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required connections to a QgsLocator Use this QgsLocatorModel subclass when you want the connections between a QgsLocator and the model to be automatically created for you. If more flexibility in model behavior is required, use the base QgsLocatorModel class instead and setup the connections manually.
163 lines
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163 lines
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* This file has been generated automatically from *
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* src/core/locator/qgslocatormodel.h *
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class QgsLocatorModel : QAbstractTableModel
An abstract list model for displaying the results of locator searches.
Note that this class should generally be used with a QgsLocatorProxyModel
in order to ensure correct sorting of results by priority and match level.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
#include "qgslocatormodel.h"
enum Role
QgsLocatorModel( QObject *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
Constructor for QgsLocatorModel.
void clear();
Resets the model and clears all existing results.
.. seealso:: deferredClear()
void deferredClear();
Resets the model and clears all existing results after a short delay, or whenever the next result is added to the model
(whichever occurs first). Using deferredClear() instead of clear() can avoid the visually distracting frequent clears
which may occur if the model is being updated quickly multiple times as a result of users typing in a search query.
.. seealso:: deferredClear()
virtual int rowCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
virtual int columnCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
virtual QVariant data( const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const;
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags( const QModelIndex &index ) const;
public slots:
void addResult( const QgsLocatorResult &result );
Adds a new ``result`` to the model.
class QgsLocatorAutomaticModel : QgsLocatorModel
A QgsLocatorModel which has is associated directly with a
QgsLocator, and is automatically populated with results
from locator searches.
Use this QgsLocatorModel subclass when you want the connections
between a QgsLocator and the model to be automatically created
for you. If more flexibility in model behavior is required,
use the base QgsLocatorModel class instead and setup the
connections manually.
Note that this class should generally be used with a QgsLocatorProxyModel
in order to ensure correct sorting of results by priority and match level.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
#include "qgslocatormodel.h"
explicit QgsLocatorAutomaticModel( QgsLocator *locator /TransferThis/ );
Constructor for QgsLocatorAutomaticModel, linked with the specified ``locator``.
The ``locator`` is used as the model's parent.
QgsLocator *locator();
Returns a pointer to the locator utilized by this model.
:rtype: QgsLocator
void search( const QString &string );
Enqueues a search for a specified ``string`` within the model.
Note that the search may not begin immediately if an existing search request
is still running. In this case the existing search must be completely
terminated before the new search can begin. The model handles this
situation automatically, and will trigger a search for the new
search string as soon as possible.
virtual QgsLocatorContext createContext();
Returns a new locator context for searches. The default implementation
returns a default constructed QgsLocatorContext. Subclasses can override
this method to implement custom context creation logic.
:rtype: QgsLocatorContext
class QgsLocatorProxyModel : QSortFilterProxyModel
A sort proxy model for QgsLocatorModel, which automatically sorts
results by precedence.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
#include "qgslocatormodel.h"
explicit QgsLocatorProxyModel( QObject *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
Constructor for QgsLocatorProxyModel, with the specified ``parent`` object.
virtual bool lessThan( const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right ) const;
* This file has been generated automatically from *
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* src/core/locator/qgslocatormodel.h *
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* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *