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/** \ingroup MapComposer
* \class QgsComposerMap
* \brief Object representing map window.
// NOTE: QgsComposerMapBase must be first, otherwise does not compile
class QgsComposerMap : QgsComposerItem
#include <qgscomposermap.h>
/** Constructor. */
QgsComposerMap( QgsComposition *composition /TransferThis/, int x, int y, int width, int height );
/** Constructor. Settings are read from project. */
QgsComposerMap( QgsComposition *composition /TransferThis/ );
/** return correct graphics item type. Added in v1.7 */
virtual int type() const;
/** \brief Preview style */
enum PreviewMode
Cache = 0, // Use raster cache
Render, // Render the map
Rectangle // Display only rectangle
enum GridStyle
Solid = 0, //solid lines
Cross //only draw line crossings
enum GridAnnotationPosition
InsideMapFrame = 0,
enum GridAnnotationDirection
Horizontal = 0,
enum GridAnnotationFormat
Decimal = 0,
enum GridFrameStyle
NoGridFrame = 0,
Zebra //black / white pattern
/**Enum for different frame borders*/
enum Border
/** \brief Draw to paint device
@param painter painter
@param extent map extent
@param size size in scene coordinates
@param dpi scene dpi
@param forceWidthScale force wysiwyg line widths / marker sizes
void draw( QPainter *painter, const QgsRectangle& extent, const QSizeF& size, double dpi, double* forceWidthScale = 0 );
/** \brief Reimplementation of QCanvasItem::paint - draw on canvas */
void paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* itemStyle, QWidget* pWidget );
/** \brief Create cache image */
void cache();
/** \brief Get identification number*/
int id() const;
/**True if a draw is already in progress*/
bool isDrawing() const;
/** resizes an item in x- and y direction (canvas coordinates)*/
void resize( double dx, double dy );
/**Move content of map
@param dx move in x-direction (item and canvas coordinates)
@param dy move in y-direction (item and canvas coordinates)*/
void moveContent( double dx, double dy );
/**Zoom content of map
@param delta value from wheel event that describes magnitude and direction (positive /negative number)
@param x x-coordinate of mouse position in item coordinates
@param y y-coordinate of mouse position in item coordinates*/
void zoomContent( int delta, double x, double y );
/**Sets new scene rectangle bounds and recalculates hight and extent*/
void setSceneRect( const QRectF& rectangle );
/** \brief Scale */
double scale() const;
/**Sets new scale and changes only mExtent*/
void setNewScale( double scaleDenominator );
/**Sets new Extent and changes width, height (and implicitely also scale)*/
void setNewExtent( const QgsRectangle& extent );
PreviewMode previewMode() const;
void setPreviewMode( PreviewMode m );
/**Getter for flag that determines if the stored layer set should be used or the current layer set of the qgis mapcanvas
@note this function was added in version 1.2*/
bool keepLayerSet() const;
/**Setter for flag that determines if the stored layer set should be used or the current layer set of the qgis mapcanvas
@note this function was added in version 1.2*/
void setKeepLayerSet( bool enabled );
/**Getter for stored layer set that is used if mKeepLayerSet is true
@note this function was added in version 1.2*/
QStringList layerSet() const;
/**Setter for stored layer set that is used if mKeepLayerSet is true
@note this function was added in version 1.2*/
void setLayerSet( const QStringList& layerSet );
/**Stores the current layer set of the qgis mapcanvas in mLayerSet*/
void storeCurrentLayerSet();
// Set cache outdated
void setCacheUpdated( bool u = false );
QgsRectangle extent() const;
const QgsMapRenderer* mapRenderer() const;
/**Sets offset values to shift image (useful for live updates when moving item content)*/
void setOffset( double xOffset, double yOffset );
/**True if composer map renders a WMS layer*/
bool containsWMSLayer() const;
/** stores state in Dom node
* @param elem is Dom element corresponding to 'Composer' tag
* @param doc Dom document
bool writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument & doc ) const;
/** sets state from Dom document
* @param itemElem is Dom node corresponding to 'ComposerMap' tag
* @param doc is Dom document
bool readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDocument& doc );
/**Enables a coordinate grid that is shown on top of this composermap.
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setGridEnabled( bool enabled );
bool gridEnabled() const;
/**Sets coordinate grid style to solid or cross
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setGridStyle( GridStyle style );
GridStyle gridStyle() const;
/**Sets coordinate interval in x-direction for composergrid.
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setGridIntervalX( double interval );
double gridIntervalX() const;
/**Sets coordinate interval in y-direction for composergrid.
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setGridIntervalY( double interval );
double gridIntervalY() const;
/**Sets x-coordinate offset for composer grid
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setGridOffsetX( double offset );
double gridOffsetX() const;
/**Sets y-coordinate offset for composer grid
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setGridOffsetY( double offset );
double gridOffsetY() const;
/**Sets the pen to draw composer grid
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setGridPen( const QPen& p );
QPen gridPen() const;
/**Sets with of grid pen
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setGridPenWidth( double w );
/**Sets the color of the grid pen
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setGridPenColor( const QColor& c );
/**Sets font for grid annotations
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setGridAnnotationFont( const QFont& f );
QFont gridAnnotationFont() const;
/**Sets font color for grid annotations
@note this function was added in version 2.0*/
void setAnnotationFontColor( const QColor& c );
QColor annotationFontColor() const;
/**Sets coordinate precision for grid annotations
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setGridAnnotationPrecision( int p );
int gridAnnotationPrecision() const;
/**Sets flag if grid annotation should be shown
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setShowGridAnnotation( bool show );
bool showGridAnnotation() const;
void setGridAnnotationPosition( GridAnnotationPosition p, QgsComposerMap::Border border );
GridAnnotationPosition gridAnnotationPosition( QgsComposerMap::Border border ) const;
/**Sets distance between map frame and annotations
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setAnnotationFrameDistance( double d );
double annotationFrameDistance() const;
void setGridAnnotationDirection( GridAnnotationDirection d, QgsComposerMap::Border border );
GridAnnotationDirection gridAnnotationDirection( QgsComposerMap::Border border ) const;
void setGridAnnotationFormat( GridAnnotationFormat f );
GridAnnotationFormat gridAnnotationFormat() const;
/**Set grid frame style (NoGridFrame or Zebra)
@note: this function was added in version 1.9*/
void setGridFrameStyle( GridFrameStyle style );
GridFrameStyle gridFrameStyle() const;
/**Set grid frame width
@note: this function was added in version 1.9*/
void setGridFrameWidth( double w );
double gridFrameWidth() const;
/** Returns the grid's blending mode
@note added in version 2.0*/
const QPainter::CompositionMode gridBlendMode() const;
/** Sets the grid's blending mode
@note added in version 2.0*/
void setGridBlendMode( const QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode );
/**In case of annotations, the bounding rectangle can be larger than the map item rectangle
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
QRectF boundingRect() const;
/**Updates the bounding rect of this item. Call this function before doing any changes related to annotation out of the map rectangle
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void updateBoundingRect();
/**Sets length of the cros segments (if grid style is cross)
@note this function was added in version 1.4*/
void setCrossLength( double l );
double crossLength();
void setMapRotation( double r );
void updateItem();
/**Sets canvas pointer (necessary to query and draw map canvas items)*/
void setMapCanvas( QGraphicsView* canvas /Transfer/ );
void setDrawCanvasItems( bool b );
bool drawCanvasItems() const;
/**Returns the conversion factor map units -> mm*/
double mapUnitsToMM() const;
/**Sets overview frame map. -1 disables the overview frame
@note: this function was added in version 1.9*/
void setOverviewFrameMap( int mapId );
/**Returns id of overview frame (or -1 if no overfiew frame)
@note: this function was added in version 1.9*/
int overviewFrameMapId() const;
void setOverviewFrameMapSymbol( QgsFillSymbolV2* symbol /Transfer/ );
QgsFillSymbolV2* overviewFrameMapSymbol();
/* Returns the blending mode for the overview frame
@note added in version 1.9*/
const QPainter::CompositionMode overviewBlendMode() const;
/* Sets the blending mode for the overview frame
@note added in version 1.9*/
void setOverviewBlendMode( const QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode );
/**Sets flag if overview frame should be inverted
@note this function was added in version 1.9*/
void setOverviewInverted( bool inverted );
bool overviewInverted() const;
/**Sets mId to a number not yet used in the composition. mId is kept if it is not in use.
Usually, this function is called before adding the composer map to the composition*/
void assignFreeId();
void extentChanged();
public slots:
/**Called if map canvas has changed*/
void updateCachedImage( );
/**Call updateCachedImage if item is in render mode*/
void renderModeUpdateCachedImage();