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/*! \page qgsquick QGIS Quick Documentation
\section qgsquick_overview Overview
QGIS Quick is a QT Quick based GUI library primarily for mobile/tablet devices. Covering basic GIS components (e.g. MapCanvas, Scalebar),
it simplifies creation of a mobile applications for surveys, data gathering or other on-site work. Qt Quick provides tools
to create a rich application with a fluid and dynamic user interface. Additionally, Qt Quick Controls 2 provides highly
optimized controls for embedded/mobile devices with limited resources.
QGIS Quick consists of a Qt plugin that provides the QML components and of a shared library that can be used from C++ code.
\subsection qgsquick_overview_widgets QML Classes
\subsubsection qgsquick_overview_widgets_mapcanvas MapCanvas
Similarly to QgsMapCanvas, this component can be used for displaying GIS data on a canvas. See also QgsQuickMapCanvasMap.
\subsubsection qgsquick_overview_widgets_scalebar ScaleBar
A QML component that shows the scale ratio between its length and distance on the MapCanvas. There are predefined rounded values
for several zooming levels with 'm' or 'km' postfixes. After any zoom in/out event on canvas recalculates its properties and updates
text. See also QgsQuickScaleBarKit.
\subsubsection qgsquick_overview_widgets_messagelog MessageLog
A simple panel which can be used for publishing logs messages to a user such as basic information about the application or its status.
See also QgsQuickMessageLogModel.
\section qgsquick_styling Styling
Since the QGIS Quick library is meant to be reusable for a wide variety of applications with different styles/themes of the user
interface, some effort has been done to allow developers customize the colors and layouts of the components. Individual
components either have attributes for customization (e.g. ScaleBar has "barColor", "barBackgroundColor" properties) or more complex
components accept a custom styling object (e.g. FeatureForm has "style" property of type FeatureFormStyling with a hierarchy of color
and layout properties).
\section qgsquick_versioning_api Versioning and API stability
QML engine supports versioning of individual components with libraries - a single component may be available in multiple versions
with slightly different set of features. This is allows QML libraries to keep API compatibility with older code.
QGIS Quick library is currently in version 0.1 and since it is still a very new library, there are no API stability guarantees:
the following releases of QGIS may ship updates to components while keeping the same version or even remove some components.
Over time we expect that as the library will become stable, we will deliver stable API just like with the other QGIS libraries.
\section qgsquick_gui Designing scalable applications
Qt Quick uses pixel sizes for the visual items. When building applications that may run on devices with varying screen DPI,
this is a problem as the absolute pixel values make the application look different depending on the screen pixel density.
We recommend to use values device independent pixels ("dp"). It is a concept used on mobile devices, where an item of width of 10dp
will have always the same physical size (e.g. in millimeters) regardless of the screen density. To set width of an item to 10dp
in QML, one would write: "width: 10 * QgsQuick.Utils.dp".
\section qgsquick_lib Building the library
The QGIS Quick library is not built by default because QGIS application currently does not use it. In order to build the library
please make sure that WITH_QUICK variable in CMake configuration is set to ON.
It is recommended to build with CMake variable ENABLE_TESTS set to ON because that will also build a small example application
that uses Qt Quick components. In the generated project you should see target "qgis_quickapp".
The built QML plugin is installed to a dedicated directory - see QgsApplication::qmlImportPath(). When using QGIS Quick components,
it is necessary to either use QQmlEngine::addImportPath() to add that directory or to specify QML2_IMPORT_PATH environment variable.
\section qgsquick_demo_app Demo application
A demo application with some basic componets and functionality is available on https://github.com/lutraconsulting/qgis-quick-demo-app
The demo application repository contains also instructions on how to build the application, QGIS Quick and other dependencies on Android.