mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 00:02:25 -05:00
Also made minor changes to the function and class names, to be more consistent with QGIS naming conventions.
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362 KiB
1 line
362 KiB
{"MultiDistanceBuffer": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/MultiDistanceBuffer/version/3.2.4/download/", "tags": "proximity,distance,ring,vector,buffer,multiple,multi,zone", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://arken.nmbu.no/~havatv/gis/qgisplugins/MultiDistanceBuffer/", "version_available": "3.2.4", "rating_votes": "19", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "MultiDistanceBuffer", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/havatv/qgismultidistancebufferplugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "MultiDistanceBuffer.3.2.4.zip", "author_name": "H\u00e5vard Tveite, NMBU", "average_vote": "4.26293352981", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "678", "code_repository": "https://github.com/havatv/qgismultidistancebufferplugin.git", "library": "", "about": "The Multi-Distance Buffer plugin creates a multi-distance buffer vector layer from an input vector layer and a set of distances. The result layer consists of bands (donut type) of regions according to the buffer distances provided. If 100 and 200 are provided as distances, the result layer will consist of two bands - one will contain all areas that are within 100 units from the geometries of the input vector layer, the other will contain all areas that are from 100 to 200 units from the geometries of the input vector layer. The user can choose to only buffer around selected features. Negative buffer distances are allowed for polygon layers.", "name": "Multi-distance buffer", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/multidistbuff_VtIFJiI.png", "downloads": "49789", "status": "not installed", "description": "Create multiple distance buffers", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qgis2web": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qgis2web/version/3.2.0/download/", "tags": "webmaps,leaflet,export,web,html,webmap,css,openlayers,ol3,javascript", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/tomchadwin/qgis2web/wiki", "version_available": "3.2.0", "rating_votes": "268", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "qgis2web", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/tomchadwin/qgis2web/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qgis2web.3.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Tom Chadwin, Riccardo Klinger, Victor Olaya, Nyall Dawson", "average_vote": "4.56714713751", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "740", "code_repository": "https://github.com/tomchadwin/qgis2web", "library": "", "about": "qgis2web generates a web map from your current QGIS project, either as OpenLayers or Leaflet. It replicates as many aspects of the project as it can, including layers, styles (including categorized and graduated), and extent. No server-side software required.", "name": "qgis2web", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2015/qgis2web_cQEIDqQ.png", "downloads": "330090", "status": "not installed", "description": "Export to an OpenLayers/Leaflet webmap", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Kortforsyningen": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Kortforsyningen/version/2.4/download/", "tags": "wms,inspire,sdfe,styrelsen for dataforsyning og effektivisering,denmark,kortforsyningen,danish map supply,wfs,dansk,danmark,agency for data supply and efficiency,open data,danish", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/Kortforsyningen/Qgis_plugin_Kortforsyningen_v3", "version_available": "2.4", "rating_votes": "39", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Kortforsyningen", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Kortforsyningen/Qgis_plugin_Kortforsyningen_v3/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Kortforsyningen.2.4.zip", "author_name": "Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency", "average_vote": "4.71782774801", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1037", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Kortforsyningen/Qgis_plugin_Kortforsyningen", "library": "", "about": "This plugin makes it easy to use webservices from the Danish Map Supply (In Danish 'Kortforsyningen').<p></p>When installed, a new menu is added to QGIS. This menu contains webservices (WMS and WFS) categorized by themes. In order to use the plugin, a user at Kortforsyningen is required. If you do not have a Kortforsyning-user, please create <a href="http://download.kortforsyningen.dk//content/opret-mig-som-bruger" target="_blank"> one</a> - it is free of charge. Enter your username and password in QGIS' option-dialog (found in QGIS' setting-menu) (a new thing in QGIS3!). It is possible to add your own layers and services to the Kortforsyning-menu. Read more about this <a href="https://apps2.kortforsyningen.dk/qgis_knap_config/QGIS3/About/qgis3about.html#en" target="_blank"> option</a> (link opens in your browser).<p></p>In danish:<p></p>Dette plugin g\u00f8r det let at bruge webservices fra Kortforsyningen.<p></p>N\u00e5r pluginet er installeret, tilf\u00f8jes en ny menu, Kortforsyningen, til QGIS. Denne menu indeholder webservices (WMS og WFS) kategoriseret i temaer. For at bruge dette plugin, er det n\u00f8dvendigt at have en bruger til Kortforsyningen. Hvis du ikke allerede har en bruger, oprettes denne <a href="http://download.kortforsyningen.dk//content/opret-mig-som-bruger" target="_blank">her</a> - det er gratis. Indtast dit brugernavn og kodeord i QGIS' indstillingsdialog (findes i QGIS indstillingsmenu) (nyt i QGIS3!). Det er desuden muligt at tilf\u00f8je dine egne lag og services til Kortforsyning-menuen. L\u00e6s mere om denne <a href="https://apps2.kortforsyningen.dk/qgis_knap_config/QGIS3/About/qgis3about.html#da" target="_blank"> mulighed</a> (linket \u00e5bnes i din browser).<p></p>This plugin is developed by <a href="www.kortforsyningen.dk" target="_blank"> Kortforsyningen (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering)</a> and <a href="septima.dk" targer="_blank">Septima</a>.<p></p>Contact information: kortforsyningen@gmail.com<p></p><img src="https://www.kortforsyningen.dk/sites/default/files/sdfe_logo.png" alt="SDFE"><p></p><img src="http://www.septima.dk/skin1/img/logo_143x39.png" alt="Septima">", "name": "Kortforsyningen", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_eKU4aGW.png", "downloads": "24477", "status": "not installed", "description": "Easy access to webservices from Kortforsyningen (The Danish Map Supply) in QGIS Desktop.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "MapsPrinter": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/MapsPrinter/version/0.4/download/", "tags": "composer,map,layout,print,export", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/DelazJ/MapsPrinter/wiki", "version_available": "0.4", "rating_votes": "24", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "MapsPrinter", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/DelazJ/MapsPrinter/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "MapsPrinter.0.4.zip", "author_name": "Harrissou Sant-anna (Conseil d'Architecture, d'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement du Maine-et-Loire)", "average_vote": "4.54147743844", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "578", "code_repository": "https://github.com/DelazJ/MapsPrinter", "library": "", "about": "Exporting a print layout requires to open it, launch the export, wait till it finishes. This procedure can become boring, repulsive and time consuming when you have to export a lot of print layouts. Maps Printer offers a quick way to export print layouts, without opening each one before: just check them in a list and launch their export to the file format you wish (pdf, svg, jpg, tif, png...). Maps Printer also offers ability to open or close in one-click many print layouts through right clicking.", "name": "Maps Printer", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_yw4crO3.png", "downloads": "39346", "status": "not installed", "description": "Show, hide and export several print layouts to pdf, svg or image file (jpg, tif, png...) format in one click.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Qgis2threejs": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Qgis2threejs/version/2.0.1/download/", "tags": "3d,terrain,gltf,three.js,webgl,web", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/minorua/Qgis2threejs", "version_available": "2.0.1", "rating_votes": "210", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Qgis2threejs", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/minorua/Qgis2threejs/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Qgis2threejs.2.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Minoru Akagi", "average_vote": "4.61902562369", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "412", "code_repository": "https://github.com/minorua/Qgis2threejs", "library": "", "about": "This plugin visualizes DEM data and vector data, in 3D on web browsers. You can build various kinds of 3D objects with simple settings panels and view them in web view of exporter. If you want to share them in web, you can generate files to publish them to web in simple procedure. In addition, you can save the 3D model in glTF format for 3DCG or 3D printing.", "name": "Qgis2threejs", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/Qgis2threejs_mR5RKaC.png", "downloads": "264054", "status": "not installed", "description": "3D visualization powered by WebGL technology and three.js JavaScript library", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "AppendFeaturesToLayer": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/AppendFeaturesToLayer/version/0.2.0/download/", "tags": "etl,load data,processing,insert,provider,copy,append,paste,load", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/gacarrillor/AppendFeaturesToLayer", "version_available": "0.2.0", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "AppendFeaturesToLayer", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/gacarrillor/AppendFeaturesToLayer/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "AppendFeaturesToLayer.0.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Germ\u00e1n Carrillo (GeoTux)", "average_vote": "4.995004995", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1439", "code_repository": "https://github.com/gacarrillor/AppendFeaturesToLayer", "library": "", "about": "Algorithm to act as the 'Load' in an ETL operation, allowing you to store data into your target layer instead of into temporary layers", "name": "Append Features to Layer", "icon": "", "downloads": "2968", "status": "not installed", "description": "Processing plugin-based provider that adds an algorithm for appending features to a vector layer", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "VectorFieldCalc": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/VectorFieldCalc/version/1.5.1/download/", "tags": "gradient,raster,curl,flow,divergence,magnitude,vector field", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/VectorFieldCalc", "version_available": "1.5.1", "rating_votes": "8", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "VectorFieldCalc", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/VectorFieldCalc/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "VectorFieldCalc.1.5.1.zip", "author_name": "Mauro Alberti", "average_vote": "3.37457817773", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "221", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/VectorFieldCalc", "library": "", "about": "This plugin calculates vector field parameters (e.g., magnitude, divergence, curl) and pathlines, given two rasters representing x- and y- velocities", "name": "VectorFieldCalc", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_tlwfykm.png", "downloads": "27268", "status": "not installed", "description": "Calculation of vector field parameters", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "MenuBuilder": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/MenuBuilder/version/0.9.2/download/", "tags": "", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/Oslandia/qgis-menu-builder", "version_available": "0.9.2", "rating_votes": "12", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "MenuBuilder", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Oslandia/qgis-menu-builder/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "MenuBuilder.0.9.2.zip", "author_name": "Oslandia", "average_vote": "4.49962503125", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "820", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Oslandia/qgis-menu-builder", "library": "", "about": "Create your own menus with your favorite layers. Easy configuration is done with drag & drop from the qgis browser.", "name": "Menu Builder", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_vInly1l.png", "downloads": "11941", "status": "not installed", "description": "Create your own menus with your favorite layers", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "zoomtopaste": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/zoomtopaste/version/3.0.1/download/", "tags": "zoom paste", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/Amphibitus/zoomtopaste", "version_available": "3.0.1", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "zoomtopaste", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://hub.qgis.org/projects/zoom2paste", "version_installed": "", "filename": "zoomtopaste.3.0.1.zip", "author_name": "g3er geoplaning.de", "average_vote": "2.66622229628", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "565", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Amphibitus/zoomtopaste", "library": "", "about": "Zoom to a specified point on the map from the Clipboard comma delimited", "name": "zoomtopaste", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2016/icon_GV7XDoW.png", "downloads": "3665", "status": "not installed", "description": "Zoom to a specified point on the map from the Clipboard comma delimited \r\nExample: copy "5744021,3503546" (without quotes) out of any other program with "Crtl C" to the clipboard and Qgis zooms to the xy coordinates", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "MTOPOpenData": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/MTOPOpenData/version/1.3/download/", "tags": "wms,mtop,wfs,ide,web services,open data,ide uy,uruguay", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://geoportal.mtop.gub.uy", "version_available": "1.3", "rating_votes": "7", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "MTOPOpenData", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://gitlab.com/IDE_MTOP_PUBLICO/MTOPOpenData/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "MTOPOpenData.1.3.zip", "author_name": "IDE MTOP", "average_vote": "4.99928581631", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1188", "code_repository": "https://gitlab.com/IDE_MTOP_PUBLICO/MTOPOpenData", "library": "", "about": "Este plugin re\u00fane los servicios webs geogr\u00e1ficos (WMS y WFS) de Uruguay provistos por el Ministerio de Transporte y Obras P\u00fablicas (MTOP) siendo una adaptaci\u00f3n del plugin existente GreekOpenData creado por Eirini Simitzi y Thanos Strantzalis. El objetivo del plugin es facilitar el acceso a la informaci\u00f3n proporcionada por el MTOP permitiendo visualizarla y descargarla f\u00e1cilmente. Las capas de datos son un sub conjunto de las disponibles actualmente. La totalidad de las capas puede ser consultada a trav\u00e9s de la web del equipo: http://geoportal.mtop.gub.uy/ Para poder utilizar este plugin es necesario contar con conexi\u00f3n a internet. La adaptaci\u00f3n ha sido realizada por el Equipo IDE MTOP. Este plugin es liberado bajo la licencia GNU versi\u00f3n 3. EN: This plugin reunite all the geographic webservices (WMS and WFS) from Uruguay provided by the Ministerio de Transporte y Obras p\u00fablicas (MTOP) being an adaption of the existing plugin GreekOpenData created by Eirini Simitzi and Thanos Strantzalis. The target of this plugin is to facilitate the access to the information provided by the MTOP. The layers of data are a subgroup of the total available. The totality of layers can be found in http://geoportal.mtop.gub.uy/ .", "name": "MTOPOpenData", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_DZPxfyK.png", "downloads": "2817", "status": "not installed", "description": "Acceso a servicios webs del Ministerio de Transporte y Obras P\u00fablicas (MTOP) de Uruguay. EN: Access to geographic webservices of the Ministerio de Transporte y Obras P\u00fablicas (MTOP) of Uruguay.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "ale": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/ale/version/1.2/download/", "tags": "line,line editing,breakline", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://geo.tuwien.ac.at", "version_available": "1.2", "rating_votes": "4", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "ale", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/lwiniwar/ALE/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "ale.1.2.zip", "author_name": "lwiniwar, TU Wien", "average_vote": "3.99900024994", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1362", "code_repository": "https://github.com/lwiniwar/ALE", "library": "", "about": "This plugin adds functionality to enable faster line editing, esp. when working with 3D lines (preserving Z-Coordinate). Labelling of lines with a "status"-Attribute is also possible.", "name": "Advanced Line Editor", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_5Qyal1I.png", "downloads": "7153", "status": "not installed", "description": "Adds line editing tools (segment deletion, ...)", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "clipper": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/clipper/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "line,clip,difference,polygon,vector,shapefile", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.d2gis.com", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "55", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "clipper", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/demarcog/Clipper/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "clipper.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Giuseppe De Marco", "average_vote": "4.05447173688", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "569", "code_repository": "https://github.com/demarcog/Clipper.git", "library": "", "about": "Clipper plugin for Qgis 2.x/ 3.x 2014 \u00a9 Giuseppe De Marco The clipper plugin is a python plugins that performs a missing feature of past and current (3.x ) Qgis Version: clipping of features inside the same shapefile from a selected feature (line or polygon). Polygon clipping from a selected polygon features clips all intersecting features and returns clipped\u2026", "name": "Clipper", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_p0yL9Ci.png", "downloads": "79933", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin lets you use clipping function in the same shapefile selecting a line or polygon as a clipping/cutting feature and then clips/splits all overlaying features", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "temporalprofiletool": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/temporalprofiletool/version/2.0.0/download/", "tags": "raster,timeseries,profile,spectral", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/DHI-GRAS/Temporal_profile_tool#temporalspectral-profile-tool", "version_available": "2.0.0", "rating_votes": "20", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "temporalprofiletool", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/DHI-GRAS/Temporal_profile_tool/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "temporalprofiletool.2.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Radoslaw Guzinski", "average_vote": "3.69981500925", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "609", "code_repository": "https://github.com/DHI-GRAS/Temporal_profile_tool", "library": "", "about": "A QGIS plugin for interactive plotting of temporal or spectral information stored in multi-band rasters. Based on Profile tool plugin.\nAfter installation and activation the plugin can be accessed either from main menu (under Plugins > Profile Tool > Temporal/Spectral Profile) or from an icon on the taskbar.\nThis plugin is part of the Water Observation Information System (WOIS) developed under the TIGER-NET project funded by the European Space Agency as part of the long-term TIGER initiative aiming at promoting the use of Earth Observation (EO) for improved Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Africa. Copyright (C) 2014 TIGER-NET (www.tiger-net.org)", "name": "Temporal/Spectral Profile Tool", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/temporalProfileIcon_tlp0YOb.png", "downloads": "25863", "status": "not installed", "description": "Plots profile from raster bands. Based on Profile Tool.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "swiss_locator": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/swiss_locator/version/1.2.0/download/", "tags": "swiss,geoportal,suisse,schweiz locator,geoadmin", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/opengisch/qgis_swiss_locator", "version_available": "1.2.0", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "swiss_locator", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/opengisch/qgis_swiss_locator", "version_installed": "", "filename": "swiss_locator.1.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Denis Rouzaud", "average_vote": "4.83252791201", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1487", "code_repository": "https://github.com/opengisch/qgis_swiss_locator", "library": "", "about": "Search for locations, WMS layers of features in the whole Map Geo Admin catalog", "name": "Swiss Locator", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/swiss_locator_ZWexDei.png", "downloads": "882", "status": "not installed", "description": "A locator filter for Swiss Geoportal (geo.admin.ch)", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "TomBio": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/TomBio/version/3.0.0/download/", "tags": "uk species inventory,ordnance survey,nbn,biological records,osgb", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.fscbiodiversity.uk/qgisplugin", "version_available": "3.0.0", "rating_votes": "28", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "TomBio", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/burkmarr/QGIS-Biological-Recording-Tools/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "TomBio.3.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Rich Burkmar, Field Studies Council", "average_vote": "4.64269133245", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "628", "code_repository": "https://github.com/burkmarr/QGIS-Biological-Recording-Tools", "library": "", "about": "This is a plugin for QGIS desktop GIS which is aimed primarily at\nbiological recorders. It streamlines many of the tasks commonly\nrequired from GIS by biological recorders including viewing NBN\nmaps (via the NBN WMS), displaying biological records from CSV files,\nworking with UK OS grid references and registering raster map images\nfrom the internet. Although originally designed for use in the the UK,\nenhancements have been made to improved utility in any geographical\ncontext.", "name": "TomBio tools", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_hC7G87M.png", "downloads": "30014", "status": "not installed", "description": "FSC QGIS Plugin for biological recorders.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Physiocap3": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Physiocap3/version/3.1.6/download/", "tags": "diam\u00e8tre,hemmi,physiocap,section,jhemmi.eu,biomasse,sarment,e.re.c.a,civc", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/jhemmi/Physiocap3/wiki", "version_available": "3.1.6", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Physiocap3", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jhemmi/Physiocap3/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Physiocap3.3.1.6.zip", "author_name": "jhemmi.eu", "average_vote": "4.995004995", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1399", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jhemmi/Physiocap3", "library": "", "about": "Physiocap est un capteur qui g\u00e9olocalise les sarments d'une vigne.\nL'extension (plugin) Physiocap n'int\u00e9resse que le m\u00e9tier "Agronomie de la vigne".\nPhysiocap est brevet\u00e9 par le CIVC.", "name": "Physiocap3", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_a4RsMFk.png", "downloads": "1303", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin helps analysing raw data from\nPhysiocap inside QGIS3. This is a plugin dedicaded\nto Physiocap users "Agronomist of the vine".\nThis version is available in French, Italian & English but documentation\nexists only in French.\nCette extension aide \u00e0 l'analyse des donn\u00e9es brutes\nde Physiocap sans quitter QGIS3. Il est d\u00e9di\u00e9 aux\nutilisateurs de Physiocap "Agronome de la vigne"", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "BivariateLegend": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/BivariateLegend/version/1.0.1/download/", "tags": "legend,vector", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://github.com/webgeodatavore/bivariate_legend/", "version_available": "1.0.1", "rating_votes": "3", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "BivariateLegend", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://github.com/webgeodatavore/bivariate_legend/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "BivariateLegend.1.0.1.zip", "author_name": "WebGeoDataVore", "average_vote": "4.9983338887", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1417", "code_repository": "http://github.com/webgeodatavore/bivariate_legend/", "library": "", "about": "When you need to make bivariate legend, you don't want to create the legend yourself. Just use this plugin to produce it.", "name": "Bivariate legend", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_K8RwPo3.png", "downloads": "2449", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin helps creating bivariate legends", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "d3datavis": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/d3datavis/version/3.0.2/download/", "tags": "heatmap,time,date,d3,heat map,visualization,html", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-d3datavis-plugin", "version_available": "3.0.2", "rating_votes": "32", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "d3datavis", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-d3datavis-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "d3datavis.3.0.2.zip", "author_name": "C Hamilton", "average_vote": "4.65610449673", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1077", "code_repository": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-d3datavis-plugin", "library": "", "about": "This plugin creates a D3 circular histogram heatmap from date and time fields in the data. It outputs an interactive web page.", "name": "D3 Data Visualization", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_KlQPgPw.png", "downloads": "23393", "status": "not installed", "description": "D3 Date and Time Heatmap", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "shoguneditor": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/shoguneditor/version/0.2/download/", "tags": "wms,shogun,rest,wfs,sld,python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://www.terrestris.de/en/", "version_available": "0.2", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "shoguneditor", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/terrestris/qgis-shogun-editor/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "shoguneditor.0.2.zip", "author_name": "J. Grieb", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1506", "code_repository": "https://github.com/terrestris/qgis-shogun-editor", "library": "", "about": "A QGIS plugin to connect with a Shogun GIS client instance on a remote or local server and edit it's content from QGIS. Supports editing and creating layers and applications, upload new styles from QGIS to Shogun and more. It's funcionalities are in some way similar to the Geoserver Exploerer plugin, but instead of accessing the base geoserver it only interacts with the Shogun2-Webapp client (RESTful) interface.", "name": "Shogun Editor", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/logo-with-tag_Kkq5pzH.png", "downloads": "248", "status": "not installed", "description": "A QGIS plugin to connect with a Shogun GIS client instance on a remote or local server and edit it's content from QGIS.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "lizmap": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/lizmap/version/3.0.0/download/", "tags": "server,wms,publication,webmapping,web,lizmap", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/3liz/lizmap-plugin", "version_available": "3.0.0", "rating_votes": "70", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "lizmap", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/3liz/lizmap-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "lizmap.3.0.0.zip", "author_name": "3liz", "average_vote": "4.58564877645", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "72", "code_repository": "https://github.com/3liz/lizmap-plugin", "library": "", "about": "Publish QGIS maps to the Web via Lizmap Web Client, by 3liz.com. Documentation : http://docs.3liz.com", "name": "lizmap", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_q8zFX8R.png", "downloads": "62401", "status": "not installed", "description": "Publish QGIS maps to the Web via Lizmap Web Client, by 3liz.com", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "go2streetview": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/go2streetview/version/8.1/download/", "tags": "markers,streetview,street,overlay,google,snapshot,nominating,bird s eye,bing,view", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://geogear.wordpress.com", "version_available": "8.1", "rating_votes": "91", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "go2streetview", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/enricofer/go2streetview/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "go2streetview.8.1.zip", "author_name": "Enrico Ferreguti", "average_vote": "4.48346721465", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "481", "code_repository": "https://github.com/enricofer/go2streetview", "library": "", "about": "Go2streetview allows to get a window with Google Street View or Bing Bird's Eye clicking and dragging the cursor on map to set location and direction of the desired view. Features: Automatic SRS conversion, Transparent proxying, View position on map, Take Snapshots of current view, Dockable Dialog Windows, Overlay info layer support, Map follows Streetview, Streetview service coverage", "name": "go2streetview", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2015/icoStreetview.png", "downloads": "221464", "status": "not installed", "description": "The plugin allows to get a window with Google Street View or Bing Bird's Eye clicking and dragging the cursor on map to set location and direction of the desired view.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "poiexport": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/poiexport/version/3.0.1/download/", "tags": "basecamp,garmin,vector,gps,points of interest,points,poi", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/hamiltoncj/qgis-poiexport-plugin", "version_available": "3.0.1", "rating_votes": "15", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "poiexport", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/hamiltoncj/qgis-poiexport-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "poiexport.3.0.1.zip", "author_name": "C Hamilton", "average_vote": "4.73301779881", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1093", "code_repository": "https://github.com/hamiltoncj/qgis-poiexport-plugin", "library": "", "about": "This plugin creates Points of Interest (POI) from a vector points layer. It supports Garmin CSV and GPX output formats. It allows the user to select a category column to be used to create separate files containing points from that category. The user can also select columns to be used for the POI name and description. The plugin can be found in "Vector->GPS->POI Exporter"", "name": "POI Exporter", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_DmshZDd.png", "downloads": "11772", "status": "not installed", "description": "Export CSV or GPX Points of Interest (POI)", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Mascaret": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Mascaret/version/0.1.5/download/", "tags": "", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/Artelia/Mascaret/wiki", "version_available": "0.1.5", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "Mascaret", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Artelia/Mascaret/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Mascaret.0.1.5.zip", "author_name": "Artelia Eau et Environnement", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1350", "code_repository": "https://github.com/ArteliaTelemac/Mascaret", "library": "", "about": "Plugin dedicated to the building and exploitation of Mascaret models.\nRequires PostgreSQL and PostGIS.\nBased on an initial version developped by Matthieu NICOLAS (SPC Maine Loire aval)\nSome parts are based on the RiverGIS plugin developped by Radek Pasiok & Lukasz Debek (Many thanks for the work they've done on RiverGis)", "name": "Mascaret", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_base_aizeIlD.png", "downloads": "2406", "status": "not installed", "description": "Pre and Post-processing for Mascaret.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "pluginbuilder3": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/pluginbuilder3/version/3.0.3/download/", "tags": "development", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://g-sherman.github.io/Qgis-Plugin-Builder", "version_available": "3.0.3", "rating_votes": "13", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "pluginbuilder3", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/g-sherman/Qgis-Plugin-Builder/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "pluginbuilder3.3.0.3.zip", "author_name": "GeoApt LLC", "average_vote": "4.84578109376", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1147", "code_repository": "https://github.com/g-sherman/Qgis-Plugin-Builder", "library": "", "about": "Create a template for a QGIS plugin", "name": "Plugin Builder 3", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_n1KXDOh.png", "downloads": "8089", "status": "not installed", "description": "Creates a QGIS plugin template for use as a starting point in plugin development", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "LCCS3basicCoder3-v_1_0": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/LCCS3basicCoder3-v_1_0/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "legend,coding,land,attribute,landcover,cover,editing,lccs,lccs3", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.geovis.net/Product_LCCS3basicCoder.htm", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "LCCS3basicCoder3-v_1_0", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/GHsimone/LCCS3basicCoder3", "version_installed": "", "filename": "LCCS3basicCoder3-v_1_0.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Simone Maffei", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1539", "code_repository": "https://github.com/GHsimone/LCCS3basicCoder3", "library": "", "about": "LCCS3 Basic Coder 3 is the updated version for QGis 3.* of the older LCCS3 Basic Coder plugin. It is devoted to make easy the coding of geographical features on the basis of the classes of a LCCS3 legend. The main features are: - selection and loading of a LCCS3 legend - display of the list of LCCS3 classes - selection (and activation) of the vector layer containing the features to be coded - selection of the column (in the attributes table) to archive the LCCS3 codes - coding selected features LCCS3 is the last version of the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) developed by FAO and UNEP in 1998 to facilitate the understanding of the classes of land cover regardless of the scale of mapping, the type of coverage, method of data collection, or geographic location. LCCS3 is an implementation of Land Cover Meta Language (LCML), become a standard ISO in 2012 with the identification 19144-2:2012. The LCML provides a common reference structure for the comparison and integration of data for any generic land cover classification system, and describes different land cover classification systems based on the physiognomic aspects.", "name": "LCCS3 Basic Coder 3", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_d5MjtGO.png", "downloads": "50", "status": "not installed", "description": "The plugin loads a LCCS3 legend, creates a form with all LCCS3 classes and allows the user to code selected features", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "NITK_RS-GIS_17": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/NITK_RS-GIS_17/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "landsat,cloud remove,vegetation,liss,land surface temperature,index,color composite,ndwi,reflectance,tcc,radiance,water index,brightness temperature,fcc,ndvi,lst", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/PrathamGitHub/NITK_RS-GIS_17/blob/master/Information.pdf", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "24", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "NITK_RS-GIS_17", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/PrathamGitHub/NITK_RS-GIS_17/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "NITK_RS-GIS_17.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Prathamesh Barane, G S Dwarakish", "average_vote": "4.83313195284", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1220", "code_repository": "https://github.com/PrathamGitHub/NITK_RS-GIS_17.git", "library": "", "about": "Tool performs well defined algorithms on raw satellite data to produce popularly used outputs like > Land Surface Temperature (LST) > At. Satellite Brightness Temperature > Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) > Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) > True Color Composite (TCC) > Flase Color Composite (FCC) > At Satellite Reflectance of available bands > At Satellite Radiance of available bands > Other user defined custom band outputs", "name": "RS&GIS", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_823FGji.png", "downloads": "12307", "status": "not installed", "description": "Operates on raw satellite data (Landsat 1-8 & LISS) to produce standard outputs and user defined custom band outputs", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "batch_hillshader-master": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/batch_hillshader-master/version/2.2.69/download/", "tags": "lidar,digital terrain model,shaded relief,hillshade,batch hillshade processing,dtm,three exposure hillshade", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/PANOimagen/batch_hillshader", "version_available": "2.2.69", "rating_votes": "12", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "batch_hillshader-master", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/PANOimagen/batch_hillshader/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "batch_hillshader-master.2.2.69.zip", "author_name": "PANOimagen S.L.", "average_vote": "4.74960419965", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1380", "code_repository": "https://github.com/PANOimagen/batch_hillshader", "library": "", "about": "This plugin generates a three light exposure hillshade (shaded relief by combining three light exposures) using\nas input LiDAR classified data (ASPRS classification / *.laz, *.las formats) or a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) in\nraster format (GEOTiff / ASCII). The three light exposures combining method is based in Gantenbein (2012): <(http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2012/1171/)>\nYou can use LasPy Library to process LiDAR data (ASPRS las format)\nIf you uses as input LiDAR data, note that plugin uses LASTools library and FUSION LDV.\nFor more information see readme.md at plugin folder (see Installed version at the end)", "name": "Batch Hillshader", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_fETrF2i.png", "downloads": "9748", "status": "not installed", "description": "Plugin to generate a three light exposure hillshade (shaded relief by combining three light exposures)", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "htpgeoprocessor": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/htpgeoprocessor/version/1.2/download/", "tags": "", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://hub.qgis.org/projects/htpgeoprocessor", "version_available": "1.2", "rating_votes": "12", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "htpgeoprocessor", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://hub.qgis.org/projects/htpgeoprocessor", "version_installed": "", "filename": "htpgeoprocessor.1.2.zip", "author_name": "Kelly R. Thorp", "average_vote": "4.08299308391", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "390", "code_repository": "http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/htpgeoprocessor/", "library": "", "about": "Geospatial tool for geoprocessing high-throughput phenotyping sensor data", "name": "HTP Geoprocessor", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_xcyBVpV.png", "downloads": "15476", "status": "not installed", "description": "Geospatial tool for geoprocessing HTP sensor data", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "changeDataSource": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/changeDataSource/version/3.0/download/", "tags": "not found layers,legend,bad layers,sources,layers,database,datasources", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://geogear.wordpress.com/2016/01/29/changedatasourceplugin-plugin-release-2-0/", "version_available": "3.0", "rating_votes": "30", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "changeDataSource", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/enricofer/changeDataSource/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "changeDataSource.3.0.zip", "author_name": "enrico ferreguti", "average_vote": "4.89983667211", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "850", "code_repository": "https://github.com/enricofer/changeDataSource/", "library": "", "about": "The plugin allows to change the datasources of the loaded layers. The operation can be performed right clicking on legend items for single layer or globally on a summary table by clicking on toolbar plugin icon. The plugin takes control of bad layers handling allowing to specify valid datasources working on project", "name": "changeDataSource", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_kDi65PC.png", "downloads": "16819", "status": "not installed", "description": "Right click on layer tree to change single layer datasource of click on icon to change datasources globally", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QuickOSM": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QuickOSM/version/1.7.0/download/", "tags": "osm,osmdownloader,openstreetmap,overpass,download", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/3liz/QuickOSM", "version_available": "1.7.0", "rating_votes": "132", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QuickOSM", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/3liz/QuickOSM/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QuickOSM.1.7.0.zip", "author_name": "Etienne Trimaille", "average_vote": "4.58329861137", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "579", "code_repository": "https://github.com/3liz/QgisQuickOSMPlugin", "library": "", "about": "Execute customs overpass queries from QGIS to get OSM data.", "name": "QuickOSM", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_26vFEPX.png", "downloads": "194568", "status": "not installed", "description": "QuickOSM allows you to work quickly with OSM data in QGIS thanks to Overpass API.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Hotlink": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Hotlink/version/0.8.2/download/", "tags": "hotlink action trigger", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/xcaeag/Hotlink-QGis-Plugin", "version_available": "0.8.2", "rating_votes": "13", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Hotlink", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/xcaeag/Hotlink-QGis-Plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Hotlink.0.8.2.zip", "author_name": "Xavier Culos (Agence de l'eau Adour Garonne)", "average_vote": "4.30736097223", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "51", "code_repository": "https://github.com/xcaeag/Hotlink-QGis-Plugin", "library": "", "about": "When the plugin is activated (button in the toolbar),\nthe objects "carriers" of actions become "clickable".", "name": "Hotlink", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/hotlink.png", "downloads": "36876", "status": "not installed", "description": "Triggers actions on single click to facilitate the use of actions attached to vector layers", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "geomapfish_locator": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/geomapfish_locator/version/0.2.3/download/", "tags": "locator,geomapfish", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/opengisch/qgis_geomapfish_locator", "version_available": "0.2.3", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "geomapfish_locator", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/opengisch/qgis_geomapfish_locator/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "geomapfish_locator.0.2.3.zip", "author_name": "Denis Rouzaud", "average_vote": "4.99750124938", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1472", "code_repository": "https://github.com/opengisch/qgis_geomapfish_locator", "library": "", "about": "Allows to search in Geomapfish instances. Connection is also possible for private searches.", "name": "Geomapfish Locator", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/geomapfish_u9jD0m0.png", "downloads": "1149", "status": "not installed", "description": "A locator filter for Geomapfish services", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "layerGroupFilter": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/layerGroupFilter/version/0.1/download/", "tags": "field,filter,layers,attribute,group,python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/PeterBontinck/QGIS-Layergroup-Filter/wiki", "version_available": "0.1", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "layerGroupFilter", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/PeterBontinck/QGIS-Layergroup-Filter/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "layerGroupFilter.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Peter Bontinck", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1493", "code_repository": "https://github.com/PeterBontinck/QGIS-Layergroup-Filter", "library": "", "about": "Limit the dataset of all layers in a Layer group, by rolling-out similar attribute-filters. You can describe your own set of filter-presets using XML. So while using the plugin you just need to choose a preset and one common filter-value. Supports value-relations to other layers and non-uniform field names. Layer Filter presets (XML-string) are saved as a project variable.\r\n<a href="https://github.com/PeterBontinck/QGIS-Layergroup-Filter/wiki">see plugin wiki for details</a>", "name": "Layer Group Filter", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_LYbO5Yj.png", "downloads": "1060", "status": "not installed", "description": "Manage your Layer Filters (data subset) using layer-groups", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "LocatePoints": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/LocatePoints/version/0.3.4/download/", "tags": "polyline,distance,feature,layers,geometry,vector,point", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/DamnBack/locate-points", "version_available": "0.3.4", "rating_votes": "30", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "LocatePoints", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/DamnBack/locate-points/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "LocatePoints.0.3.4.zip", "author_name": "\u0141ukasz D\u0119bek", "average_vote": "4.36652111596", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "734", "code_repository": "https://github.com/DamnBack/locate-points", "library": "", "about": "Creating points along lines with given offset and interval", "name": "Locate points along lines", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_SUNzUZO.png", "downloads": "24693", "status": "not installed", "description": "Creating points along lines", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "EasyCustomLabeling": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/EasyCustomLabeling/version/2.1/download/", "tags": "labeling", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/haubourg/EasyCustomLabeling", "version_available": "2.1", "rating_votes": "66", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "EasyCustomLabeling", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/haubourg/EasyCustomLabeling/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "EasyCustomLabeling.2.1.zip", "author_name": "Regis Haubourg", "average_vote": "4.48478053363", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "501", "code_repository": "http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/", "library": "", "about": "EasyCustomLabeling is a plugin for QGIS, designed to simplify the work for manual and data defined labeling. The tool duplicates a data vector layer into a new memory layer made of lines, adds all necessary fields for advanced custom labeling like label location, rotation, color, font, callout, alignements. The resulting layer is activated ready to use labeling tools. Data is saved in Memory Layer provider, which means it is NOT saved to a file or a database. To make thoses layers persistent, please install Memory Layer Saver v3.2 or higher plugin, that saves all memory layers to a qdatastream file along the project named myqgisprojectname.qgs.mldata.", "name": "EasyCustomLabeling", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_oGbMLpg.svg", "downloads": "72595", "status": "not installed", "description": "Allows to quickly duplicate layer into memory layer ready for data defined labeling. Requires Memory layer Saver >= 3.2 to restore all labels correctly BUT it is currently not yet available to QGIS 3", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "czml_generator": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/czml_generator/version/0.9/download/", "tags": "3d,czml,thematic map,cesium", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://samanbey.github.io/czml_generator/", "version_available": "0.9", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "czml_generator", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/samanbey/czml_generator/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "czml_generator.0.9.zip", "author_name": "M\u00e1ty\u00e1s Gede", "average_vote": "4.99750124938", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1314", "code_repository": "https://github.com/samanbey/czml_generator", "library": "", "about": "Creates CZML files for Cesium.js\r\nfor thematic visualizations", "name": "CZML Generator", "icon": "", "downloads": "1506", "status": "not installed", "description": "Creates CZML files for Cesium.js", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "shapetools": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/shapetools/version/3.2.0/download/", "tags": "pie,rose,xy to line,heart,measurements,distance,measure,bearing,line split,geodesic polygon,ellipse,star,densify,hypocyloid,epicycloid,polygon,donut,geodesic line,polyfoil,densifier,surveying,international date line,azimuth,digitize", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-shapetools-plugin", "version_available": "3.2.0", "rating_votes": "46", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "shapetools", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-shapetools-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "shapetools.3.2.0.zip", "author_name": "C Hamilton", "average_vote": "4.52164083389", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1193", "code_repository": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-shapetools-plugin", "library": "", "about": "Shape Tools features geodesic shapes and tools. "Create Shapes" processes a point vector layer to create ellipses, pie wedges, donuts, arc wedges, lines of bearing, polygons, stars, ellipse roses, hypocyloids, polyfoils, epicycloids, and hearts based on the table's fields and other parameters. "XY to Line" uses pairs of coordinates from each record to create geodesic lines. "Geodesic Line Break" breaks lines at the International Date Line. "Geodesic Densifier" creates geodesic lines and polygons by adding additional vertices along geodesic paths within the shape. "Geodesic Measure Tool" measures distances using the WGS 84 ellipsoid and includes the bearing or heading between points. It will even saves the measurements as a layer. "Azimuth, Distance Digitizer" digitizes points based on a clicked point, an azimuth and distance or creates a geodesic line from a clicked point to an azimuth and distance. Shape Tools is installed in the Vector menu.", "name": "Shape Tools", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/shapes_HVT20Ar.png", "downloads": "52292", "status": "not installed", "description": "Shape Tools features geodesic shapes and tools. Create ellipse, line of bearing, pie wedge, donut, arc wedge, polygon, star, ellipse rose, hypocyloid, polyfoil, epicycloid, and heart shapes. "XY to Line" tool, densify lines and polygons along geodesic paths, geodesic line break, geodesic measure tool, create geodesic measurement layer, and digitize points at an azimuth & distance.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QGIS3-getWKT": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QGIS3-getWKT/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "python,wkt", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/skeenp/QGIS3-getWKT", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QGIS3-getWKT", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/skeenp/QGIS3-getWKT/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QGIS3-getWKT.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Paul Skeen", "average_vote": "4.995004995", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1442", "code_repository": "https://github.com/skeenp/QGIS3-getWKT", "library": "", "about": "This plugin displays the selected features' WKT representation. It differs from QGIS's Core copy functionality by only extracting the features WKT, rather than the entire record.\r\n\r\nSimply select a feature, press the button and the WKT represenation will be displayed in a dialog box where you can copy its content for use in creating or updating geometries in SQL statements.\r\n\r\nBased on the original version for QGIS 2 by Hugo Ledoux at https://github.com/hugoledoux/QGIS-getWKT", "name": "Get WKT", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_wZayX0m.png", "downloads": "1795", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin displays the selected features' WKT representation.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "CSMapMaker": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/CSMapMaker/version/0.4/download/", "tags": "raster,terrain", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/waigania13/CSMapMaker", "version_available": "0.4", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "CSMapMaker", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/waigania13/CSMapMaker/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "CSMapMaker.0.4.zip", "author_name": "Kosuke ASAHI", "average_vote": "4.16597233794", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1295", "code_repository": "https://github.com/waigania13/CSMapMaker", "library": "", "about": "CSMapMaker make CS topographic map from terrain raster layer. CS toporographic is made from elevation, curvature and slope. The CS topographic map provides us with many information about distribution of micro-relief in mountain area, and it may be a prominent tool for evaluating landslide susceptibility.", "name": "CSMapMaker", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/csmap.png", "downloads": "6362", "status": "not installed", "description": "Make CS topographic map represents valleys by blueish color and ridges by reddish color", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "AnimateOsm": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/AnimateOsm/version/0.2.2/download/", "tags": "animation animate osm openstreetmap diff missing maps hotosm", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://510.global", "version_available": "0.2.2", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "AnimateOsm", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/rodekruis/animateOsm/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "AnimateOsm.0.2.2.zip", "author_name": "510, an initiative of The Netherlands Red Cross", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1525", "code_repository": "https://github.com/rodekruis/animateOsm", "library": "", "about": "Animates OSM changes within a time frame and bounding box.", "name": "Animate OSM", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_BPzc1Wl.png", "downloads": "346", "status": "not installed", "description": "Animates OSM changes within a time frame and bounding box. This plugin has been developed for creating visualizations of work processed in hotosm.org tasks. Currently it only supports buildings.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "gml_application_schema_toolbox": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/gml_application_schema_toolbox/version/1.2.0/download/", "tags": "gml,waterml,application schema,complex features,gmlas,inspire,geosciml", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/BRGM/gml_application_schema_toolbox", "version_available": "1.2.0", "rating_votes": "18", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "gml_application_schema_toolbox", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/BRGM/gml_application_schema_toolbox/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "gml_application_schema_toolbox.1.2.0.zip", "author_name": "BRGM, Oslandia, Copernicus, Camptocamp, Spatialys, titellus", "average_vote": "4.22198766735", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1046", "code_repository": "https://github.com/BRGM/gml_application_schema_toolbox", "library": "", "about": "This plugins allows to import Complex Features streams in QGIS either through a native XML mode or through a conversion to a relational database model.", "name": "QGIS GML Application Schema Toolbox", "icon": "", "downloads": "10925", "status": "not installed", "description": "Consumption and use of GML complex features like INSPIRE harmonised data (vector), GeoSciML within QGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QPackage": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QPackage/version/1.5/download/", "tags": "python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://creasig.fr", "version_available": "1.5", "rating_votes": "30", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QPackage", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QPackage", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QPackage.1.5.zip", "author_name": "CREASIG", "average_vote": "4.29985667144", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "830", "code_repository": "http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QPackage", "library": "", "about": "It allows to convert any GIS vector format towards the .shp only. You may also apply a new projection.", "name": "QPackage", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_cCXMH4b.png", "downloads": "17165", "status": "not installed", "description": "Qpackage is a tool to save both your QGIS project and data contained in the project to a new directory.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qgisce": {"download_url": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/qgisce", "tags": "python,gisce,electrical", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://gisce.net", "version_available": "", "icon": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/qgisce/icon.png", "error_details": "qgismaximumversion", "trusted": false, "category": "Plugins", "experimental": false, "pythonic": true, "available": false, "id": "qgisce", "changelog": "https://github.com/gisce/qgisce/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md", "tracker": "https://github.com/gisce/qgisce/issues", "version_installed": "0.9", "filename": "", "author_name": "GISCE-TI S.L.", "average_vote": "", "plugin_id": null, "deprecated": false, "error": "", "zip_repository": "", "code_repository": "https://github.com/gisce/qgisce", "library": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/qgisce", "about": "QGSICE plugin A plugin desired to support al the processes related with the GIS and the Electrical Industry. It provides a fresh integration with PowERP (Electrical Industry solution based on OpenERP). For more details contact with devel@gisce.net -- GISCE-TI Team http://gisce.net", "name": "QGISCE", "rating_votes": "", "downloads": "", "status": "orphan", "description": "QGISCE plugin!", "installed": true, "author_email": "devel@gisce.net"}, "DistroMap": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/DistroMap/version/1.0.0/download/", "tags": "distribution,range,map,species", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://rudivs.github.com/DistroMap", "version_available": "1.0.0", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "DistroMap", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/rudivs/DistroMap/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "DistroMap.1.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Rudi von Staden", "average_vote": "4.33261123146", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "288", "code_repository": "https://github.com/rudivs/DistroMap", "library": "", "about": "This QGIS plugin generates a series of distribution maps based on a layer of point localities. It uses a chosen field in the localities attribute table to select matching features, and intersects that with a separate vector layer which contains the grid polygons (these could be provinces, squares, or you could use the point layer itself to get point maps out). The selected points or polygons are then overlaid on the base map. Each distribution map is saved as a png file, with the unique identifier as a filename.", "name": "Distribution Map Generator", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_VaoFIVf.svg", "downloads": "7023", "status": "new", "description": "A QGIS plugin to batch create distribution maps from point data.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "latlontools": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/latlontools/version/3.1.5/download/", "tags": "epsg:4326,geojson,openstreetmap,mapillary,latitude,processing,point,mgrs,4326,coordinate,conversion,plus codes,digitizing,wgs84,capture,google,wkt,move to,zoom,longitude,dms,osm,digitize,bing,crs", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-latlontools-plugin/#readme", "version_available": "3.1.5", "rating_votes": "89", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "latlontools", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-latlontools-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "latlontools.3.1.5.zip", "author_name": "C Hamilton", "average_vote": "4.92129301918", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1035", "code_repository": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-latlontools-plugin", "library": "", "about": "Lat Lon Tools makes it easy to capture, zoom to coordinates, and interact with other on-line mapping tools. It adds MGRS and Plus Codes support to QGIS. When working with Google Earth, Google Maps or other on-line mapping tools, coordinates are specified in the order of 'Latitude, Longitude'. By default Lat Lon Tools uses the standard Google Map format, but is very flexible and can use virtually any projection and coordinate format for input and output. The plugin has the following tools.\r\n\r\n1) Capture coordinates to the clipboard (in any projection) when the user clicks on the map.\r\n\r\n2) Zoom to and highlight a point on the map using coordinates from any projection, including MGRS and Plus Codes, and can format the coordinates in decimal, DMS, WKT POINT, or GeoJSON notation.\r\n\r\n3) Digitizing service to add points to a layer. It supports all the "Zoom to" input formats.\r\n\r\n4) Launch and display an external map based on the coordinate clicked on.\r\n\r\n5) Use a list of points for rapid zooming created from a file, direct input, or captured from the map. Create a point layer from these locations.\r\n\r\n6) MGRS conversion routines that converts a layer with an MGRS field into a point layer, and creates an MGRS field from the point layer.\r\n\r\n7) Plus Code conversion routines that converts a layer with a Plus Code field into a point layer, and creates an Plus Code field from the point layer.\r\n\r\n8) Routines to convert a point layer geometry into a textual representation of that geometry within a field.\r\n\r\nLat Lon Tools makes it possible to seamlessly copy and paste between QGIS, Google Earth, and other on-line maps. The user can specify the delimiter used between coordinates and whether the coordinate order is 'Latitude, Longitude (Y,X)' or 'Longitude, Latitude (X,Y)'.", "name": "Lat Lon Tools", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/copyicon_h6ZBqYq.png", "downloads": "97906", "status": "not installed", "description": "Tools to capture and zoom to coordinates using decimal, DMS, WKT, GeoJSON, MGRS, and Plus Codes notation. Provides external map support, MGRS & Plus Codes conversion and point digitizing tools.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "OSMtools": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/OSMtools/version/3.1.1/download/", "tags": "matrix,accessibility,openstreetmap,route,service area,ors,openrouteservice,routing,isochrones,osm", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://openrouteservice.org", "version_available": "3.1.1", "rating_votes": "81", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "OSMtools", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/nilsnolde/OSMtools/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "OSMtools.3.1.1.zip", "author_name": "Nils Nolde", "average_vote": "4.29624325626", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1232", "code_repository": "https://github.com/nilsnolde/ORStools.git", "library": "", "about": "OSM Tools provides access to most of the functions of openrouteservice.org, based on OpenStreetMap. The tool set includes routing, isochrones and matrix calculations, either interactive in the map canvas or from point files. Extensive attributes are set for output files, incl. duration, length and start/end locations.", "name": "OSM Tools", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_6yZCnfX.png", "downloads": "89351", "status": "not installed", "description": "openrouteservice routing, isochrones and matrix calculations for QGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "scpplugin": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/scpplugin/version/2.0/download/", "tags": "", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-scp-plugin", "version_available": "2.0", "rating_votes": "48", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "scpplugin", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-scp-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "scpplugin.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Sandro Mani, Sourcepole AG", "average_vote": "4.16657986292", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "677", "code_repository": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-scp-plugin", "library": "", "about": "Plugin for Structured Conservation Planning of Marine Protected Areas", "name": "SCP-Plugin", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_nEFebME.png", "downloads": "30113", "status": "not installed", "description": "Plugin for Structured Conservation Planning of Marine Protected Areas", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "CalculateGeometry": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/CalculateGeometry/version/0.5/download/", "tags": "geometry,calculator", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/tarot231/CalculateGeometry", "version_available": "0.5", "rating_votes": "25", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "CalculateGeometry", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/tarot231/CalculateGeometry/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "CalculateGeometry.0.5.zip", "author_name": "Tarot Osuji", "average_vote": "3.35986560538", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1402", "code_repository": "https://github.com/tarot231/CalculateGeometry", "library": "", "about": "This plugin calculates the area of the polygon and the length of the line, in arbitrary units. Compared to using field calculator, you don't need to type calculation expressions, so you can get results with fewer steps. Even if OTF is enabled, it doesn't affect the calculation result (see bug report #14675).", "name": "Calculate Geometry", "icon": "", "downloads": "17480", "status": "not installed", "description": "Calculate area, length, in arbitrary units, without typing expressions", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "mysqlimport": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/mysqlimport/version/0.7.3/download/", "tags": "mariadb,mysql", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.blecher.co.za/index.php/projects/qgis-plugins", "version_available": "0.7.3", "rating_votes": "12", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "mysqlimport", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/immoblecher/qgis-plugin-mysqlimport/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "mysqlimport.0.7.3.zip", "author_name": "Immo Blecher", "average_vote": "4.33297225231", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1175", "code_repository": "https://github.com/immoblecher/qgis-plugin-mysqlimport", "library": "", "about": "This plugin uses ogr2ogr to import spatial and table data into MySQL and MariaDB. Please make sure you have the MySQL Python extensions installed! (The plugin will give an error message if these are not installed). For Windows users the "Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages" can be downloaded at http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs. These .whl compressed python extensions can then be extracted (you may need 7-Zip for that) to your <Python installation>\\Lib\\site-packages folder, or installed with the "pip" installer, to allow MySQL/Python interaction. For Linux and Mac installations please read your operating system instructions on how to install the MySQL/Python extensions.", "name": "MySQL Importer", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_wgYUH3w.png", "downloads": "9874", "status": "not installed", "description": "Import spatial and table data into MySQL/MariaDB", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "IPyConsole": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/IPyConsole/version/1.9/download/", "tags": "ipython,console", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.itopen.it/qgis-and-ipython-the-definitive-interactive-console/", "version_available": "1.9", "rating_votes": "15", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "IPyConsole", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/elpaso/qgis-ipythonconsole/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "IPyConsole.1.9.zip", "author_name": "Alessandro Pasotti", "average_vote": "4.53303113126", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "735", "code_repository": "https://github.com/elpaso/qgis-ipythonconsole", "library": "", "about": "This plugin adds a Python console based on IPython.\nIPython has full introspection support and TAB completion, syntax highlight, online help ad a lot of cool features you will love! Optionally, this plugin creates more "pythonic" interface to Qgs classmethods for an easier introspection and TAB completion of Qgs classes.\nNote: you must separately install IPython and IPython Qt console to use this plugin. On a Debian-like distributions this is as easy as running "pip install 'ipython[all]==3.1.0 qtconsole' or (better) "pip install jupyter==1.0.0 qtconsole". To install packages with 'pip' you may need root/admin privileges.", "name": "IPyConsole", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_ZWEDa72.png", "downloads": "14536", "status": "not installed", "description": "IPython QGIS Console", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "lrs": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/lrs/version/1.0.3/download/", "tags": "lineare reference system,network,dynamic segmentation,lrs,vector,linear referencing", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://blazek.github.io/lrs/", "version_available": "1.0.3", "rating_votes": "54", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "lrs", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/blazek/lrs/issues/", "version_installed": "", "filename": "lrs.1.0.3.zip", "author_name": "Radim Blazek", "average_vote": "4.25918038555", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "446", "code_repository": "https://github.com/blazek/lrs/", "library": "", "about": "The plugin supports calibration, creation of punctual and linear events and calculation of measures for points", "name": "LRS", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_MEpC5CE.svg", "downloads": "24704", "status": "not installed", "description": "Linear reference system builder and editor", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "remotedebug": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/remotedebug/version/0.4.2/download/", "tags": "debugging,development,tools", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-remote-debug", "version_available": "0.4.2", "rating_votes": "8", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "remotedebug", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-remote-debug/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "remotedebug.0.4.2.zip", "author_name": "Sourcepole", "average_vote": "4.12448443945", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "228", "code_repository": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-remote-debug", "library": "", "about": "", "name": "Remote Debug", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_t7WHYW4.png", "downloads": "10098", "status": "not installed", "description": "Connect a running QGIS plugin to a Python remote debugger", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "SwapVectorDirection": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SwapVectorDirection/version/0.9/download/", "tags": "direction,swap,geometry,reverse,vector", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://hub.qgis.org/projects/swapvectordirection", "version_available": "0.9", "rating_votes": "36", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SwapVectorDirection", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Christophe55/SwapVectorDirection/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SwapVectorDirection.0.9.zip", "author_name": "Christophe Maginot", "average_vote": "4.3887669787", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "598", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Christophe55/SwapVectorDirection", "library": "", "about": "This plugin allows to reverse the direction of a vector in a row or multi-row.\nFr : Ce plugin permet d'inverser la direction d'un vecteur dans une couche ligne ou multiligne.", "name": "Swap Vector Direction", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_lIwmIw4.png", "downloads": "21792", "status": "not installed", "description": "Swap Vector Direction reverse the direction of a vector\nFr : SwapVectorDirection permet d'inverser la direction d'un vecteur", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "VoGisProfilTool": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/VoGisProfilTool/version/2.99.1/download/", "tags": "equidistant,raster,dxf,vogis,profile,profiles,csv,matplotlib,vorarlberg,dhm", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/BergWerkGIS/VoGIS-Profil-Tool/", "version_available": "2.99.1", "rating_votes": "27", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "VoGisProfilTool", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/BergWerkGIS/VoGIS-Profil-Tool/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "VoGisProfilTool.2.99.1.zip", "author_name": "BergWerk GIS", "average_vote": "4.2961371801", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "376", "code_repository": "https://github.com/BergWerkGIS/VoGIS-Profil-Tool/", "library": "", "about": "Create profiles from DHMs using vector geometries or a digitized line.", "name": "VoGIS-ProfilTool", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_0u2rsUO.png", "downloads": "28805", "status": "not installed", "description": "Create profiles from DHMs using vector geometries or a digitized line.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "dzetsaka": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/dzetsaka/version/3.4/download/", "tags": "classification,semi-automatic,mixture,knn,processing,model,random forest,gaussian,svm,forest", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.github.com/lennepkade/dzetsaka", "version_available": "3.4", "rating_votes": "24", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "dzetsaka", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/lennepkade/dzetsaka/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "dzetsaka.3.4.zip", "author_name": "Nicolas Karasiak", "average_vote": "4.20815799342", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "995", "code_repository": "http://www.github.com/lennepkade/dzetsaka", "library": "", "about": "Plugin for semi-automatic classification with Gaussian Mixture Model, Random Forest*, and SVM* classifiers.\nVery easy and fast to use.\n*You need to install scitkit-learn library to use these algorithms.\nFor more information on this tool check our github : https://github.com/lennepkade/dzetsaka/", "name": "dzetsaka : Classification tool", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_S7H34CF.png", "downloads": "27415", "status": "not installed", "description": "Fast and Easy Classification plugin for Qgis", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "SelectWithin": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SelectWithin/version/0.4/download/", "tags": "intersection,select,within,selection,analysis,vector,polygon", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://gisforthought.com/qgis-select-within-plugin/", "version_available": "0.4", "rating_votes": "7", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SelectWithin", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/HeikkiVesanto/SelectWithin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SelectWithin.0.4.zip", "author_name": "Heikki Vesanto", "average_vote": "4.99928581631", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "833", "code_repository": "https://github.com/HeikkiVesanto/QGIS_Centroid_Within/", "library": "", "about": "Centroid within point of surface within, pole of inaccessibility within, and mostly within selection. Centroid not guaranteed to be within the original geometry, while the other two centroid selection types are. Pole of inaccessibility is done using the polylabel algorithm: https://github.com/mapbox/polylabel as implemented in the QGIS core code. Works best with lines and polygons, but should work with other geometries as well.", "name": "Select Within", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_yGZBMfP.png", "downloads": "12203", "status": "not installed", "description": "Centroid within, point of surface within, pole of inaccessibility within, percentage within, and mostly within selection. Works best with lines and polygons, but should work with other geometries as well.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "processing": {"download_url": "/home/ale/dev/QGIS/build-local-qt5101-release/output/python/plugins/processing", "tags": "", "readonly": true, "homepage": "http://qgis.org", "version_available": "", "icon": ":/images/themes/default/processingAlgorithm.svg", "error_details": "qgismaximumversion", "trusted": false, "category": "Analysis", "experimental": false, "pythonic": true, "available": false, "id": "processing", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://issues.qgis.org/projects/qgis/issues", "version_installed": "2.12.99", "filename": "", "author_name": "Victor Olaya", "average_vote": "", "plugin_id": null, "deprecated": false, "error": "", "zip_repository": "", "code_repository": "https://github.com/qgis/QGIS", "library": "/home/ale/dev/QGIS/build-local-qt5101-release/output/python/plugins/processing", "about": "Spatial data processing framework for QGIS", "name": "Processing", "rating_votes": "", "downloads": "", "status": "orphan", "description": "Spatial data processing framework for QGIS", "installed": true, "author_email": "volayaf@gmail.com"}, "mutant": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/mutant/version/3.0.0/download/", "tags": "raster", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mach0/mutant", "version_available": "3.0.0", "rating_votes": "13", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "mutant", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mach0/mutant/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "mutant.3.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Werner Macho", "average_vote": "4.53811245289", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "662", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mach0/mutant", "library": "", "about": "Display raster layer values at current mouse position ordered by time.\nTime can be extracted on the fly from Layer(File)name or other sources.\nUsed Layers can easily be selected by using expressions.", "name": "Mutant", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/icon_2Txhj54.png", "downloads": "6832", "status": "not installed", "description": "Display values from loaded raster layers in a table or plot\noptionally ordered by time which can be extracted from the layername (or\nother sources).", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "refFunctions": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/refFunctions/version/1.5/download/", "tags": "spatial,function,attributes,database,field calculator,expressions,reference,table", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://geogear.wordpress.com/2014/11/13/reffunctions-v1-0/", "version_available": "1.5", "rating_votes": "13", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "refFunctions", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/enricofer/refFunctions/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "refFunctions.1.5.zip", "author_name": "enrico ferreguti", "average_vote": "4.53811245289", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "636", "code_repository": "https://github.com/enricofer/refFunctions", "library": "", "about": "Plugin that add custom user functions to Qgis Field calculator for referencing, analitically or spatially, between layers, For example retrieving a value from a layer using as a field value or a spatial condition (intersects, disjoint ....) as parameter\nv1.2 Code cleanup and dbvaluebyid() is unable to return $geometry issue fixed (courtesy of @SzieberthAdam https://github.com/SzieberthAdam)\nv1.3 New intersecting_geom_count and intersecting_geom_sum functions and migration code to QGIS3 (courtesy of @patricev https://github.com/patricev)\nv1.4 intersecting_geom_count/sum issue fixed (courtesy of @nantodevison https://github.com/enricofer/refFunctions/issues/11)\nv1.5 dbquery dbvalue dbnearest issues fixed", "name": "refFunctions", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2014/icon_384.png", "downloads": "45223", "status": "not installed", "description": "new analytycal and spatial referencing functions for Field Calculator", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "LAStools": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/LAStools/version/1.1/download/", "tags": "laz,dem,chm,dsm,contours,phodar,lidar,pointclouds,pointcloud,las,points,dtm,lastools", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://github.com/rapidlasso/LAStoolsPluginQGIS3", "version_available": "1.1", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "LAStools", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://github.com/rapidlasso/LAStoolsPluginQGIS3/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "LAStools.1.1.zip", "author_name": "Victor Olaya, Martin Isenburg", "average_vote": "4.33261123146", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1526", "code_repository": "http://github.com/rapidlasso/LAStoolsPluginQGIS3", "library": "", "about": "The LAStools plugin exposes the capabilities of the LAStools software within QGIS 3.2 using the Processing framework. You also need to download the LAStools software from http://rapidlasso.com/LAStools/", "name": "LAStools", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/LAStools_M6xuhij.png", "downloads": "1346", "status": "not installed", "description": "tools for processing point clouds in LAS, LAZ, and ASCII formats", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "SplitPolygonShowingAreas": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SplitPolygonShowingAreas/version/0.13/download/", "tags": "line,multipolygon,edit,polygon,split,editing,area,vector,features", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/antoniocarlon/SplitPolygonShowingAreas", "version_available": "0.13", "rating_votes": "19", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SplitPolygonShowingAreas", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/antoniocarlon/SplitPolygonShowingAreas/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SplitPolygonShowingAreas.0.13.zip", "author_name": "Antonio Carl\u00f3n", "average_vote": "4.89447923793", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1187", "code_repository": "https://github.com/antoniocarlon/SplitPolygonShowingAreas", "library": "", "about": "Split one or more polygon/multipolygon features showing the resulting areas on each side of the cutting line. Adjust the vertices of the cutting line before splitting.", "name": "Split Features On Steroids", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_k7rnCM9.png", "downloads": "10798", "status": "not installed", "description": "Split features showing areas on each side allowing the edition of the cutting line vertices", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Offline-MapMatching": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Offline-MapMatching/version/1.1.0/download/", "tags": "trajectory map matching viterbi hmm", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/jagodki/Offline-MapMatching", "version_available": "1.1.0", "rating_votes": "5", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Offline-MapMatching", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jagodki/Offline-MapMatching/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Offline-MapMatching.1.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Christoph Jung", "average_vote": "4.59908018396", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1517", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jagodki/Offline-MapMatching", "library": "", "about": "Because of inaccuracies of the GNSS signal and/or a low data quality of the network, the positions of the trajectory and the network are differing. In many cases a simple snapping of the trajectory on the network will not work to reproduce the real track on the network. Reasons for that can be e.g. outliers in the trajectory or crossings of edges in the network. This plugin provides a statistical approach to solve the problem of offline map matching using the principles of Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and the Viterbi algorithm.", "name": "Offline-MapMatching", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_MqOzr6V.png", "downloads": "754", "status": "not installed", "description": "a QGIS-plugin for matching a trajectory with a network using a Hidden Markov Model and Viterbi algorithm", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "ZoomToBelgium": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/ZoomToBelgium/version/1.1/download/", "tags": "belgium,belgian,district,belgique,zoom,belgie,municipality", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://stuyts.xyz", "version_available": "1.1", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "ZoomToBelgium", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://gitlab.com/GIS-projects/ZoomToBelgium/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "ZoomToBelgium.1.1.zip", "author_name": "Michel Stuyts", "average_vote": "2.997002997", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1356", "code_repository": "https://gitlab.com/GIS-projects/ZoomToBelgium", "library": "", "about": "This plugin adds a button to your toolbar in QGIS to zoom to a selected Belgian municipality or district.", "name": "ZoomToBelgium", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_CshXxhO.png", "downloads": "2261", "status": "not installed", "description": "A button to zoom to any of the Belgian Municipalities or districts. Een knop om naar 1 van de Belgische steden, gemeenten of districten te zoomen. Un bouton pour zoomer sur une des communes ou districts belges", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "IDECanarias": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/IDECanarias/version/3.1.2/download/", "tags": "python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.idecanarias.es", "version_available": "3.1.2", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "IDECanarias", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/fherdom/IDECanarias3/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "IDECanarias.3.1.2.zip", "author_name": "F\u00e9lix Jos\u00e9 Hern\u00e1ndez", "average_vote": "3.83269455091", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "537", "code_repository": "https://github.com/fherdom/IDECanarias", "library": "", "about": "The plugin allows you to search all locations of Canary Islands, Spain", "name": "IDECanarias", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_ouckcqo.png", "downloads": "5170", "status": "not installed", "description": "The plugin allows you to search all locations of Canary Islands.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "timeseriesviewerplugin": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/timeseriesviewerplugin/version/0.6.201806121402/download/", "tags": "raster,remote sensing,time series", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer", "version_available": "0.6.201806121402", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "timeseriesviewerplugin", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "timeseriesviewerplugin.0.6.201806121402.zip", "author_name": "Benjamin Jakimow, Geomatics Lab, Humboldt-Universit\u00e4t zu Berlin", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1456", "code_repository": "https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer", "library": "", "about": "Highlights<ul><li>Spatially synchronized maps for each observation date</li><li>Multiple band combinations in parallel, e.g. True Color <i>and</i> SWIR bands</li><li>Multi-sensor support: separate render settings for separate senors/image products</li><li>Visualization of Spectral and Temporal Profiles</li></ul>Usage<ol> <li>"Files" > "Add images" to define the time series</li> <li>"View" > "Add Map View" to create a new row of maps, e.g. for SWIR visualization</li> <li>For each map view specifiy how each sensor should be rendered, e.g. RGB or single band color range</li> <li>Optimize render settings, e.g. via map canvas context menu</li></ol>Dependencies<ul> <li>pyqtgraph (required)</li> <li>PyOpenGL (optional)</li></ul><p> Install depencencies with <code>python -m pip pyqtgraph</code></p>", "name": "EO Time Series Viewer", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_ngKJJ32.png", "downloads": "1477", "status": "not installed", "description": "Visualization of multi-sensor Earth observation time series data.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "db_manager": {"download_url": "/home/ale/dev/QGIS/build-local-qt5101-release/output/python/plugins/db_manager", "tags": "", "readonly": true, "homepage": "", "version_available": "", "icon": "/home/ale/dev/QGIS/build-local-qt5101-release/output/python/plugins/db_manager/icons/dbmanager.svg", "error_details": "qgismaximumversion", "trusted": false, "category": "Database", "experimental": false, "pythonic": true, "available": false, "id": "db_manager", "changelog": "", "tracker": "", "version_installed": "0.1.20", "filename": "", "author_name": "Giuseppe Sucameli", "average_vote": "", "plugin_id": null, "deprecated": false, "error": "", "zip_repository": "", "code_repository": "", "library": "/home/ale/dev/QGIS/build-local-qt5101-release/output/python/plugins/db_manager", "about": "", "name": "DB Manager", "rating_votes": "", "downloads": "", "status": "orphan", "description": "Manage your databases within Qgis", "installed": true, "author_email": "brush.tyler@gmail.com"}, "WKTBulkLoader": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/WKTBulkLoader/version/0.1/download/", "tags": "wkt", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/siddjain/wkt-plugin", "version_available": "0.1", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "WKTBulkLoader", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/siddjain/wkt-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "WKTBulkLoader.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Siddharth Jain", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "866", "code_repository": "https://github.com/siddjain/wkt-plugin", "library": "", "about": "Give this plugin a directory and it will load all the .wkt files in it", "name": "WKT Bulk Loader", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2016/icon_ENgLZUE.png", "downloads": "2100", "status": "not installed", "description": "A plugin to bulk load WKT files", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "SpzBuilder": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SpzBuilder/version/1.2.0/download/", "tags": "spz,\u0441\u0437\u0437,sanitary protection zone,\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0440\u043d\u043e-\u0437\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0442\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0437\u043e\u043d\u0430,vector", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mentaljam/SpzBuilder", "version_available": "1.2.0", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SpzBuilder", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mentaljam/SpzBuilder/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SpzBuilder.1.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Petr Tsymbarovich", "average_vote": "4.99750124938", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1216", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mentaljam/SpzBuilder", "library": "", "about": "<p>This plugin builds a sanitary protection zone based on the wind rose and the normative value.</p><p>\u041f\u043b\u0430\u0433\u0438\u043d \u043f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043d\u0430\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0447\u0435\u043d \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0430 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0441\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0440\u043d\u043e-\u0437\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0437\u043e\u043d \u0441 \u0443\u0447\u0435\u0442\u043e\u043c \u0440\u043e\u0437\u044b \u0432\u0435\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432.</p>", "name": "SPZ Builder", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/SpzBuilder.png", "downloads": "2622", "status": "not installed", "description": "Sanitary protection zone builder<br />\u041f\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0441\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0440\u043d\u043e-\u0437\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0437\u043e\u043d", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "AnotherDXF2Shape": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/AnotherDXF2Shape/version/1.0.2/download/", "tags": "converter,dxf,shape,convert", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://gis.makobo.de/en_qgis-dxfimport-dxf2shape/", "version_available": "1.0.2", "rating_votes": "61", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "AnotherDXF2Shape", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/EZUSoft/AnotherDXF2Shape/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "AnotherDXF2Shape.1.0.2.zip", "author_name": "Mike Blechschmidt EZUSoft", "average_vote": "4.60648186095", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1048", "code_repository": "https://github.com/EZUSoft/AnotherDXF2Shape", "library": "", "about": "Features:\r\n- Other elements than the standard import are displayed\r\n- Display of text (Labeling)\r\n- Categorization by Layer\r\n- Group by Layer\r\n- Separate representation by layers possible\r\n- support (ESRI) World files for CAD datasets\r\n- support georeferencing", "name": "Another DXF Importer / DXF2Shape Converter", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_CfK7JhP.png", "downloads": "75575", "status": "not installed", "description": "Add DXF to QGIS , optional georeferencing, optional convert DXF to Shape", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "timemanager": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/timemanager/version/3.0.1/download/", "tags": "animation,spatio-temporal,time", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://anitagraser.com/projects/time-manager/", "version_available": "3.0.1", "rating_votes": "110", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "timemanager", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/anitagraser/TimeManager/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "timemanager.3.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Anita Graser, Karolina Alexiou (aka carolinux)", "average_vote": "4.34541504168", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "42", "code_repository": "https://github.com/anitagraser/TimeManager", "library": "", "about": "TimeManager adds time controls to QGIS. Using these time controls, you can animate vector features based on a time attribute. There is also an experimental raster layer support and support for interpolation beween point geometries. You can create animations directly in the map window and export image series.", "name": "TimeManager", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_MbTKESF.png", "downloads": "119286", "status": "not installed", "description": "Create animations visualizing spatio-temporal data", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "ecovaluator": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/ecovaluator/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/Key-Log-Economics/eco-valuator", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "ecovaluator", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Key-Log-Economics/eco-valuator/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "ecovaluator.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Key-Log Economics", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1492", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Key-Log-Economics/eco-valuator", "library": "", "about": "The QGIS EcoValuator provides a simple means of estimating the dollar value of ecosystem services, such as for recreation, water supply, food, and others. In the first step, the EcoValuator clips and attaches raster data from the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) to a user-supplied polygon or polygon layer and attaches a set of per-unit-area values based on the land cover type of each pixel. Output from this step includes a new raster including just the clipped data and a table of aggregate ecosystem service values (in dollars per year) for each land cover-and-ecosystem service combination. In the second step, the EcoValuator generates a raster for a chosen ecosystem service so that users can view the spatial variation in that service\u2019s value across the study region. By repeating this step for other ecosystem services, the user can create a series of maps of different values that can be layered or stacked to show combined value for multiple services.\r\n\r\nDevelopment of the EcoValuator has been made possible by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation through its generous support of Key-Log Economics\u2019 research program \u201cEcosystem Services in the Roanoke River Basin\u201d.", "name": "EcoValuator", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/KeyLogLogo_TransparentBackground.png", "downloads": "281", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin calculates ecosystem service values for a given area.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "GpxSegmentImporter": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/GpxSegmentImporter/version/2.1/download/", "tags": "segment,importer,gps,gpx", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/SGroe/gpx-segment-importer", "version_available": "2.1", "rating_votes": "7", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "GpxSegmentImporter", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/SGroe/gpx-segment-importer/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "GpxSegmentImporter.2.1.zip", "author_name": "Simon Gr\u00f6chenig @ Salzburg Research", "average_vote": "4.28510212827", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1376", "code_repository": "https://github.com/SGroe/gpx-segment-importer", "library": "", "about": "This plugin imports an GPX file and creates short line segments between the track points. Features include:\n* Select one or multiple GPX files with the same data structure at once and create short line segments between the track points.\n* Read all attributes available from each track point at the segment start and/or end. This includes the timestamp and the elevation as well as any other attributes added to a track point.\n* To gain full control over the data, you can edit the attribute table before creating the segment layer. The user can select the attributes that should be included in the layer, modify the attribute label and change the data type (integer, double, boolean or string) if the automatic type detection failed, e.g. at numeric data that contains \u201cNull\u201d or \u201cNone\u201d values.\n* The plugin detects attributes that do not have a value and deselects it. Values can still be selected manually.\n* Optionally use an alternative coordinate reference system (default is EPSG:4326).\n* Optionally calculate motion attributes (distance, speed and duration) between track points.\n* Create a temporary memory layer or write the layer to a GeoPackage.\n* Update v2.1: Importer additionally available as QGIS algorithm for usage in processing", "name": "GPX Segment Importer", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_Ob5IhhE.svg", "downloads": "11178", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin imports an GPX file and creates short line segments between the track points", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "FreehandRasterGeoreferencer": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/FreehandRasterGeoreferencer/version/", "tags": "raster,georeferencing", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://gvellut.github.io/FreehandRasterGeoreferencer/", "version_available": "", "rating_votes": "52", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "FreehandRasterGeoreferencer", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/gvellut/FreehandRasterGeoreferencer/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "FreehandRasterGeoreferencer.", "author_name": "Guilhem Vellut", "average_vote": "4.19222707256", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1032", "code_repository": "https://github.com/gvellut/FreehandRasterGeoreferencer", "library": "", "about": "Tools to georeference a raster interactively (move, rotate, scale, export...)", "name": "Freehand raster georeferencer", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_E2pQ4Gs.png", "downloads": "55490", "status": "not installed", "description": "Interactive georeferencing of rasters", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "RoadEmissionCalculator": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/RoadEmissionCalculator/version/0.3/download/", "tags": "qgis", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/NPRA/RoadEmissionCalculator.git", "version_available": "0.3", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "RoadEmissionCalculator", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/NPRA/RoadEmissionCalculator/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "RoadEmissionCalculator.0.3.zip", "author_name": "Statens Vegvesen, Juraj Cirbus, Asbj\u00f8rn Alexander Fellinghaug", "average_vote": "4.99750124938", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1428", "code_repository": "https://github.com/NPRA/RoadEmissionCalculator.git", "library": "", "about": "RoadEmissionCalculator is a plugin to easily calculate emissions for selected vehicle and suggested road(s) between two points. Optionally is possible to present calculated emission(s) in graph.", "name": "Road Emission Calculator", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_oa6oAdm.png", "downloads": "319", "status": "not installed", "description": "The plugin calculate emissions for selected roads. The plugin using external library "EmissionCalculatorLib". This python library uses formulas and factors from EU to calculate the emission(s) from personal cars, busses to trailers of various sizes give a start and stop point.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "UMEP": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/UMEP/version/3.5.2/download/", "tags": "urban geometry,shadow,urban morphology,modelling,urban planning,urban climate", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://umep-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html", "version_available": "3.5.2", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "UMEP", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://bitbucket.org/fredrik_ucg/umep/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "UMEP.3.5.2.zip", "author_name": "Fredrik Lindberg - Sue Grimmond - Niklas Krave - Leena Jarvi - Helen Ward - Shiho Onomura - Christoph Kent - Andy Gabey - Frans Olofson - Ting Sun - Bei Huang - Nils Wallenberg", "average_vote": "4.83252791201", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1364", "code_repository": "https://bitbucket.org/fredrik_ucg/umep", "library": "", "about": "UMEP is an extensive plugin designed for urban climate in general and climate sensitive planning applications in particular. The plugin consist of a pre-processor, a processor and a post-processor. This plugin is a collaboration between University of Gothenburg, University of Helsinki and University of Reading.", "name": "UMEP", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_umep_BiA0qQ5.png", "downloads": "3604", "status": "not installed", "description": "Urban Multi-scale Environmental Predictor", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "OSTranslatorII": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/OSTranslatorII/version/3.0/download/", "tags": "mastermap,os,address layer,address layer 2,master map,gml,postgis,topography layer,schema 9,gml gz,load,loader,itn,sites layer,convert,gml.gz,schema 7,addresslayer2,postgresql,import,translate,pg,gz,ordnance survey,integrated transport network", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.lutraconsulting.co.uk/products/ostranslator-ii/", "version_available": "3.0", "rating_votes": "15", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "OSTranslatorII", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/lutraconsulting/ostranslator-ii/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "OSTranslatorII.3.0.zip", "author_name": "Lutra Consulting", "average_vote": "4.19972001867", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "683", "code_repository": "https://github.com/lutraconsulting/ostranslator-ii", "library": "", "about": "OS Translator II makes loading GML-based datasets into PostGIS easy. It also performs a number of post-processing tasks on the data such as adding additional fields for styling and downloading 3rd-party stylesheets.", "name": "OS Translator II", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/osTrans_128px_a4zNpO9.png", "downloads": "18556", "status": "not installed", "description": "A plugin for loading Ordnance Survey Products.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "StreetView": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/StreetView/version/3/download/", "tags": "google,streetview", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.gisplan.it/", "version_available": "3", "rating_votes": "42", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "StreetView", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://rubyforge.org/projects/gisplan/", "version_installed": "", "filename": "StreetView.3.zip", "author_name": "Saccon Fabio", "average_vote": "4.19037641961", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "488", "code_repository": "http://hub.qgis.org/projects/gisplan/", "library": "", "about": "Streetview allows you to open a web page with the Google Street View that highlights the part you have identified with two points (the base and target points) The target point is identified by dragging the base point", "name": "Street View", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_AJmaqFf.png", "downloads": "101263", "status": "not installed", "description": "Street View", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QuickCRS": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QuickCRS/version/0.4/download/", "tags": "srs,projection,crs", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mstuyts/QuickCRS", "version_available": "0.4", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "QuickCRS", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mstuyts/QuickCRS/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QuickCRS.0.4.zip", "author_name": "Michel Stuyts", "average_vote": "1.998001998", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1182", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mstuyts/QuickCRS", "library": "", "about": "One click to enable your favourite CRS (OTF). This plugin was created by Michel Stuyts (https://stuyts.xyz). License: GPL-3.0", "name": "QuickCRS", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/icon_3j4sBAT.png", "downloads": "2892", "status": "not installed", "description": "A QGIS plugin to set the CRS of the current project to your favourite CRS and (for QGIS 2.x) enable OTF project reprojection with just one click. It's very easy to set your default CRS in the Plugin Settings Menu.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "vrtbuilderplugin": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/vrtbuilderplugin/version/0.5/download/", "tags": "raster,remote sensing", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/virtual-raster-builder", "version_available": "0.5", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "vrtbuilderplugin", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/virtual-raster-builder/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "vrtbuilderplugin.0.5.zip", "author_name": "Benjamin Jakimow, Geomatics Lab, Humboldt-Universit\u00e4t zu Berlin", "average_vote": "4.99750124938", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1361", "code_repository": "https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/virtual-raster-builder", "library": "", "about": "The VRT Builder is a plugin to create GDAL Virtual Raster (VRT) files by drag and drop.\nIt helps to create new images by stacking or mosaicing of source image bands, as well as to\ndescribe band- and spatial subsets.\nThe VRT Builder is developed at Geographic Institute of Humboldt-Universit\u00e4t zu Berlin within the EnMAP-Box\nproject under contract of the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ).\nThe EnMAP-Box project is part of the EnMAP Core Science Team activities (www.enmap.org), funded by the\nGerman Aerospace Center (DLR) and granted by the Federal Ministry of\nEconomic Affairs and Energy (BMWi, grant no. 50EE1529).", "name": "Virtual Raster Builder", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_gTJJ2wZ.png", "downloads": "8440", "status": "not installed", "description": "A QGIS Plugin to create GDAL Virtual Raster (VRT) files by drag and drop.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "LoadQSS": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/LoadQSS/version/1.4.2/download/", "tags": "themes,work flow,configuration,qss,look and feel,productivity,style", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/All4Gis/Load-QSS", "version_available": "1.4.2", "rating_votes": "70", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "LoadQSS", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/All4Gis/Load-QSS/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "LoadQSS.1.4.2.zip", "author_name": "Francisco Raga", "average_vote": "4.82850244996", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "748", "code_repository": "https://github.com/All4Gis/Load-QSS", "library": "", "about": "<b>Load QSS allows the user to load his/her own *.qss files and change the look and feel of Qgis.</b>\n<BR />\nSome examples o predefined themes are provided.\n<div style="width:400px; height:200px;overflow:scroll; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden;">\n<img src="https://goo.gl/GgTCxc" width="300" height="200!important"/>\n</div>\n<a href="https://all4gis.github.io//">Author website</a>", "name": "Load QSS - UI themes", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/icon_Pl0rF9D.png", "downloads": "15451", "status": "not installed", "description": "Configure look and feel for Qgis", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "ZebToolbox": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/ZebToolbox/version/1.0.0/download/", "tags": "zeb", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/jagodki/zebtoolbox", "version_available": "1.0.0", "rating_votes": "9", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "ZebToolbox", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jagodki/zebtoolbox/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "ZebToolbox.1.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Christoph Jung", "average_vote": "4.44395067215", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1373", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jagodki/zebtoolbox", "library": "", "about": "The data of road monitoring and assessment in Germany are stored in a specific XML-schema, which cannot be read by different GI-systems. This plugin enables QGIS to extract the spatial information from the XML-files called Georohdaten and Rasterrohdaten and display them as temporary layers (directly in memory). Just ZEB-files of the type "Rohdaten[...]Geo" can be displayed in QGIS.", "name": "ZEB Toolbox", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_kwcJ3LZ.png", "downloads": "1700", "status": "not installed", "description": "toolbox for data of road monitoring and assessment in Germany (ZEB)", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "quick_attribution": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/quick_attribution/version/3.4/download/", "tags": "", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/opengisch/quick_attribution", "version_available": "3.4", "rating_votes": "4", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "quick_attribution", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/opengisch/quick_attribution/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "quick_attribution.3.4.zip", "author_name": "Matthias Kuhn,OPENGIS.ch", "average_vote": "4.99875031242", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1319", "code_repository": "https://github.com/opengisch/quick_attribution", "library": "", "about": "Define the attributes for a layer first and then digitize a number of geometries with all the same attributes.", "name": "Quick Attribution", "icon": "", "downloads": "5193", "status": "not installed", "description": "Define the attributes for a layer first and then digitize a number of geometries with all the same attributes.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "joinmultiplelines": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/joinmultiplelines/version/0.4/download/", "tags": "line,join", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/dgoedkoop/joinmultiplelines", "version_available": "0.4", "rating_votes": "47", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "joinmultiplelines", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/dgoedkoop/joinmultiplelines/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "joinmultiplelines.0.4.zip", "author_name": "Daan Goedkoop", "average_vote": "3.87225803706", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "443", "code_repository": "https://github.com/dgoedkoop/joinmultiplelines", "library": "", "about": "After selecting multiple features of a line layer, this plugin can merge them into one feature with a continuous line.\nThe plugin will automatically put the selected lines in a geographically logical order and direction. If the end points of two lines do not match exactly, a line segment between both points is added to make the end result a single, continuous line. The attributes of the new line will be those of one of the selected features, but one cannot predict which one.", "name": "Join multiple lines", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_2lAfzJx.png", "downloads": "28964", "status": "not installed", "description": "Permanently join multiple lines", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "RiverMetrics": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/RiverMetrics/version/0.3.1/download/", "tags": "vector,river", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://www.onegis.it/2018/08/27/rivermetrics/", "version_available": "0.3.1", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "RiverMetrics", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/pierluigiderosa/RiverMetrics/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "RiverMetrics.0.3.1.zip", "author_name": "pierluigi de rosa", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1527", "code_repository": "https://github.com/pierluigiderosa/RiverMetrics/", "library": "", "about": "The plugin have been developed by pierluigi de rosa and www.onegis.it as a tool for fluvial geomorphological scientist", "name": "RiverMetrics", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_new_lGZtrb1.png", "downloads": "160", "status": "not installed", "description": "The plugin allows to calculate the river sinuosity using a vectorline representing the river axis. The vector line of river axis mustcontain only one feature and the coordinate reference system must be not geographical (long-lat) type.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Majic": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Majic/version/0.3/download/", "tags": "foncier,france,processing,cadastre", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://framagit.org/jbdesbas/majic/", "version_available": "0.3", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "Majic", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://framagit.org/jbdesbas/majic/issues/", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Majic.0.3.zip", "author_name": "JB Desbas - Quartier libre", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1497", "code_repository": "https://framagit.org/jbdesbas/majic/", "library": "", "about": "Import MAJIC files (french land registry) into QGIS. It provides the raw tables and leaves the user responsible for their processing. Please see homepage.", "name": "MAJIC", "icon": "", "downloads": "388", "status": "not installed", "description": "Load MAJIC files into QGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "CloudMasking": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/CloudMasking/version/18.7.15/download/", "tags": "raster,landsat,masking,cloud,remote sensing", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://smbyc.bitbucket.io/qgisplugins/cloudmasking", "version_available": "18.7.15", "rating_votes": "16", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "CloudMasking", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://bitbucket.org/smbyc/qgisplugin-cloudmasking/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "CloudMasking.18.7.15.zip", "author_name": "Xavier Corredor Llano, SMByC", "average_vote": "4.37472657959", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1138", "code_repository": "https://bitbucket.org/smbyc/qgisplugin-cloudmasking", "library": "", "about": "CloudMasking is a Qgis plugin for make the masking of clouds, cloud shadow, cirrus, aerosols, ice/snow and water for Landsat (4, 5, 7 and 8) products using different process such as Fmask, Blue Band, Cloud QA and QA Band.", "name": "Cloud Masking", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/cloud_masking_qtXQSlM.svg", "downloads": "12295", "status": "not installed", "description": "CloudMasking is a Qgis plugin for make the masking of clouds, cloud shadow, cirrus, aerosols, ice/snow and water for Landsat (4, 5, 7 and 8) products using different process and filters such as Fmask, Blue Band, Cloud QA, Aerosol and Pixel QA.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "PosiView": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/PosiView/version/0.89.1/download/", "tags": "mapcanvas,tracking,network,real time", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.marum.de/Meerestechnik.html", "version_available": "0.89.1", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "PosiView", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jrenken/qgis-PosiView/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "PosiView.0.89.1.zip", "author_name": "Jens Renken (Marum, University of Bremen)", "average_vote": "4.16597233794", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "848", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jrenken/qgis-PosiView", "library": "", "about": "Track multiple objects and vehicles and display them as shapes and points on the canvas", "name": "PosiView", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_mv04Mnk.png", "downloads": "6393", "status": "not installed", "description": "PosiView tracks multiple mobile objects and vehicles and displays their position on the canvas", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "DotMap": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/DotMap/version/0.2/download/", "tags": "dots,density map", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/josemamira/DotMap", "version_available": "0.2", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "DotMap", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/josemamira/DotMap", "version_installed": "", "filename": "DotMap.0.2.zip", "author_name": "Jose Manuel Mira Martinez", "average_vote": "4.99750124938", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1485", "code_repository": "https://github.com/josemamira/DotMap/tree/master/qgis2", "library": "", "about": "A dot-density map is a type of thematic map that uses dots or other symbols on the map to show the values of one or more numeric data fields. Each dot on a dot-density map represents some amount of data. Qgis has not a simbology for this type of data. For this reason, this plugin can create a dot density layer from a polygon layer with a integer field with the data that user would like to convert to dots.", "name": "Dot Map", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_7dROaDu.png", "downloads": "2749", "status": "not installed", "description": "Create density dot layer from polygons", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "karika": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/karika/version/1.4/download/", "tags": "raster,generalization,processing", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://motlimot.net", "version_available": "1.4", "rating_votes": "3", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "karika", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://gitlab.com/motlimot/karika/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "karika.1.4.zip", "author_name": "Roman Geisth\u00f6vel", "average_vote": "4.66511162946", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1429", "code_repository": "https://gitlab.com/motlimot/karika", "library": "", "about": "Terrain generalization by line integral convolution of the elevation values along the surface gradient, as described in the PhD thesis "Automatic Swiss style rock depiction" (https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000201368).", "name": "Karika", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/img_motlimot.net_zGI2BiP.svg", "downloads": "1590", "status": "not installed", "description": "Terrain generalization", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "pdokservicesplugin": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/pdokservicesplugin/version/3.4.0/download/", "tags": "pdok,services,nederland,ows", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.qgis.nl", "version_available": "3.4.0", "rating_votes": "42", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "pdokservicesplugin", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/pdokservicesplugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "pdokservicesplugin.3.4.0.zip", "author_name": "Richard Duivenvoorde", "average_vote": "4.57131973048", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "242", "code_repository": "https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/pdokservicesplugin", "library": "", "about": "Plugin to easily load the available dutch PDOK (Publieke Dienstverlening Op de Kaart) services. Currently only in dutch.", "name": "PDOK services plugin", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_KQKZ7hX.png", "downloads": "69465", "status": "not installed", "description": "Plugin to easily load the available dutch PDOK (Publieke Dienstverlening Op de Kaart) services. Currently only in dutch.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "RemoveEmptyLayers": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/RemoveEmptyLayers/version/3.0/download/", "tags": "toc,legend,empty,remove,layers,vector", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/index.php/en/geo-blogs/item/297-plugin-remover-capas-vacias-qgis", "version_available": "3.0", "rating_votes": "14", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "RemoveEmptyLayers", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/gacarrillor/RemoveEmptyLayers/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "RemoveEmptyLayers.3.0.zip", "author_name": "Germ\u00e1n Carrillo (GeoTux)", "average_vote": "4.64252553389", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "63", "code_repository": "http://websvn.tuxfamily.org/listing.php?repname=tuxgis/geotux&path=/trunk/removeemptylayers/", "library": "", "about": "'Cleans' the layer list widget (legend) by removing empty layers", "name": "Remove empty layers from the map", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_default.png", "downloads": "13535", "status": "not installed", "description": "'Cleans' the layer list widget (legend) by removing empty layers", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "SRTM-Downloader": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SRTM-Downloader/version/1.1.3/download/", "tags": "python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/hdus/SRTM-Downloader/wiki", "version_available": "1.1.3", "rating_votes": "22", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SRTM-Downloader", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/hdus/SRTM-Downloader/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SRTM-Downloader.1.1.3.zip", "author_name": "Dr. Horst Duester Sourcepole AG", "average_vote": "3.27257851916", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1379", "code_repository": "https://github.com/hdus/SRTM-Downloader", "library": "", "about": "Plugin for download of SRTM Tiles from NASA", "name": "SRTM Downloader", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_3bwGOQs.png", "downloads": "14392", "status": "not installed", "description": "Downloads SRTM Tiles from NASA Server", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "SelectByRelationship": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SelectByRelationship/version/0.3.0/download/", "tags": "relationship,database,select", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/pyarchinit/selectbyrelationship_repo/wiki", "version_available": "0.3.0", "rating_votes": "14", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "SelectByRelationship", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/pyarchinit/selectbyrelationship_repo/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SelectByRelationship.0.3.0.zip", "author_name": "Luca Mandolesi, Salvatore Larosa", "average_vote": "4.35683165488", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1222", "code_repository": "https://github.com/pyarchinit/selectbyrelationship_repo", "library": "", "about": "The plugin allows to select records through tables based on relationships one-to-one or one-to-many specified inside a QGIS project.<br>The plugin button will appear inside QGIS database menu. Anything in 3 steps:<br>1.Charge in a QGIS project your layers;<br>2.Set up the relationships between your layers inside the QGIS project properties;<br>3.Click on selectFromRelations button (or run its from QGIS toolbar Database->Select From Relation -> Allow selections by relationship.<br><br>Now you can select records between many related tables.<br>You can see an example in this videotutorial by Salvatore Fiandaca: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lXRnsMO-qI">link</a><br>The plugin started by an original thread posted by Salvatore Fiandaca and developed by Andrea Borruso and Salvatore Larosa: <a href="http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/QGIS-select-in-join-tabella-in-relazione-td5317093.html">Original thread</a><br>A first post by Andrea Borruso: <a href="https://medium.com/tantotanto/qgis-selezionare-geometrie-da-una-tabella-di-attributi-correlata-bea37747a7e2">link</a><br>The original python macro by Salvatore Larosa: <a href="https://gist.github.com/slarosa/653e6d759cf0d82c2a24dcc499b094e0">link</a><br>A videotutorial by Salvatore Fiandaca where it's showed the use of python macro by Salvatore Larosa: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRDftcPWNg8">link</a><br>An other videotutorial by Salvatore Fiandaca for testing the macro python code embedded inside selectFromRelations plugin: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lXRnsMO-qI">link</a>", "name": "Select by relationship", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_WCZv2HX.svg", "downloads": "2997", "status": "not installed", "description": "The plugin allows to select records through tables based on relationships one-to-one or one-to-many specified inside a QGIS project.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "ImportPhotos": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/ImportPhotos/version/1.2/download/", "tags": "geotag,photos,jpg,jpeg", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/KIOS-Research/ImportPhotos/", "version_available": "1.2", "rating_votes": "34", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "ImportPhotos", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/KIOS-Research/ImportPhotos/issues/", "version_installed": "", "filename": "ImportPhotos.1.2.zip", "author_name": "Marios S. Kyriakou, George A. Christou, KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE)", "average_vote": "4.67633304903", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1410", "code_repository": "https://github.com/KIOS-Research/ImportPhotos/", "library": "", "about": "This tool can be used to import Geo-Tagged photos (jpg or jpeg) as points to QGIS. The user is able to select a folder with photos and only the geo-tagged photos will be taken. Then a geoJSON point file will be created which will contain the name of the picture, its directory, the date and time taken, altitude, longitude, latitude, azimuth, north and camera maker and model. The plug-in doesn\u2019t need any third party applications to work. It has two buttons; the one is to import geotagged photos, and the other one is to be able to click on a point and display the photo along with information regarding the date time and altitude. Mac users please refer to the Read Me file for further guidance.", "name": "ImportPhotos", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_E0W6CAF.png", "downloads": "20387", "status": "not installed", "description": "Import Photos", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qgis2mapea4": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qgis2mapea4/version/0.1/download/", "tags": "andaluc\u00eda,mapea4,espa\u00f1a,sig corporativo,web,html,webmap,openlayers,corporative gis,javascript,webmapping", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.sigdeletras.com", "version_available": "0.1", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "qgis2mapea4", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/sigdeletras/qgis2mapea4/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qgis2mapea4.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Patricio Soriano :: SIGdeletras", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1504", "code_repository": "https://github.com/sigdeletras/qgis2mapea4", "library": "", "about": "<p>QGIS2Mapea4 tiene como objetivo facilitar a los usuarios de QGIS que trabajen con datos ubicados en Andaluc\u00eda (Espa\u00f1a), la generaci\u00f3n de visores web de mapas usando la librer\u00eda Mapea4. La librer\u00eda javascript Mapea4, basada en OpenLayers, es un desarrollo dentro del SIG Corporatico de la Junta de Andaluc\u00eda. En la siguiente direcci\u00f3n <a href="https://github.com/sigcorporativo-ja/Mapea4">https://github.com/sigcorporativo-ja/Mapea4</a> puede consultarse toda la informaci\u00f3n sobre la misma. QGIS2Mapea4 es un desarrollo personal de Patricio Soriano (sigdeletras.com)</p><p>QGIS2Mapea4 aims to make it easier for QGIS users to make web maps with data located in Andalusia (Spain) using the Mapea4 library. The Mapea4 javascript library, based on OpenLayers, is a development within the Corporative GIS of the Regional Government of Andalucia. In the following link <a href="https://github.com/sigcorporativo-ja/Mapea4">https://github.com/sigcorporativo-ja/Mapea4</a> you can consult all the information about it. QGIS2Mapea4 is a personal development of Patricio Soriano (sigdeletras.com)</p>", "name": "QGIS2Mapea4", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_FwQxVw1.png", "downloads": "2846", "status": "not installed", "description": "Plugin to create web map with geographic data of Andalusia (Spain) using the Mapea4 javascript library. Complemento para crear visores de mapas web con datos geogr\u00e1ficos de Andaluc\u00eda (Espa\u00f1a) usando la librer\u00eda Mapea4.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "valuetool": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/valuetool/version/3.0.1/download/", "tags": "raster", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://github.com/jorgealmerio/valuetool", "version_available": "3.0.1", "rating_votes": "52", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "valuetool", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://github.com/jorgealmerio/valuetool/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "valuetool.3.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Ghislain Picard - Etienne Tourigny", "average_vote": "4.63452625911", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "32", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jorgealmerio/valuetool", "library": "", "about": "Display raster layer values at current mouse position", "name": "Value Tool", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_ZdIDpQb.svg", "downloads": "92137", "status": "not installed", "description": "Display in a table or plot the values from the visible raster\r\nlayers at the current mouse position", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qgis-geocoding": {"download_url": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/qgis-geocoding", "tags": "geocoding, geocode, address, Nominatim", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.itopen.it/2009/06/05/geocoding-qgis-plugins-released/", "version_available": "", "icon": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/qgis-geocoding/geocode_icon.png", "error_details": "qgismaximumversion", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "pythonic": true, "available": false, "id": "qgis-geocoding", "changelog": "\nVersion 2.18:\nFix inspect issue #30\nVersion 2.17:\nFix point conversion issue #23\nVersion 2.16:\nFix unicode encoding in geocode function\nVersion 2.15:\nQGIS 3\nVersion 2.14:\nFix bug on Mac (actions not triggered)\nFix deprecated warning for labels #18\nFix plugin unload and mapTool not being reset\nBump min version to 2.18\nInitial Py3/Qt5/QGIS 3 porting\nVersion 2.13:\nBetter handling of zoomScale + minor tweaks to the GUI\nVersion 2.12:\nUse proxy configuration\nVersion 2.11:\nMoved geopy under libs due to import problems\nMoved geopy under libs due to import problems\nVersion 2.10:\nFix fixed error messages and iface error on upgrade\nVersion 2.9:\nFix removed simplejson dep, use latest geopy\nVersion 2.8:\nFix #10 error when goecoding not found with Google\nVersion 2.7:\nQGIS 2.0 API update\nVersion 2.6:\nMinor fixes\nVersion 2.5:\nGooglev3 support, updated geopy\nVersion 2.4:\nNominatim (openstreetmap) webservice support", "tracker": "https://github.com/elpaso/qgis-geocoding/issues", "version_installed": "2.18", "filename": "", "author_name": "Alessandro Pasotti", "average_vote": "", "plugin_id": null, "deprecated": false, "error": "", "zip_repository": "", "code_repository": "https://github.com/elpaso/qgis-geocoding", "library": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/qgis-geocoding", "about": "This plugin allows the user to search for an address and get its coordinates (geocoding) using GeoCoding using Nominatim and Google web services. It also allows to get the address of a point by clicking on the map canvas (reverse geocoding).", "name": "GeoCoding", "rating_votes": "", "downloads": "", "status": "orphan", "description": "GeoCoding and reverse GeoCoding using Nominatim and Google web services", "installed": true, "author_email": "apasotti@gmail.com"}, "Multi_Ring_Buffer": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Multi_Ring_Buffer/version/1.1/download/", "tags": "distance,multi,ring,vector,buffer", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://gisforthought.com/qgis-multi-ring-buffer/", "version_available": "1.1", "rating_votes": "27", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Multi_Ring_Buffer", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/HeikkiVesanto/QGIS_Multi_Ring_Buffer/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Multi_Ring_Buffer.1.1.zip", "author_name": "Heikki Vesanto", "average_vote": "4.18503018407", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "793", "code_repository": "https://github.com/HeikkiVesanto/QGIS_Multi_Ring_Buffer", "library": "", "about": "Create multiple buffer rings around a features/set of features. Creates "doughnut" ring buffers, not including the buffered feature, or regular buffers which do. Works in a sequential manner by buffering the resulting buffer and differencing the previous buffer. Also by default the buffer dissolves the features before buffering. Dissolving makes adjacent features behave in a better manner without overlapping buffers. The QGIS buffer feature has the logic behind this. Supports buffer distance entry using comma seperated value string, negative values not supported. Thanks to Neil Benny and Matt Walsh. Help: https://rawgit.com/HeikkiVesanto/QGIS_Multi_Ring_Buffer/master/help/index.html", "name": "Multi Ring Buffer", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_qaJJgbl.svg", "downloads": "36421", "status": "not installed", "description": "Create multiple fixed distance buffer rings around a feature/set of features. Creates "doughnut" ring buffers, not including the buffered feature, or regular buffers.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "VectorMCDA": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/VectorMCDA/version/2.99/download/", "tags": "sustainability assessment,shapefile,geographic mcda,geometry,layers", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://maplab.alwaysdata.net/geomcda.html", "version_available": "2.99", "rating_votes": "15", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "VectorMCDA", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://hub.qgis.org/projects/vectormcda", "version_installed": "", "filename": "VectorMCDA.2.99.zip", "author_name": "Gianluca Massei", "average_vote": "4.79968002133", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "624", "code_repository": "https://github.com/gmassei/VectorMCDA", "library": "", "about": "VectorMCDA is a QGIS plugin that uses different MCDA algorithms to perform a multicriteria analysis in a geographic environmental", "name": "VectorMCDA", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/Tree.png", "downloads": "13522", "status": "not installed", "description": "Performs geographic multi-criteria decision making.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QGIS_FMV": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QGIS_FMV/version/1.3/download/", "tags": "dron,uav,fmv,python,telemetry", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/All4Gis/QGISFMV", "version_available": "1.3", "rating_votes": "5", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QGIS_FMV", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/All4Gis/QGISFMV/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QGIS_FMV.1.3.zip", "author_name": "Francisco Raga", "average_vote": "4.99900019996", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1516", "code_repository": "https://github.com/All4Gis/QGISFMV", "library": "", "about": "Plugin for QGIS which allows to analyze, visualize and process videos inside the QGIS environment.\nQGIS FMV accepts multiple video formats such as mp4, ts, avi, etc. It is also able to extract video frames,\nto capture the current frame, to plot bitrate and to observe the video metadata with aerial images and more.\nIt also offers the possibility to create reports with video metadata.\n<a href="https://goo.gl/RMmUX5" target="_blank">Documentation</a>\n<p>Want to buy me a beer (or gadget)? Please use Paypal button.</p>\n<a href="https://goo.gl/jFCeCW" target="_blank">\n<img border="0" alt="Donate" src="https://goo.gl/6Fov75">\n</a>\n<p>If this plugin is useful for you, consider to donate to the author.</p>", "name": "QGIS Full Motion Video", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_kLHjUTZ.png", "downloads": "825", "status": "not installed", "description": "<p>QGIS Full Motion Video.</p>", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "BufferByPercentage": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/BufferByPercentage/version/0.3.2/download/", "tags": "geometry,vector,buffer", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/jdugge/BufferByPercentage", "version_available": "0.3.2", "rating_votes": "44", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "BufferByPercentage", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jdugge/BufferByPercentage/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "BufferByPercentage.0.3.2.zip", "author_name": "Juernjakob Dugge", "average_vote": "4.22717665508", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "383", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jdugge/BufferByPercentage", "library": "", "about": "Instead of buffering a polygon using a specified buffer distance, this\nplugin lets the user specify the area the buffered polygon should cover, as\na percentage of the original polygon's area", "name": "Buffer by Percentage", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_kncJ2a6.svg", "downloads": "51739", "status": "not installed", "description": "Buffer polygon features so the buffered area is a specified percentage of the original area", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QNEAT3": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QNEAT3/version/1.0.1/download/", "tags": "catchment areas,od matrix,distance matrix,shortest path,isochrone areas,graph analysis,od,od matrices,dijkstra,network analysis", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://root676.github.io", "version_available": "1.0.1", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QNEAT3", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/root676/QNEAT3/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QNEAT3.1.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Clemens Raffler", "average_vote": "4.99916680553", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1476", "code_repository": "https://github.com/root676/QNEAT3", "library": "", "about": "The QNEAT3 (short for Qgis Network Analysis Toolbox 3) Plugin aims to provide sophisticated QGIS Processing-Toolbox algorithms in the field of network analysis. QNEAT3 is integrated in the QGIS3 Processing Framework. It offers algorithms that range from simple shortest path solving to more complex tasks like Iso-Area (aka service areas, accessibility polygons) and OD-Matrix (Origin-Destination-Matrix) computation. The usage of some Iso-Area algorithms require the installation of the matplotlib python library from OSGeo4W (see algorithm and help page for more information).", "name": "QNEAT3", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_qneat3_JiHC8H5.svg", "downloads": "2025", "status": "not installed", "description": "QNEAT3 - QGIS Network Analysis Toolbox 3", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "contour": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/contour/version/2.0.6/download/", "tags": "python,contour,processing", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https:://github.com/ccrook/QGIS-Contour-Plugin", "version_available": "2.0.6", "rating_votes": "86", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "contour", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/ccrook/QGIS-Contour-Plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "contour.2.0.6.zip", "author_name": "Chris Crook, Lionel Roubeyrie", "average_vote": "4.43018104441", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "233", "code_repository": "http://github.com/ccrook/QGIS-Contour-Plugin", "library": "", "about": "Generate a contour layer based on an attribute of a point vector layer.\nBuilds a processing plugin and a GUI interface for simple direct contouring of point layers.\nThe source point layer Can be either gridded or randomly organised.\nThe layer resulting contours can be rendered with a graduated renderer using a colour ramp.\nThe layer includes properties that can be used to replicate or modify the contouring parameters.\nRequires python modules numpy and matplotlib\nRecommends loading the MemoryLayerSaver plugin to save the contours with the project", "name": "Contour plugin", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/contour.png", "downloads": "148948", "status": "not installed", "description": "Generates contours from point layer", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Video_UAV_Tracker": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Video_UAV_Tracker/version/2.1/download/", "tags": "georeferenced video,video,photogrammetry,database,rov,direct georefencing,3d,drone,uav,thermographic video,python,mosaic,inspection", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/sagost/Video_UAV_Tracker-3D/", "version_available": "2.1", "rating_votes": "38", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Video_UAV_Tracker", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/sagost/Video_UAV_Tracker-3D/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Video_UAV_Tracker.2.1.zip", "author_name": "Salvatore Agosta", "average_vote": "3.42096260625", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "420", "code_repository": "https://github.com/sagost/Video_UAV_Tracker-3D/", "library": "", "about": "see README file in repository for instructions and details", "name": "Video Uav Tracker", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_k6idB5w.png", "downloads": "15622", "status": "not installed", "description": "Replay a video in sync with a gps track displayed on the map (3d OPTIONS with 'panda3d' module installed)", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "FS3": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/FS3/version/1.0.1/download/", "tags": "attribute edit,statistics,export,graph,field,analysis,vector,python,multiple", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/andreasfoulk/FS3", "version_available": "1.0.1", "rating_votes": "19", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "FS3", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/andreasfoulk/FS3/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "FS3.1.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Orden Aitchedji, McKenna Duzac, Andreas Foulk, Tanner Lee", "average_vote": "4.68396400189", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1484", "code_repository": "https://github.com/andreasfoulk/FS3", "library": "", "about": "This plugin was created by Orden Aitchedji, McKenna Duzac, Andreas Foulk and Tanner Lee during the 2018 summer field section at the Colorado School Of Mines in collaboration with Brian Krzys at Newmont Exploration.", "name": "FS3", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/FS3Icon_N6Kxnwq.png", "downloads": "1495", "status": "not installed", "description": "Quickly generate, display, and compare basic statistics and graphs for numeric and text fields of vector layer(s)", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "MemoryLayerSaver": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/MemoryLayerSaver/version/4.0.3/download/", "tags": "memory,persistent", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://github.com/ccrook/QGIS-MemoryLayerSaver-Plugin", "version_available": "4.0.3", "rating_votes": "24", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "MemoryLayerSaver", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://github.com/ccrook/QGIS-MemoryLayerSaver-Plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "MemoryLayerSaver.4.0.3.zip", "author_name": "Chris Crook", "average_vote": "4.6248072997", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "20", "code_repository": "https://github.com/ccrook/QGIS-MemoryLayerSaver-Plugin", "library": "", "about": "Makes layers with memory data providers persistent\nso that they are restored when a project is closed and reopened.\nThe memory provider data is saved in a portable binary format (QDataStream)\nthat is saved with extension .mldata alongside the project file.", "name": "Memory Layer Saver", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/plugin_LcEXdw6.png", "downloads": "46777", "status": "not installed", "description": "Makes layers with memory data providers persistent", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "SpreadsheetLayers": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SpreadsheetLayers/version/2.0.0/download/", "tags": "xlsx,ods,spreadsheet,xls,calc,excel", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/camptocamp/QGIS-SpreadSheetLayers", "version_available": "2.0.0", "rating_votes": "57", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SpreadsheetLayers", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/camptocamp/QGIS-SpreadSheetLayers/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SpreadsheetLayers.2.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Camptocamp", "average_vote": "4.56132348555", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "766", "code_repository": "https://github.com/camptocamp/QGIS-SpreadSheetLayers", "library": "", "about": "This plugin adds a "Add spreadsheet layer" entry in "Layer" / "Add new Layer" menu and a corresponding button in the "Layers" toolbar.\nThese two links open the same dialog to load a layer from a spreadsheet file (*.ods, *.xls, *.xlsx) with some options (use header at first line, ignore some rows and optionally load geometry from x and y fields).\nWhen this dialog is accepted, it creates a new GDAL VRT file in same folder as the source data file and layer name, expanded with a .vrt suffix which is loaded into QGIS using OGR VRT driver.\nWhen reusing the same file twice, the dialog loads its values from the existing .vrt file.\nNo need to install additional dependencies.", "name": "Spreadsheet Layers", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/mActionAddSpreadsheetLayer.svg", "downloads": "61497", "status": "not installed", "description": "Load layers from spreadsheet files (*.ods, *.xls, *.xlsx)", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "profiletool": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/profiletool/version/4.1.3/download/", "tags": "raster,vector,profile", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/PANOimagen/profiletool", "version_available": "4.1.3", "rating_votes": "222", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "profiletool", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/PANOimagen/profiletool/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "profiletool.4.1.3.zip", "author_name": "Borys Jurgiel - Patrice Verchere - Etienne Tourigny - Javier Becerra", "average_vote": "4.10358511899", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "87", "code_repository": "https://github.com/PANOimagen/profiletool", "library": "", "about": "This tool plots profile lines from raster layers or point vector layer with elevation field. Supports multiple lines as well as graph export to svg, pdf, png or csv file. Supports 3D polyline export to dxf.", "name": "Profile tool", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/profileIcon_ISD76h7.png", "downloads": "293966", "status": "not installed", "description": "Plots terrain profile", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "searchlayers": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/searchlayers/version/3.0.0/download/", "tags": "find,search,textual search", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-searchlayers-plugin", "version_available": "3.0.0", "rating_votes": "13", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "searchlayers", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-searchlayers-plugin", "version_installed": "", "filename": "searchlayers.3.0.0.zip", "author_name": "C Hamilton", "average_vote": "4.76886393354", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1353", "code_repository": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-searchlayers-plugin", "library": "", "about": "The Search Layers plugin features enhanced textual vector layer searching in QGIS. The existing QGIS searching capabilities are limited to a particular layer and a particular column. The difference with this plugin is that it will do a string search across all layers and all fields.", "name": "Search Layers", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_P0nsmlI.png", "downloads": "7493", "status": "not installed", "description": "Enhanced textual searching on all QGIS layers and fields.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Highlighter": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Highlighter/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "vector select", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/bstroebl/Highlighter", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Highlighter", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/bstroebl/Highlighter/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Highlighter.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Bernhard Str\u00f6bl Kommunale Immobilien Jena", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1210", "code_repository": "https://github.com/bstroebl/Highlighter", "library": "", "about": "Highlight selected point or line features with a thick dot or line coloured in a user-defined colour. The layer whose features should be highlighted has to be defined in settings.", "name": "Highlighter", "icon": "", "downloads": "3380", "status": "not installed", "description": "Highlight selected features", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin/version/6.2.3/download/", "tags": "raster,landsat,spectral signature,classification,land cover,accuracy,supervised classification,clip,remote sensing,sentinel,mask,analysis,landscape", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://fromgistors.blogspot.com/p/semi-automatic-classification-plugin.html", "version_available": "6.2.3", "rating_votes": "269", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/semiautomaticgit/SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin.6.2.3.zip", "author_name": "Luca Congedo", "average_vote": "4.72488949855", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "284", "code_repository": "https://github.com/semiautomaticgit/SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin", "library": "", "about": "Developed by Luca Congedo, the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP) allows for the supervised classification of remote sensing images, providing tools for the download, the preprocessing and postprocessing of images. Search and download is available for ASTER, Landsat, MODIS, and Sentinel-2 images. Several algorithms are available for the land cover classification. This plugin requires the installation of GDAL, OGR, Numpy, SciPy, and Matplotlib. For more information please visit https://fromgistors.blogspot.com/ .", "name": "Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/semiautomaticclassificationplugin_fKM51aF.png", "downloads": "429271", "status": "not installed", "description": "Plugin that allows for the supervised classification of remote sensing images, providing tools for the download, the preprocessing and postprocessing of images.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "linecomparison": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/linecomparison/version/0.1/download/", "tags": "confusion matrix,python,accuracy assessment", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://its4land.com/", "version_available": "0.1", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "linecomparison", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/SCrommelinck/LineComparison/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "linecomparison.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Sophie Crommelinck", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1520", "code_repository": "https://github.com/SCrommelinck/LineComparison", "library": "", "about": "This plugin supports line-based accuracy assessment by comparing two line layers. Both layers are first buffered, then rasterized and overlaid to compute the confusion matrix. The confusion matrix is saved as an output text file containing the errors of omission and commission. Results are visualized in a plot that can be saved.\r\n\r\nVideo manual: https://youtu.be/RrqO7O8Qj9E", "name": "LineComparison", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_0nRHjpx.png", "downloads": "86", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin supports line-based accuracy assessment by comparing two line layers.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qpals": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qpals/version/1.7.1/download/", "tags": "lidar,point cloud,opals,laser scanning,als", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/lwiniwar/qpals", "version_available": "1.7.1", "rating_votes": "4", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "qpals", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/lwiniwar/qpals/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qpals.1.7.1.zip", "author_name": "Lukas Winiwarter", "average_vote": "4.99875031242", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1287", "code_repository": "https://github.com/lwiniwar/qpals", "library": "", "about": "IMPORTANT: This plugin requires an installation of OPALS developed by GEO at TU Wien.\nYou can get an evaluation copy (processing up to 1.000.000 points) at photo.geo.tuwien.ac.at/opals .\nWhen the plugin is first loaded, you will be prompted to set a path to your opals installation.\nThe point cloud processing software OPALS developed by GEO/TU Wien can be easily accessed from within QGIS through\na custom-made gui. Also, special modules are availiable for specific tasks, i.e. creating sections.", "name": "qpals", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/opalsIcon_ucHSrDK.png", "downloads": "2569", "status": "not installed", "description": "OPALS software integrated into QGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "vector_tiles_reader": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/vector_tiles_reader/version/2.0.3/download/", "tags": "mbtiles,vector tiles,mapbox,tiles,vector,basemap", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/geometalab/Vector-Tiles-Reader-QGIS-Plugin/blob/master/README.md", "version_available": "2.0.3", "rating_votes": "17", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "vector_tiles_reader", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/geometalab/Vector-Tiles-Reader-QGIS-Plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "vector_tiles_reader.2.0.3.zip", "author_name": "Martin Boos", "average_vote": "4.76442562202", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1230", "code_repository": "https://github.com/geometalab/Vector-Tiles-Reader-QGIS-Plugin", "library": "", "about": "Plugin which reads vector tiles according to Mapbox' Vector Tiles specification as QGIS layers in a group. Styled vector tiles are typically used as high quality base maps. Sources can be an internet server, an MBTiles file or a directory of files. If an Mapbox GL JSON style is configured, the style is (partially) converted to QGIS styles.\nThe plugin has connections already configured for the following providers:\n* OpenMapTiles.com with OSM Bright MB GL style (default)\n* Mapcat.com with Mapcat style\nThis Python plugin uses prebuilt C++ binaries for performance reasons.", "name": "Vector Tiles Reader", "icon": "", "downloads": "20009", "status": "not installed", "description": "Reader (short VT reader) which reads Vector Tiles from various predefined and configurable sources", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "geoscience": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/geoscience/version/0.6/download/", "tags": "well,geology,drill,borehole,geophysics,python,drilling,geoscience", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://rolandhill.github.io/geoscience/", "version_available": "0.6", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "geoscience", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/rolandhill/geoscience/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "geoscience.0.6.zip", "author_name": "Roland Hill", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1542", "code_repository": "https://github.com/rolandhill/geoscience", "library": "", "about": "Geoscience: <b>Tools for Geoscience and Exploration</b><ul><li>Drill hole display</li><li>Vector tools</li><li>Raster tools</li></ul> Send ideas & requests to roland.hill@mmg.com", "name": "Geoscience", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/Geoscience.png", "downloads": "25", "status": "new", "description": "Tools for Geoscience & Exploration", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "redistrict": {"download_url": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/redistrict", "tags": "python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://homepage", "version_available": "", "icon": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/redistrict/icon.png", "error_details": "qgismaximumversion", "trusted": false, "category": "Plugins", "experimental": false, "pythonic": true, "available": false, "id": "redistrict", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://bugs", "version_installed": "0.1", "filename": "", "author_name": "North Road", "average_vote": "", "plugin_id": null, "deprecated": false, "error": "", "zip_repository": "", "code_repository": "http://repo", "library": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/redistrict", "about": "LINZ Redistricting", "name": "LINZ Redistricting", "rating_votes": "", "downloads": "", "status": "orphan", "description": "LINZ Redistricting", "installed": true, "author_email": "nyall@north-road.com"}, "SaxonyCadastralParcels": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SaxonyCadastralParcels/version/0.3.1/download/", "tags": "sachsen,flurst\u00fccke,th\u00fcringen,inspire", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.makobo.de/links/Forum_SaxonyCadastralParcels.php", "version_available": "0.3.1", "rating_votes": "5", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SaxonyCadastralParcels", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/EZUSoft/SaxonyCadastralParcels/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SaxonyCadastralParcels.0.3.1.zip", "author_name": "Mike Blechschmidt EZUSoft", "average_vote": "4.99900019996", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1302", "code_repository": "https://github.com/EZUSoft/SaxonyCadastralParcels", "library": "", "about": "Remark:\nThe plugin worked only data from Germany (Saxony, Thuringia). Thatswhy the plugin is only available in German language.\n.\n- Download der Inspire Daten f\u00fcr Sachsen und Th\u00fcringen\n- Darstellung Flurst\u00fccke und Flurst\u00fccksnummern\n- Optionale Abspeicherung als Shape + Darstellung\n- Optionaler Export nach DXF\n.\nBedienung:\nNach Einbinden des PlugIns sind die Funktionen unter dem Men\u00fcpunkt "Web" --> "Inspire Flurstuecke" verf\u00fcgbar.", "name": "Inspire Flurstuecke Sachsen und Th\u00fcringen", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_lAavbij.png", "downloads": "3051", "status": "not installed", "description": "Download, display and conversion of the Inspire parcels for the German states of Thuringia and Saxony", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "mask": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/mask/version/1.8.3/download/", "tags": "masque,\u00e9tiquettes,roi,filter labels,mask,zone d'int\u00e9r\u00eat", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/aeag/mask", "version_available": "1.8.3", "rating_votes": "63", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "mask", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/aeag/mask/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "mask.1.8.3.zip", "author_name": "Hugo Mercier (Oslandia) - Xavier Culos (Agence de l'eau Adour Garonne) - R\u00e9gis Haubourg (Oslandia)", "average_vote": "4.19040967604", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "65", "code_repository": "http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/mask/", "library": "", "about": "This plugin allows user to quickly transform a polygon selection into a map masking layer or a region of interest, following symbology choice. The plugin allows also to spatially filter labeling of other layer, so that labels will only appear in the Region of Interest.", "name": "Mask", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/aeag_mask.png", "downloads": "82884", "status": "not installed", "description": "Help to create mask, filter labels in it", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "CDAUDownloader": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/CDAUDownloader/version/0.3/download/", "tags": "portalero,andalusia,andaluc\u00eda,addresses,spain,espa\u00f1a,street,wfs,road,vector,callejero,cdau", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/sigdeletras/CDAUDownloader/", "version_available": "0.3", "rating_votes": "3", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "CDAUDownloader", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/sigdeletras/CDAUDownloader/", "version_installed": "", "filename": "CDAUDownloader.0.3.zip", "author_name": "Patricio Soriano :: SIGdeletras.com", "average_vote": "4.9983338887", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1312", "code_repository": "https://github.com/sigdeletras/CDAUDownloader/", "library": "", "about": "<p>Complemento de QGIS para la descarga capas del Callejero Digital de Andaluc\u00eda Unificado (Espa\u00f1a). La descarga se realiza mediante el servicio WFS de la Infraestructura de datos Espaciales de Andaluc\u00eda (Espa\u00f1a). <a href='http://www.callejerodeandalucia.es/portal/web/cdau/'>M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre el proyecto CDAU. </a></p><p>QGIS plugin for the download the layers of Callejero Digital de Andaluc\u00eda Unificado (Spain). The download is performed through the WFS service of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Andalusia (Spain). <a href='http://www.callejerodeandalucia.es/portal/web/cdau/'>More information about the CDAU project.</a></p>", "name": "CDAU Downloader", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/icon_GXIYXFj.png", "downloads": "3328", "status": "not installed", "description": "Descarga de capas del Callejero Digital de Andaluc\u00eda Unificado (Espa\u00f1a)", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "TopoUSM-QGIS-master": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/TopoUSM-QGIS-master/version/0.2/download/", "tags": "python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://sites.google.com/view/topousmx/", "version_available": "0.2", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "TopoUSM-QGIS-master", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/geoign/TopoUSM-QGIS/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "TopoUSM-QGIS-master.0.2.zip", "author_name": "Fumihiko Ikegami", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1509", "code_repository": "https://github.com/geoign/TopoUSM-QGIS", "library": "", "about": "TopoUSM is a group of tool to enhance visuals of DEM. 1. Ambient shading tool: Adding "realistic" ambient shading for DEM. Best to be sandwitched between pseudo-colored elevation layer and hillshade layer with Overlay or Hard-light blending mode. 2. Generating smoothed terrain in the same resolution as the original raster file. Best friend of contour generating tools.", "name": "TopoUSM2", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_rYaHn1a.png", "downloads": "361", "status": "not installed", "description": "Terrain enhancer with USM", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QuickWKT": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QuickWKT/version/3.1/download/", "tags": "viewer,wkt", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.itopen.it/2010/10/21/wkt-on-the-fly-qgis-plugin/", "version_available": "3.1", "icon": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/QuickWKT/quickwkt_icon.png", "error_details": "qgismaximumversion", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "pythonic": true, "available": false, "id": "QuickWKT", "changelog": "\nVersion 3.1:\n* Fix asWkt (PR #30)\nVersion 3.0:\n* QGIS 3\nVersion 2.8:\n* Fix EWKT on multiple lines #25 and long error dialog #24\nVersion 2.7:\n* Fix old style signals on mac osx\nVersion 2.6:\n* Fix # 21: GeometryCollection does not keep the given name\n* Fix # 22: All WKT geometries are put in the same single \"QuickWKT\" layer\nVersion 2.5:\n* iface.show_* now returns the layer\nVersion 2.4:\n* Changed homepage URL, fixed window size and removed about dialog\nVersion 2.3:\n* Added utility show_wkt and show_wkb show_geometry methods to iface\nVersion 2.2:\n* Fix #15: Trim input WKT text\n* Fix #17: feature request: allow writing layer name in the input dialog\nVersion 2.1:\n* Clear button\n* Fix #8 (multiline WKT)\nVersion 2.0:\n* QGIS 2.0.x compatible version\nVersion 1.9:\n* added clear button\nVersion 1.8:\n* added example combo", "tracker": "https://github.com/elpaso/quickwkt/issues", "version_installed": "3.1", "filename": "QuickWKT.3.1.zip", "author_name": "Alessandro Pasotti", "average_vote": "4.71417347206", "plugin_id": "11", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "code_repository": "https://github.com/elpaso/quickwkt", "library": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/QuickWKT", "about": "Quick WKT/WKB is a plugin to easily show WKT/WKB data into QGIS. It also provides some utilities function and adds them to iface (see the about tab in the plugin's dialog for details).", "name": "QuickWKT", "rating_votes": "42", "downloads": "69937", "status": "installed", "description": "Quick WKT/WKB viewer, this Qgis Plugin opens a dialog where the user can paste (E)WKT and WKB code and see it on the map. Pasted data are stored in a temporay (memory) layer and are completely lost when the user quits QGIS.", "installed": true, "author_email": "apasotti@gmail.com"}, "Socrata": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Socrata/version/2.0/download/", "tags": "data,open,socrata,web,maps,open data,gis", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/socrata/Socrata", "version_available": "2.0", "rating_votes": "3", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Socrata", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/socrata/Socrata/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Socrata.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Peter Moore", "average_vote": "4.9983338887", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "956", "code_repository": "https://github.com/socrata/Socrata", "library": "", "about": "This is a simple plugin built to facilitate GIS sharing from Socrata sites. It is added to the web menu, as it is pulling from web datasets. This is not a Socrata product.", "name": "Socrata", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_OzvGOZ2.png", "downloads": "3811", "status": "not installed", "description": "Download maps from Socrata-powered data portals", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "go2mapillary": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/go2mapillary/version/2.1/download/", "tags": "explorer,browser,street view,webservice,mapillary,service", "readonly": false, "homepage": "geogear.wordpress.com", "version_available": "2.1", "rating_votes": "5", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "go2mapillary", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/enricofer/go2mapillary/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "go2mapillary.2.1.zip", "author_name": "Enrico Ferreguti", "average_vote": "3.99920015997", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1246", "code_repository": "https://github.com/enricofer/go2mapillary", "library": "", "about": "Explore Mapillary street level imagery on QGIS3: http://www.mapillary.com", "name": "go2mapillary", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_3iizzL8.png", "downloads": "9167", "status": "not installed", "description": "mapillary explorer", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "PluginLoadTimes": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/PluginLoadTimes/version/2.0.3/download/", "tags": "performance,plugin", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mstuyts/Plugin-Load-Times", "version_available": "2.0.3", "rating_votes": "4", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "PluginLoadTimes", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mstuyts/Plugin-Load-Times/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "PluginLoadTimes.2.0.3.zip", "author_name": "Michel Stuyts", "average_vote": "4.7488127968", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1163", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mstuyts/Plugin-Load-Times", "library": "", "about": "This plugin was created by Michel Stuyts (https://stuyts.xyz). License: GPL-3.0", "name": "Plugin Load Times", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/icon_4ShLIAK.png", "downloads": "9684", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin shows the latest load time of each plugin (QGIS startup, plugin installation,...). It does not give you information about the speed of plugins when they are used.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "BoundaryDelineation": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/BoundaryDelineation/version/3.0/download/", "tags": "Cadastral Parcel,digitizing,processing,cadastral,remote sensing,analysis,vector,python,cadastre", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://its4land.com/", "version_available": "3.0", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "BoundaryDelineation", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/SCrommelinck/BoundaryDelineation/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "BoundaryDelineation.3.0.zip", "author_name": "Sophie Crommelink", "average_vote": "4.995004995", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1237", "code_repository": "https://github.com/SCrommelinck/BoundaryDelineation", "library": "", "about": "The plugin is designed to support the interactive delineation of visible (cadastral) boundaries in orthoimages. This work is supported by its4land, which is part of the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union (project number 687828).\r\n\r\nVideo Tutorial:\r\nhttps://youtu.be/f6an86_-OaY", "name": "BoundaryDelineation", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_UCCz6FB.png", "downloads": "1909", "status": "not installed", "description": "Supports interactive delineation of visible (cadastral) boundaries in orthoimages", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "tiss": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/tiss/version/2.0.2/download/", "tags": "distortions,tissot,tiss,cap,indicatrix,indikatrix,graticule", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioyztAyXkEU", "version_available": "2.0.2", "rating_votes": "13", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "tiss", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/ewirth/tiss/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "tiss.2.0.2.zip", "author_name": "Ervin Wirth", "average_vote": "4.9996154142", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "713", "code_repository": "https://github.com/ewirth/tiss", "library": "", "about": "The extent and resolution of the caps and the graticule are able to define. The segments refers to the preciseness of the geometrical elements. The radius parameter means the magnitude of projecting caps, it can be given in kilometer or degree dimension. In case of adding more layers untick the 'Simplify geometry' option at the Rendering tab of layer properties. QGIS contains approximately 2700 categorized projections, you can test the effects of the projections for your Country as well. Check the homepage or look after 'QGIS Map Projections' tutorial video by BME FMT on YouTube for further detail.", "name": "Indicatrix mapper", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_EjPb36i.png", "downloads": "7224", "status": "not installed", "description": "The plugin introduces the tiss-indicatrix (quick-and-dirty Tissot-indicatrix realization) term by Szab\u00f3 and Wirth, 2015. The tiss-indicatrix uses constant radius ellipsoidal caps (calculated by Vincenty's formula) instead of the original infinitesimal small Tissot circles. These caps are able to transform on the fly from a reference ellipsoid to a selected project coordinate reference system. The user can study the distortions of the caps in a blink, such conclusions can be drawn as the projection is conformal or equal-area.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "tuflow": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/tuflow/version/2.1/download/", "tags": "tuflow", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://wiki.tuflow.com/index.php?title=TUFLOW_QGIS_Plugin", "version_available": "2.1", "rating_votes": "14", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "tuflow", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/TUFLOW-Support/QGIS-TUFLOW-Plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "tuflow.2.1.zip", "author_name": "Phillip Ryan, Ellis Symons", "average_vote": "4.9282194129", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "970", "code_repository": "https://github.com/TUFLOW-Support/QGIS-TUFLOW-Plugin", "library": "", "about": "A collection of utilities for TUFLOW modelling in QGIS.\nIncludes visualisation of results / inputs\nEditing tools\nStyling tools", "name": "TUFLOW", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/tuflow_wfeJZiQ.png", "downloads": "13668", "status": "not installed", "description": "A collection of utilities for TUFLOW modelling in QGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "PotentialSlopeFailure": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/PotentialSlopeFailure/version/0.4/download/", "tags": "", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/biglimp/PotentialSlopeFailure/wiki/Potential-Slope-Failure-plugin-for-QGIS", "version_available": "0.4", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "PotentialSlopeFailure", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/biglimp/PotentialSlopeFailure/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "PotentialSlopeFailure.0.4.zip", "author_name": "Fredrik Lindberg, Gothenburg University", "average_vote": "1.998001998", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1148", "code_repository": "https://github.com/biglimp/PotentialSlopeFailure", "library": "", "about": "This plugin maps potential slope failures in cohesive soils by making use of a raster-based shadowcasting algorithm. The method is explained in detail in Lindberg, Olvmo and Bergdahl (2011). (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0266352X11000693)", "name": "Potential Slope Failure", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_aXI4qyd.png", "downloads": "1622", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin maps potential slope failures in cohesive soils", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "DirectionalSlope": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/DirectionalSlope/version/1.3.1/download/", "tags": "directional slope,dem,geomorphology", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/directionalslope", "version_available": "1.3.1", "rating_votes": "14", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "DirectionalSlope", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/directionalslope/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "DirectionalSlope.1.3.1.zip", "author_name": "Mauro Alberti", "average_vote": "4.07113777587", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "219", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/directionalslope", "library": "", "about": "This plugin allows to calculate directional slope along uniform or spatially-variable orientations, from a source DEM", "name": "DirectionalSlope", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/icon_hEX4f5R.png", "downloads": "34605", "status": "not installed", "description": "Calculates directional slope along given and variable orientations", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "popgis-plugin": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/popgis-plugin/version/0.6/download/", "tags": "population,plugin,qgis,gis,stats,popgis", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://gihub.com/sopac/popgis-plugin", "version_available": "0.6", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "popgis-plugin", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://gihub.com/sopac/popgis-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "popgis-plugin.0.6.zip", "author_name": "Sachindra Singh", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1532", "code_repository": "http://gihub.com/sopac/popgis-plugin", "library": "", "about": "QGIS Plugin Integration with SPC PopGIS http://prism.spc.int/regional-data-and-tools/popgis2", "name": "SPC PopGIS", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_81BmQtJ.png", "downloads": "113", "status": "not installed", "description": "QGIS Plugin Integration with SPC PopGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "LinearTheoryOrographicPrecipitation": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/LinearTheoryOrographicPrecipitation/version/3.0/download/", "tags": "python,numpy", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/ckhroulev/LinearTheoryOrographicPrecipitation", "version_available": "3.0", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "LinearTheoryOrographicPrecipitation", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/pism/LinearTheoryOrographicPrecipitation/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "LinearTheoryOrographicPrecipitation.3.0.zip", "author_name": "Andy Aschwanden and Constantine Khrulev", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1119", "code_repository": "https://github.com/pism/LinearTheoryOrographicPrecipitation", "library": "", "about": "This plugin implements the Linear Theory of Orographic Precipitation model by Smith and Barstad (2004). The model includes airflow dynamics, condensed water advection, and downslope evaporation. Vertically integrated steady-state governing equations for condensed water are solved using Fourier transform techniques. The precipitation field is computed quickly by multiplying the terrain transform by a wavenumber-dependent transfer function. The code is fast even for larger rasters if sufficient RAM is available. However, processing large rasters with insuffiecient RAM is very slow. Before using this plugin, please read the original manuscript of Smith and Barstad (2004) to understand the model physics and its limitations.", "name": "Linear Theory Orographic Precipitation", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/icon_EII7OeG.png", "downloads": "1540", "status": "not installed", "description": "Implements the Smith & Barstad (2004) LT model", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "geodatafarm": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/geodatafarm/version/1.3.0/download/", "tags": "farm,csv file reader,data analysis", "readonly": false, "homepage": "www.geodatafarm.com", "version_available": "1.3.0", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "geodatafarm", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/axelande/geodatafarm3/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "geodatafarm.1.3.0.zip", "author_name": "Axel Andersson", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1412", "code_repository": "https://github.com/axelande/geodatafarm", "library": "", "about": "This is a plugin that aims to determine the yield impact of different parameters. It is built for any crops and any other field parameter. The program requieres a thrid party pacakge, matplotlib, which is installed be default if not allready installed, to use the plugin requires an internet connection all data is going inserted will be saved locally in a shapefile and on GeoDataFarms server. This is to increase the speed of the analyses. For all questions and request for modifications etc. please contact: geodatafarm@gmail.com", "name": "GeoDataFarm", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_QIyJTLT.png", "downloads": "2421", "status": "not installed", "description": "This is a plugin for farmers that aims to determine impact of different parameters to the harvest yield.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "pstimeseries": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/pstimeseries/version/0.3.1/download/", "tags": "permanent scatterers,time series", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://www.faunalia.eu/en/dev.html#ps-time-series-viewer", "version_available": "0.3.1", "rating_votes": "24", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "pstimeseries", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://gitlab.com/faunalia/ps-speed/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "pstimeseries.0.3.1.zip", "author_name": "Giuseppe Sucameli (Faunalia)", "average_vote": "4.16649306279", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "220", "code_repository": "https://gitlab.com/faunalia/ps-speed/", "library": "", "about": "Computation and visualization of time series of speed for\r\nPermanent Scatterers derived from satellite interferometry", "name": "PS Time Series Viewer", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/logo_WlBgxWo.png", "downloads": "10558", "status": "not installed", "description": "Computation and visualization of time series of speed for\r\nPermanent Scatterers derived from satellite interferometry", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "dist_cartogram": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/dist_cartogram/version/0.1/download/", "tags": "distance,polygon,deformation,time-space mapping,cartogram", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mthh/QgisDistanceCartogramPlugin", "version_available": "0.1", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "dist_cartogram", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mthh/QgisDistanceCartogramPlugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "dist_cartogram.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Matthieu Viry", "average_vote": "4.99750124938", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1529", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mthh/QgisDistanceCartogramPlugin", "library": "", "about": "DistanceCartogram QGIS plugin allows to create distance cartogram. This is done by showing (on background(s) layer(s), such as the territorial divisions of the study zone) the local deformations (calculated using Waldo Tobler's bidimensional regression) to fit image points to source points. DistanceCartogram allows to create distance cartograms in two ways: from two layers of points (source points and image points) or from a layer of points and a time matrix between them.", "name": "DistanceCartogram", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_P3qhcFR.png", "downloads": "271", "status": "not installed", "description": "Compute distance cartogram", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "ZoomToPostcode": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/ZoomToPostcode/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "python,postcode,uk,zoom", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mattkernow/ZoomToPostcode-QGIS-Plugin", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "24", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "ZoomToPostcode", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mattkernow/ZoomToPostcode-QGIS-Plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "ZoomToPostcode.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Matthew Walsh", "average_vote": "3.79150868714", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "334", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mattkernow/ZoomToPostcode-QGIS-Plugin", "library": "", "about": "Zoom the map canvas to a UK postcode.", "name": "Zoom To Postcode", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/zoomicon_VXsHdRo.png", "downloads": "17043", "status": "not installed", "description": "Zoom the map extent to a UK postcode", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "OSMDownloader": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/OSMDownloader/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "tool,area,openstreetmap,thread,downloader,rectangle,osm", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/lcoandrade/OSMDownloader", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "87", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "OSMDownloader", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/lcoandrade/OSMDownloader", "version_installed": "", "filename": "OSMDownloader.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Luiz Andrade", "average_vote": "4.1378834726", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "727", "code_repository": "https://github.com/lcoandrade/OSMDownloader", "library": "", "about": "Plugin to download OSM data using threads with a simple area selection.\nIt can automatically load downloaded *.osm files as QGIS layers.", "name": "OSMDownloader", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/rectangle.png", "downloads": "151978", "status": "not installed", "description": "Plugin to download OSM data by area, using a selection by rectangle. The plugin can also automatically load the osm file into QGIS in a transparent way.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "instantprint": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/instantprint/version/3.0.0/download/", "tags": "print,composer", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-instantprint-plugin", "version_available": "3.0.0", "rating_votes": "10", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "instantprint", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-instantprint-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "instantprint.3.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Sandro Mani, Sourcepole AG", "average_vote": "4.199580042", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "697", "code_repository": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-instantprint-plugin", "library": "", "about": "The instant print plugin allows to quickly print map excerpts to a file, utilizing an existing composer as page layout.", "name": "Instant Print", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_gQUL6wG.png", "downloads": "14353", "status": "not installed", "description": "Instantly print map excerpts", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "openlayers_plugin": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/openlayers_plugin/version/2.0.0/download/", "tags": "google,osm,openlayers,stamen,bing", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-openlayers-plugin", "version_available": "2.0.0", "rating_votes": "1359", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "openlayers_plugin", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-openlayers-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "openlayers_plugin.2.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Sourcepole", "average_vote": "4.39072524597", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "229", "code_repository": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-openlayers-plugin", "library": "", "about": "", "name": "OpenLayers Plugin", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/openlayers_2cZigXF.png", "downloads": "2436340", "status": "not installed", "description": "Google Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap layers and more", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "PostTelemac": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/PostTelemac/version/1.0.1/download/", "tags": "Telemac,river,hydraulics,hydraulic modelling,flood", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/ArteliaTelemac/PostTelemac/wiki", "version_available": "1.0.1", "rating_votes": "15", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "PostTelemac", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/ArteliaTelemac/PostTelemac/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "PostTelemac.1.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Artelia Eau et Environnement", "average_vote": "4.79968002133", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "903", "code_repository": "https://github.com/ArteliaTelemac/PostTelemac", "library": "", "about": "Post treatment of open Telemac results (and Anuga , HECRAS 2D as experimental). Requires matplotlib, shapely, numpy, scipy, networkx and ffmpeg libraries.", "name": "PostTelemac", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/posttelemac_qdmMEjq.png", "downloads": "10440", "status": "not installed", "description": "Post Treatment for Telemac (and Anuga , HECRAS 2D as experimental)", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "PlaceMarker": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/PlaceMarker/version/0.8.1/download/", "tags": "vector,feature,point", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.marum.de/Meerestechnik.html", "version_available": "0.8.1", "rating_votes": "5", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "PlaceMarker", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jrenken/qgis-PlaceMarker/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "PlaceMarker.0.8.1.zip", "author_name": "Jens Renken (Marum, University of Bremen)", "average_vote": "3.39932013597", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "907", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jrenken/qgis-PlaceMarker", "library": "", "about": "Place Marker provides a quick and easy way of creating point layers and adding features with preset attributes.\nUnlike using the built-in editing tools, the created layer contains the necessary attributes, and newly added features are\ncommitted directly to the data store and should be available immediately on other QGIS instances.\nIt addresses to usage scenarios where QGIS in conjunction with the "PosiView" plugin serves as an online visualization\nand navigation tool, e.g for scientific subsea surveys with remotely operated or autonomous vehicles.\nIt allows marking and sharing interesting places and events during the dive.", "name": "Place Marker", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_nPUB6xh.png", "downloads": "3180", "status": "not installed", "description": "Place Marker provides a convenient way of adding placemarks to a vector layer.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "arrayplus": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/arrayplus/version/1.4/download/", "tags": "map,array,list,expression,python,field calculator", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://framagit.org/jbdesbas/arrayPlus", "version_available": "1.4", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "arrayplus", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://framagit.org/jbdesbas/arrayPlus/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "arrayplus.1.4.zip", "author_name": "JB Desbas - Quartier libre", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1480", "code_repository": "https://framagit.org/jbdesbas/arrayPlus", "library": "", "about": "A plugin that add functions to manipulate arrays in field calculator (array_min, array_avg, array_majority, etc.). Also add support for hstore strings ("others_tags" field on .osm files).", "name": "arrayPlus", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_CqfciQK.png", "downloads": "1438", "status": "not installed", "description": "Functions to manipulate arrays and maps in field calculator", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qconsolidate3": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qconsolidate3/version/0.2.0/download/", "tags": "openquake", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/danzig666/qconsolidate3/", "version_available": "0.2.0", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "qconsolidate3", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/danzig666/qconsolidate3/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qconsolidate3.0.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Danzig", "average_vote": "4.995004995", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1490", "code_repository": "https://github.com/danzig666/qconsolidate3/", "library": "", "about": "QConsolidate3 is a modified version of QConsolidate (https://github.com/alexbruy/qconsolidate) and OQ-Consolidate (https://github.com/gem/oq-consolidate), that copies raster layers and converts vector layers to GeoPackage or ESRI ShapeFile, creates a project if it does not exist yet, allows to give a customized (validated) name to the consolidated project, allows to store all the project files in a zip file", "name": "QConsolidate3", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/qconsolidate.png", "downloads": "1072", "status": "not installed", "description": "QConsolidate3", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "AzimuthDistanceCalculator": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/AzimuthDistanceCalculator/version/2.0/download/", "tags": "document,factor,calculator,memorial,kappa,distance,meridian,patrimonial,utm,azimuth,convergence", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://hub.qgis.org/projects/azimuthdistances", "version_available": "2.0", "rating_votes": "62", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "AzimuthDistanceCalculator", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://hub.qgis.org/projects/azimuthdistances", "version_installed": "", "filename": "AzimuthDistanceCalculator.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Luiz Andrade", "average_vote": "4.51605619264", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "606", "code_repository": "https://github.com/lcoandrade/AzimuthDistanceCalculator", "library": "", "about": "Azimuth and Distance Calculator Version 1.0.1 also generates:\n- Memorial descritivo\n- Memorial sint\u00e9tico\n- Selo da planta\n- Planilha de \u00e1reas e per\u00edmetros", "name": "Azimuth and Distance Calculator", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/north.png", "downloads": "79691", "status": "not installed", "description": "Calculates azimuths and distances for a selected feature. The feature can be either a line or a polygon. The plugin also calculates Meridian Convergence and Kappa Factor for UTM projections to a given geographical coordinate.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Discovery": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Discovery/version/2.1.2/download/", "tags": "postgis,search,gazetteer", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.lutraconsulting.co.uk/products/discovery/", "version_available": "2.1.2", "rating_votes": "17", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Discovery", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/lutraconsulting/qgis-discovery-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Discovery.2.1.2.zip", "author_name": "Lutra Consulting", "average_vote": "4.82324569143", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "876", "code_repository": "https://github.com/lutraconsulting/qgis-discovery-plugin", "library": "", "about": "The Discovery plugin adds search capability to QGIS. Its key features are:\n- Connects directly to PostgreSQL / PostGIS (no reliance on web services)\n- Auto-completion of results\n- Flexible expression-based support for scales\n- Can use multiple fields to display result context\n- Simple GUI-based configuration", "name": "Discovery", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/discovery_logo_KAlmAxE.png", "downloads": "15817", "status": "not installed", "description": "Provides search / gazetteer functionality in QGIS using PostGIS-based data", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Beeline": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Beeline/version/0.2.0/download/", "tags": "shortest path,beeline,geographiclib,flight,geodesic,great circle,air line", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/Ah4b/Beeline/", "version_available": "0.2.0", "rating_votes": "10", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Beeline", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Ah4b/Beeline/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Beeline.0.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Peter Gipper", "average_vote": "3.99960004", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1424", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Ah4b/Beeline/", "library": "", "about": "Creates a line vector layer that connects all input points along the shortest path on a spheroid", "name": "Beeline", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_FommTav.svg", "downloads": "3200", "status": "not installed", "description": "Connect points along great circles", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "beePen": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/beePen/version/0.2.1/download/", "tags": "geology,field work,annotation,mapping", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/beePen", "version_available": "0.2.1", "rating_votes": "16", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "beePen", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/beePen/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "beePen.0.2.1.zip", "author_name": "Mauro Alberti, Mauro DeDonatis", "average_vote": "3.49978126367", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "725", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/beePen", "library": "", "about": "Plugin for drawing freehand lines with map-specified pen widths.\nIts applications are for field mapping.\nIt is based on the "Freehand" plugin.", "name": "beePen", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_3vsI2Pa.png", "downloads": "15888", "status": "not installed", "description": "Allows to draw freehand lines in a layer", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QWater": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QWater/version/3.0.3/download/", "tags": "epanet,supply,giswater,export,inp,network,water,analysis,pipe,hydraulic", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/jorgealmerio/QWater/blob/master/README.md", "version_available": "3.0.3", "rating_votes": "3", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QWater", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jorgealmerio/QWater/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QWater.3.0.3.zip", "author_name": "Jorge Almerio", "average_vote": "4.66511162946", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1511", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jorgealmerio/QWater", "library": "", "about": "QWater is a plugin based on GHydraulics Plugin from <a href="mailto:sdteffen@sdteffen.de">Steffen Macke</a>. It allows to design and analyze water supply networks using EPANET (no need to install). It allows to write EPANET INP files as well as running an EPANET simulation from QGIS complete with loading the result data. QWater contains a function to calculate economic diameters based on given diameters and maximum friction headloss. The functions are accessible from the Qgis plugin menu and toolbars.", "name": "QWater", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_uWNlxD3.png", "downloads": "735", "status": "not installed", "description": "Hydraulic design and analysis of water supply networks", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "LmOpenData": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/LmOpenData/version/0.4.2/download/", "tags": "open data,lantm\u00e4teriet,sweden,sverige", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/klakar/lmOpenData", "version_available": "0.4.2", "rating_votes": "8", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "LmOpenData", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/klakar/lmOpenData", "version_installed": "", "filename": "LmOpenData.0.4.2.zip", "author_name": "Klas Karlsson", "average_vote": "4.12448443945", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1050", "code_repository": "https://github.com/klakar/lmOpenData", "library": "", "about": "This plugin makes it easy to add <b>Swedish National Land Survey</b> WMTS layers to your QGIS project. You will need a National Land Survey <i>"token"</i> key which you can get at <a href="https://opendata.lantmateriet.se/#register">https://opendata.lantmateriet.se/#register</a>.<br><br>Map layers are Open Source Licensed with <i>CC 0</i> (<a href="http://www.lantmateriet.se/sv/Kartor-och-geografisk-information/Kartor/oppna-data/villkor/">License</a>).<br><br>The National Land Survey do <u>not</u> support this plugin!", "name": "LM Open Data WMTS", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/lm_WuNDV5D.png", "downloads": "9853", "status": "not installed", "description": "Swedish National Land Survey Open WMTS layers", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "splitmultipart": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/splitmultipart/version/0.10.0/download/", "tags": "multipart; singlepart; split; explode", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://hub.qgis.org/projects/multipartsplit", "version_available": "0.10.0", "rating_votes": "35", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "splitmultipart", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://hub.qgis.org/projects/multipartsplit/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "splitmultipart.0.10.0.zip", "author_name": "Alexandre Neto", "average_vote": "4.59986857518", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "285", "code_repository": "https://github.com/SrNetoChan/MultipartSplit", "library": "", "about": "The plugins adds a "Splits feature(s) parts" item to the Edit menu, and a similar button in the Advanced digitizing toolbar. The buttons are only enabled when the current layer is in edit mode and has features selected.", "name": "Multipart Split", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_pWWPSzF.svg", "downloads": "36461", "status": "not installed", "description": "Split selected multipart features during edit session", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "cartolinegen": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/cartolinegen/version/3.0/download/", "tags": "generalization,cartography,area preserving,simplification,smoothing", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://github.com/geof-osgl/CartoLineGen", "version_available": "3.0", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "cartolinegen", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://github.com/geof-osgl/CartoLineGen/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "cartolinegen.3.0.zip", "author_name": "Drazen Tutic", "average_vote": "3.9980009995", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1535", "code_repository": "http://github.com/geof-osgl/CartoLineGen", "library": "", "about": "Algorithm gives lines (contours, coastlines, rivers, buildings etc.) on map with good geometrical and visual properties suitable for presentation on paper or screen maps.\nLevel of generalization is controlled only by map scale making it very simple to use. If the result still looks too detailed or too coarse for some purpose, just change the scale parameter.\nIt has distinct property of area preservation of features. This ensures that polygons do not collapse to lines or points, and also ensures closeness of input and generalized line. Nevertheless, topological issues are possible, e.g. self-intersections or intersections of features.\nThe typical generalization combines simplification followed by smoothing. Generalization algorithms are based on area preserving approach known from generalization theory. This simulates manual generalization, and parameters of the algorithms were defined by analyzing manually generalized lines in different scales.", "name": "Cartographic Line Generalization", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_zz6Nh3F.png", "downloads": "852", "status": "not installed", "description": "Generalize lines suitable for presentation on printed or screen maps.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "networks": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/networks/version/2.1.0/download/", "tags": "accessibility,transport,network,multimodal,gtfs,interpolation,isovalue,python,routing", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/crocovert/networks/", "version_available": "2.1.0", "rating_votes": "33", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "networks", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/crocovert/networks/", "version_installed": "", "filename": "networks.2.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Patrick Palmier", "average_vote": "4.06048301567", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "629", "code_repository": "https://github.com/crocovert/networks/", "library": "", "about": "Manage linear networks. Several functionalities as generating a graph from a linear layer, reverting and splitting polylines, connecting points to a linear objects, performing a linear-based deterministic interpolation for accessibility maps and generating isochrons polygons. The purpose of the plguin is also to deal with the multimodal calculator tool Musliw (manage input ou output files). Compute multimodal routing and accessibility with extern Musliw tootl provided, which can be called by the Musliw computation algorithm in QGis", "name": "Networks", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/cerema.png", "downloads": "35866", "status": "not installed", "description": "Manage linear networks and compute multimodal routing and accessibility. Several functionalities as generating a graph from a linear layer, invert and split polylines, and connect point to a linear objects, and perform a linear-based deterministic interpolation for accessibility maps and build isochrones polygons.Computes multimodal routing and accessibility", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qgiscloud": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qgiscloud/version/3.0.23/download/", "tags": "server,wms,qwc2,cloud,postgis,wfs-t,wfs,mobile,web-client,wcs", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://qgiscloud.com/", "version_available": "3.0.23", "rating_votes": "59", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "qgiscloud", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/qgiscloud/qgis-cloud-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qgiscloud.3.0.23.zip", "author_name": "Sourcepole AG - Linux & Open Source Solutions, Weberstrasse 5, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland", "average_vote": "4.44060270165", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "202", "code_repository": "https://github.com/qgiscloud/qgis-cloud-plugin", "library": "", "about": "QGIS Cloud is your powerful Web-GIS platform for publishing maps, data and services on the internet. Create and edit professional maps with all the capabilities from QGIS. With only a few short mouse-clicks you can share your work on qgiscloud.com with the public.", "name": "QGIS Cloud Plugin", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_sO3xkmj.png", "downloads": "178525", "status": "not installed", "description": "Publish maps on qgiscloud.com", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "icsm_ntv2_transformer": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/icsm_ntv2_transformer/version/1.1.1/download/", "tags": "gda2020,agd66,icsm,transformation,coordinate system,agd84,gda94", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/icsm-au/icsm_qgis_transformer", "version_available": "1.1.1", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "icsm_ntv2_transformer", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/icsm-au/icsm_qgis_transformer/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "icsm_ntv2_transformer.1.1.1.zip", "author_name": "Alex Leith", "average_vote": "4.99750124938", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1236", "code_repository": "https://github.com/icsm-au/icsm_qgis_transformer", "library": "", "about": "This plugin enables accurate transformations using official Australian NTv2 grids.", "name": "ICSM NTv2 Transformer", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_Zku05iN.png", "downloads": "4519", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin uses official ICSM grids to transform between Australian coordinate systems.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "wntOS-3": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/wntOS-3/version/0.1/download/", "tags": "hydrology,manholes,management,asset,water,pipes,network,wnt", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.gc-i.de/en/gis-entwicklungen/", "version_available": "0.1", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "wntOS-3", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/gc-i/wntOS-3/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "wntOS-3.0.1.zip", "author_name": "GCI", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1403", "code_repository": "https://github.com/gc-i/wntOS-3", "library": "", "about": "Water Network Toolbox (WNT) is an application for the documentation and management of water distribution systems. It offers fundamental functions for an orderly and effective operation of water networks.", "name": "WNT Open Source 3", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/application.png", "downloads": "1299", "status": "not installed", "description": "A toolbox for water utility providers for QGIS 3.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "natusferaqgis3": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/natusferaqgis3/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "citizen science,biodiversity", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://natusfera.gbif.es", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "natusferaqgis3", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/alexvilanovab/NatusferaQGIS-3/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "natusferaqgis3.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Alex Vilanova", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1436", "code_repository": "https://github.com/alexvilanovab/NatusferaQGIS-3", "library": "", "about": "NatusferaQGIS harvests data from Natusfera, a Citizen Science platform for biodiversity observations (http://natusfera.gbif.es). The plugin lets the user choose downloading data of a given user, a project, a taxon, or the whole dataset. Data are downloaded as a .csv file with several attributes, including location, taxonomic name, taxonomic group, date and time of observation. The file is saved in a folder chosen by the user when the download starts. This plugin has been developed thanks to the funding of FECyT and Obra Social La Caixa.", "name": "NatusferaQGIS 3", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_x6yMH2N.png", "downloads": "718", "status": "not installed", "description": "Harvest biodiversity observations from Natusfera.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qproto": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qproto/version/1.2/download/", "tags": "python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://www.faunalia.eu/en/dev.html#qproto\nMetadata updated", "version_available": "1.2", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "qproto", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://gitlab.com/faunalia/QPROTO/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qproto.1.2.zip", "author_name": "Matteo Ghetta (Faunalia)", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1537", "code_repository": "https://gitlab.com/faunalia/QPROTO/", "library": "", "about": "Porting of the QProto script. Founded by Politecnico di Torino (Regione Piemonte)", "name": "QProto", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_ZHOX8lx.png", "downloads": "60", "status": "not installed", "description": "QProto algorithm", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "alkisplugin": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/alkisplugin/version/2.0.34/download/", "tags": "postnas,germany,alkis,nas,cadastre", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.norbit.de/75/", "version_available": "2.0.34", "rating_votes": "59", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "alkisplugin", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/norBIT/alkisplugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "alkisplugin.2.0.34.zip", "author_name": "J\u00fcrgen E. Fischer", "average_vote": "4.30501177946", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "580", "code_repository": "https://github.com/norBIT/alkisplugin", "library": "", "about": "QGIS-Erweiterung zur ALKIS-Einbindung\nFunktion:\n* Einbinden von durch norGIS ALKIS-Import vorbereitete Datenbanken.\n* Einbinden in QGIS\n* Export von UMN-Mapfiles (optional, erfordert python-mapscript)\n* Signaturierung nach GeoInfoDok\n* Eigent\u00fcmerabfrage (Einzelabfragen)\n* Client f\u00fcr norGIS Liegenschaftsbuch", "name": "norGIS ALKIS-Einbindung", "icon": "", "downloads": "31047", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin is dealing with German cadastre data (therefore not localized)", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "menu_from_project": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/menu_from_project/version/0.8.3/download/", "tags": "menu layer project", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/xcaeag/MenuFromProject-Qgis-Plugin", "version_available": "0.8.3", "rating_votes": "16", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "menu_from_project", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/xcaeag/MenuFromProject-Qgis-Plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "menu_from_project.0.8.3.zip", "author_name": "Agence de l'eau Adour Garonne", "average_vote": "4.68720704956", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "43", "code_repository": "https://github.com/xcaeag/MenuFromProject-Qgis-Plugin", "library": "", "about": "Allow easy opening of layers maintaining their style.", "name": "Layers menu from project", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/menu_from_project_GNB32f0.png", "downloads": "43142", "status": "not installed", "description": "Build layers shortcuts menus based on QGis projects", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "interlis": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/interlis/version/0.14.3/download/", "tags": "interlis", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-interlis-plugin", "version_available": "0.14.3", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "interlis", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-interlis-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "interlis.0.14.3.zip", "author_name": "Pirmin Kalberer (Sourcepole)", "average_vote": "4.6658890185", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "549", "code_repository": "https://github.com/sourcepole/qgis-interlis-plugin", "library": "", "about": "", "name": "interlis", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_9vBpz8k.png", "downloads": "13723", "status": "not installed", "description": "Interlis Import/Export", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "JapanElevation": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/JapanElevation/version/2.0/download/", "tags": "elevation,japan", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/dayjournal/JapanElevation", "version_available": "2.0", "rating_votes": "5", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "JapanElevation", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/dayjournal/JapanElevation/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "JapanElevation.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Yasunori Kirimoto", "average_vote": "4.79904019196", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1339", "code_repository": "https://github.com/dayjournal/JapanElevation", "library": "", "about": "Display elevation value of specified position on QGIS. Using Elevation API by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.", "name": "JapanElevation", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_qoGZT1p.png", "downloads": "2210", "status": "not installed", "description": "JapanElevation", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "flickrdl": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/flickrdl/version/0.4/download/", "tags": "flickr,geotagged,python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://samanbey.github.io/flickrdl", "version_available": "0.4", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "flickrdl", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/samanbey/flickrdl/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "flickrdl.0.4.zip", "author_name": "M\u00e1ty\u00e1s Gede", "average_vote": "4.995004995", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1483", "code_repository": "https://github.com/samanbey/flickrdl", "library": "", "about": "This plugin helps downloading metadata of geotagged public Flickr photos within a given geographic quadrangle.\nMetadata includes geographic position, user ID, date, tags and the URL of a small thumbnail image as well.\nThe downloaded data is stored in a Spatialite database file.\nA free Flickr API key is required to use this plugin", "name": "Flickr Metadata Downloader", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_zL0QNO9.png", "downloads": "349", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin helps downloading metadata of geotagged Flickr photos", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "LandXml": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/LandXml/version/2.0/download/", "tags": "", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/linz/QGIS-LandXML-Plugin", "version_available": "2.0", "rating_votes": "22", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "LandXml", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/linz/QGIS-LandXML-Plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "LandXml.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Chris Crook", "average_vote": "3.13622108086", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "357", "code_repository": "https://github.com/linz/QGIS-LandXML-Plugin", "library": "", "about": "The LandXml format is an Xml format used to transfer cadastral survey data.\nThe format can describe cadastral survey parcels, nodes, and observations.\nThis plugin is used to extract information from a LandXml data file into\nmemory layers in the QGIS plugin. Currently it supports parcels and\nnodes, and observations.\nThe plugin is designed to work with LandXml files generated by the\nLand Information New Zealand Landonline application - it may not support\nLandXml from other sources.", "name": "LandXml import plugin", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/LandXmlIcon.png", "downloads": "17909", "status": "not installed", "description": "Import parcels and nodes from a LINZ LandXml file", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "asistente_ladm_col": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/asistente_ladm_col/version/0.7.1/download/", "tags": "catastro,ladm,registro,ladm_col,catastro-registro,iso19152,interlis,cadastre", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/AgenciaImplementacion/Asistente-LADM_COL", "version_available": "0.7.1", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "asistente_ladm_col", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/AgenciaImplementacion/Asistente-LADM_COL/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "asistente_ladm_col.0.7.1.zip", "author_name": "BSF Swissphoto", "average_vote": "3.83269455091", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1391", "code_repository": "https://github.com/AgenciaImplementacion/Asistente-LADM_COL", "library": "", "about": "Plugin de QGIS que ayuda a capturar y mantener datos conformes con LADM_COL y a generar archivos de intercambio de INTERLIS (.XTF).", "name": "Asistente LADM_COL", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_drrj78S.png", "downloads": "2458", "status": "not installed", "description": "Assistant to capture and manage data for Colombian multipurpose cadastre", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "gis4wrf": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/gis4wrf/version/0.11.0/download/", "tags": "nwp,grib,wrf,gis,netcdf,wps", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://gis4wrf.github.io/", "version_available": "0.11.0", "rating_votes": "42", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "gis4wrf", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/GIS4WRF/gis4wrf/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "gis4wrf.0.11.0.zip", "author_name": "D. Meyer and M. Riechert", "average_vote": "4.9046451275", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1491", "code_repository": "https://github.com/GIS4WRF/gis4wrf", "library": "", "about": "GIS4WRF is an evolving cross-platform and open-source QGIS Python plug-in for the Advanced Research WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) modelling framework. It enables users to carry out several geo-related tasks (e.g. re-/mapping land surface data), define model domains, configure model parameters, run simulations, and visualize and post-process model output files within a single graphical user interface in QGIS.\r\n\r\nDid you know that we provide MPI-enabled pre-built WPS and WRF binaries for Windows, macOS and Linux with <a href="https://github.com/WRF-CMake/WRF#readme">WRF-CMake</a>? After installing GIS4WRF go ahead and explore all its features from the included documentation.\r\n\r\nFor the official documentation and tutorials, please see the website at <a href="https://gis4wrf.github.io/">https://gis4wrf.github.io/</a>.", "name": "GIS4WRF", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/gis4wrf_logo_khNnq8R.svg", "downloads": "1571", "status": "not installed", "description": "Toolkit for pre- and post-processing, visualizing, and running simulations in WRF", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qchainage": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qchainage/version/3.0.0/download/", "tags": "chainages,measurement,feature chainage,vector,linear referencing", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mach0/qchainage", "version_available": "3.0.0", "rating_votes": "35", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "qchainage", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mach0/qchainage", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qchainage.3.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Werner Macho", "average_vote": "4.57129796292", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "366", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mach0/qchainage", "library": "", "about": "QChainage is either separating the selected (or all) Line-Features into\nparts, or linear referencing after a chosen distance. All along the whole\nFeature or between selectable start and endpoint.", "name": "QChainage", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/qchainage_7SY8gpZ.png", "downloads": "46351", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin takes line features and creates a new layer of points\nin provided distances on top of this Lines. Optionally you can set the\nstartpoint (distance from the start of the line) and the endpoint (stop\nbefore reaching the end of the line) and automatically label the new\npoints with the distances.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "nominatim": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/nominatim/version/1.2.3/download/", "tags": "location search helper osm", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/xcaeag/Nominatim-Qgis-Plugin", "version_available": "1.2.3", "rating_votes": "49", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "nominatim", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/xcaeag/Nominatim-Qgis-Plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "nominatim.1.2.3.zip", "author_name": "Xavier Culos (Agence de l'eau Adour Garonne)", "average_vote": "4.20399583682", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "354", "code_repository": "https://github.com/xcaeag/Nominatim-Qgis-Plugin", "library": "", "about": "Based on OSM data, Nominatim online tool (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim_usage_policy)", "name": "OSM place search", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/nominatim_7rSSx4h.png", "downloads": "71107", "status": "not installed", "description": "Location search helper", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "pointsamplingtool": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/pointsamplingtool/version/0.5.1/download/", "tags": "raster,vector,point,sample", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://github.com/borysiasty/pointsamplingtool", "version_available": "0.5.1", "rating_votes": "91", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "pointsamplingtool", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://github.com/borysiasty/pointsamplingtool/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "pointsamplingtool.0.5.1.zip", "author_name": "Borys Jurgiel", "average_vote": "4.61533389743", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "223", "code_repository": "http://github.com/borysiasty/pointsamplingtool", "library": "", "about": "The Point Sampling Tool Plugin collects polygon attributes and raster values from multiple layers at specified sampling points. You need a point layer with locations of sampling points and at least one polygon or raster layer to probe values from. The plugin creates a new point layer with locations given by the sampling points and attributes taken from all the underlying polygons or/and raster cells. Please use Control and Shift keys in order to select multiple columns and bands. Note this tool is not compatible with mulitipoint sources, unless each multipoint contains exactly one point. Using multipoint samples that contain more points in multipoints may produce unreliable results.", "name": "Point sampling tool", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/pointSamplingToolIcon_WFDH45i.png", "downloads": "155411", "status": "not installed", "description": "Samples polygon attributes and raster values from multiple layers at specified sampling points", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "attributePainter": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/attributePainter/version/5.1/download/", "tags": "replication,fields,attributes,edit,apply,copy,layer,vector,table", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://geogear.wordpress.com/", "version_available": "5.1", "rating_votes": "26", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "attributePainter", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/enricofer/attributepainter/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "attributePainter.5.1.zip", "author_name": "Enrico Ferreguti", "average_vote": "4.30752663359", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "483", "code_repository": "https://github.com/enricofer/attributepainter/", "library": "", "about": "Attribute Painter usage:\n1) Click on "Pick source feature" and select a sample feature on map.\n2) On the table below will appears a selection list for attributes to be applied.\n3) Check the attributes to be copied.\n4) If necessary override source attributes values editing cells\n5) If necessary remap destination field between those available in field combobox\n6) Select destination features\n7) Click on "Apply to selection" to apply attributes to selected features"\nor\n6) Click on "Pick to Apply" to apply attributes to features one by one\notherwise\n8) Click "Reset source" to clear source selection\nAttributes settings are now persistent changing between layers", "name": "Attribute painter", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_NkImNr5.png", "downloads": "39020", "status": "not installed", "description": "Plugin for easy replication of attributes values between features", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "layerfromclipboard": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/layerfromclipboard/version/0.12/download/", "tags": "clipboard,python,vector", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/jalmmor/layerfromclipboard", "version_available": "0.12", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "layerfromclipboard", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jalmmor/layerfromclipboard/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "layerfromclipboard.0.12.zip", "author_name": "Jorge Almaraz", "average_vote": "3.996003996", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1454", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jalmmor/layerfromclipboard", "library": "", "about": "Layerfromclipboard is a plugin that allows users to create a memory layer with the clipboard data. The data can be a delimited text, html table or a spreadsheet.", "name": "Layer From Clipboard", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_FUpsYhx.svg", "downloads": "2031", "status": "not installed", "description": "Create layer from clipboard data", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "GeoCoding": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/GeoCoding/version/2.18/download/", "tags": "address,nominatim,geocoding,geocode", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.itopen.it/2009/06/05/geocoding-qgis-plugins-released/", "version_available": "2.18", "rating_votes": "166", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "GeoCoding", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/elpaso/qgis-geocoding/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "GeoCoding.2.18.zip", "author_name": "Alessandro Pasotti", "average_vote": "3.67467665857", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "39", "code_repository": "https://github.com/elpaso/qgis-geocoding", "library": "", "about": "This plugin allows the user to search for an address and get its coordinates (geocoding) using GeoCoding using Nominatim and Google web services. It also allows to get the address of a point by clicking on the map canvas (reverse geocoding).", "name": "GeoCoding", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/geocode_icon_IjUCPY8.png", "downloads": "157622", "status": "not installed", "description": "GeoCoding and reverse GeoCoding using Nominatim and Google web services", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "AcATaMa": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/AcATaMa/version/18.8.7.q3/download/", "tags": "classification,remote sensing,accuracy assessment,thematic map,sample,accuracy,points,sampling design", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://smbyc.bitbucket.io/qgisplugins/acatama", "version_available": "18.8.7.q3", "rating_votes": "19", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "AcATaMa", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://bitbucket.org/smbyc/qgisplugin-acatama/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "AcATaMa.18.8.7.q3.zip", "author_name": "Xavier Corredor Llano, SMByC", "average_vote": "4.63133519288", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1421", "code_repository": "https://bitbucket.org/smbyc/qgisplugin-acatama", "library": "", "about": "The AcATaMa is a Qgis plugin for Accuracy Assessment of Thematic Maps. It was designed mainly for: \r\n - To assess the accuracy of thematic maps\r\n - To estimate areas of the map classes\r\n - Design and sampling generation\r\n - Sampling classification and others.", "name": "AcATaMa", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/acatama_JWccODX.svg", "downloads": "9249", "status": "not installed", "description": "AcATaMa is a Qgis plugin for Accuracy Assessment of Thematic Maps", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Coordtransform": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Coordtransform/version/1.1/download/", "tags": "coordinate,reference system,proj4,transformation,epsg,point,crs", "readonly": false, "homepage": "www.d2gis.com", "version_available": "1.1", "rating_votes": "12", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Coordtransform", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/demarcog/Coordtransform/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Coordtransform.1.1.zip", "author_name": "Giuseppe De Marco", "average_vote": "4.41629864178", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1280", "code_repository": "https://github.com/demarcog/Coordtransform", "library": "", "about": "This plugin let the user transform x,y input coordinate to whatever new reference system using EPSG code number and even USER DEFINED crs. It also displays proj4 crs definition strings for the input and output crs along with the new x,y coordinate. This plugin let the user take advantage of QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem Class functionalities and allows the user to have a conversion software like CartLab inside Qgis. It is very useful when dealing with georeferencing tasks to check one point coordinates in a different CRS or simply when the user would like to know a point's coordinates in a different CRS. It extends the functionalities of the custom CS dialog letting the user convert coordinates from whatever CRS to whatever CRS.", "name": "Coordtransform", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/icon_HvKxmJy.png", "downloads": "12627", "status": "not installed", "description": "transform x,y input coordinate to whatever new reference system", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "geopunt4Qgis": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/geopunt4Qgis/version/2.0.1/download/", "tags": "brussels,belgium,address,urbis,point of interest,webservice,inspire,geopunt,adressen,geolokatie,gdi,vlaanderen,flanders,crab,adres,geocode,poi,gipod,belgie,location,brussel,grb,agiv", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.geopunt.be/nl/voor-experts/geopunt-plug-ins", "version_available": "2.0.1", "rating_votes": "39", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "geopunt4Qgis", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/warrieka/geopunt4Qgis/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "geopunt4Qgis.2.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Kay Warrie", "average_vote": "4.56398553883", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "407", "code_repository": "https://github.com/warrieka/geopunt4Qgis", "library": "", "about": ""Geopunt voor QGIS" is een plugin voor de QGIS open source desktop GIS, die de webservices van het Vlaamse geoportaal Geopunt ontsluit naar desktop GIS-gebruikers. Het Vlaamse Geoportaal Geopunt biedt een aantal geografische diensten (web-services) aan die mogen gebruikt worden door derden zoals andere overheden en bedrijven.\n- Zoeken op adres [gewoon, in batch en prikken op kaart] op basis van Gebouwen- en Adressenregister Vlaanderen.\n- Zoeken naar Intressepunten in geopunt\n- zoeken naar wegenwerken en manifestaties in GIPOD\n- Hoogte Profielen tekenen\n- Zoeken naar percelen\n- Zoeken naar lagen in de geopunt catlogus\nEN: "Geopunt for QGIS" is a plugin for the QGIS open source desktop GIS, which opens the web services of the Flemish geoportal Geopunt to desktop GIS users. The Flemish Geoportal Geopunt offers a number of geographic services (web services) that may be used by third parties such as other governments and companies.\n- Geocoding [regular, batch and reverse] based on adresregistry Flanders\n- Search for POI's in geopunt\n- Search for trafic obstructions in GIPOD\n- Draw elevation profiles\n- Search for Parcels\n- Search for layers in the geopunt catalog", "name": "geopunt4Qgis", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/geopunt.png", "downloads": "47020", "status": "not installed", "description": "NL: Plugin om geopunt diensten in QGIS te gebruiken\nEN: Plug-in to use geopunt services in QGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "SDEllipse": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SDEllipse/version/3.0.2/download/", "tags": "ellipse,statistics,deviation,standard,standard deviational ellipse,deviational", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://arken.nmbu.no/~havatv/gis/qgisplugins/SDEllipse/", "version_available": "3.0.2", "rating_votes": "7", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SDEllipse", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://github.com/havatv/qgisstandarddeviationalellipseplugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SDEllipse.3.0.2.zip", "author_name": "H\u00e5vard Tveite, NMBU", "average_vote": "4.99928581631", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "998", "code_repository": "https://github.com/havatv/qgisstandarddeviationalellipseplugin.git", "library": "", "about": "A standard deviational ellipse is produced according to two methods, with variations. The default method is the on presented by Robert Yuill (1971). This method does not correct for degrees of freedom. The Yuill method does not give a radius equal to the standard distance deviation for a random point distribution (to achieve this, the SDs should be multiplied by sqrt(2), as explained in the CrimeStat documentation). The plugin also offers the CrimeStat / aspace method, where there are corrections for degrees of freedom and with sqrt(2). A polygon vector layer with the standard deviational ellipse is produced, containing the attributes: meanx, meany, majorsd, minorsd, majorangle, directoind and eccentrici as explained in the documentation. The majorangle is counter-clockwise relative to the first axis. An attribute for weighting can be selected. There are no external library dependencies.", "name": "Standard Deviational Ellipse", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/sdeicon_couVFU0.png", "downloads": "5959", "status": "not installed", "description": "Create a standard deviational ellipse for a set of points", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "pdok_locatieserver_locator_filter": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/pdok_locatieserver_locator_filter/version/0.2.1/download/", "tags": "pdok,locatieserver,geocoder,locator,filter", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/pdok_locatieserver_locator_filter", "version_available": "0.2.1", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "pdok_locatieserver_locator_filter", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/pdok_locatieserver_locator_filter/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "pdok_locatieserver_locator_filter.0.2.1.zip", "author_name": "Richard Duivenvoorde, Zuidt", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1461", "code_repository": "https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/pdok_locatieserver_locator_filter", "library": "", "about": "PDOK Locatieserver is a free Geocoder service provided by PDOK, The Netherlands.\nA Locator Filter implements the fetching of data from internal or external sources.\nPDOK Locatieserver is both a suggest service and an info service", "name": "PDOK Locatieserver Locator Filter", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_1vVE9gA.svg", "downloads": "1315", "status": "not installed", "description": "This is a plugin which adds a PDOK Locatieserver (dutch geocoder) to QGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "AreaAlongVector": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/AreaAlongVector/version/2.0/download/", "tags": "routing,area,network analysis,label", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/alexisdupontroc/AreaAlongVector", "version_available": "2.0", "rating_votes": "28", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "AreaAlongVector", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/alexisdupontroc/AreaAlongVector/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "AreaAlongVector.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Alexis Dupont-Roc", "average_vote": "3.96414413771", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "515", "code_repository": "https://github.com/alexisdupontroc/AreaAlongVector", "library": "", "about": "This plugin draws rectangle areas along polylines according to field values. It was developed in order to show car traffic volumes on a road network.", "name": "Area Along Vector", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_bIXCWJd.png", "downloads": "30993", "status": "not installed", "description": "Create an area along a vector depending on a field value. Right and left sides can be distinguished.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "PostNAS_Search": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/PostNAS_Search/version/1.2.1/download/", "tags": "postnas,germany,alkis,nas,cadastre", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/Kreis-Unna/PostNAS_Search", "version_available": "1.2.1", "rating_votes": "11", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "PostNAS_Search", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Kreis-Unna/PostNAS_Search/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "PostNAS_Search.1.2.1.zip", "author_name": "Marvin Kinberger - Kreis-Unna", "average_vote": "4.63594218707", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "745", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Kreis-Unna/PostNAS_Search", "library": "", "about": "This plugin can search parcels in a PostNAS database. The concept of this plugin is a single field search like google. So you can search substrings of the parcel identifier. After finding the parcel will be highlighted in the map.", "name": "PostNAS Suchfunktionen", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/search_24x24_5KqshvN.png", "downloads": "7050", "status": "not installed", "description": "Searchfunction for PostNAS Database", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "HotspotAnalysis": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/HotspotAnalysis/version/1.0.1/download/", "tags": "hotspot,python,vector,esda", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/danioxoli/HotSpotAnalysis_Plugin", "version_available": "1.0.1", "rating_votes": "31", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "HotspotAnalysis", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/danioxoli/HotSpotAnalysis_Plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "HotspotAnalysis.1.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Daniele Oxoli & Gabriele Prestifilippo & Mayra Zurbar\u00e0n & Stanly Shaji", "average_vote": "4.09664204381", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1181", "code_repository": "https://github.com/danioxoli/HotSpotAnalysis_Plugin.git", "library": "", "about": "The Plugin implements Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) statistics to perform the Hotspot (Getis-Ord Gi*) and Clusters (Moran's I) analysis and links them to maps. Input data must be a shapefile of points or polygons with an associated projected coordinate system and (at least) one numeric attribute. The plugin requires Pysal (see repository for installation instruction).", "name": "Hotspot Analysis", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/hotspot_5tgJLA4.png", "downloads": "9610", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin implements LISA statistics needed for Hotspot and Cluster Analysis", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "quick_map_services": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/quick_map_services/version/", "tags": "geojson,wms,qms,openstreetmap,internet,tms,basemap,wfs,service,osm", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://nextgis.com/blog/quickmapservices/", "version_available": "", "rating_votes": "400", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "quick_map_services", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/nextgis/quickmapservices/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "quick_map_services.", "author_name": "NextGIS", "average_vote": "4.59748850628", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "663", "code_repository": "https://github.com/nextgis/quickmapservices", "library": "", "about": "Convenient list of services + search for finding datasets and basemaps. Please contribute new services via <a href='http://qms.nextgis.com'>http://qms.nextgis.com</a>! Built by NextGIS.", "name": "QuickMapServices", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/mapservices_lC6VZfC.png", "downloads": "642881", "status": "not installed", "description": "Collection of easy to add basemaps", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "geosearch_dk": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/geosearch_dk/version/1.0.3/download/", "tags": "stednavn,adresse,kortforsyningen,s\u00f8g,dansk,danmark", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/Septima/qgis-geosearch", "version_available": "1.0.3", "rating_votes": "19", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "geosearch_dk", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Septima/qgis-geosearch/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "geosearch_dk.1.0.3.zip", "author_name": "Asger Skovbo Petersen, Septima", "average_vote": "4.68396400189", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "862", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Septima/qgis-geosearch", "library": "", "about": "Uses Kortforsyningen services for searching Danish addresses, road names, place names, land registry and a lot more. In order to use the plugin, a user at Kortforsyningen is required. If you do not have a Kortforsyning-user, create one with this <a href="http://download.kortforsyningen.dk//content/opret-mig-som-bruger">link</a> - it is free of charge. When the plugin is installed, enter your user name and password to Kortforsyning in the dialog found under the menu Plugins --> Geosearch DK --> Settings. This plugin is developed by Septima.", "name": "Geosearch DK", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_t3iIpzq.png", "downloads": "15678", "status": "not installed", "description": "Search and zoom to named places in Denmark", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Spanish_Inspire_Catastral_Downloader": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Spanish_Inspire_Catastral_Downloader/version/1.1/download/", "tags": "atom,catastro,cadastre,spain,inspire,espa\u00f1a", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/sigdeletras/Spanish_Inspire_Catastral_Downloader", "version_available": "1.1", "rating_votes": "10", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Spanish_Inspire_Catastral_Downloader", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/sigdeletras/Spanish_Inspire_Catastral_Downloader", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Spanish_Inspire_Catastral_Downloader.1.1.zip", "author_name": "Patricio Soriano :: SIGdeletras.com", "average_vote": "4.699530047", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1282", "code_repository": "https://github.com/sigdeletras/Spanish_Inspire_Catastral_Downloader", "library": "", "about": "<p>Plugin de QGIS para la descarga de datos catastrales de parcelas, edificios y direcciones de Espa\u00f1a. La descarga usa el servicio ATOM seg\u00fan la Directiva Inspire. <a href='http://www.catastro.minhap.gob.es/webinspire/index.html'>http://www.catastro.minhap.gob.es/webinspire/index.html</a></p><p>QGIS Plugin for the download of cadastral data of parcels, buildings and addresses of Spain. The download uses the ATOM service according to the Inspire Directive. <a href='http://www.catastro.minhap.gob.es/webinspire/index_eng.html'>http://www.catastro.minhap.gob.es/webinspire/index_eng.html</a></p>", "name": "Spanish Inspire Catastral Downloader", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_fh3p7bs.png", "downloads": "9075", "status": "not installed", "description": "Descarga de cartograf\u00eda catastral seg\u00fan Inspire", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qgSurf": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qgSurf/version/1.0.0/download/", "tags": "intersection,raster,geological planes,structural geology,dem", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/qgSurf", "version_available": "1.0.0", "rating_votes": "20", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "qgSurf", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/qgSurf/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qgSurf.1.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Mauro Alberti", "average_vote": "4.04979751012", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "205", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/qgSurf", "library": "", "about": "qgSurf is a field-mapping/structural-geology plugin for: a) estimating the attitude of sub-planar geological surfaces given three or more points on a topographic surface; b) for determining the intersection between a geological plane and a topographic surface.", "name": "qgSurf", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/qgsurf_lJEb0Wu.png", "downloads": "34839", "status": "not installed", "description": "Processing of geological planes and surfaces", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "MetaSearch": {"download_url": "/home/ale/dev/QGIS/build-local-qt5101-release/output/python/plugins/MetaSearch", "tags": "web,catalog,service,metadata,csw", "readonly": true, "homepage": "http://qgis.org/", "version_available": "", "icon": "/home/ale/dev/QGIS/build-local-qt5101-release/output/python/plugins/MetaSearch/images/MetaSearch.svg", "error_details": "qgismaximumversion", "trusted": false, "category": "Web", "experimental": false, "pythonic": true, "available": false, "id": "MetaSearch", "changelog": "Version 0.3.5 (2017-03-05)\n- fix help functionality (#16176)\n- clean OWS URL when adding from search (#16261)\n- updates to core CSW list (Greece, Portugal data.gov https)", "tracker": "https://issues.qgis.org/projects/qgis/issues?category_id=107&set_filter=1&status_id=o", "version_installed": "0.3.5", "filename": "", "author_name": "Tom Kralidis", "average_vote": "", "plugin_id": null, "deprecated": false, "error": "", "zip_repository": "", "code_repository": "https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/tree/master/python/plugins/MetaSearch", "library": "/home/ale/dev/QGIS/build-local-qt5101-release/output/python/plugins/MetaSearch", "about": "MetaSearch is a QGIS plugin to interact with metadata catalog services, supporting the OGC Catalog Service for the Web (CSW) standard. MetaSearch provides an easy and intuitive approach and user-friendly interface to searching metadata catalogs within QGIS.", "name": "MetaSearch Catalog Client", "rating_votes": "", "downloads": "", "status": "orphan", "description": "MetaSearch is a QGIS plugin to interact with metadata catalog services (CSW).", "installed": true, "author_email": "tomkralidis@gmail.com"}, "autoSaver": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/autoSaver/version/2.4/download/", "tags": "project,autosave", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://geogear.wordpress.com/", "version_available": "2.4", "rating_votes": "46", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "autoSaver", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/enricofer/autoSaver/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "autoSaver.2.4.zip", "author_name": "Enrico Ferreguti", "average_vote": "4.02165170322", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "557", "code_repository": "https://github.com/enricofer/autoSaver", "library": "", "about": "The plugin provide a basic autosave functionality for project file and modified layers currently in edit mode. Currents edits can be saved as version files if layerVersion plugin is installed.", "name": "autoSaver", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_zmAJFqY.png", "downloads": "45988", "status": "not installed", "description": "auto save current project and modified layers in edit mode at specified interval", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "kmltools": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/kmltools/version/3.0.0/download/", "tags": "kmz,polygons,kml,lines,html,points", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-kmltools-plugin", "version_available": "3.0.0", "rating_votes": "5", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "kmltools", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-kmltools-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "kmltools.3.0.0.zip", "author_name": "C Hamilton", "average_vote": "3.39932013597", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1536", "code_repository": "https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-kmltools-plugin", "library": "", "about": "Note: This plugin is a work in progress. It does not handle everything and we would appreciate reports of cases where it does not work as well as KML samples. Rather than rate it at this point in time, please give feedback.\r\n\r\nThe native QGIS KML importer creates separate layers for each folder within a KML. If there are hundreds of layers, the import can be very slow or can crash QGIS. This plugin only creates one point layer, one line layer, and one polygon layer. It adds the nested folder structure to a field in the QGIS layer. This makes the KML/KMZ import very quick. An additional tool looks at the KML description field to see if there are two column tables with entries that could be expanded into table fields.\r\n\r\nThis plugin currently handles only a limited set of the KML specification. Please read the documentation and if there is another case of KMLs that it does not work with please let us know.", "name": "KML Tools", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_ihUf8V4.png", "downloads": "973", "status": "not installed", "description": "Alternative KML/KMZ importer with description field expansion - This is a work in progress", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "AttributeAssignment": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/AttributeAssignment/version/2.1/download/", "tags": "attribute,vector", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/dayjournal/AttributeAssignment", "version_available": "2.1", "rating_votes": "3", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "AttributeAssignment", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/dayjournal/AttributeAssignment/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "AttributeAssignment.2.1.zip", "author_name": "Yasunori Kirimoto", "average_vote": "3.66544485172", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1427", "code_repository": "https://github.com/dayjournal/AttributeAssignment", "library": "", "about": "Easy to assign an attribute on QGIS", "name": "AttributeAssignment", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_bmiCusW.png", "downloads": "2938", "status": "not installed", "description": "AttributeAssignment", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QWeather": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QWeather/version/3.0.3/download/", "tags": "weather,wind speed,pressure,humidity,visibility,sunrise,temperature,yahoo api,sunset,wind direction", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/KIOS-Research/QWeather/", "version_available": "3.0.3", "rating_votes": "8", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QWeather", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/KIOS-Research/QWeather/issues/", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QWeather.3.0.3.zip", "author_name": "Marios S. Kyriakou, George A. Christou, KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE)", "average_vote": "3.87451568554", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1479", "code_repository": "https://github.com/KIOS-Research/QWeather/", "library": "", "about": "This tool can be used to get weather using Yahoo Weather API. Get information about city, country, region, wind direction, wind speed, humidity, pressure, visibility, sunrise, sunset, lon, lat, temperature in celsius or fahreneit, date, and icon.", "name": "QWeather", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/weather_LngryhF.png", "downloads": "3044", "status": "not installed", "description": "Weather Information based on Yahoo API.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qgis-amigocloud-plugin": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qgis-amigocloud-plugin/version/0.10/download/", "tags": "wms,gis,wfs,webservice,web", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qgis-amigocloud-plugin/", "version_available": "0.10", "rating_votes": "13", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "qgis-amigocloud-plugin", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/amigocloud/qgis-amigocloud-plugin/issues/", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qgis-amigocloud-plugin.0.10.zip", "author_name": "AmigoCloud", "average_vote": "4.1535266518", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "849", "code_repository": "https://github.com/amigocloud/qgis-amigocloud-plugin", "library": "", "about": "The AmigoCloud plugin allows to connect QGIS to AmigoCloud backend using AmigoCloud GDAL data source", "name": "AmigoCloud", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_L2Qi3H7.png", "downloads": "10453", "status": "not installed", "description": "AmigoCloud", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "dataexplorer": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/dataexplorer/version/3.0/download/", "tags": "analysis,statistics,vector", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://gitlab.com/Borsi/dataexplorer/", "version_available": "3.0", "rating_votes": "8", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "dataexplorer", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://gitlab.com/Borsi/dataexplorer/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "dataexplorer.3.0.zip", "author_name": "Iacopo Borsi", "average_vote": "3.87451568554", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "757", "code_repository": "https://bitbucket.org/iaborsi/dataexplorer/src", "library": "", "about": "Data Explorer is aimed at plotting and/or analysing data series, with particular emphasis on time series. The plugin structure has been partially inspired by the plugin", "name": "Data Analysis and Visualization", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/dataexp.png", "downloads": "12323", "status": "not installed", "description": "Calculate and show statistical properties for a field", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qProf": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qProf/version/0.4.2/download/", "tags": "raster,geology,fold axis,dem,gpx,cross-section,profiles", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/qProf", "version_available": "0.4.2", "rating_votes": "46", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "qProf", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/qProf/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qProf.0.4.2.zip", "author_name": "Mauro Alberti, Marco Zanieri", "average_vote": "4.30425425534", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "294", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/qProf", "library": "", "about": "qProf is a plugin for the generation of topographic and geological profiles. Topography can be extracted from DEM or GPX files. Geological data, such as stratification attitude and geological traces, can be projected on the profile. Intersections between geological outcrops or faults can be determined.", "name": "qProf", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/qprof_Mfezqin.png", "downloads": "74721", "status": "not installed", "description": "Calculates height and slope profiles from DEM and GPX files, and plots geological attitudes and traces on profiles.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "projectgenerator": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/projectgenerator/version/3.2.7/download/", "tags": "postgis,project,forms,interlis,postgresql", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/projectgenerator/", "version_available": "3.2.7", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "projectgenerator", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/opengisch/projectgenerator/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "projectgenerator.3.2.7.zip", "author_name": "OPENGIS.ch GmbH", "average_vote": "4.99750124938", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1202", "code_repository": "https://github.com/opengisch/projectgenerator", "library": "", "about": "Creates QGIS Projects from Interlis files", "name": "QgsProjectGenerator", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/projectgenerator-icon_jUhyKlZ.svg", "downloads": "10318", "status": "not installed", "description": "QGIS Project Generator", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "nominatim_locator_filter": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/nominatim_locator_filter/version/0.2.2/download/", "tags": "osm,geocoder,nominatim,locator,filter", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/nominatim_locator_filter", "version_available": "0.2.2", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "nominatim_locator_filter", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/nominatim_locator_filter/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "nominatim_locator_filter.0.2.2.zip", "author_name": "Richard Duivenvoorde, Zuidt", "average_vote": "3.996003996", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1447", "code_repository": "https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/nominatim_locator_filter", "library": "", "about": "Nominatim is a free Geocoder service provided by the OpenStreetMap project.\nA Locator Filter implements the fetching of data from internal or external sources.\nBecause it is *NOT* allowed to use the Nominatim service as a 'search as you type' service,\nthe locator will not fire a request unless you end your string with a space or enter.\nRead more: <a href="http://www.qgis.nl/2018/05/16/english-coding-a-qgslocator-plugin/?lang=en">http://www.qgis.nl/2018/05/16/english-coding-a-qgslocator-plugin</a>", "name": "Nominatim Locator Filter", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_TgpLbIc.svg", "downloads": "1908", "status": "not installed", "description": "This is a plugin which adds a Nominatim Locator Filter to QGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "ipyconsole": {"download_url": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/ipyconsole", "tags": "console,ipython", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.itopen.it/qgis-and-ipython-the-definitive-interactive-console/", "version_available": "", "icon": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/ipyconsole/icons/icon.png", "error_details": "name[it_it]", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "pythonic": true, "available": false, "id": "ipyconsole", "changelog": "\n1.8 Fixes #10 and remove paypal link\n1.7 Bring into front fixes #8 default to docked fixes #9\n1.6 Console font selection in settings\n1.5 tested on current master QGIS 3.0 with Qt5/Py3, added instructions for windows installation\n1.4 removed limit IPython version == 3.1.0: now tested on Jupyter 1.0.0\n1.3 fixed loading issue ans set IPython version == 3.1.0, thanks to \"dmofot\"\n1.2 added error message in case IPython version is less than 3.1\n1.1 added exception message to exception handler on IPython import\n1.0 added option to hide help message, auto-resize for settings dialog\n0.6 added option to launch at start, monkey patched IPython console resize\n0.5 fixed propertize on classmethods, added option to disable\n0.4 added configuration options for font size and default mode (window/dock)\nadded about dialog and links\n0.3 fixed double prompt at start\n0.2 better messages and usage instructions\n0.1 first version", "tracker": "https://github.com/elpaso/qgis-ipythonconsole/issues", "version_installed": "1.8", "filename": "", "author_name": "Alessandro Pasotti", "average_vote": "", "plugin_id": null, "deprecated": false, "error": "", "zip_repository": "", "code_repository": "https://github.com/elpaso/qgis-ipythonconsole", "library": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/ipyconsole", "about": "This plugin adds a Python console based on IPython.\nIPython has full introspection support and TAB completion, syntax highlight, online help ad a lot of cool features you will love! Optionally, this plugin creates more \"pythonic\" interface to Qgs classmethods for an easier introspection and TAB completion of Qgs classes.\n\nNote: you must separately install IPython and IPython Qt console to use this plugin. On a Debian-like distributions this is as easy as running \"pip install 'ipython[all]==3.1.0 qtconsole' or (better) \"pip install jupyter==1.0.0 qtconsole\". To install packages with 'pip' you may need root/admin privileges.", "name": "IPyConsole", "rating_votes": "", "downloads": "", "status": "orphan", "description": "IPython QGIS Console", "installed": true, "author_email": "apasotti@gmail.com"}, "pickLayer": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/pickLayer/version/3.1/download/", "tags": "properties,context,change,functions,context menu,hide,datasource,editing,snap,layer,data source,menu", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://geogear.wordpress.com/", "version_available": "3.1", "rating_votes": "22", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "pickLayer", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/enricofer/pickLayer/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "pickLayer.3.1.zip", "author_name": "Enrico Ferreguti", "average_vote": "4.95432025817", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "619", "code_repository": "https://github.com/enricofer/pickLayer", "library": "", "about": "The plugin allows to perform layer and features operations by a contextual menu clicking over features on map canvas. This is useful when many layers are loaded in the project and is difficult to find them in a crowded legend.", "name": "pickLayer", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_R5njNSj.png", "downloads": "12607", "status": "not installed", "description": "pick to feature on map canvas to perform layer and feature commands", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "AustrianElevation": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/AustrianElevation/version/2.0/download/", "tags": "elevation,austria", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/maegger/AustrianElevation/tree/master/tree/AustrianElevation", "version_available": "2.0", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "AustrianElevation", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/maegger/AustrianElevation/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "AustrianElevation.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Yasunori Kirimoto", "average_vote": "4.99750124938", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1432", "code_repository": "https://github.com/maegger/AustrianElevation", "library": "", "about": "Display elevation value of specified position on QGIS. Using Austrian Elevation Service by Manfred Egger (spatial resolution 10 x 10 m). Data Source: http://geoland.at", "name": "AustrianElevation", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_jkHeSMQ.png", "downloads": "1966", "status": "not installed", "description": "AustrianElevation", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "GeoTrace": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/GeoTrace/version/1.32/download/", "tags": "geoscience stereonet", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/lachlangrose/GeoTrace", "version_available": "1.32", "rating_votes": "9", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "GeoTrace", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/lachlangrose/GeoTrace/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "GeoTrace.1.32.zip", "author_name": "Lachlan Grose", "average_vote": "3.99955560493", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1292", "code_repository": "https://github.com/lachlangrose/GeoTrace", "library": "", "about": "GeoTrace is a a QGIS plugin containing some helpful tools for extracting and analysing the orientations of geological structures. It can be used to rapidly digitize structural traces in raster data, estimate their 3D orientations using an associated DEM, and then visualise the results on stereonets and rose diagrams. There is a complementary plugin, Compass, for CloudCompare that provides similar functionalities for 3D point clouds. The trace extraction method (Trace tab) uses a least-cost path algorithm to "follow" linear features in the raster. This relies on a single-channel cost raster in which the structures of interest are represented by low values, and the background by high values. A variety of functions for quickly calculating such a cost function have been included in the Cost Calculator tab. See the about tab for more information and a quick guide on how to use the plugin", "name": "GeoTrace", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_alfiGtQ.png", "downloads": "3178", "status": "not installed", "description": "Collection of tools extracting trace data from commonly used geoscience rasters such as imagery, topography and geophysics.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "ImportEpanetInpFiles": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/ImportEpanetInpFiles/version/1.4/download/", "tags": "epanet,inp,network,export,import", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/KIOS-Research/ImportEpanetInpFiles", "version_available": "1.4", "rating_votes": "17", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "ImportEpanetInpFiles", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/KIOS-Research/ImportEpanetInpFiles/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "ImportEpanetInpFiles.1.4.zip", "author_name": "Marios S. Kyriakou, KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE)", "average_vote": "4.52914534439", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "947", "code_repository": "https://github.com/KIOS-Research/ImportEpanetInpFiles", "library": "", "about": "This tool can be used to IMPORT EPANET INP File to shapefiles and adds them in the QGIS canvas. Also, the shapefiles stored into the _shapefiles_ folder. Can be used to EXPORT EPANET INP File.", "name": "ImportEpanetInpFiles", "icon": "", "downloads": "9906", "status": "not installed", "description": "IMPORT/EXPORT EPANET INP Files", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "CoordGuesser": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/CoordGuesser/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "coordinates guess unscramble parse", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/jicrbuh/CoordinateGuesser", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "CoordGuesser", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jicrbuh/CoordinateGuesser/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "CoordGuesser.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Ben Avrahami, Idan Miara and Chen Barnoy", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1404", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jicrbuh/CoordinateGuesser", "library": "", "about": "This plugin parses misstyped or scrambled coordinates from different projections to WGS84-Geo. For example, DMS and partial DMS (148 - 11' 7", 23 - 29' 24"), Commas instead of points (40\u00b038'51,14", 40\u00b038'50,67"), UTM without a zone and missing the leftmost digit (?90950,3431318.8)", "name": "CoordGuesser", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_Mfmxt4q.png", "downloads": "1945", "status": "not installed", "description": "Unscrambles, parses and guesses coordinates.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "StandardDistance": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/StandardDistance/version/1.0.0/download/", "tags": "distance,standard distance,vector analysis,standard", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/GuillemHerrera/StandardDistance", "version_available": "1.0.0", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "StandardDistance", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/GuillemHerrera/StandardDistance/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "StandardDistance.1.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Guillem Herrera", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1528", "code_repository": "https://github.com/GuillemHerrera/StandardDistance", "library": "", "about": "Standard Distance measures the degree to which features are concentrated or dispersed around the features (point or polygon features). Can be launched for all features of the layer, or grouped by a field value. Also can be use a optional weight field parameter. The Plugin create a new layer with a circle polygon representing the Standard Distance. The radius is equal to the standard distance of the features, and its centered in his mean center coordinates. There are no external library dependencies.", "name": "Standard Distance", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_StandardDistance.svg", "downloads": "238", "status": "not installed", "description": "Calculate and representate the position standard deviation of a set of features.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "GeodesicDensifier": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/GeodesicDensifier/version/1.2/download/", "tags": "densify,polyline,feature,geometry,vector,geodesic,point", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/GeoscienceAustralia/GeodesicDensifier", "version_available": "1.2", "rating_votes": "4", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "GeodesicDensifier", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/GeoscienceAustralia/GeodesicDensifier/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "GeodesicDensifier.1.2.zip", "author_name": "Jonah Sullivan", "average_vote": "4.99875031242", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1346", "code_repository": "https://github.com/GeoscienceAustralia/GeodesicDensifier", "library": "", "about": "Add vertices between points along geodesic lines.", "name": "Geodesic Densifier", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_UIJMU4w.png", "downloads": "2930", "status": "not installed", "description": "Adds vertices to geometry along geodesic lines", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "inasafe": {"download_url": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/inasafe", "tags": "contingency planning, impact assessments, disaster scenarios, natural hazards,risk", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.inasafe.org/", "version_available": "", "icon": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/inasafe/safe/resources/img/icons/icon.png", "error_details": "qgismaximumversion", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "pythonic": true, "available": false, "id": "inasafe", "changelog": "\nVersion 5.0.0:\n- QGIS3 port\nVersion 4.4.0:\n- Add Geonode uploader\n- Add back Sentry configuration (need to be enabled in your settings)\n- Set precision to 6 decimal for minimum needs.\n- Add expressions for retrieving each sections of report (#4986)\n- Update to support InaSAFE run in headless mode", "tracker": "https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/issues", "version_installed": "5.0.0", "filename": "", "author_name": "Indonesian Government - BNPB, Australian Government and World Bank - GFDRR", "average_vote": "", "plugin_id": null, "deprecated": false, "error": "", "zip_repository": "", "code_repository": "https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe", "library": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/inasafe", "about": "Developed for the Indonesian Government - BNPB, Australian Government - AIFDR and DMInnovation and, and World Bank - GFDRR", "name": "InaSAFE", "rating_votes": "", "downloads": "", "status": "orphan", "description": "InaSAFE is free software that allows disaster managers to study realistic natural hazard impact scenarios for better planning, preparedness and response activities.", "installed": true, "author_email": "info@inasafe.org"}, "SLD4raster": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SLD4raster/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "qml,raster layer,sld,geoserver,style", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://cbsuygulama.wordpress.com", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "20", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SLD4raster", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/MSBilgin/SLD4raster/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SLD4raster.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Mehmet Selim BILGIN", "average_vote": "4.49977501125", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "458", "code_repository": "https://github.com/MSBilgin/SLD4raster", "library": "", "about": "QGIS 3 plugin to generate SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) for raster layers. Also it can transform SLD documents to QGIS Layer Style File (*.qgs). It supports multiband, singleband pseudocolor, gradient (white to black, black to white) styles also color interpolation type and opacity levels. Integrated with GeoServer Rest API. Provides direct upload of the styles.", "name": "SLD4raster", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_mIbNWCY.png", "downloads": "18731", "status": "not installed", "description": "Generates SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) for raster layers.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "rivergis": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/rivergis/version/3.0/download/", "tags": "hydraulics,hec-ras,model,postgis,2d,flow,flood,georas,river", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://rivergis.com", "version_available": "3.0", "rating_votes": "42", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "rivergis", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/erpas/rgis/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "rivergis.3.0.zip", "author_name": "RiverGIS Team", "average_vote": "4.57131973048", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "897", "code_repository": "https://github.com/erpas/rgis", "library": "", "about": "The functionality is similar to that of HEC-GeoRAS. For data store and spatial operations it needs a PostGIS database.", "name": "RiverGIS", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/rivergis.svg", "downloads": "20023", "status": "not installed", "description": "RiverGIS is a QGIS plugin that helps you create HEC-RAS flow model.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QlrBrowser": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QlrBrowser/version/2.0.1/download/", "tags": "qlr browse", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/Septima/qgis-qlrbrowser", "version_available": "2.0.1", "rating_votes": "19", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QlrBrowser", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Septima/qgis-qlrbrowser/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QlrBrowser.2.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Asger Skovbo Petersen, Septima", "average_vote": "4.89447923793", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "927", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Septima/qgis-qlrbrowser", "library": "", "about": "This plugin enables a layer menu in a nested tree structure based on .qlr files.\nThe layer tree is nested according to the location in folder/subfolder of the .qlr files.\nDevelopment of this plugin has been funded by Haderslev Kommune and Frederikssund Kommune.", "name": "Qlr Browser", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/qlrbrowser_icon_small.png", "downloads": "5122", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin lets the user browse and open qlr files", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "firstaid": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/firstaid/version/2.1.1/download/", "tags": "", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/wonder-sk/qgis-first-aid-plugin", "version_available": "2.1.1", "icon": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/firstaid/icon.png", "error_details": "name[it_it]", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "pythonic": true, "available": false, "id": "firstaid", "changelog": "2.1.1 - Bug fixes:\n- fixed crash when python exception is raised from a worker thread (#12)\n<p>2.1 - New features:\n- support for QGIS 3 (#11)\n<p>2.0.2 - Bug fixes:\n- fixed issue with symbolic links on Linux (#5)\n- fixed debugging on Windows (#7)\n- few more handlers (QModelIndex, QgsVertexId, QgsDataProvider)\n<p>2.0.1 - Bug fixes:\n- fixed issues on Windows with print statements\n<p>2.0 - New features:\n- integrated debugger", "tracker": "https://github.com/wonder-sk/qgis-first-aid-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "2.1.1", "filename": "firstaid.2.1.1.zip", "author_name": "Martin Dobias", "average_vote": "4.94416976835", "plugin_id": "885", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "code_repository": "https://github.com/wonder-sk/qgis-first-aid-plugin", "library": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/firstaid", "about": "Provides Python debugger and replaces the default Python error handling in QGIS\nwith a more sophisticated handler that allows more thorough inspection\nor the Python error: browse the frames, view variables, see source code\nor even execute Python code within the context of the error.", "name": "First Aid", "rating_votes": "18", "downloads": "9761", "status": "installed", "description": "The must-have tool for Python plugin developers", "installed": true, "author_email": "wonder.sk@gmail.com"}, "loadthemall": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/loadthemall/version/3.0/download/", "tags": "raster,legend,recursively,geopackage,layer tree,toc,filter,directory,layers,vector,shapefile,load", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/index.php/en/geo-blogs/item/264-plugin-load-them-all-para-quantum-gis", "version_available": "3.0", "rating_votes": "21", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "loadthemall", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/gacarrillor/loadthemall/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "loadthemall.3.0.zip", "author_name": "Germ\u00e1n Carrillo (GeoTux)", "average_vote": "4.57121089472", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "62", "code_repository": "https://github.com/gacarrillor/loadthemall", "library": "", "about": "QGIS plugin that recursively loads vector and raster layers stored in a directory structure, based on several filters.", "name": "Load Them All", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_wWU6JBy.png", "downloads": "27442", "status": "not installed", "description": "Loads files stored in a directory structure recursively, based on several filters", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "cadastre": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/cadastre/version/1.6.1/download/", "tags": "france,edigeo,majic,cadastre,import", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/3liz/Qadastre", "version_available": "1.6.1", "rating_votes": "91", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "cadastre", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/3liz/Qadastre/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "cadastre.1.6.1.zip", "author_name": "3liz", "average_vote": "4.5713783365", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "397", "code_repository": "https://github.com/3liz/Qadastre", "library": "", "about": "This plugins helps users to use french land registry data, called Cadastre, in QGIS. It is only usefull in France for people having access to Cadastre data. Funded by : the European Union, Fonds Europeen de Developpement Regional de Picardie, Conseil Regional de Picardie, Agence de Developpement et d Urbanisme du Grand Amienois.", "name": "cadastre", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_ftltG82.png", "downloads": "94264", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugins helps users to use french land registry data, called Cadastre, in QGIS. It is only usefull in France for people having access to Cadastre data. Funded by : the European Union, Fonds Europeen de Developpement Regional de Picardie, Conseil Regional de Picardie, Agence de Developpement et d Urbanisme du Grand Amienois.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Projestions": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Projestions/version/0.4.2/download/", "tags": "projection,crs", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://projest.io/ns/", "version_available": "0.4.2", "rating_votes": "5", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "Projestions", "changelog": "", "tracker": "http://github.com/ebrelsford/qgis-projestions/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Projestions.0.4.2.zip", "author_name": "Eric Brelsford", "average_vote": "4.99900019996", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1052", "code_repository": "http://github.com/ebrelsford/qgis-projestions", "library": "", "about": "Projestions (projection + suggestions) for your active map layer or project using the EPSG area of use data. Select which geometry to send to the API for projestions, then the top suggestions are displayed. Select one of the suggested projections to set your project's projection.", "name": "Projestions", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_1nB1dFS.png", "downloads": "4829", "status": "not installed", "description": "Projestions: projection suggestions", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "TlugProcessing": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/TlugProcessing/version/2.1/download/", "tags": "z,raster,profil,cross section,web,duplicates,3d,download,vector", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/Mi-Kbs-gis/TlugProcessing", "version_available": "2.1", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "TlugProcessing", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Mi-Kbs-gis/TlugProcessing", "version_installed": "", "filename": "TlugProcessing.2.1.zip", "author_name": "Michael K\u00fcrbs by Th\u00fcringer Landesanstalt f\u00fcr Umwelt und Geologie (TLUG)", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1377", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Mi-Kbs-gis/TlugProcessing", "library": "", "about": "This is a processing tools collection of the Th\u00fcringer Landesanstalt f\u00fcr Umwelt und Geologie (TLUG). \\n\\n Vector Seletion Tools\\nProfile Coordinates", "name": "TlugProcessing", "icon": "", "downloads": "1774", "status": "not installed", "description": "TLUG Algorithms", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "LandSurveyCodesImport": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/LandSurveyCodesImport/version/0.1/download/", "tags": "land,export,processing,point,field,cad,geometry,gps,topography,geocoding,rectangle,database,polygon,circle,polyline,survey,vector,import", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/oslandia/landsurveycodesimport", "version_available": "0.1", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "LandSurveyCodesImport", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/oslandia/landsurveycodesimport/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "LandSurveyCodesImport.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Lo\u00efc Bartoletti (Oslandia)", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1538", "code_repository": "https://github.com/oslandia/landsurveycodesimport", "library": "", "about": "This plugin allows you to easily import data from a land survey (GPS or total station) to draw automatically in a database using a codification. Circle, rectangle, square, ellipse Continuous line, arcs, Multi code", "name": "Land Survey Codes Import", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_YpsDBRt.png", "downloads": "44", "status": "new", "description": "This plugin allows you to easily import data from a land survey (GPS or total station) to draw automatically in a database using a codification (aka Field Codes).", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "cartogram3": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/cartogram3/version/3.0.0/download/", "tags": "shapefile,polygon,geometry,layers", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/austromorph/cartogram3", "version_available": "3.0.0", "rating_votes": "4", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "cartogram3", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/austromorph/cartogram3/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "cartogram3.3.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Christoph Fink", "average_vote": "4.99875031242", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1180", "code_repository": "https://github.com/austromorph/cartogram3", "library": "", "about": "This plugin creates continous cartograms (a.k.a. anamorphic maps) from polygon layers.\nIt is a port of the QGIS 2.x cartogram plugin by Morten Wulff and Carson Farmer to QGIS 3, Python 3 and PyQt5. Features include parallel processing, the option to select multiple variables to batch-produce cartograms, and the possibility to use a maximum total error threshold as a stop condition.", "name": "cartogram3", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_ll0RjVJ.png", "downloads": "6413", "status": "not installed", "description": "Generate anamorphic maps", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "Converter": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/Converter/version/3.2/download/", "tags": "convert,vietnamese,unicode", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/thanhgis/QGIS-Vietnamese-Encodings-Converter", "version_available": "3.2", "rating_votes": "4", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "Converter", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/thanhgis/QGIS-Vietnamese-Encodings-Converter/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "Converter.3.2.zip", "author_name": "ThanhGIS", "average_vote": "4.7488127968", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1112", "code_repository": "https://github.com/thanhgis/QGIS-Vietnamese-Encodings-Converter", "library": "", "about": "C\u00f4ng c\u1ee5 chuy\u1ec3n \u0111\u1ed5i m\u00e3 font trong ti\u1ebfng Vi\u1ec7t cho QGIS 3.x. M\u1ed9t trong nh\u1eefng \u0111\u00f3ng g\u00f3p c\u1ee7a ThanhGIS (thanh.nv@me.com) d\u00e0nh t\u1eb7ng ng\u01b0\u1eddi d\u00f9ng QGIS Vi\u1ec7t Nam.", "name": "Vietnamese Font Converter", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_yQk0Hy8.png", "downloads": "3783", "status": "not installed", "description": "This tool helps to convert charsets between encodings, from Vietnamese's UTF-8 to Internationalized (Unicode) and vice versa. For non-Vietnamese users, you can also use this tool to convert into ANSI characters (either "TCVN >> Khong dau" or "Unicode >> Khong dau".", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "SpeciesExplorer": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SpeciesExplorer/version/0.1/download/", "tags": "biodiversity", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/kartoza/SpeciesExplorer", "version_available": "0.1", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SpeciesExplorer", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/kartoza/SpeciesExplorer/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SpeciesExplorer.0.1.zip", "author_name": "Kartoza", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1541", "code_repository": "https://github.com/kartoza/SpeciesExplorer", "library": "", "about": "This plugin is a client to GBIF (the Global Biodiversity Information Facility) and in future other services that allow you to easily add species occurrence data to QGIS. This plugin includes code from teh pygbif project by Mike Chamberlain.", "name": "Species Explorer", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_i2lMyFM.png", "downloads": "94", "status": "new", "description": "Quickly fetch and visualise species occurrence data.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "pgChainage": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/pgChainage/version/2.0.0/download/", "tags": "postgis,line,postgresql,chainage,vector,points", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/jagodki/pgChainage", "version_available": "2.0.0", "rating_votes": "4", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "pgChainage", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jagodki/pgChainage/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "pgChainage.2.0.0.zip", "author_name": "Christoph Jung", "average_vote": "4.99875031242", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1415", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jagodki/pgChainage", "library": "", "about": "This plugin converts a layer of line strings into a chain of points. The main work takes place directly in the PostgreSQL-/PostGIS-database, i.e. big tables have not to be imported into QGIS before and during processing.\n_____\nUsage: Fill in the parameters for establishing a connection to the database. The DBMS has to be PostgreSQL, and the extension PostGIS must created before starting the processing.\n_____\nPress the "connect to database"-button. A Message Bar above the map window will appear and tells the user, whether a connection could established or not.\n_____\nChoose the table (and schema), which should be used for the chainage. The table must have a geometry column of the type LINESTRING. Then fill in the other fields. The CRS can differ from the CRS of the choosed geometry. The PlugIn calls the PostGIS-function ST_Transform(...) to project the geometries into the specified CRS; to state the CRS of the geometry-column is not necessary. It is recommended to specify a metric CRS. If the checkbox "calculate last point/last substring of lines" is checked, the endpoint and/or the last substring of each line will be calculated by ignoring the specified equidistance (just for the end-geometries) and inserted into the database.\n_____\nTheir are three buttons to start the processing. The button "create points" just creates points along each line. The button "create substrings" just creates lines with the same specified distance from the input layer. The button "create points & substrings" starts both processings.\n_____\nImportant: The plugin has been developed and tested using PostgreSQL 10 and PostGIS 2.4. Maybe it will not work with older versions of the named products, e.g. the chainage is realized by using the PostGIS-function ST_LineInterpolatePoint, which has the name ST_line_interpolate_point e.g. in PostGIS 2.1.\n_____\nSource of the icon: Webalys - Kameleon Icons (http://www.kameleon.pics)", "name": "pgChainage", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_SfF0nol.png", "downloads": "1755", "status": "not installed", "description": "plugin for chainage linestrings of a table directly in PostgreSQL/PostGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "scriptrunner3": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/scriptrunner3/version/3.0.5/download/", "tags": "python,pyqgis,scripts", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://g-sherman.github.io/Script-Runner", "version_available": "3.0.5", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "scriptrunner3", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/g-sherman/Script-Runner/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "scriptrunner3.3.0.5.zip", "author_name": "GeoApt LLC", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1337", "code_repository": "https://github.com/g-sherman/Script-Runner", "library": "", "about": "Load and run scripts. NOTE: For Windows you need the pywin32 module. ScriptRunner attempts to install it for you if it isn't rpresent on your system (Windows only).", "name": "ScriptRunner 3", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_oJvYl5Q.png", "downloads": "2812", "status": "not installed", "description": "Run scripts to automate QGIS tasks", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QRealTime": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QRealTime/version/3.5.0/download/", "tags": "data collection,odk,mobile gis", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://shivareddyiirs.github.io/QRealTime/", "version_available": "3.5.0", "rating_votes": "10", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QRealTime", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/shivareddyiirs/QRealTime/tree/QGIS3", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QRealTime.3.5.0.zip", "author_name": "Shiva Reddy Koti, Prabhakar Alok Verma", "average_vote": "4.99950005", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1355", "code_repository": "https://github.com/shivareddyiirs/QRealTime/tree/QGIS3", "library": "", "about": "This software is designed and developed in IIRS for online data collection. Form designing to data compilation every step is automated in a way that everything can be done inside GIS environment", "name": "QRealTime", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_8YiQCln.png", "downloads": "3421", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin connects you to Aggregate Server and do autoupdation of data to and from aggregate", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "plugin_reloader": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/plugin_reloader/version/0.7.4/download/", "tags": "reloader, reload, python, development, developer", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/borysiasty/plugin_reloader", "version_available": "0.7.4", "icon": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/plugin_reloader/reload.png", "error_details": "qgismaximumversion", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": true, "pythonic": true, "available": false, "id": "plugin_reloader", "changelog": "0.7.4\nSet the keyboard shortcut to Ctrl+F5 by default and make it properly configurable\n\n0.7.3\nUpdate to recent API changes. Thanks to Francisco Raga, olivierh65 and Heikki Vesanto.\nImprove GUI strings.\n\n0.7.2\nRestore QGIS UI state after reloading (backport changes from 0.6.4). Path by GeorchW.\nPush a message to the main QgsMessageBar after reloading.\nFixed tool button removing when unloading the plugin reloader itself.\n\n0.7.1\nSet compatibility to QGIS version range 2.99 - 3.99\n\n0.7\nPython3 and PyQt5 compatible. Path by Denis Rouzaud.\nVersion for QGIS 2.99 only\n\n0.6.4\nRestore QGIS UI state after reloading. Path by GeorchW.\nVersion for QGIS 1.8 up to 2.98\n\n0.6.3\nBoth actions grouped into a single toolbutton with a menu. Path by Ricardo Garcia Silva.\nLast version compatible with QGIS < 1.8\n\n0.6.2\nMetadata fix\n\n0.6.1\nAlso tell QGIS about the compatibility with QGIS 2 :)\n\n0.6\nCompatible with SIP API v2 (thanks to Etienne Tourigny)\n", "tracker": "https://github.com/borysiasty/plugin_reloader/issues", "version_installed": "0.7.4", "filename": "plugin_reloader.0.7.4.zip", "author_name": "Borys Jurgiel", "average_vote": "4.70123764626", "plugin_id": "143", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "code_repository": "https://github.com/borysiasty/plugin_reloader", "library": "/home/ale/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/plugin_reloader", "about": "This tool is only useful for Python Plugin Developers!", "name": "Plugin Reloader", "rating_votes": "77", "downloads": "44934", "status": "installed", "description": "Reloads a chosen plugin in one click", "installed": true, "author_email": "qgis@borysjurgiel.pl"}, "qgis-stereonet": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qgis-stereonet/version/0.3/download/", "tags": "stereonet,geology,csv,attribute,structure", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://gitlab.com/dchilds/qgis-stereonet", "version_available": "0.3", "rating_votes": "10", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "qgis-stereonet", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://gitlab.com/dchilds/qgis-stereonet/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qgis-stereonet.0.3.zip", "author_name": "Daniel Childs", "average_vote": "4.299570043", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1141", "code_repository": "https://github.com/daniel-childs/qgis-stereonet", "library": "", "about": "Displays a geologic stereonet of selected geologic structure data. Data needs to be loaded into QGIS via "Delimited Text Layer." A stereonet will be plotted if there is a column labeled "Strike" or "DDR" and "Dip" (case doesn't matter). Poles of the structures are plotted on an equal area stereonet with a modified Kamb method contouring.", "name": "Stereonet", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_sXYo6uv.png", "downloads": "4000", "status": "not installed", "description": "Displays a geologic stereonet of selected data", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "DigitizingTools": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/DigitizingTools/version/1.2.0/download/", "tags": "digitizing", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/bstroebl/DigitizingTools/wiki", "version_available": "1.2.0", "rating_votes": "79", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "DigitizingTools", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/bstroebl/DigitizingTools/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "DigitizingTools.1.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Bernhard Str\u00f6bl (Kommunale Immobilien Jena), Angelos Tzotsos (NTUA)", "average_vote": "4.18982038202", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "340", "code_repository": "https://github.com/bstroebl/DigitizingTools", "library": "", "about": "DigitizingTools is meant to be a compilation of tools missing in basic QGIS, especially when digitizing on existing features. It is a collaborative effort and does not contain CAD like functions meant for construction.", "name": "Digitizing Tools", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/digitizingtools_Lc1QAeK.png", "downloads": "240012", "status": "not installed", "description": "Subsumes different tools useful during digitizing sessions", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "qfieldsync": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qfieldsync/version/3.0.3/download/", "tags": "android,qfieldsync,synchronization,offline,qfield", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.qfield.org/docs/qfieldsync/index.html", "version_available": "3.0.3", "rating_votes": "59", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "qfieldsync", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/opengisch/QFieldSync/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "qfieldsync.3.0.3.zip", "author_name": "OPENGIS.ch", "average_vote": "4.35585837528", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1083", "code_repository": "https://github.com/opengisch/QFieldSync", "library": "", "about": "This plugin allows syncing from QGIS to QField. It analyses the current project and suggests (and performs) actions needed to make the project working on QField.", "name": "QField Sync", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_OQHYx3e.png", "downloads": "24742", "status": "not installed", "description": "Sync your projects to QField", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "EqHazard": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/EqHazard/version/0.1.1/download/", "tags": "plot,earthquake,seismic hazard", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/EqHazard", "version_available": "0.1.1", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "EqHazard", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/EqHazard/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "EqHazard.0.1.1.zip", "author_name": "Mauro Alberti, Hany Mohammed Hassan", "average_vote": "3.33277787035", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "792", "code_repository": "https://github.com/mauroalberti/EqHazard", "library": "", "about": "EqHazards allows to plot selected earthquake-related data. Currently it is possible to plot time-series data, as well as strong motion data. Data paths are linked in text fields in the attribute table of a point layer.", "name": "EqHazard", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_HvxVMGJ.png", "downloads": "4124", "status": "not installed", "description": "Plot of earthquake hazard data", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QuickPrint": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QuickPrint/version/3.4.3/download/", "tags": "print template", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/MarcoDuiker/QGIS_QuickPrint/", "version_available": "3.4.3", "rating_votes": "4", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QuickPrint", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/MarcoDuiker/QGIS_QuickPrint/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QuickPrint.3.4.3.zip", "author_name": "Marco Duiker MD-kwadraat", "average_vote": "4.49887528118", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1242", "code_repository": "https://github.com/MarcoDuiker/QGIS_QuickPrint", "library": "", "about": "The QuickPrint plug-in provides a simple way to quickly create a pdf from the map as shown in the map pane.\nThe map is not just a screenshot, but a real map with a title, subtitle, scalebar, date, attribution and remarks. In this way you get a decent print without the hassle of setting up and using print templates.\nYou can choose between A3 and A4 paper sizes and between portrait and landscape paper orientation.", "name": "QuickPrint", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_VEf7ACu.png", "downloads": "9636", "status": "not installed", "description": "The QuickPrint Plugin for QGIS3", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "ViewshedAnalysis": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/ViewshedAnalysis/version/0.6.3/download/", "tags": "raster,viewshed,visibility", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://zoran-cuckovic.github.io/QGIS-visibility-analysis/", "version_available": "0.6.3", "rating_votes": "78", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "ViewshedAnalysis", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/zoran-cuckovic/QGIS-visibility-analysis/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "ViewshedAnalysis.0.6.3.zip", "author_name": "Zoran \u010cu\u010dkovi\u0107", "average_vote": "4.21789464238", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "440", "code_repository": "https://github.com/zoran-cuckovic/QGIS-visibility-analysis/", "library": "", "about": "Viewshed analysis calculates visible surface from a given observer point over a digital elevation model. Additionally, this plugin can be used for modelling intervisibilty networks between groups of points. It is particularly performant for multiple viewshed calculations form a set of fixed points.", "name": "Visibility Analysis", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_pmQ1xlE.png", "downloads": "46312", "status": "not installed", "description": "Visibility analysis over raster DEM", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "SentinelHub": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SentinelHub/version/1.3.3/download/", "tags": "sentinelhub,landsat,dem,sinergise,satellite,envisat,images,modis,remote sensing,sentinel,viewer,download", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/sinergise/qgis_sentinel_hub/blob/master/README.md", "version_available": "1.3.3", "rating_votes": "22", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "SentinelHub", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/sinergise/qgis_sentinel_hub/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "SentinelHub.1.3.3.zip", "author_name": "Sinergise", "average_vote": "4.72705786101", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1370", "code_repository": "https://github.com/sinergise/qgis_sentinel_hub.git", "library": "", "about": "SentinelHub plugin transforms any layer created in Sentinel Hub Configuration Utility into QGIS layer. It allows exploration, customization and image download. An instance ID for Sentinel Hub services is required (http://www.sentinel-hub.com/). Trial (http://www.sentinel-hub.com/create_account) and free accounts are available (https://medium.com/sentinel-hub/sentinel-hub-at-the-eo-cloud-free-accounts-for-r-d-projects-eccb3e3d0659 and https://medium.com/sentinel-hub/sentinel-hub-free-accounts-within-esa-business-applications-b0046c0595f0)", "name": "SentinelHub", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/favicon_vSW92iD.ico", "downloads": "19542", "status": "not installed", "description": "SentinelHub plugin enables users to harness power of Sentinel Hub services directly from QGIS.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "DataPlotly": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/DataPlotly/version/1.6/download/", "tags": "plots,graphs,d3,python,vector", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/ghtmtt/DataPlotly", "version_available": "1.6", "rating_votes": "17", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "DataPlotly", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/ghtmtt/DataPlotly/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "DataPlotly.1.6.zip", "author_name": "Matteo Ghetta (Faunalia)", "average_vote": "4.52914534439", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1247", "code_repository": "https://github.com/ghtmtt/DataPlotly", "library": "", "about": "Draw D3 plots in QGIS", "name": "Data Plotly", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_dTrZW62.png", "downloads": "15460", "status": "not installed", "description": "D3 Plots for QGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QBano": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QBano/version/1.6/download/", "tags": "python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://creasig.fr", "version_available": "1.6", "rating_votes": "33", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QBano", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/CREASIG/QBANO/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QBano.1.6.zip", "author_name": "CREASIG", "average_vote": "4.27259780007", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "828", "code_repository": "https://github.com/CREASIG/QBANO", "library": "", "about": "Le fichier des adresses doit \u00eatre ouvert dans Qgis. L'adresse doit \u00eatre contenue dans une seule colonne (numero, rue, code postal, ville). Une fois la g\u00e9olocalisation effectu\u00e9e, une colonne "score" permet de connaitre la fiabilit\u00e9 de l'adresse, 1 \u00e9tant la meilleure note (\u00e0 partir de 0,5, la localisation est fiable).", "name": "QBan(o)", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_p0fbj4i.png", "downloads": "9209", "status": "not installed", "description": "QBAN(O) permet de g\u00e9olocaliser vos adresses issues d'un fichier excel ou CSV. Il se sert de la base BAN (Base Adresse Nationale).", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "geoportail_lu": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/geoportail_lu/version/0.15/download/", "tags": "geoportal luxembourg location wms", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/frankbroniewski/geoportaillu", "version_available": "0.15", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "geoportail_lu", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/frankbroniewski/geoportaillu/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "geoportail_lu.0.15.zip", "author_name": "Dipl. Geogr. Frank Broniewski", "average_vote": "4.995004995", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1448", "code_repository": "https://github.com/frankbroniewski/geoportaillu", "library": "", "about": "Use services like the location search and - later - WMS service from the luxembourgish Geoportal in QGIS", "name": "Geoportal LU", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_jc1UiGA.png", "downloads": "1056", "status": "not installed", "description": "Use services from the luxembourgish Geoportal in QGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "LineDirectionHistogram": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/LineDirectionHistogram/version/3.0.1/download/", "tags": "orientation,direction,line,statistics,rose diagram,line segment,histogram", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://arken.nmbu.no/~havatv/gis/qgisplugins/LineDirectionHistogram/", "version_available": "3.0.1", "rating_votes": "8", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "LineDirectionHistogram", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/havatv/qgislinedirectionhistogramplugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "LineDirectionHistogram.3.0.1.zip", "author_name": "H\u00e5vard Tveite, NMBU", "average_vote": "4.4994375703", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "730", "code_repository": "https://github.com/havatv/qgislinedirectionhistogramplugin.git", "library": "", "about": "Visualises the distribution of line segment directions as a rose diagram (weighted using the line segment lengths). Can save the rose diagram as CSV, PDF or SVG.", "name": "Line direction histogram", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_URRDRXB.png", "downloads": "15377", "status": "not installed", "description": "Create a histogram (rose diagram) of line directions", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "svir": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/svir/version/3.2.7/download/", "tags": "svir,openquake,resilience,hazard,risk,gem,irmt,earthquake,recovery,integrated risk,social vulnerability", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/svir/", "version_available": "3.2.7", "rating_votes": "32", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "svir", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/gem/oq-irmt-qgis/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "svir.3.2.7.zip", "author_name": "GEM Foundation", "average_vote": "4.5936064498", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "593", "code_repository": "https://github.com/gem/oq-irmt-qgis", "library": "", "about": "<p>This QGIS plugin allows users to drive <a href="https://github.com/gem/oq-engine/">OpenQuake Engine</a> calculations of physical hazard and risk, and to load the corresponding outputs as QGIS layers. Those outputs are automatically styled and can be further explored through interactive data visualization tools that are provided by the plugin.</p><p>The toolkit also enables users to develop composite indicators to measure and quantify social characteristics, and to combine them with estimates of human or infrastructure loss. The users can directly interact with the <a href="https://platform.openquake.org/">OpenQuake Platform</a>, in order to browse and download socioeconomic data or existing projects, to edit projects locally in QGIS, then to upload and share them through the Platform.</p><p>A post-earthquake recovery modeling framework is incorporated into the toolkit, to produce building level and/or community level recovery functions, that predict recovery times following an earthquake.</p><p>This plugin has been created by the <a href="http://www.globalquakemodel.org/gem/">GEM Foundation</a>.</p><h3>User manual</h3><p>The user manual for each of the released versions of this plugin is available <a href="https://docs.openquake.org/oq-irmt-qgis/latest/">here</a>.</p>", "name": "OpenQuake Integrated Risk Modelling Toolkit", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_2LKtsvb.svg", "downloads": "32208", "status": "not installed", "description": "Tools to drive the OpenQuake Engine, to develop composite indicators and integrate them with physical risk estimations, and to predict building recovery times following an earthquake", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "zoomrc": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/zoomrc/version/0.6/download/", "tags": "referencia catastral,catastro,dgc,spain,descarga,espa\u00f1a,cadastre", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/fpsampayo/zoomrc", "version_available": "0.6", "rating_votes": "13", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "zoomrc", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/fpsampayo/zoomrc/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "zoomrc.0.6.zip", "author_name": "Francisco P. Sampayo", "average_vote": "4.23044381201", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "292", "code_repository": "https://github.com/fpsampayo/zoomrc", "library": "", "about": "Zoom to a Spanish Cadastre Reference", "name": "ZoomRC", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/icon_516.png", "downloads": "9737", "status": "not installed", "description": "Zoom to a Spanish Cadastre Reference", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "aChor": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/aChor/version/0.5/download/", "tags": "classification,local extreme values,vector,python,style,choropleth maps,polygon", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.geomatik-hamburg.de/g2lab/research-achor.html", "version_available": "0.5", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "aChor", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Ariel505/aChor/issues/", "version_installed": "", "filename": "aChor.0.5.zip", "author_name": "Prof. Jochen Schiewe, M.Sc. Juiwen Chang, Philipp Loose", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1498", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Ariel505/aChor/", "library": "", "about": "Copyright: Hafencity University Hamburg - Lab for Geoinformatics and Geovisualization (g2lab) <br/> This plugin helps you to better display local extreme values within polygon for choropleth maps.", "name": "Extreme Value Classification for Polygon", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_0lyPFLO.png", "downloads": "585", "status": "not installed", "description": "Task-Oriented Data Classification for Choropleth Maps <br/> Pre-request python packages: fiona, shapely, pysal, rtree", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "web2qgis": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/web2qgis/version/0.2.0/download/", "tags": "webmap,js,html,javascript,python,web", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/tomchadwin/web2qgis", "version_available": "0.2.0", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": true, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "web2qgis", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/tomchadwin/web2qgis/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "web2qgis.0.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Tom Chadwin", "average_vote": "4.995004995", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1457", "code_repository": "https://github.com/tomchadwin/web2qgis", "library": "", "about": "Attempts to parse a remote webpage to import a webmap into a QGIS project", "name": "web2qgis", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_OOFoL5z.png", "downloads": "1763", "status": "not installed", "description": "Load a webmap directly into QGIS", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "ParallelLineConstruction": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/ParallelLineConstruction/version/0.2/download/", "tags": "cad lines offset", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/stdonn/ParallelLineConstruction", "version_available": "0.2", "rating_votes": "1", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "ParallelLineConstruction", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/stdonn/ParallelLineConstruction/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "ParallelLineConstruction.0.2.zip", "author_name": "Stephan Donndorf", "average_vote": "0.999000999001", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1431", "code_repository": "https://github.com/stdonn/ParallelLineConstruction", "library": "", "about": "This plugin constructs parallel lines based on a given baseline. It is comparable to an offset line in cad programs / tools, but can construct more than on line.", "name": "Parallel Line Construction", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_QTAWdjq.png", "downloads": "1315", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin constructs parallel lines based on a given base line", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "NNJoin": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/NNJoin/version/3.1.1/download/", "tags": "closest,neighbor,neighbour,join,nearest,spatial join,distance,analysis,vector,vector layer", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://arken.nmbu.no/~havatv/gis/qgisplugins/NNJoin", "version_available": "3.1.1", "rating_votes": "48", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "NNJoin", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/havatv/qgisnnjoinplugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "NNJoin.3.1.1.zip", "author_name": "H\u00e5vard Tveite, NMBU", "average_vote": "4.60407074853", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "597", "code_repository": "https://github.com/havatv/qgisnnjoinplugin.git", "library": "", "about": "The NNPlugin joins two vector layers (the input and the join layer) based on nearest neighbour relationships. All geometry type combinations are supported. A feature from the input layer is joined to the nearest feature in the join layer. The result of the join is a new vector layer with the same geometry type and coordinate reference system as the input layer. Joining layers with different Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) is supported, as long as the join layer coordinate system is a projected CRS. The join and distance calculations is performed using the join layer CRS. Self joins are supported. For self joins, each feature in the layer is joined to its nearest neighbour within the layer. A spatial index (QgsSpatialIndex) on the join layer is used to speed up the join for layers with non-multi-geometry types.", "name": "NNJoin", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/nnjoin_bcaYLFl.png", "downloads": "48539", "status": "not installed", "description": "Nearest neighbour join. Join vector layers based on nearest neighbour relationships.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "powerpan": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/powerpan/version/2.0/download/", "tags": "navigation,pan,overlap,map", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/powerpan/", "version_available": "2.0", "rating_votes": "6", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "powerpan", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://gitlab.com/albertodeluca/PowerPan/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "powerpan.2.0.zip", "author_name": "Alberto De Luca", "average_vote": "4.99916680553", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1372", "code_repository": "https://gitlab.com/albertodeluca/PowerPan", "library": "", "about": "PowerPan gives you four buttons to pan around in the four cardinal directions, with the option of setting the horizontal and vertical overlap amounts between consequent views.", "name": "PowerPan", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_4rwvFxx.png", "downloads": "2096", "status": "not installed", "description": "PowerPan lets you explore an area inch by inch.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "M150XML": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/M150XML/version/1.1/download/", "tags": "dwa,import,xml,analysis", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/Amphibitus/M150Xml/wiki", "version_available": "1.1", "rating_votes": "9", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "M150XML", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/Amphibitus/M150Xml/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "M150XML.1.1.zip", "author_name": "gerd 3er geoplaning GmbH", "average_vote": "4.55504943895", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "974", "code_repository": "https://github.com/Amphibitus/M150Xml", "library": "", "about": "Import Lines and Points (manholes and sewers) from DWA XML 150 (German regulations for the exchange of data)\r\n\r\nDieses Plugin erm\u00f6glicht das einfache einlesen von Sch\u00e4chten und Haltungen. Es werden virtuelle Layer erzeugt, die die wesentlichen Datenattribute beinhalten. \r\nBisher k\u00f6nnen nur die Stammdaten \u00fcbernommen werden\r\n\r\nMit Erscheinen des Merkblattes ATV-DVWK-M 150-1 wurde ein universelles Datenaustauschformat f\u00fcr Stamm- und Inspektionsdaten geschaffen. Dieses Programm gibt Hilfestellung zum t\u00e4glichen Umgang mit den XML-Daten.", "name": "DWA M150 XML Import", "icon": "", "downloads": "3413", "status": "not installed", "description": "Import Lines and Points (Manholes and sewers) from DWA XML 150", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "MPAPostHocAccounting": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/MPAPostHocAccounting/version/0.6/download/", "tags": "allocation,mpa,python", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/MACBIO/MPAPostHocAccounting", "version_available": "0.6", "rating_votes": "2", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": true, "available": true, "id": "MPAPostHocAccounting", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/MACBIO/MPAPostHocAccounting/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "MPAPostHocAccounting.0.6.zip", "author_name": "Jonah Sullivan", "average_vote": "4.99750124938", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1195", "code_repository": "https://github.com/MACBIO/MPA-Post-Hoc-Accounting-QGIS-Plugin", "library": "", "about": "This plugin is used to check how a MPA network meets Marine Spatial Planning MPA Placement Objectives. For example, the MPA network should cover 10% of each bioregion and each bioregion should be replicated (intersected) by 3 MPAs.", "name": "MPA Post-Hoc Accounting", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_dBIcP1d.png", "downloads": "1007", "status": "not installed", "description": "This plugin checks how your MPAs meet your placement objectives", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "CaigosConnector": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/CaigosConnector/version/0.7/download/", "tags": "import,caigos,datenprovider", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://www.makobo.de/links/Forum_CaigosConnector.php", "version_available": "0.7", "rating_votes": "13", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "CaigosConnector", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/EZUSoft/CaigosConnector/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "CaigosConnector.0.7.zip", "author_name": "Mike Blechschmidt EZUSoft", "average_vote": "4.92269825398", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1021", "code_repository": "https://github.com/EZUSoft/CaigosConnector", "library": "", "about": "Remark:\nCAIGOS-GIS is a German-speaking product. Thatswhy the plugin is only available in German language.\n.\nAb CAIGOS Version 2015 werden die Projektdaten in einer SQL-Datenbank gespeichert. Bevorzugte Umgebung ist dabei PostgreSQL mit PostGIS. Damit bietet sich die technische M\u00f6glichkeit die Geodaten ohne Konvertierung direkt in QGIS einzubinden. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Pr\u00e4sentation der Daten. Der gro\u00dfe Vorteil der direkten Einbindung ist dabei die (fast) komplette \u00dcbernahme der Darstellung der einzelnen Ebenen. Dabei werden sowohl Punktsymbole, Ebenenpriorit\u00e4ten, Individualattribute als auch ma\u00dfstabsabh\u00e4ngige Darstellungen \u00fcbernommen. Selbstverst\u00e4ndlich ist auch eine \u00dcbernahme von Fachschalendaten bzw. GISDB Tabellen m\u00f6glich. F\u00fcr die Darstellung in QGIS wird Projektstruktur mit Fachschalen/Themen/Gruppen und Ebenen 1:1 \u00fcbernommen.\n.\nBedienung:\nNach Einbinden des PlugIns sind die Funktionen unter dem Men\u00fcpunkt "Datenbank" --> "CAIGOS-Datenprovider" verf\u00fcgbar.", "name": "CAIGOS PostgreSQL Konnektor", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_XbGN2pV.png", "downloads": "5887", "status": "not installed", "description": "CAIGOS SQL Projekte anzeigen", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "HCMGIS": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/HCMGIS/version/18.7.10/download/", "tags": "skeleton,closest pair of points,font converter,openstreetmap,HCMGIS,OSM,split,medial axis,merge,voronoi,Vietnamese,VN2000,diameter of a point set,centerline,Delaunay,farthest pair of points,basemap,polygon gaps,vietnam,vn,google maps", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://hcmgis.vn", "version_available": "18.7.10", "rating_votes": "15", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "HCMGIS", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/thangqd/HCMGIS/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "HCMGIS.18.7.10.zip", "author_name": "Quach Dong Thang", "average_vote": "4.73301779881", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1430", "code_repository": "https://github.com/thangqd/HCMGIS", "library": "", "about": "- Basemap: Add global basemap from OSM Stamen, Carto, Google, HCMGIS Aerial Images,...; \r\n\r\n- HCMGIS OpenData: Download free and open geodata from https://opendata.hcmgis.vn; \r\n\r\n- Spatial Processing: Create Skeleton/Medial Axis/ Centerline for road/ river networks and similar linear structures, create Centerline in Polygon's gaps (E.g building blocks), finding closest/ farthest pair of Points in a Point set, merge layers (with the same attributes and geometry type), split layer (based on unique field), geometric error checking, geometric correction, CRS transformation (VN2000 <--> WGS84,...), \r\n\r\n- Attribute Calculation: merge/ split data fields, add prefix/ suffix, find & replace. Especially the Vietnamese Font Converter: Unicode <-> TCVN3 <-> Vni-Windows, UPPER CASE, lower case,...", "name": "HCMGIS", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/hcmgis_opendata.png", "downloads": "11259", "status": "not installed", "description": "HCMGIS - Geometry Processing and Field Calculation Utilities", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "mmqgis": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/mmqgis/version/2018.8.9/download/", "tags": "merge,animate,delete,sort,vector", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://michaelminn.com/linux/mmqgis", "version_available": "2018.8.9", "rating_votes": "236", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "mmqgis", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/michaelminn/mmqgis/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "mmqgis.2018.8.9.zip", "author_name": "Michael Minn", "average_vote": "4.61862449735", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "135", "code_repository": "https://github.com/michaelminn/mmqgis", "library": "", "about": "MMQGIS is a set of Python plugins for manipulating vector map layers in Quantum GIS: CSV input/output/join, geocoding, geometry conversion, buffering, hub analysis, simplification, column modification, and simple animation. MMQGIS provides an alternative to the Processing toolbox, with verbose progress reporting, an intuitive user interface, direct shapefile/CSV-file access, and some additional capabilities missing from other plugin sets.", "name": "mmqgis", "icon": "", "downloads": "602030", "status": "not installed", "description": "A collection of QGIS vector layer operation plugins", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "tempus_qgis": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/tempus_qgis/version/1.1.0/download/", "tags": "ifsttar,road,planning,routing,wps,network,public_transportation", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://gitlab.com/Oslandia/tempus_qgis", "version_available": "1.1.0", "rating_votes": "5", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "tempus_qgis", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://gitlab.com/Oslandia/tempus_qgis", "version_installed": "", "filename": "tempus_qgis.1.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Oslandia", "average_vote": "3.39932013597", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1191", "code_repository": "https://gitlab.com/Oslandia/tempus_qgis", "library": "", "about": "Plugin to interact with a Tempus instance. Tempus is a framework for multimodal route planning", "name": "Tempus", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/icon_v3FJMEI.png", "downloads": "3395", "status": "not installed", "description": "Plugin to interact with a Tempus instance. Tempus is a framework for multimodal route planning", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "squad-plugin-qgis3": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/squad-plugin-qgis3/version/1.0/download/", "tags": "", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/andre-ws/squad-plugin", "version_available": "1.0", "rating_votes": "0", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "squad-plugin-qgis3", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/andre-ws/squad-plugin/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "squad-plugin-qgis3.1.0.zip", "author_name": "Andr\u00e9 William dos Santos Silva", "average_vote": "0.0", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1435", "code_repository": "https://github.com/andre-ws/squad-plugin", "library": "", "about": "The Spatial Quality and Anomalies Diagnosis (SQUAD) tool checks for six anomalies that are based on common errors in point-location data sets. This information can be used to prioritize the type and extent of investigation needed for records that may have problems. The anomalies that can be checked are: 1. Missing coordinates 2. Truncated coordinates (lack of adequate precision) 3. Duplicate coordinates for distinct records 4. Duplicate key attributes (two identical names, but plotting in different locations) 5. Coordinate not located exactly where it would be expected (but falling within two kilometers of a border) 6. Coordinate not located anywhere near where expected", "name": "SQUAD Tool v3", "icon": "", "downloads": "983", "status": "not installed", "description": "Spatial Quality and Anomalies Diagnosis", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "ClusterPoints": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/ClusterPoints/version/3.3/download/", "tags": "grouping cluster machine learning points link functions k-means hierarchical", "readonly": false, "homepage": "http://jjenkner.com/ClusterPoints/", "version_available": "3.3", "rating_votes": "9", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "ClusterPoints", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jjenkner/ClusterPoints/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "ClusterPoints.3.3.zip", "author_name": "Johannes Jenkner", "average_vote": "4.77724697256", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1145", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jjenkner/ClusterPoints", "library": "", "about": "Sometimes it is requisite to determine distinct groups of points on a map which are closest to each other. To automatize this process, Cluster Points allows you to find a predefined number of groups with mutually close points. <br><br>The cluster algorithms are well-known, but until now there has not been a comprehensive implementation for a GIS system, yet. This plugin was started during the project phase of a GIS-Analyst training course in Berlin (https://gis-trainer.de).", "name": "ClusterPoints", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2017/icon_MZNwiZM.png", "downloads": "10332", "status": "not installed", "description": "Cluster Points conducts spatial clustering of points based on their mutual distance to each other. The user can select between the K-Means algorithm and (agglomerative) hierarchical clustering with several different link functions.", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}, "QEsg": {"download_url": "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QEsg/version/3.0.7/download/", "tags": "sancad,waste water,hydraulics,sewage,sewer,network,flow,sewerage,sanitary,network design", "readonly": false, "homepage": "https://github.com/jorgealmerio/QEsg/blob/master/README.md", "version_available": "3.0.7", "rating_votes": "17", "error_details": "", "trusted": false, "category": "", "experimental": false, "available": true, "id": "QEsg", "changelog": "", "tracker": "https://github.com/jorgealmerio/QEsg/issues", "version_installed": "", "filename": "QEsg.3.0.7.zip", "author_name": "Jorge Almerio", "average_vote": "4.70560555261", "zip_repository": "Repository plugin ufficiale QGIS", "deprecated": false, "error": "", "plugin_id": "1042", "code_repository": "https://github.com/jorgealmerio/QEsg", "library": "", "about": "Sanitary Sewage System Networks Design\nUsed Libraries:\n-Qt matplotlib\n-ezdxf (Embedded) from Manfred Moitzi\n<p>If this plugin is useful for you, consider to donate to the author.</p>\n<a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=G5ERSTGG4U426&lc=BR&item_name=Jorge+Almerio/Qgis+QEsg+plugin&item_number=QEsg&currency_code=BRL&bn=PP-DonationsBF:btn_donateCC_LG.gif:NonHosted" target="_blank">\n<img border="0" alt="Donate" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif">\n</a>", "name": "QEsg", "icon": "http://plugins.qgis.org//static/packages/2018/qesg_icon_UuuI0qQ.png", "downloads": "8410", "status": "not installed", "description": "Sanitary Sewage System Networks Design", "installed": false, "author_email": ""}} |