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* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/metadata/qgslayermetadata.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsLayerMetadata
A structured metadata store for a map layer.
QgsLayerMetadata handles storage and management of the metadata
for a QgsMapLayer. This class is an internal QGIS format with a common
metadata structure, which allows for code to access the metadata properties for
layers in a uniform way.
The metadata store is designed to be compatible with the Dublin Core metadata
specifications, and will be expanded to allow compatibility with ISO specifications
in future releases. However, the QGIS internal schema does not represent a superset
of all existing metadata schemas and accordingly conversion from specific
metadata formats to QgsLayerMetadata may result in a loss of information.
This class is designed to follow the specifications detailed in
the schema definition available at resources/qgis-resource-metadata.xsd
within the QGIS source code.
Metadata can be validated through the use of QgsLayerMetadataValidator
subclasses. E.g. validating against the native QGIS metadata schema can be performed
using QgsNativeMetadataValidator.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
#include "qgslayermetadata.h"
typedef QMap< QString, QStringList > KeywordMap;
struct SpatialExtent
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem extentCrs;
Coordinate reference system for spatial extent.
.. seealso:: spatial
QgsBox3d bounds;
Geospatial extent of the resource. X and Y coordinates are in the
CRS defined by the metadata (see extentCrs).
While the spatial extent can include a Z dimension, this is not
.. seealso:: extentCrs
struct Extent
QList< QgsLayerMetadata::SpatialExtent > spatialExtents() const;
Spatial extents of the resource.
.. seealso:: setSpatialExtents()
:rtype: list of QgsLayerMetadata.SpatialExtent
void setSpatialExtents( const QList< QgsLayerMetadata::SpatialExtent > &extents );
Sets the spatial ``extents`` of the resource.
.. seealso:: spatialExtents()
QList< QgsDateTimeRange > temporalExtents() const;
Temporal extents of the resource. Use QgsDateTimeRange.isInstant() to determine
whether the temporal extent is a range or a single point in time.
If QgsDateTimeRange.isInfinite() returns true then the temporal extent
is considered to be indeterminate and continuous.
.. seealso:: setTemporalExtents()
:rtype: list of QgsDateTimeRange
void setTemporalExtents( const QList< QgsDateTimeRange > &extents );
Sets the temporal ``extents`` of the resource.
.. seealso:: temporalExtents()
struct Constraint
Constraint( const QString &constraint = QString(), const QString &type = QString() );
Constructor for Constraint.
QString type;
Constraint type. Standard values include 'access' and 'other', however any
string can be used for the type.
QString constraint;
Free-form constraint string.
typedef QList< QgsLayerMetadata::Constraint > ConstraintList;
struct Address
Address( const QString &type = QString(), const QString &address = QString(), const QString &city = QString(), const QString &administrativeArea = QString(), const QString &postalCode = QString(), const QString &country = QString() );
Constructor for Address.
QString type;
Type of address, e.g. 'postal'.
QString address;
Free-form physical address component, e.g. '221B Baker St' or 'P.O. Box 196'.
QString city;
City or locality name.
QString administrativeArea;
Administrative area (state, provice/territory, etc.).
QString postalCode;
Postal (or ZIP) code.
QString country;
Free-form country string.
struct Contact
Contact( const QString &name = QString() );
Constructor for Contact.
QString name;
Name of contact.
QString organization;
Organization contact belongs to/represents.
QString position;
Position/title of contact.
QList< QgsLayerMetadata::Address > addresses;
List of addresses associated with this contact.
QString voice;
Voice telephone.
QString fax;
Facsimile telephone.
QString email;
Electronic mail address.
.. note::
Do not include mailto: protocol as part of the email address.
QString role;
Role of contact. Acceptable values are those from the ISO 19115 CI_RoleCode specifications
(see http://www.isotc211.org/2005/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml).
E.g. 'custodian', 'owner', 'distributor', etc.
typedef QList< QgsLayerMetadata::Contact > ContactList;
struct Link
Link( const QString &name = QString(), const QString &type = QString(), const QString &url = QString() );
Constructor for Link.
QString name;
Short link name. E.g. WMS layer name.
QString type;
Link type. It is strongly suggested to use values from the 'identifier'
column in https://github.com/OSGeo/Cat-Interop/blob/master/LinkPropertyLookupTable.csv
QString description;
Abstract text about link.
QString url;
Link url. If the URL is an OWS server, specify the *base* URL only without parameters like service=xxx....
QString format;
Format specification of online resource. It is strongly suggested to use GDAL/OGR format values.
QString mimeType;
MIME type representative of the online resource response (image/png, application/json, etc.)
QString size;
Estimated size (in bytes) of the online resource response.
typedef QList< QgsLayerMetadata::Link > LinkList;
Constructor for QgsLayerMetadata.
virtual ~QgsLayerMetadata();
QString identifier() const;
A reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the resource.
.. seealso:: setIdentifier()
:rtype: str
void setIdentifier( const QString &identifier );
Sets the reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the resource.
.. seealso:: identifier()
QString parentIdentifier() const;
A reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the parent resource that this resource is a part (child) of.
Returns an empty string if no parent identifier is set.
.. seealso:: setParentIdentifier()
:rtype: str
void setParentIdentifier( const QString &parentIdentifier );
Sets a reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the parent resource that this resource is a part (child) of.
Set an empty string if no parent identifier is required.
.. seealso:: parentIdentifier()
QString language() const;
Returns the human language associated with the resource. Usually the returned string
will follow either the ISO 639.2 or ISO 3166 specifications, e.g. 'ENG' or 'SPA', however
this is not a hard requirement and the caller must account for non compliant
.. seealso:: setLanguage()
:rtype: str
void setLanguage( const QString &language );
Sets the human ``language`` associated with the resource. While a formal vocabulary is not imposed,
ideally values should be taken from the ISO 639.2 or ISO 3166 specifications,
e.g. 'ENG' or 'SPA' (ISO 639.2) or 'EN-AU' (ISO 3166).
.. seealso:: language()
QString type() const;
Returns the nature of the resource. While a formal vocabulary is not imposed, it is advised
to use the ISO 19115 MD_ScopeCode values. E.g. 'dataset' or 'series'.
.. seealso:: setType()
:rtype: str
void setType( const QString &type );
Sets the ``type`` (nature) of the resource. While a formal vocabulary is not imposed, it is advised
to use the ISO 19115 MD_ScopeCode values. E.g. 'dataset' or 'series'.
.. seealso:: type()
QString title() const;
Returns the human readable name of the resource, typically displayed in search results.
.. seealso:: setTitle()
:rtype: str
void setTitle( const QString &title );
Sets the human readable ``title`` (name) of the resource, typically displayed in search results.
.. seealso:: title()
QString abstract() const;
Returns a free-form description of the resource.
.. seealso:: setAbstract()
:rtype: str
void setAbstract( const QString &abstract );
Sets a free-form ``abstract`` (description) of the resource.
.. seealso:: abstract()
QString fees() const;
Returns any fees associated with using the resource.
An empty string will be returned if no fees are set.
.. seealso:: setFees()
:rtype: str
void setFees( const QString &fees );
Sets the ``fees`` associated with using the resource.
Use an empty string if no fees are set.
.. seealso:: fees()
QgsLayerMetadata::ConstraintList constraints() const;
Returns a list of constraints associated with using the resource.
.. seealso:: setConstraints()
:rtype: QgsLayerMetadata.ConstraintList
void addConstraint( const QgsLayerMetadata::Constraint &constraint );
Adds an individual constraint to the existing constraints.
.. seealso:: constraints()
.. seealso:: setConstraints()
void setConstraints( const QgsLayerMetadata::ConstraintList &constraints );
Sets the list of ``constraints`` associated with using the resource.
.. seealso:: constraints()
QStringList rights() const;
Returns a list of attribution or copyright strings associated with the resource.
.. seealso:: setRights()
:rtype: list of str
void setRights( const QStringList &rights );
Sets a list of ``rights`` (attribution or copyright strings) associated with the resource.
.. seealso:: rights()
QStringList licenses() const;
Returns a list of licenses associated with the resource (examples: http://opendefinition.org/licenses/).
.. seealso:: setLicenses()
:rtype: list of str
void setLicenses( const QStringList &licenses );
Sets a list of ``licenses`` associated with the resource.
(examples: http://opendefinition.org/licenses/).
.. seealso:: licenses()
QStringList history() const;
Returns a freeform description of the history or lineage of the resource.
.. seealso:: setHistory()
:rtype: list of str
void setHistory( const QStringList &history );
Sets the freeform description of the ``history`` or lineage of the resource.
Any existing history items will be overwritten.
.. seealso:: addHistoryItem()
.. seealso:: history()
void addHistoryItem( const QString &text );
Adds a single history ``text`` to the end of the existing history list.
.. seealso:: history()
.. seealso:: setHistory()
QString encoding() const;
Returns the character encoding of the data in the resource. An empty string will be returned if no encoding is set.
.. seealso:: setEncoding()
:rtype: str
void setEncoding( const QString &encoding );
Sets the character ``encoding`` of the data in the resource. Use an empty string if no encoding is set.
.. seealso:: encoding()
QgsLayerMetadata::Extent &extent();
Returns the spatial and temporal extents associated with the resource.
.. seealso:: setExtent()
:rtype: QgsLayerMetadata.Extent
void setExtent( const QgsLayerMetadata::Extent &extent );
Sets the spatial and temporal extents associated with the resource.
.. seealso:: setExtent()
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs() const;
Returns the coordinate reference system described by the layer's metadata.
Note that this has no link to QgsMapLayer.crs(). While in most cases these
two systems are likely to be identical, it is possible to have a layer
with a different CRS described by it's accompanying metadata versus the
CRS which is actually used to display and manipulate the layer within QGIS.
This may be the case when a layer has an incorrect CRS within its metadata
and a user has manually overridden the layer's CRS within QGIS.
.. seealso:: setCrs()
:rtype: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
void setCrs( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs );
Sets the coordinate reference system for the layer's metadata.
Note that this has no link to QgsMapLayer.setCrs(). Setting the layer's
CRS via QgsMapLayer.setCrs() does not affect the layer's metadata CRS,
and changing the CRS from the metadata will not change the layer's
CRS or how it is projected within QGIS.
While ideally these two systems are likely to be identical, it is possible to have a layer
with a different CRS described by it's accompanying metadata versus the
CRS which is actually used to display and manipulate the layer within QGIS.
This may be the case when a layer has an incorrect CRS within its metadata
and a user has manually overridden the layer's CRS within QGIS.
.. seealso:: crs()
KeywordMap keywords() const;
Returns the keywords map, which is a set of descriptive keywords associated with the resource.
The map key is the vocabulary string and map value is a list of keywords for that vocabulary.
The vocabulary string is a reference (URI/URL preferred) to a codelist or vocabulary
associated with keyword list.
.. seealso:: setKeywords()
.. seealso:: keywordVocabularies()
:rtype: KeywordMap
void setKeywords( const KeywordMap &keywords );
Sets the ``keywords`` map, which is a set of descriptive keywords associated with the resource.
The map key is the vocabulary string and map value is a list of keywords for that vocabulary.
Calling this replaces any existing keyword vocabularies.
The vocabulary string is a reference (URI/URL preferred) to a codelist or vocabulary
associated with keyword list.
.. seealso:: keywords()
.. seealso:: addKeywords()
void addKeywords( const QString &vocabulary, const QStringList &keywords );
Adds a list of descriptive ``keywords`` for a specified ``vocabulary``. Any existing
keywords for the same vocabulary will be replaced. Other vocabularies
will not be affected.
The vocabulary string is a reference (URI/URL preferred) to a codelist or vocabulary
associated with keyword list.
.. seealso:: setKeywords()
bool removeKeywords( const QString &vocabulary );
Remove a vocabulary from the list.
.. seealso:: setKeywords()
.. seealso:: addKeywords()
:rtype: bool
QStringList keywordVocabularies() const;
Returns a list of keyword vocabularies contained in the metadata.
The vocabulary string is a reference (URI/URL preferred) to a codelist or vocabulary
associated with keyword list.
.. seealso:: keywords()
:rtype: list of str
QStringList keywords( const QString &vocabulary ) const;
Returns a list of keywords for the specified ``vocabulary``.
If the vocabulary is not contained in the metadata, an empty
list will be returned.
The vocabulary string is a reference (URI/URL preferred) to a codelist or vocabulary
associated with keyword list.
.. seealso:: keywordVocabularies()
:rtype: list of str
QStringList categories() const;
Returns categories of the resource.
Categories are stored using a special vocabulary 'gmd:topicCategory' in keywords.
.. seealso:: keywords()
:rtype: list of str
void setCategories( const QStringList &categories );
Sets categories of the resource.
Categories are stored using a special vocabulary 'gmd:topicCategory' in keywords.
.. seealso:: keywords()
QgsLayerMetadata::ContactList contacts() const;
Returns a list of contact persons or entities associated with the resource.
.. seealso:: setContacts()
:rtype: QgsLayerMetadata.ContactList
void setContacts( const QgsLayerMetadata::ContactList &contacts );
Sets the list of ``contacts`` or entities associated with the resource. Any existing contacts
will be replaced.
.. seealso:: contacts()
.. seealso:: addContact()
void addContact( const QgsLayerMetadata::Contact &contact );
Adds an individual ``contact`` to the existing contacts.
.. seealso:: contacts()
.. seealso:: setContacts()
QgsLayerMetadata::LinkList links() const;
Returns a list of online resources associated with the resource.
.. seealso:: setLinks()
:rtype: QgsLayerMetadata.LinkList
void setLinks( const QgsLayerMetadata::LinkList &links );
Sets the list of online resources associated with the resource. Any existing links
will be replaced.
.. seealso:: links()
.. seealso:: addLink()
void addLink( const QgsLayerMetadata::Link &link );
Adds an individual ``link`` to the existing links.
.. seealso:: links()
.. seealso:: setLinks()
void saveToLayer( QgsMapLayer *layer ) const;
Saves the metadata to a ``layer``'s custom properties (see QgsMapLayer.setCustomProperty() ).
.. seealso:: readFromLayer()
void readFromLayer( const QgsMapLayer *layer );
Reads the metadata state from a ``layer``'s custom properties (see QgsMapLayer.customProperty() ).
.. seealso:: saveToLayer()
bool readMetadataXml( const QDomElement &metadataElement );
Sets state from Dom document
\param metadataElement The Dom element corresponding to ``resourceMetadata'' tag
:return: true if successful
:rtype: bool
bool writeMetadataXml( QDomElement &metadataElement, QDomDocument &document ) const;
Stores state in Dom node
\param metadataElement is a Dom element corresponding to ``resourceMetadata'' tag
\param document is a the dom document being written
:return: true if successful
:rtype: bool
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/metadata/qgslayermetadata.h *
* *
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