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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Date : 11-12-13
Copyright : (C) 2013 by CS Systemes d'information (CS SI)
Email : otb at c-s dot fr (CS SI)
Contributors : Julien Malik (CS SI) - creation of otbspecific
Oscar Picas (CS SI) -
Alexia Mondot (CS SI) - split otbspecific into 2 files
add functions
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
When QGIS is run, OTB algorithms are created according to xml files from description/ directory.
__author__ = 'Julien Malik, Oscar Picas, Alexia Mondot'
__date__ = 'December 2013'
__copyright__ = '(C) 2013, CS Systemes d\'information (CS SI)'
# This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive
__revision__ = '$Format:%H$'
__version__ = "3.8"
import copy
from processing.algs.otb.OTBUtils import (renameValueField,
def getBinaryMorphologicalOperation(available_app, original_dom_document):
Let ball as only available structype.
Split the application according to its filter dilate, erode, opening, closing.
the_root = original_dom_document
renameValueField(the_root, 'structype.ball.xradius', 'name', 'The Structuring Element Radius')
renameValueField(the_root, 'structype.ball.xradius', 'description', 'The Structuring Element Radius')
remove_dependent_choices(the_root, 'structype', 'ball')
remove_other_choices(the_root, 'structype', 'ball')
remove_dependent_choices(the_root, 'filter', 'dilate')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'structype.ball.yradius')
the_list = defaultSplit(available_app, the_root, 'filter')
return the_list
def getEdgeExtraction(available_app, original_dom_document):
Let ball as only available filter (not an oval).
Split the application according to its filter gradient, sobel, touzi.
the_root = original_dom_document
renameValueField(the_root, 'filter.touzi.xradius', 'name', 'The Radius')
renameValueField(the_root, 'filter.touzi.xradius', 'description', 'The Radius')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'filter.touzi.yradius')
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'filter')
the_list = []
for key in split:
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
return the_list
def getGrayScaleMorphologicalOperation(available_app, original_dom_document):
Let ball as only available structype.
Split the application according to its filter dilate, erode, opening, closing.
the_root = original_dom_document
renameValueField(the_root, 'structype.ball.xradius', 'name', 'The Structuring Element Radius')
renameValueField(the_root, 'structype.ball.xradius', 'description', 'The Structuring Element Radius')
remove_dependent_choices(the_root, 'structype', 'ball')
remove_other_choices(the_root, 'structype', 'ball')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'structype.ball.yradius')
split = defaultSplit(available_app, the_root, 'filter')
return split
def getOrthoRectification(available_app, original_dom_document):
Let only mode auto.
Remove all parameters which should be updated once the input file given.
Split by SRS : EPSG, fit to ortho, lambert-wgs84 and UTM.
Each of these SRS have their own parameters modified in this fonction.
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_choice(the_root, 'outputs.mode', 'auto')
remove_independent_choices(the_root, 'outputs.mode', 'auto')
remove_choice(the_root, 'outputs.mode', 'outputroi')
remove_independent_choices(the_root, 'outputs.mode', 'outputroi')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'outputs.ulx')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'outputs.uly')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'outputs.sizex')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'outputs.sizey')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'outputs.spacingx')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'outputs.spacingy')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'outputs.lrx')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'outputs.lry')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'opt.rpc')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'outputs.isotropic')
emptyMap = copy.deepcopy(the_root)
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'outputs.ortho')
remove_choice(the_root, 'outputs.mode', 'orthofit')
remove_independent_choices(the_root, 'outputs.mode', 'orthofit')
merged = copy.deepcopy(the_root)
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'map')
the_list = []
for key in split:
if key == 'utm':
the_doc = split[key]
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'map.epsg.code')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), the_doc)
elif key == 'epsg':
the_doc = split[key]
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'map.utm.northhem')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'map.utm.zone')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), the_doc)
remove_choice(merged, 'map', 'utm')
remove_choice(merged, 'map', 'epsg')
remove_parameter_by_key(merged, 'map.epsg.code')
remove_parameter_by_key(merged, 'map.utm.northhem')
remove_parameter_by_key(merged, 'map.utm.zone')
old_app_name = merged.find('key').text
merged.find('key').text = '%s-%s' % (old_app_name, 'lambert-WGS84')
merged.find('longname').text = '%s (%s)' % (old_app_name, 'lambert-WGS84')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, 'lambert-WGS84'), merged)
remove_parameter_by_key(emptyMap, 'map')
remove_parameter_by_key(emptyMap, 'map.epsg.code')
remove_parameter_by_key(emptyMap, 'map.utm.northhem')
remove_parameter_by_key(emptyMap, 'map.utm.zone')
remove_choice(emptyMap, 'outputs.mode', 'autosize')
remove_independent_choices(emptyMap, 'outputs.mode', 'autosize')
remove_choice(emptyMap, 'outputs.mode', 'autospacing')
remove_independent_choices(emptyMap, 'outputs.mode', 'autospacing')
old_app_name = emptyMap.find('key').text
emptyMap.find('key').text = '%s-%s' % (old_app_name, 'fit-to-ortho')
emptyMap.find('longname').text = '%s (%s)' % (old_app_name, 'fit-to-ortho')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, 'fit-to-ortho'), emptyMap)
return the_list
def getDimensionalityReduction(available_app, original_dom_document):
Remove rescale.outmin and rescale.outmax and split by method (ica, maf, napca and pca) and adjust parameters of each resulting app.
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'rescale.outmin')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'rescale.outmax')
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'method')
the_list = []
for key in split:
if key == 'maf':
the_doc = split[key]
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'outinv')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), the_doc)
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
return the_list
def getPansharpening(available_app, original_dom_document):
Split by method (bayes, lmvm, rcs)
the_root = original_dom_document
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'method')
the_list = []
for key in split:
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
return the_list
def getPixelValue(available_app, original_dom_document):
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'cl')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getExtractROI(available_app, original_dom_document):
Split by mode (standard, fit)
Adapt parameters of each resulting app.
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'cl')
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'mode')
the_list = []
for key in split:
if key == 'standard':
the_doc = split[key]
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'mode.fit.elev.dem')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'mode.fit.elev.geoid')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'mode.fit.elev.default')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'mode.fit.ref')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), the_doc)
#key == 'fit'
the_doc = split[key]
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'startx')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'starty')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'sizex')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'sizey')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), the_doc)
return the_list
def getQuicklook(available_app, original_dom_document):
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'cl')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getRigidTransformResample(available_app, original_dom_document):
split by transformation (id, rotation, translation)
the_root = original_dom_document
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'transform.type')
the_list = []
for key in split:
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
return the_list
def getHomologousPointsExtraction(available_app, original_dom_document):
the_list = defaultSplit(available_app, original_dom_document, 'mode')
return the_list
def getGenerateRPCSensorModel(available_app, original_dom_document):
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_dependent_choices(the_root, 'map', 'wgs')
remove_other_choices(the_root, 'map', 'wgs')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getRefineSensorModel(available_app, original_dom_document):
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_dependent_choices(the_root, 'map', 'wgs')
remove_other_choices(the_root, 'map', 'wgs')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getSegmentation(available_app, original_dom_document):
Remove the choice raster and split by filter (cc, edison, meanshift, mprofiles, watershed)
the_root = original_dom_document
#remove_choice(the_root, 'filter', 'edison')
#remove_independent_choices(the_root, 'filter', 'edison')
#remove_choice(the_root, 'filter', 'meanshift')
#remove_independent_choices(the_root, 'filter', 'meanshift')
remove_choice(the_root, 'mode', 'raster')
remove_independent_choices(the_root, 'mode', 'raster')
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'filter')
the_list = []
for key in split:
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
return the_list
def getKMeansClassification(available_app, original_dom_document):
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'rand')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getTrainSVMImagesClassifier(available_app, original_dom_document):
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'rand')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getComputeConfusionMatrix(available_app, original_dom_document):
Split by ref (raster, vector)
the_root = original_dom_document
#remove_independent_choices(the_root, 'ref', 'vector')
#remove_choice(the_root, 'ref', 'vector')
#defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'ref')
the_list = []
for key in split:
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
return the_list
return [the_root]
def getOpticalCalibration(available_app, original_dom_document):
Remove toc options (let toa) and remove all about atmo
#the_list = defaultSplit(available_app, original_dom_document, 'level')
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_independent_choices(the_root, 'level', 'toc')
remove_choice(the_root, 'level', 'toc')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'atmo.aerosol')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'atmo.oz')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'atmo.wa')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'atmo.pressure')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'atmo.opt')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'atmo.aeronet')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'radius')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getSarRadiometricCalibration(available_app, original_dom_document):
# TODO ** before doing anything, check support for SAR data in Qgis
the_root = original_dom_document
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getSmoothing(available_app, original_dom_document):
Split by type (anidif, gaussian, mean)
#import copy
#the_root = copy.deepcopy(original_dom_document)
#remove_dependent_choices(the_root, 'type', 'anidif')
#remove_other_choices(the_root, 'type', 'anidif')
#defaultWrite('%s-anidif' % available_app, the_root)
#the_root = copy.deepcopy(original_dom_document)
#remove_independent_choices(the_root, 'type', 'anidif')
#remove_choice(the_root, 'type', 'anidif')
#defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
the_root = original_dom_document
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'type')
the_list = []
for key in split:
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
return the_list
#split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'type')
#the_list = []
#for key in split:
# defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
# the_list.append(split[key])
#return the_list
def getColorMapping(available_app, original_dom_document):
Remove the option colortolabel
Split by method : custom, continuous, optimal and image and adapt parameters of each resulting app
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_independent_choices(the_root, 'op', 'colortolabel')
remove_choice(the_root, 'op', 'colortolabel')
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'method')
the_list = []
for key in split:
if key == 'custom':
the_doc = split[key]
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.continuous.lut')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.continuous.min')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.continuous.max')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.optimal.background')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.image.in')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.image.low')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.image.up')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), the_doc)
elif key == 'continuous':
the_doc = split[key]
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.custom.lut')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.optimal.background')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.image.in')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.image.low')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.image.up')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), the_doc)
elif key == 'optimal':
the_doc = split[key]
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.custom.lut')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.continuous.lut')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.continuous.min')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.continuous.max')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.image.in')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.image.low')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.image.up')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), the_doc)
#key == 'image'
the_doc = split[key]
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.custom.lut')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.continuous.lut')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.continuous.min')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.continuous.max')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_doc, 'method.optimal.background')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), the_doc)
return the_list
def getFusionOfClassifications(available_app, original_dom_document):
Split by method of fusion of classification (dempstershafer, majorityvoting)
the_root = original_dom_document
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'method')
the_list = []
for key in split:
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
return the_list
def getTrainImagesClassifier(available_app, original_dom_document):
Split by classifier (ann, bayes, boost, dt, gbt, knn, libsvm, rf, svm)
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'classifier')
the_list = []
for key in split:
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
return the_list
def getTrainRegression(available_app, original_dom_document):
Split by classifier (ann, dt, gbt, knn, libsvm, rf)
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'classifier')
the_list = []
for key in split:
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
return the_list
def getTrainVectorClassifier(available_app, original_dom_document):
Split by classifier (ann, dt, gbt, knn, libsvm, rf)
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'classifier')
the_list = []
for key in split:
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, key), split[key])
return the_list
def getLineSegmentDetection(available_app, original_dom_document):
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'elev.default')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'elev.geoid')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'elev.dem')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getImageEnvelope(available_app, original_dom_document):
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'elev.default')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'elev.geoid')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'elev.dem')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getReadImageInfo(available_app, original_dom_document):
Remove parameters that are output of the application.
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'outkwl')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'indexx')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'indexy')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'sizex')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'sizey')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'spacingx')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'spacingy')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'originx')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'originy')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'estimatedgroundspacingx')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'estimatedgroundspacingy')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'numberbands')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'sensor')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'id')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'time')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'ullat')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'ullon')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'urlat')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'urlon')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'lrlat')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'lrlon')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'lllat')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'lllon')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'town')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'country')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'rgb.r')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'rgb.g')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'rgb.b')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'projectionref')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'keyword')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'gcp.count')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'gcp.proj')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getComputeModulusAndPhase(available_app, original_dom_document):
Split the application according the field nbinput.
For each of the resulting apps, give a new name.
the_root = original_dom_document
split = split_by_choice(the_root, 'nbinput')
the_list = []
for key in split:
if key == 'one':
the_doc = split[key]
old_app_name = the_doc.find('key').text
the_doc.find('key').text = '%s-%s' % (old_app_name, 'OneEntry')
the_doc.find('longname').text = '%s (%s)' % (old_app_name, 'OneEntry')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, 'OneEntry'), the_doc)
the_doc = split[key]
old_app_name = the_doc.find('key').text
the_doc.find('key').text = '%s-%s' % (old_app_name, 'TwoEntries')
the_doc.find('longname').text = '%s (%s)' % (old_app_name, 'TwoEntries')
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (available_app, 'TwoEntries'), the_doc)
return the_list
def getCompareImages(available_app, original_dom_document):
Remove mse, mae, psnr as they are output of the algorithm.
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'mse')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'mae')
remove_parameter_by_key(the_root, 'psnr')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getRadiometricIndices(available_app, original_dom_document):
These 3 indices are missing. Remove them from the list.
the_root = original_dom_document
remove_choice(the_root, 'list', 'laindvilog')
remove_choice(the_root, 'list', 'lairefl')
remove_choice(the_root, 'list', 'laindviformo')
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getConnectedComponentSegmentation(available_app, original_dom_document):
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getKmzExport(available_app, original_dom_document):
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getSuperimpose(available_app, original_dom_document):
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getStereoFramework(available_app, original_dom_document):
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getRasterization(available_app, original_dom_document):
Let only rasterization with an reference image
Let only mode auto.
Remove all parameters which should be updated once the input file given.
Split by SRS : EPSG, fit to ortho, lambert-wgs84 and UTM.
Each of these SRS have their own parameters modified in this fonction.
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
rasterization_image = original_dom_document
import copy
rasterization_manual = copy.deepcopy(original_dom_document)
old_app_name = rasterization_image.find('key').text
remove_parameter_by_key(rasterization_image, 'szx')
remove_parameter_by_key(rasterization_image, 'szy')
remove_parameter_by_key(rasterization_image, 'epsg')
remove_parameter_by_key(rasterization_image, 'orx')
remove_parameter_by_key(rasterization_image, 'ory')
remove_parameter_by_key(rasterization_image, 'spx')
remove_parameter_by_key(rasterization_image, 'spy')
remove_parameter_by_key(rasterization_manual, 'im')
# set a new name according to the choice
rasterization_image.find('key').text = '%s-%s' % (old_app_name, "image")
rasterization_image.find('longname').text = '%s (%s)' % (old_app_name, "image")
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (old_app_name, "image"), rasterization_image)
rasterization_manual.find('key').text = '%s-%s' % (old_app_name, "manual")
rasterization_manual.find('longname').text = '%s (%s)' % (old_app_name, "manual")
defaultWrite('%s-%s' % (old_app_name, "manual"), rasterization_manual)
return [rasterization_image, rasterization_manual]
def getVectorDataExtractROI(available_app, original_dom_document):
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getVectorDataReprojection(available_app, original_dom_document):
the_root = original_dom_document
return defaultSplit(available_app, the_root, 'out.proj')
def getComputePolylineFeatureFromImage(available_app, original_dom_document):
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
the_root = original_dom_document
defaultWrite(available_app, the_root)
return [the_root]
def getDespeckle(available_app, original_dom_document):
the_root = original_dom_document
the_list = defaultSplit(available_app, the_root, 'filter')
return the_list
def deleteGeoidSrtm(doc):
Delete GEOID and DEM parameter as they are not updated at the creation of the otb algorithms when you launch QGIS.
The values are picked from the settings.
t4 = [item for item in doc.findall('.//parameter') if item.find('key').text.endswith("elev.geoid")]
for t5 in t4:
t4 = [item for item in doc.findall('.//parameter') if item.find('key').text.endswith("elev.dem")]
for t5 in t4: