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synced 2025-03-01 00:46:20 -05:00
* [MESH] [FEATURE] Sets meh color ramp classification from metadata read by MDAL driver. Some mesh layer formats can provide values that can be compressed by categorizing values in consecutive intervals, each represent by an integer or byte. MDAL has the capabilities to recognize this dataset type and store the bounds of each class an the units in the metadata. QGIS uses this metadata to setup adapted color ramp shader. * [MDAL] update to pre-release 0.5.92
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MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License)
Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com)
#ifndef MDAL_CF_HPP
#define MDAL_CF_HPP
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <set>
#include "mdal_data_model.hpp"
#include "mdal.h"
#include "mdal_utils.hpp"
#include "mdal_netcdf.hpp"
#include "mdal_driver.hpp"
namespace MDAL
class CFDimensions
enum Type
UnknownType = 0, //!< Unknown
Vertex, //!< Mesh vertex ( node )
Edge, //!< Line joining 2 vertices ( edge )
Face2DEdge, //!< Edge of 2D Face
Face, //!< 2D (Polygon) Face
Volume3D, //!< 3D (stacked) volumes
StackedFace3D, //! 3D (stacked) Faces
Time, //!< Time steps
MaxVerticesInFace //!< Maximum number of vertices in a face
//! Returns type of dimensions based on NetCDF array id
Type type( int ncid ) const;
//! Returns number of items for the type
size_t size( Type type ) const;
//! Sets a dimension
void setDimension( Type type, size_t count, int ncid = -1 );
//! Returns whether the type is one that case be used for datasets definition
bool isDatasetType( Type type ) const;
std::map<Type, size_t> mCount;
std::map<int, Type> mNcId;
struct CFDatasetGroupInfo
enum TimeLocation
NoTimeDimension = 0, //!< Dataset does not have time dimension at all, e.g. float TEMP(Cell)
TimeDimensionFirst, //!< Time dimension is first, e.g. float TEMP(Time, Cells)
TimeDimensionLast, //!< Time dimension is last, e.g. float TEMP(Cells, Time)
std::string name; //!< Dataset group name
CFDimensions::Type outputType;
bool is_vector;
bool is_polar;
TimeLocation timeLocation;
size_t nTimesteps;
size_t nValues;
int ncid_x; //!< NetCDF variable id
int ncid_y; //!< NetCDF variable id
Metadata metadata;
Classification classification_x;
Classification classification_y;
typedef std::map<std::string, CFDatasetGroupInfo> cfdataset_info_map; // name -> DatasetInfo
class CFDataset2D: public Dataset2D
CFDataset2D( DatasetGroup *parent,
double fill_val_x,
double fill_val_y,
int ncid_x,
int ncid_y,
Classification classification_x,
Classification classification_y,
CFDatasetGroupInfo::TimeLocation timeLocation,
size_t timesteps,
size_t values,
size_t ts,
std::shared_ptr<NetCDFFile> ncFile
virtual ~CFDataset2D() override;
virtual size_t scalarData( size_t indexStart, size_t count, double *buffer ) override;
virtual size_t vectorData( size_t indexStart, size_t count, double *buffer ) override;
double mFillValX;
double mFillValY;
int mNcidX; //!< NetCDF variable id
int mNcidY; //!< NetCDF variable id
Classification mClassificationX; //!< Classification, void if not classified
Classification mClassificationY; //!< Classification, void if not classified
CFDatasetGroupInfo::TimeLocation mTimeLocation;
size_t mTimesteps;
size_t mValues;
size_t mTs;
std::shared_ptr<NetCDFFile> mNcFile;
//! NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions
//! http://cfconventions.org
//! and http://ugrid-conventions.github.io/ugrid-conventions/
class DriverCF: public Driver
DriverCF( const std::string &name,
const std::string &longName,
const std::string &filters,
const int capabilities );
virtual ~DriverCF() override;
bool canReadMesh( const std::string &uri ) override;
std::unique_ptr< Mesh > load( const std::string &fileName, const std::string &meshName = "" ) override;
virtual CFDimensions populateDimensions( ) = 0;
virtual void populateElements( Vertices &vertices, Edges &edges, Faces &faces ) = 0;
virtual void addBedElevation( MDAL::MemoryMesh *mesh ) = 0;
virtual std::string getCoordinateSystemVariableName() = 0;
virtual std::set<std::string> ignoreNetCDFVariables() = 0;
virtual void parseNetCDFVariableMetadata( int varid,
std::string &variableName,
std::string &name,
bool *is_vector,
bool *isPolar,
bool *is_x ) = 0;
virtual std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > parseClassification( int varid ) const = 0;
virtual std::string getTimeVariableName() const = 0;
virtual std::shared_ptr<MDAL::Dataset> create2DDataset(
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::DatasetGroup> group,
size_t ts,
const MDAL::CFDatasetGroupInfo &dsi,
double fill_val_x, double fill_val_y );
virtual std::shared_ptr<MDAL::Dataset> create3DDataset(
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::DatasetGroup> group,
size_t ts,
const MDAL::CFDatasetGroupInfo &dsi,
double fill_val_x, double fill_val_y );
//! Returns the default reference time
virtual DateTime defaultReferenceTime() const;
void setProjection( MDAL::Mesh *m );
cfdataset_info_map parseDatasetGroupInfo();
//! Populates the times array and returns the reference time
DateTime parseTime( std::vector<RelativeTimestamp> × );
void addDatasetGroups( Mesh *mesh,
const std::vector<RelativeTimestamp> ×,
const cfdataset_info_map &dsinfo_map, const DateTime &referenceTime );
std::string mFileName;
std::string mRequestedMeshName;
std::shared_ptr<NetCDFFile> mNcFile;
CFDimensions mDimensions;
} // namespace MDAL
#endif // MDAL_CF_HPP