2023-10-25 07:43:00 +10:00

724 lines
24 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2023, Lutra Consulting Ltd. and Hobu, Inc. *
* *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <thread>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
#include "vpc.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include <pdal/Polygon.hpp>
#include <pdal/Stage.hpp>
#include <pdal/util/ProgramArgs.hpp>
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
using json = nlohmann::json;
using namespace pdal;
// TODO:
// - optionally support absolute paths (with a flag to build_vpc?)
void VirtualPointCloud::clear()
void VirtualPointCloud::dump()
std::cout << "----- VPC" << std::endl;
for (auto& f : files)
std::cout << " - " << f.filename << " " << f.count << " "
<< f.bbox.minx << " " << f.bbox.miny << " " << f.bbox.maxx << " " << f.bbox.maxy << std::endl;
bool VirtualPointCloud::read(std::string filename)
std::ifstream inputJson(filename);
if (!inputJson.good())
std::cerr << "Failed to read input VPC file: " << filename << std::endl;
return false;
fs::path filenameParent = fs::path(filename).parent_path();
json data;
data = json::parse(inputJson);
catch (std::exception &e)
std::cerr << "JSON parsing error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return false;
if (data["type"] != "FeatureCollection")
std::cerr << "The input file is not a VPC file: " << filename << std::endl;
return false;
if (!data.contains("features"))
std::cerr << "Missing 'features' key in a VPC file" << std::endl;
return false;
std::set<std::string> vpcCrsWkt;
for (auto& f : data["features"])
if (!f.contains("type") || f["type"] != "Feature" ||
!f.contains("stac_version") ||
!f.contains("assets") || !f["assets"].is_object() ||
!f.contains("properties") || !f["properties"].is_object())
std::cerr << "Malformed STAC item: " << f << std::endl;
if (f["stac_version"] != "1.0.0")
std::cerr << "Unsupported STAC version: " << f["stac_version"] << std::endl;
nlohmann::json firstAsset = *f["assets"].begin();
File vpcf;
vpcf.filename = firstAsset["href"];
vpcf.count = f["properties"]["pc:count"];
vpcf.crsWkt = f["properties"]["proj:wkt2"];
// read boundary geometry
nlohmann::json nativeGeometry = f["properties"]["proj:geometry"];
std::stringstream sstream;
sstream << std::setw(2) << nativeGeometry << std::endl;
std::string wkt = sstream.str();
pdal::Geometry nativeGeom(sstream.str());
vpcf.boundaryWkt = nativeGeom.wkt();
nlohmann::json nativeBbox = f["properties"]["proj:bbox"];
vpcf.bbox = BOX3D(
nativeBbox[0].get<double>(), nativeBbox[1].get<double>(), nativeBbox[2].get<double>(),
nativeBbox[3].get<double>(), nativeBbox[4].get<double>(), nativeBbox[5].get<double>() );
if (vpcf.filename.substr(0, 2) == "./")
// resolve relative path
vpcf.filename = fs::weakly_canonical(filenameParent / vpcf.filename).string();
for (auto &schemaItem : f["properties"]["pc:schemas"])
vpcf.schema.push_back(VirtualPointCloud::SchemaItem(schemaItem["name"], schemaItem["type"], schemaItem["size"].get<int>()));
// read stats
for (auto &statsItem : f["properties"]["pc:statistics"])
// read overview file (if any, expecting at most one)
// this logic is very basic, we should be probably checking roles of assets
if (f["assets"].contains("overview"))
vpcf.overviewFilename = f["assets"]["overview"]["href"];
if (vpcf.overviewFilename.substr(0, 2) == "./")
// resolve relative path
vpcf.overviewFilename = fs::weakly_canonical(filenameParent / vpcf.overviewFilename).string();
if (vpcCrsWkt.size() == 1)
crsWkt = *vpcCrsWkt.begin();
std::cerr << "found a mixture of multiple CRS in input files (" << vpcCrsWkt.size() << ")" << std::endl;
crsWkt = "_mix_";
return true;
void geometryToJson(const Geometry &geom, const BOX3D &bbox, nlohmann::json &jsonGeometry, nlohmann::json &jsonBbox)
jsonBbox = { bbox.minx, bbox.miny, bbox.minz, bbox.maxx, bbox.maxy, bbox.maxz };
std::string strGeom = geom.json();
jsonGeometry = json::parse(strGeom);
catch (std::exception &e)
std::cerr << "JSON parsing error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
bool VirtualPointCloud::write(std::string filename)
std::string filenameAbsolute = filename;
if (!fs::path(filename).is_absolute())
filenameAbsolute = fs::absolute(filename).string();
std::ofstream outputJson(filenameAbsolute);
if (!outputJson.good())
std::cerr << "Failed to create file: " << filenameAbsolute << std::endl;
return false;
fs::path outputPath = fs::path(filenameAbsolute).parent_path();
std::vector<nlohmann::ordered_json> jFiles;
for ( const File &f : files )
std::string assetFilename;
if (pdal::Utils::isRemote(f.filename))
// keep remote URLs as they are
assetFilename = f.filename;
// turn local paths to relative
fs::path fRelative = fs::relative(f.filename, outputPath);
assetFilename = "./" + fRelative.string();
std::string fileId = fs::path(f.filename).stem().string(); // TODO: we should make sure the ID is unique
pdal::Geometry boundary = !f.boundaryWkt.empty() ? pdal::Geometry(f.boundaryWkt) : pdal::Polygon(f.bbox);
// use bounding box as the geometry
nlohmann::json jsonGeometry, jsonBbox;
geometryToJson(boundary, f.bbox, jsonGeometry, jsonBbox);
// bounding box in WGS 84: reproject if possible, or keep it as is
nlohmann::json jsonGeometryWgs84 = jsonGeometry, jsonBboxWgs84 = jsonBbox;
if (!f.crsWkt.empty())
pdal::Geometry boundaryWgs84 = boundary;
if (boundaryWgs84.transform("EPSG:4326"))
geometryToJson(boundaryWgs84, boundaryWgs84.bounds(), jsonGeometryWgs84, jsonBboxWgs84);
std::vector<nlohmann::json> schemas;
for ( auto &si : f.schema )
{ "name", si.name },
{ "type", si.type },
{ "size", si.size },
nlohmann::json props = {
// Acquisition time: readers.las and readers.copc provide "creation_year" and "creation_doy"
// metadata - they are not always valid, but that's not really our problem...
// Alternatively if there is no single datetime, STAC defines that "start_datetime" and "end_datetime"
// may be used when the acquisition was done in a longer time period...
{ "datetime", f.datetime },
// required pointcloud extension properties
{ "pc:count", f.count },
{ "pc:type", "lidar" }, // TODO: how could we know?
{ "pc:encoding", "?" }, // TODO: https://github.com/stac-extensions/pointcloud/issues/6
{ "pc:schemas", schemas },
// projection extension properties (none are required)
{ "proj:wkt2", f.crsWkt },
{ "proj:geometry", jsonGeometry },
{ "proj:bbox", jsonBbox },
if (!f.stats.empty())
nlohmann::json statsArray = json::array();
for (const VirtualPointCloud::StatsItem &s : f.stats)
nlohmann::json stat = {
{ "name", s.name },
{ "position", s.position },
{ "average", s.average },
{ "count", s.count },
{ "maximum", s.maximum },
{ "minimum", s.minimum },
{ "stddev", s.stddev },
{ "variance", s.variance },
props["pc:statistics"] = statsArray;
nlohmann::json links = json::array();
nlohmann::json dataAsset = {
{ "href", assetFilename },
{ "roles", json::array({"data"}) },
nlohmann::json assets = { { "data", dataAsset } };
if (!f.overviewFilename.empty())
std::string overviewFilename;
if (pdal::Utils::isRemote(f.overviewFilename))
// keep remote URLs as they are
overviewFilename = f.overviewFilename;
// turn local paths to relative
fs::path fRelative = fs::relative(f.overviewFilename, outputPath);
overviewFilename = "./" + fRelative.string();
nlohmann::json overviewAsset = {
{ "href", overviewFilename },
{ "roles", json::array({"overview"}) },
assets["overview"] = overviewAsset;
{ "type", "Feature" },
{ "stac_version", "1.0.0" },
{ "stac_extensions",
{ "id", fileId },
{ "geometry", jsonGeometryWgs84 },
{ "bbox", jsonBboxWgs84 },
{ "properties", props },
{ "links", links },
{ "assets", assets },
nlohmann::ordered_json j = { { "type", "FeatureCollection" }, { "features", jFiles } };
outputJson << std::setw(2) << j << std::endl;
return true;
bool isLeapYear(int year) {
if (year % 400 == 0) return true;
if (year % 100 == 0) return false;
if (year % 4 == 0) return true;
return false;
// https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339#section-5.6
// e.g. 2023-01-01T12:00:00Z
std::string dateTimeStringFromYearAndDay(int year, int dayOfYear)
bool leapYear = isLeapYear(year);
if (year < 0) // Year is negative
std::cerr << "Warning: year(" << year <<
") is not valid. Defualting to 1970." << std::endl;
year = 1970;
if ((dayOfYear < 1) || (dayOfYear > (leapYear ? 366 : 365)))
std::cerr << "Warning: DayOfYear(" << year <<
") is out of range. Defualting to 1." << std::endl;
dayOfYear = 1;
// Figure out month and day of month, from day of year.
int daysInMonth[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
if (leapYear) daysInMonth[1]++;
int month = 0;
int daysLeft = dayOfYear;
while (daysLeft > daysInMonth[month])
daysLeft -= daysInMonth[month++];
std::tm tm{};
tm.tm_year = year - 1900;
tm.tm_mon = month - 1;
tm.tm_mday = daysLeft;
char timeString[std::size("yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ")];
std::strftime(std::data(timeString), std::size(timeString), "%FT%TZ", &tm);
return std::string(timeString);
void buildVpc(std::vector<std::string> args)
std::string outputFile;
std::string inputFileList;
std::vector<std::string> inputFiles;
bool boundaries = false;
bool stats = false;
bool overview = false;
int max_threads = -1;
bool verbose = false;
bool help = false;
ProgramArgs programArgs;
programArgs.add("help,h", "Output command help.", help);
programArgs.add("output,o", "Output virtual point cloud file", outputFile);
programArgs.add("files,f", "input files", inputFiles).setPositional();
programArgs.add("input-file-list", "Read input files from a txt file, one file per line.", inputFileList);
programArgs.add("boundary", "Calculate boundary polygons from data", boundaries);
programArgs.add("stats", "Calculate statistics from data", stats);
programArgs.add("overview", "Create overview point cloud from source data", overview);
pdal::Arg& argThreads = programArgs.add("threads", "Max number of concurrent threads for parallel runs", max_threads);
programArgs.add("verbose", "Print extra debugging output", verbose);
catch(pdal::arg_error err)
std::cerr << "failed to parse arguments: " << err.what() << std::endl;
if (help)
std::cout << "usage: pdal_wrench build_vpc [<args>]" << std::endl;
programArgs.dump(std::cerr, 2, Utils::screenWidth());
if (!inputFileList.empty())
std::ifstream inputFile(inputFileList);
std::string line;
std::cerr << "failed to open input file list: " << inputFileList << std::endl;
while (std::getline(inputFile, line))
// std::cout << "input " << inputFiles.size() << std::endl;
// std::cout << "output " << outputFile << std::endl;
if (inputFiles.empty())
std::cerr << "No input files!" << std::endl;
if (!argThreads.set()) // in such case our value is reset to zero
// use number of cores if not specified by the user
max_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
if (max_threads == 0)
// in case the value can't be detected, use something reasonable...
max_threads = 4;
// TODO: would be nice to support input directories too (recursive)
VirtualPointCloud vpc;
for (const std::string &inputFile : inputFiles)
std::string inputFileAbsolute = inputFile;
if (!pdal::Utils::isRemote(inputFile) && !fs::path(inputFile).is_absolute())
// convert to absolute path using the current path
inputFileAbsolute = fs::absolute(inputFile).string();
MetadataNode layout;
MetadataNode n = getReaderMetadata(inputFileAbsolute, &layout);
point_count_t cnt = n.findChild("count").value<point_count_t>();
BOX3D bbox(
std::string crsWkt = n.findChild("srs").findChild("compoundwkt").value();
int dayOfYear = n.findChild("creation_doy").value<int>();
int year = n.findChild("creation_year").value<int>();
VirtualPointCloud::File f;
f.filename = inputFileAbsolute;
f.count = cnt;
f.bbox = bbox;
f.crsWkt = crsWkt;
f.datetime = dateTimeStringFromYearAndDay(year, dayOfYear);
for (auto &dim : layout.children("dimensions"))
std::string overviewFilenameBase, overviewFilenameCopc;
std::vector<std::string> overviewTempFiles;
int overviewCounter = 0;
if (overview)
// for /tmp/hello.vpc we will use /tmp/hello-overview.laz as overview file
fs::path outputParentDir = fs::path(outputFile).parent_path();
fs::path outputStem = outputParentDir / fs::path(outputFile).stem();
overviewFilenameBase = outputStem.string();
overviewFilenameCopc = outputStem.string() + "-overview.copc.laz";
if (boundaries || stats || overview)
std::map<std::string, Stage*> hexbinFilters, statsFilters;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PipelineManager>> pipelines;
for (VirtualPointCloud::File &f : vpc.files)
std::unique_ptr<PipelineManager> manager( new PipelineManager );
Stage* last = &manager->makeReader(f.filename, "");
if (boundaries)
pdal::Options hexbin_opts;
// TODO: any options?
last = &manager->makeFilter( "filters.hexbin", *last, hexbin_opts );
hexbinFilters[f.filename] = last;
if (stats)
pdal::Options stats_opts;
// TODO: any options?
last = &manager->makeFilter( "filters.stats", *last, stats_opts );
statsFilters[f.filename] = last;
if (overview)
// TODO: configurable method and step size?
pdal::Options decim_opts;
decim_opts.add(pdal::Option("step", 1000));
last = &manager->makeFilter( "filters.decimation", *last, decim_opts );
std::string overviewOutput = overviewFilenameBase + "-overview-tmp-" + std::to_string(++overviewCounter) + ".las";
pdal::Options writer_opts;
writer_opts.add(pdal::Option("forward", "all")); // TODO: maybe we could use lower scale than the original
manager->makeWriter(overviewOutput, "", *last, writer_opts);
runPipelineParallel(vpc.totalPoints(), true, pipelines, max_threads, verbose);
if (overview)
// When doing overviews, this is the second stage where we index overview point cloud.
// We do it separately because writers.copc is not streamable. We could also use
// untwine instead of writers.copc...
std::unique_ptr<PipelineManager> manager( new PipelineManager );
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PipelineManager>> pipelinesCopcOverview;
// TODO: I am not really sure why we need a merge filter, but without it
// I am only getting points in output COPC from the last reader. Example
// from the documentation suggests the merge filter should not be needed:
// https://pdal.io/en/latest/stages/writers.copc.html
Stage &merge = manager->makeFilter("filters.merge");
pdal::Options writer_opts;
//writer_opts.add(pdal::Option("forward", "all"));
Stage& writer = manager->makeWriter(overviewFilenameCopc, "writers.copc", merge, writer_opts);
for (const std::string &overviewTempFile : overviewTempFiles)
Stage& reader = manager->makeReader(overviewTempFile, "");
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Indexing overview point cloud..." << std::endl;
runPipelineParallel(vpc.totalPoints()/1000, false, pipelinesCopcOverview, max_threads, verbose);
// delete tmp overviews
for (const std::string &overviewTempFile : overviewTempFiles)
for (VirtualPointCloud::File &f : vpc.files)
if (boundaries)
pdal::Stage *hexbinFilter = hexbinFilters[f.filename];
std::string b = hexbinFilter->getMetadata().findChild("boundary").value();
f.boundaryWkt = b;
if (stats)
pdal::Stage *statsFilter = statsFilters[f.filename];
MetadataNode m = statsFilter->getMetadata();
std::vector<MetadataNode> children = m.children("statistic");
for (const MetadataNode &n : children)
VirtualPointCloud::StatsItem s(
if (overview)
f.overviewFilename = overviewFilenameCopc;
// TODO: for now hoping that all files have the same file type + CRS + point format + scaling
// "dataformat_id"
// "spatialreference"
// "scale_x" ...
//Utils::toJSON(n, std::cout);
point_count_t VirtualPointCloud::totalPoints() const
point_count_t cnt = 0;
for (const File &f : files)
cnt += f.count;
return cnt;
BOX3D VirtualPointCloud::box3d() const
if (files.empty())
return BOX3D();
BOX3D b = files[0].bbox;
for (const File &f : files)
return b;
// compared to BOX2D::overlaps(), this one excludes the
// maxx/maxy coords from the box "a" - so it returns false
// when "b" touches "a" at the top or right side.
// this avoids including files from neighboring tiles.
inline bool overlaps2(const BOX2D &a, const BOX2D &b)
return a.minx <= b.maxx && a.maxx > b.minx &&
a.miny <= b.maxy && a.maxy > b.miny;
std::vector<VirtualPointCloud::File> VirtualPointCloud::overlappingBox2D(const BOX2D &box)
std::vector<VirtualPointCloud::File> overlaps;
for (const File &f : files)
if (overlaps2(box, f.bbox.to2d()))
return overlaps;