mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 00:02:25 -05:00
This check tests that if a function has been declared deprecated with either Q_DECL_DEPRECATED or has a @deprecated Doxygen note then it MUST have both the Q_DECL_DEPRECATD and @deprecated note. It's important that both are used, as Q_DECL_DEPRECATED allows throwing a warning if that method is used in code, while the @deprecated doxygen note gives an indication to devs/PyQGIS users of why it's deprecated and what should be used instead. Ideally we'd also test for SIP /Deprecated/ tags, but I can't find any reliable way to do this.
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/** \ingroup MapComposer
* \class QgsComposerMap
* \brief Object representing map window.
// NOTE: QgsComposerMapBase must be first, otherwise does not compile
class QgsComposerMap : QgsComposerItem
#include <qgscomposermap.h>
/** Constructor. */
QgsComposerMap( QgsComposition *composition /TransferThis/, int x, int y, int width, int height );
/** Constructor. Settings are read from project. */
QgsComposerMap( QgsComposition *composition /TransferThis/ );
/** Return correct graphics item type. Added in v1.7 */
virtual int type() const;
/** \brief Preview style */
enum PreviewMode
Cache, // Use raster cache
Render, // Render the map
Rectangle // Display only rectangle
//grid enums are moved to QgsComposerMapGrid
//TODO - remove for QGIS 3.0
enum GridStyle
Solid, //solid lines
Cross, //only draw line crossings
enum GridAnnotationPosition
enum GridAnnotationDirection
enum GridAnnotationFormat
enum GridFrameStyle
Zebra, // black/white pattern
/** Enum for different frame borders*/
enum Border
/** Scaling modes used for the serial rendering (atlas)
enum AtlasScalingMode
Fixed, /*!< The current scale of the map is used for each feature of the atlas */
Predefined, /*!< A scale is chosen from the predefined scales. The smallest scale from
the list of scales where the atlas feature is fully visible is chosen.
@see QgsAtlasComposition::setPredefinedScales.
@note This mode is only valid for polygon or line atlas coverage layers
Auto /*!< The extent is adjusted so that each feature is fully visible.
A margin is applied around the center @see setAtlasMargin
@note This mode is only valid for polygon or line atlas coverage layers*/
/** \brief Draw to paint device
@param painter painter
@param extent map extent
@param size size in scene coordinates
@param dpi scene dpi
@param forceWidthScale force wysiwyg line widths / marker sizes
void draw( QPainter *painter, const QgsRectangle& extent, const QSizeF& size, double dpi, double* forceWidthScale = 0 );
/** \brief Reimplementation of QCanvasItem::paint - draw on canvas */
void paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* itemStyle, QWidget* pWidget );
/** \brief Create cache image */
void cache();
/** Return map settings that would be used for drawing of the map
* @note added in 2.6 */
QgsMapSettings mapSettings( const QgsRectangle& extent, const QSizeF& size, int dpi ) const;
/** \brief Get identification number*/
int id() const;
/** True if a draw is already in progress*/
bool isDrawing() const;
/** Resizes an item in x- and y direction (canvas coordinates)*/
void resize( double dx, double dy );
/** Move content of map
@param dx move in x-direction (item and canvas coordinates)
@param dy move in y-direction (item and canvas coordinates)*/
void moveContent( double dx, double dy );
/** Zoom content of map
* @param delta value from wheel event that describes direction (positive /negative number)
* @param x x-position of mouse cursor (in item coordinates)
* @param y y-position of mouse cursor (in item coordinates)
* @deprecated use zoomContent( double, QPointF, ZoomMode ) instead
void zoomContent( int delta, double x, double y ) /Deprecated/;
/** Zoom content of item. Does nothing per default (but implemented in composer map)
* @param factor zoom factor, where > 1 results in a zoom in and < 1 results in a zoom out
* @param point item point for zoom center
* @param mode zoom mode
* @note added in QGIS 2.5
virtual void zoomContent( const double factor, const QPointF point, const ZoomMode mode = QgsComposerItem::Zoom );
/** Sets new scene rectangle bounds and recalculates hight and extent*/
void setSceneRect( const QRectF& rectangle );
/** \brief Scale */
double scale() const;
/** Sets new scale and changes only mExtent*/
void setNewScale( double scaleDenominator, bool forceUpdate = true );
/** Sets new extent for the map. This method may change the width or height of the map
* item to ensure that the extent exactly matches the specified extent, with no
* overlap or margin. This method implicitly alters the map scale.
* @param extent new extent for the map
* @see zoomToExtent
void setNewExtent( const QgsRectangle& extent );
/** Zooms the map so that the specified extent is fully visible within the map item.
* This method will not change the width or height of the map, and may result in
* an overlap or margin from the specified extent. This method implicitly alters the
* map scale.
* @param extent new extent for the map
* @see setNewExtent
* @note added in QGIS 2.5
void zoomToExtent( const QgsRectangle& extent );
/** Sets new Extent for the current atlas preview and changes width, height (and implicitely also scale).
Atlas preview extents are only temporary, and are regenerated whenever the atlas feature changes
void setNewAtlasFeatureExtent( const QgsRectangle& extent );
/** Called when atlas preview is toggled, to force map item to update its extent and redraw
* @deprecated no longer required
void toggleAtlasPreview() /Deprecated/;
/** Returns a pointer to the current map extent, which is either the original user specified
* extent or the temporary atlas-driven feature extent depending on the current atlas state
* of the composition. Both a const and non-const version are included.
* @returns pointer to current map extent
* @see visibleExtentPolygon
// QgsRectangle* currentMapExtent();
const QgsRectangle* currentMapExtent() const;
PreviewMode previewMode() const;
void setPreviewMode( PreviewMode m );
/** Getter for flag that determines if the stored layer set should be used or the current layer set of the qgis mapcanvas */
bool keepLayerSet() const;
/** Setter for flag that determines if the stored layer set should be used or the current layer set of the qgis mapcanvas */
void setKeepLayerSet( bool enabled );
/** Getter for stored layer set that is used if mKeepLayerSet is true */
QStringList layerSet() const;
/** Setter for stored layer set that is used if mKeepLayerSet is true */
void setLayerSet( const QStringList& layerSet );
/** Stores the current layer set of the qgis mapcanvas in mLayerSet*/
void storeCurrentLayerSet();
/** Getter for flag that determines if current styles of layers should be overridden by previously stored styles. @note added in 2.8 */
bool keepLayerStyles() const;
/** Setter for flag that determines if current styles of layers should be overridden by previously stored styles. @note added in 2.8 */
void setKeepLayerStyles( bool enabled );
/** Getter for stored overrides of styles for layers. @note added in 2.8 */
QMap<QString, QString> layerStyleOverrides() const;
/** Setter for stored overrides of styles for layers. @note added in 2.8 */
void setLayerStyleOverrides( const QMap<QString, QString>& overrides );
/** Stores the current layer styles into style overrides. @note added in 2.8 */
void storeCurrentLayerStyles();
// Set cache outdated
void setCacheUpdated( bool u = false );
QgsRectangle extent() const;
//! @deprecated since 2.4 - use mapSettings() - may return 0 if not initialized with QgsMapRenderer
const QgsMapRenderer* mapRenderer() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets offset values to shift image (useful for live updates when moving item content)*/
void setOffset( double xOffset, double yOffset );
/** True if composer map renders a WMS layer*/
bool containsWMSLayer() const;
/** True if composer map contains layers with blend modes or flattened layers for vectors */
bool containsAdvancedEffects() const;
/** Stores state in Dom node
* @param elem is Dom element corresponding to 'Composer' tag
* @param doc Dom document
bool writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument & doc ) const;
/** Sets state from Dom document
* @param itemElem is Dom node corresponding to 'ComposerMap' tag
* @param doc is Dom document
bool readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDocument& doc );
/** Enables a coordinate grid that is shown on top of this composermap.
* @deprecated use grid()->setEnabled() or grids() instead
void setGridEnabled( bool enabled ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->enabled() or grids() instead
bool gridEnabled() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets coordinate grid style to solid or cross
* @deprecated use grid()->setStyle() or grids() instead
void setGridStyle( GridStyle style ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->style() or grids() instead
GridStyle gridStyle() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets coordinate interval in x-direction for composergrid.
* @deprecated use grid()->setIntervalX() or grids() instead
void setGridIntervalX( double interval ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->intervalX() or grids() instead
double gridIntervalX() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets coordinate interval in y-direction for composergrid.
* @deprecated use grid()->setIntervalY() or grids() instead
void setGridIntervalY( double interval ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->intervalY() or grids() instead
double gridIntervalY() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets x-coordinate offset for composer grid
* @deprecated use grid()->setOffsetX() or grids() instead
void setGridOffsetX( double offset ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->offsetX() or grids() instead
double gridOffsetX() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets y-coordinate offset for composer grid
* @deprecated use grid()->setOffsetY() or grids() instead
void setGridOffsetY( double offset ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->offsetY() or grids() instead
double gridOffsetY() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets the pen to draw composer grid
* @deprecated use grid()->setPenWidth(), grid()->setPenColor() or grids() instead
void setGridPen( const QPen& p ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->pen() or grids() instead
QPen gridPen() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets width of grid pen
* @deprecated use grid()->setPenWidth() or grids() instead
void setGridPenWidth( double w ) /Deprecated/;
/** Sets the color of the grid pen
* @deprecated use grid()->setPenColor() or grids() instead
void setGridPenColor( const QColor& c ) /Deprecated/;
/** Sets font for grid annotations
* @deprecated use grid()->setAnnotationFont() or grids() instead
void setGridAnnotationFont( const QFont& f ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->annotationFont() or grids() instead
QFont gridAnnotationFont() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets font color for grid annotations
* @deprecated use grid()->setAnnotationFontColor() or grids() instead
void setAnnotationFontColor( const QColor& c ) /Deprecated/;
/** Get font color for grid annotations
* @deprecated use grid()->annotationFontColor() or grids() instead
QColor annotationFontColor() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets coordinate precision for grid annotations
* @deprecated use grid()->setAnnotationPrecision or grids() instead
void setGridAnnotationPrecision( int p ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->annotationPrecision() or grids() instead
int gridAnnotationPrecision() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets flag if grid annotation should be shown
* @deprecated use grid()->setAnnotationEnabled() or grids() instead
void setShowGridAnnotation( bool show ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->annotationEnabled() or grids() instead
bool showGridAnnotation() const /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->setAnnotationPosition() or grids() instead
void setGridAnnotationPosition( GridAnnotationPosition p, QgsComposerMap::Border border ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->annotationPosition() or grids() instead
GridAnnotationPosition gridAnnotationPosition( QgsComposerMap::Border border ) const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets distance between map frame and annotations
* @deprecated use grid()->setAnnotationFrameDistance() or grids() instead
void setAnnotationFrameDistance( double d ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->annotationFrameDistance() or grids() instead
double annotationFrameDistance() const /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->setAnnotationDirection() or grids() instead
void setGridAnnotationDirection( GridAnnotationDirection d, QgsComposerMap::Border border ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->annotationDirection() or grids() instead
GridAnnotationDirection gridAnnotationDirection( QgsComposerMap::Border border ) const /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->setAnnotationFormat() or grids() instead
void setGridAnnotationFormat( GridAnnotationFormat f ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->annotationFormat() or grids() instead
GridAnnotationFormat gridAnnotationFormat() const /Deprecated/;
/** Set grid frame style (NoGridFrame or Zebra)
* @deprecated use grid()->setFrameStyle() or grids() instead
void setGridFrameStyle( GridFrameStyle style ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->frameStyle() or grids() instead
GridFrameStyle gridFrameStyle() const /Deprecated/;
/** Set grid frame width
* @deprecated use grid()->setFrameWidth() or grids() instead
void setGridFrameWidth( double w ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->frameWidth() or grids() instead
double gridFrameWidth() const /Deprecated/;
/** Set grid frame pen thickness
* @note: this function was added in version 2.1
* @deprecated use grid()->setFramePenSize() or grids() instead
void setGridFramePenSize( double w ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->framePenSize() or grids() instead
double gridFramePenSize() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets pen color for grid frame
* @note: this function was added in version 2.1
* @deprecated use grid()->setFramePenColor() or grids() instead
void setGridFramePenColor( const QColor& c ) /Deprecated/;
/** Get pen color for grid frame
* @note: this function was added in version 2.1
* @deprecated use grid()->framePenColor() or grids() instead
QColor gridFramePenColor() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets first fill color for grid zebra frame
* @note: this function was added in version 2.1
* @deprecated use grid()->setFrameFillColor1() or grids() instead
void setGridFrameFillColor1( const QColor& c ) /Deprecated/;
/** Get first fill color for grid zebra frame
* @note: this function was added in version 2.1
* @deprecated use grid()->frameFillColor1() or grids() instead
QColor gridFrameFillColor1() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets second fill color for grid zebra frame
* @note: this function was added in version 2.1
* @deprecated use grid()->setFrameFillColor2() or grids() instead
void setGridFrameFillColor2( const QColor& c ) /Deprecated/;
/** Get second fill color for grid zebra frame
* @note: this function was added in version 2.1
* @deprecated use grid()->frameFillColor2() or grids() instead
QColor gridFrameFillColor2() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets length of the cross segments (if grid style is cross)
* @deprecated use grid()->setCrossLength() or grids() instead
void setCrossLength( double l ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->crossLength() or grids() instead
double crossLength() /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->setLineSymbol() or grids() instead
void setGridLineSymbol( QgsLineSymbolV2* symbol /Transfer/) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use grid()->lineSymbol() or grids() instead
QgsLineSymbolV2* gridLineSymbol() /Deprecated/;
/** Returns the grid's blending mode
* @deprecated use grid()->blendMode() or grids() instead
QPainter::CompositionMode gridBlendMode() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets the grid's blending mode
* @deprecated use grid()->setBlendMode() or grids() instead
void setGridBlendMode( QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns the map item's grid stack, which is used to control how grids
* are drawn over the map's contents.
* @returns pointer to grid stack
* @see grid()
* @note introduced in QGIS 2.5
QgsComposerMapGridStack* grids();
/** Returns the map item's first grid. This is a convenience function.
* @returns pointer to first grid for map item
* @see grids()
* @note introduced in QGIS 2.5
QgsComposerMapGrid* grid();
/** Returns the map item's overview stack, which is used to control how overviews
* are drawn over the map's contents.
* @returns pointer to overview stack
* @see overview()
* @note introduced in QGIS 2.5
QgsComposerMapOverviewStack* overviews();
/** Returns the map item's first overview. This is a convenience function.
* @returns pointer to first overview for map item
* @see overviews()
* @note introduced in QGIS 2.5
QgsComposerMapOverview* overview();
/** In case of annotations, the bounding rectangle can be larger than the map item rectangle */
QRectF boundingRect() const;
/* reimplement setFrameOutlineWidth, so that updateBoundingRect() is called after setting the frame width */
virtual void setFrameOutlineWidth( const double outlineWidth );
/** Sets rotation for the map - this does not affect the composer item shape, only the
way the map is drawn within the item
* @deprecated Use setMapRotation( double rotation ) instead
void setRotation( double r ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns the rotation used for drawing the map within the composer item
* @deprecated Use mapRotation() instead
double rotation() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets rotation for the map - this does not affect the composer item shape, only the
way the map is drawn within the item
@note this function was added in version 2.1*/
void setMapRotation( double r );
/** Returns the rotation used for drawing the map within the composer item
* @returns rotation for map
* @param valueType controls whether the returned value is the user specified rotation,
* or the current evaluated rotation (which may be affected by data driven rotation
* settings).
double mapRotation( QgsComposerObject::PropertyValueType valueType = QgsComposerObject::EvaluatedValue ) const;
void updateItem();
/** Sets canvas pointer (necessary to query and draw map canvas items)*/
void setMapCanvas( QGraphicsView* canvas /Transfer/ );
void setDrawCanvasItems( bool b );
bool drawCanvasItems() const;
/** Returns the conversion factor map units -> mm*/
double mapUnitsToMM() const;
/** Sets overview frame map. -1 disables the overview frame
* @deprecated use overview()->setFrameMap() or overviews() instead
void setOverviewFrameMap( int mapId ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns id of overview frame (or -1 if no overfiew frame)
* @deprecated use overview()->frameMapId() or overviews() instead
int overviewFrameMapId() const /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use overview()->setFrameSymbol() or overviews() instead
void setOverviewFrameMapSymbol( QgsFillSymbolV2* symbol /Transfer/ ) /Deprecated/;
* @deprecated use overview()->frameSymbol() or overviews() instead
QgsFillSymbolV2* overviewFrameMapSymbol() /Deprecated/;
/** Returns the overview's blending mode
* @deprecated use overview()->blendMode() or overviews() instead
QPainter::CompositionMode overviewBlendMode() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets the overview's blending mode
* @deprecated use overview()->setBlendMode() or overviews() instead
void setOverviewBlendMode( QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns true if the overview frame is inverted
* @deprecated use overview()->inverted() or overviews() instead
bool overviewInverted() const /Deprecated/;
/** Sets the overview's inversion mode
* @deprecated use overview()->setInverted() or overviews() instead
void setOverviewInverted( bool inverted ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns true if the extent is forced to center on the overview
* @deprecated use overview()->centered() or overviews() instead
bool overviewCentered() const /Deprecated/;
/** Set the overview's centering mode
* @deprecated use overview()->setCentered() or overviews() instead
void setOverviewCentered( bool centered ) /Deprecated/;
/** Sets mId to a number not yet used in the composition. mId is kept if it is not in use.
Usually, this function is called before adding the composer map to the composition*/
void assignFreeId();
/** Calculates width and hight of the picture (in mm) such that it fits into the item frame with the given rotation
* @deprecated Use bool QgsComposerItem::imageSizeConsideringRotation( double& width, double& height, double rotation )
* instead
bool imageSizeConsideringRotation( double& width, double& height ) const /Deprecated/;
/** Calculates corner point after rotation and scaling
* @deprecated Use QgsComposerItem::cornerPointOnRotatedAndScaledRect( double& x, double& y, double width, double height, double rotation )
* instead
bool cornerPointOnRotatedAndScaledRect( double& x, double& y, double width, double height ) const /Deprecated/;
/** Calculates width / height of the bounding box of a rotated rectangle
* @deprecated Use QgsComposerItem::sizeChangedByRotation( double& width, double& height, double rotation )
* instead
void sizeChangedByRotation( double& width, double& height ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns whether the map extent is set to follow the current atlas feature.
* @returns true if map will follow the current atlas feature.
* @see setAtlasDriven
* @see atlasScalingMode
bool atlasDriven() const;
/** Sets whether the map extent will follow the current atlas feature.
* @param enabled set to true if the map extents should be set by the current atlas feature.
* @see atlasDriven
* @see setAtlasScalingMode
void setAtlasDriven( bool enabled );
/** Returns true if the map uses a fixed scale when in atlas mode
* @deprecated since 2.4 Use atlasScalingMode() instead
bool atlasFixedScale() const /Deprecated/;
/** Set to true if the map should use a fixed scale when in atlas mode
* @deprecated since 2.4 Use setAtlasScalingMode() instead
void setAtlasFixedScale( bool fixed ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns the current atlas scaling mode. This controls how the map's extents
* are calculated for the current atlas feature when an atlas composition
* is enabled.
* @returns the current scaling mode
* @note this parameter is only used if atlasDriven() is true
* @see setAtlasScalingMode
* @see atlasDriven
AtlasScalingMode atlasScalingMode();
/** Sets the current atlas scaling mode. This controls how the map's extents
* are calculated for the current atlas feature when an atlas composition
* is enabled.
* @param mode atlas scaling mode to set
* @note this parameter is only used if atlasDriven() is true
* @see atlasScalingMode
* @see atlasDriven
void setAtlasScalingMode( AtlasScalingMode mode );
/** Returns the margin size (percentage) used when the map is in atlas mode.
* @param valueType controls whether the returned value is the user specified atlas margin,
* or the current evaluated atlas margin (which may be affected by data driven atlas margin
* settings).
* @returns margin size in percentage to leave around the atlas feature's extent
* @note this is only used if atlasScalingMode() is Auto.
* @see atlasScalingMode
* @see setAtlasMargin
double atlasMargin( const QgsComposerObject::PropertyValueType valueType = QgsComposerObject::EvaluatedValue );
/** Sets the margin size (percentage) used when the map is in atlas mode.
* @param margin size in percentage to leave around the atlas feature's extent
* @note this is only used if atlasScalingMode() is Auto.
* @see atlasScalingMode
* @see atlasMargin
void setAtlasMargin( double margin );
/** Sets whether updates to the composer map are enabled. */
void setUpdatesEnabled( bool enabled );
/** Returns whether updates to the composer map are enabled. */
bool updatesEnabled() const;
/** Get the number of layers that this item requires for exporting as layers
* @returns 0 if this item is to be placed on the same layer as the previous item,
* 1 if it should be placed on its own layer, and >1 if it requires multiple export layers
* @note this method was added in version 2.4
int numberExportLayers() const;
/** Returns a polygon representing the current visible map extent, considering map extents and rotation.
* If the map rotation is 0, the result is the same as currentMapExtent
* @returns polygon with the four corner points representing the visible map extent. The points are
* clockwise, starting at the top-left point
* @see currentMapExtent
QPolygonF visibleExtentPolygon() const;
//overriden to show "Map 1" type names
virtual QString displayName() const;
/** Returns extent that considers rotation and shift with mOffsetX / mOffsetY*/
QPolygonF transformedMapPolygon() const;
/** Transforms map coordinates to item coordinates (considering rotation and move offset)*/
QPointF mapToItemCoords( const QPointF& mapCoords ) const;
//! @deprecated will be removed in QGIS 3.0
void connectMapOverviewSignals() /Deprecated/;
/** Calculates the extent to request and the yShift of the top-left point in case of rotation.
* @note added in 2.6 */
void requestedExtent( QgsRectangle& extent ) const;
virtual QgsExpressionContext* createExpressionContext() const;
void extentChanged();
/** Is emitted on rotation change to notify north arrow pictures*/
void mapRotationChanged( double newRotation );
/** Is emitted when the map has been prepared for atlas rendering, just before actual rendering*/
void preparedForAtlas();
/** Emitted when layer style overrides are changed... a means to let
* associated legend items know they should update
* @note added in 2.10
void layerStyleOverridesChanged();
public slots:
/** Forces an update of the cached map image*/
void updateCachedImage();
/** Updates the cached map image if the map is set to Render mode
* @see updateCachedImage
void renderModeUpdateCachedImage();
/** Updates the bounding rect of this item. Call this function before doing any changes related to annotation out of the map rectangle */
void updateBoundingRect();
/** @deprecated use QgsComposerMapOverview::overviewExtentChanged instead*/
void overviewExtentChanged();
virtual void refreshDataDefinedProperty( const QgsComposerObject::DataDefinedProperty property = QgsComposerObject::AllProperties, const QgsExpressionContext* context = 0 );
protected slots:
/** Called when layers are added or removed from the layer registry. Updates the maps
* layer set and redraws the map if required.
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
void layersChanged();