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synced 2025-02-23 00:02:38 -05:00
128 lines
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Executable File
128 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Temporarily uncomment to debug ccache issues
# cat /tmp/cache.debug
# Prepare HANA database connection
if [ ${HANA_TESTS_ENABLED:-"OFF"} == "ON" ] ; then
echo "::group::hana"
echo "${bold}Load HANA database...${endbold}"
export QGIS_HANA_TEST_DB='driver='/usr/sap/hdbclient/libodbcHDB.so' host='${HANA_HOST}' port='${HANA_PORT}' user='${HANA_USER}' password='${HANA_PASSWORD}' sslEnabled=true sslValidateCertificate=False'
# wait for the DB to be available
echo "Wait a moment while trying to connect to a HANA database."
while ! echo exit | hdbsql -n '${HANA_HOST}:${HANA_PORT}' -u '${HANA_USER}' -p '${HANA_PASSWORD}' &> /dev/null
printf "⚘"
sleep 1
echo "🌊 done"
echo "::endgroup::"
# Restore postgres test data
echo "${bold}Load Postgres database...🐘${endbold}"
printf "[qgis_test]\nhost=postgres\nport=5432\ndbname=qgis_test\nuser=docker\npassword=docker" > ~/.pg_service.conf
export PGUSER=docker
export PGHOST=postgres
export PGPASSWORD=docker
export PGDATABASE=qgis_test
# wait for the DB to be available
echo "Wait a moment while loading PostGreSQL database."
while ! PGPASSWORD='docker' psql -h postgres -U docker -p 5432 -l &> /dev/null
printf "🐘"
sleep 1
echo " done 🥩"
pushd /root/QGIS > /dev/null
echo "Restoring postgres test data ..."
echo "Postgres test data restored ..."
popd > /dev/null # /root/QGIS
# Restore Oracle test data
#echo "${bold}Load Oracle database...🙏${endbold}"
#export ORACLE_HOST="oracle"
#export QGIS_ORACLETEST_DB="host=${QGIS_ORACLETEST_DBNAME} port=1521 user='QGIS' password='qgis'"
#echo "Wait a moment while loading Oracle database."
#while ! echo exit | sqlplus -L SYSTEM/adminpass@$QGIS_ORACLETEST_DBNAME &> /dev/null
# printf "🙏"
# sleep 5
# if [[ $(( COUNT++ )) -eq 200 ]]; then
# break
# fi
#if [[ ${COUNT} -eq 201 ]]; then
# echo "timeout, no oracle, no 🙏"
# echo " done 👀"
# pushd /root/QGIS > /dev/null
# /root/QGIS/tests/testdata/provider/testdata_oracle.sh $ORACLE_HOST
# popd > /dev/null # /root/QGIS
# Restore SQL Server test data
echo "Importing SQL Server test data..."
export SQLUSER=sa
export SQLHOST=mssql
export SQLPORT=1433
export SQLPASSWORD='<YourStrong!Passw0rd>'
export SQLDATABASE=qgis_test
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin
pushd /root/QGIS > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null # /root/QGIS
echo "Setting up DSN for test SQL Server"
cat <<EOT > /etc/odbc.ini
[ODBC Data Sources]
testsqlserver = ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
Driver = ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
Description = Test SQL Server
Server = mssql
# Run tests
EXCLUDE_TESTS=$(cat /root/QGIS/.ci/test_blocklist.txt | sed -r '/^(#.*?)?$/d' | paste -sd '|' -)
if ! [[ ${RUN_FLAKY_TESTS} =~ ^true$ ]]; then
echo "Flaky tests are skipped!"
EXCLUDE_TESTS=${EXCLUDE_TESTS}"|"$(cat /root/QGIS/.ci/test_flaky.txt | sed -r '/^(#.*?)?$/d' | paste -sd '|' -)
echo "Flaky tests are run!"
echo "List of skipped tests: $EXCLUDE_TESTS"
python3 /root/QGIS/.ci/ctest2ci.py xvfb-run ctest -V -E "${EXCLUDE_TESTS}" -S /root/QGIS/.ci/config.ctest --output-on-failure