Alexander Bruy e2a9c16603 fix encoding related bugs in writer class
review Sum Line Length tool, add number of lines to output (implement #4712)
2012-10-04 12:52:54 +03:00

50 lines
1.3 KiB

from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from qgis.core import *
def createSpatialIndex(provider):
ft = QgsFeature()
idx = QgsSpatialIndex()
while provider.nextFeature( ft ):
idx.insertFeature( ft )
return idx
def createUniqueFieldName(fieldName, fieldList):
shortName = fieldName[:10]
if len(fieldList) == 0:
return shortName
if shortName not in fieldList:
return shortName
shortName = fieldName[:8] + "_1"
changed = True
while changed:
changed = False
for n in fieldList:
if n == shortName:
# create unique field name
num = int(shortName[-1:])
if num < 9:
shortName = shortName[:8] + "_" + str(num + 1)
shortName = shortName[:7] + "_" + str(num + 1)
changed = True
return shortName
def findOrCreateField(layer, fieldList, fieldName, fieldLen = 24, fieldPrec = 15):
idx = layer.fieldNameIndex(fieldName)
if idx == -1:
idx = len(fieldList)
if idx == max(fieldList.keys()):
idx += 1
fn = createUniqueFieldName(fieldName, fieldList)
field = QgsField(fn, QVariant.Double, "", fieldLen, fieldPrec)
fieldList[idx] = field
return idx, fieldList