li><b>[param] -map.utm.zone</b> &lt;int32&gt; The zone number ranges from 1 to 60 and allows defining the transverse mercator projection (along with the hemisphere). Mandatory: True. Default Value: &quot;31&quot;</li><li><b>[param] -map.utm.northhem</b> &lt;boolean&gt; The transverse mercator projections are defined by their zone number as well as the hemisphere. Activate this parameter if your image is in the northern hemisphere.. Mandatory: False. Default Value: &quot;True&quot;</li></ul><li><b>[group] -lambert2</b></li><ul></ul><li><b>[group] -lambert93</b></li><ul></ul><li><b>[group] -wgs</b></li><ul></ul><li><b>[group] -epsg</b></li><ul><li><b>[param] -map.epsg.code</b> &lt;int32&gt; See www.spatialreference.org to find which EPSG code is associated to your projection. Mandatory: True. Default Value: &quot;4326&quot;</li></ul></ul><b>[choice] -interpolator</b> This group of parameters allows defining how the input image will be interpolated during resampling. bco,nn,linear. Mandatory: True. Default Value: &quot;bco&quot;<ul><li><b>[group] -bco</b></li><ul><li><b>[param] -interpolator.bco.radius</b> &lt;int32&gt; This parameter allows controlling the size of the bicubic interpolation filter. If the target pixel size is higher than the input pixel size, increasing this parameter will reduce aliasing artifacts.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: &quot;2&quot;</li></ul><li><b>[group] -nn</b></li><ul></ul><li><b>[group] -linear</b></li><ul></ul></ul></ul><h2>Limitations</h2>Supported sensors are Pleiades, SPOT5 (TIF format), Ikonos, Quickbird, Worldview2, GeoEye.<h2>Authors</h2>OTB-Team<h2>See Also</h2>Ortho-rectification chapter from the OTB Software Guide<h2>Example of use</h2><ul><li><p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">io.in: QB_TOULOUSE_MUL_Extract_500_500.tif</p></li><li><p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">io.out: QB_Toulouse_ortho.tif</p></li></ul></body></html>