Denis Rouzaud 85f3b81b55 remove double spaces in sip files
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2017-05-03 08:02:14 +02:00

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/** \ingroup core
* A item that forms part of a map composition.
class QgsComposerItem : QgsComposerObject, QGraphicsRectItem
#include <qgscomposeritem.h>
#include <qgscomposerarrow.h>
#include <qgscomposerframe.h>
#include <qgscomposeritemgroup.h>
#include <qgscomposerlabel.h>
#include <qgscomposerlegend.h>
#include <qgscomposermap.h>
#include <qgspaperitem.h>
#include <qgscomposerpicture.h>
#include <qgscomposerscalebar.h>
#include <qgscomposershape.h>
#include <qgscomposerpolygon.h>
#include <qgscomposerpolyline.h>
#include <qgscomposertexttable.h>
// the conversions have to be static, because they're using multiple inheritance
// (seen in PyQt4 .sip files for some QGraphicsItem classes)
switch (sipCpp->type())
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerItem:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerItem;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerItem*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerArrow:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerArrow;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerArrow*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerItemGroup:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerItemGroup;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerItemGroup*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerLabel:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerLabel;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerLabel*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerLegend:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerLegend;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerLegend*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerMap:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerMap;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerMap*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerPaper:
sipType = sipType_QgsPaperItem;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsPaperItem*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerPicture:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerPicture;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerPicture*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerScaleBar:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerScaleBar;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerScaleBar*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerShape:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerShape;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerShape*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerPolygon:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerPolygon;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerPolygon*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerPolyline:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerPolyline;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerPolyline*>(sipCpp);
case QgsComposerItem::ComposerFrame:
sipType = sipType_QgsComposerFrame;
*sipCppRet = static_cast<QgsComposerFrame*>(sipCpp);
sipType = 0;
enum ItemType
// base class for the items
// derived classes
ComposerPaper, // QgsPaperItem
/** Describes the action (move or resize in different directon) to be done during mouse move*/
enum MouseMoveAction
enum ItemPositionMode
//note - must sync with QgsMapCanvas::WheelAction.
//TODO - QGIS 3.0 move QgsMapCanvas::WheelAction from GUI->CORE and remove this enum
/** Modes for zooming item content
enum ZoomMode
Zoom = 0, /*!< Zoom to center of content */
ZoomRecenter, /*!< Zoom and recenter content to point */
ZoomToPoint, /*!< Zoom while maintaining relative position of point */
NoZoom /*!< No zoom */
/** Constructor
@param composition parent composition
@param manageZValue true if the z-Value of this object should be managed by mComposition*/
QgsComposerItem( QgsComposition *composition /TransferThis/, bool manageZValue = true );
/** Constructor with box position and composer object
@param x x coordinate of item
@param y y coordinate of item
@param width width of item
@param height height of item
@param composition parent composition
@param manageZValue true if the z-Value of this object should be managed by mComposition*/
QgsComposerItem( qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height, QgsComposition *composition /TransferThis/, bool manageZValue = true );
virtual ~QgsComposerItem();
/** Return correct graphics item type. */
virtual int type() const;
/** Returns whether this item has been removed from the composition. Items removed
* from the composition are not deleted so that they can be restored via an undo
* command.
* @returns true if the item has been removed from the composition
* @note added in QGIS 2.5
* @see setIsRemoved
virtual bool isRemoved() const;
/** Sets whether this item has been removed from the composition. Items removed
* from the composition are not deleted so that they can be restored via an undo
* command.
* @param removed set to true if the item has been removed from the composition
* @note added in QGIS 2.5
* @see isRemoved
void setIsRemoved( const bool removed );
/** \brief Set selected, selected item should be highlighted */
virtual void setSelected( bool s );
/** \brief Is selected */
virtual bool selected() const;
/** Moves item in canvas coordinates*/
void move( double dx, double dy );
/** Move Content of item. Does nothing per default (but implemented in composer map)
@param dx move in x-direction (canvas coordinates)
@param dy move in y-direction(canvas coordinates)*/
virtual void moveContent( double dx, double dy );
/** Zoom content of item. Does nothing per default (but implemented in composer map)
* @param factor zoom factor, where > 1 results in a zoom in and < 1 results in a zoom out
* @param point item point for zoom center
* @param mode zoom mode
* @note added in QGIS 2.5
virtual void zoomContent( const double factor, const QPointF point, const ZoomMode mode = QgsComposerItem::Zoom );
/** Gets the page the item is currently on.
* @returns page number for item, beginning on page 1
* @see pagePos
* @see updatePagePos
* @note this method was added in version 2.4
int page() const;
/** Returns the item's position relative to its current page.
* @returns position relative to the page's top left corner.
* @see page
* @see updatePagePos
* @note this method was added in version 2.4
QPointF pagePos() const;
/** Moves the item so that it retains its relative position on the page
* when the paper size changes.
* @param newPageWidth new width of the page in mm
* @param newPageHeight new height of the page in mm
* @see page
* @see pagePos
* @note this method was added in version 2.4
void updatePagePos( double newPageWidth, double newPageHeight );
/** Moves the item to a new position (in canvas coordinates)
@param x item position x (mm)
@param y item position y (mm)
@param itemPoint reference point which coincides with specified position
@param page if page > 0, y is interpreted as relative to the origin of the specified page, if page <= 0, y is in absolute canvas coordinates.
a page number of 1 corresponds to the first page.
void setItemPosition( double x, double y, ItemPositionMode itemPoint = UpperLeft, int page = -1 );
/** Sets item position and width / height in one go
@param x item position x (mm)
@param y item position y (mm)
@param width item width (mm)
@param height item height (mm)
@param itemPoint reference point which coincides with specified position
@param posIncludesFrame set to true if the position and size arguments include the item's frame border
@param page if page > 0, y is interpreted as relative to the origin of the specified page, if page <= 0, y is in absolute canvas coordinates.
a page number of 1 corresponds to the first page.
void setItemPosition( double x, double y, double width, double height, ItemPositionMode itemPoint = UpperLeft, bool posIncludesFrame = false, int page = -1 );
/** Returns item's last used position mode.
@note: This property has no effect on actual's item position, which is always the top-left corner. */
ItemPositionMode lastUsedPositionMode();
/** Sets this items bound in scene coordinates such that 1 item size units
corresponds to 1 scene size unit*/
virtual void setSceneRect( const QRectF &rectangle );
/** Writes parameter that are not subclass specific in document. Usually called from writeXML methods of subclasses*/
bool _writeXml( QDomElement &itemElem, QDomDocument &doc ) const;
/** Reads parameter that are not subclass specific in document. Usually called from readXML methods of subclasses*/
bool _readXml( const QDomElement &itemElem, const QDomDocument &doc );
/** Whether this item has a frame or not.
* @returns true if there is a frame around this item, otherwise false.
* @see setFrameEnabled
* @see frameStrokeWidth
* @see frameJoinStyle
* @see frameStrokeColor
bool hasFrame() const;
/** Set whether this item has a frame drawn around it or not.
* @param drawFrame draw frame
* @see hasFrame
* @see setFrameStrokeWidth
* @see setFrameJoinStyle
* @see setFrameStrokeColor
virtual void setFrameEnabled( const bool drawFrame );
/** Sets frame stroke color
* @param color new color for stroke frame
* @note introduced in 2.6
* @see frameStrokeColor
* @see setFrameEnabled
* @see setFrameJoinStyle
* @see setFrameStrokeWidth
virtual void setFrameStrokeColor( const QColor &color );
/** Returns the frame's stroke color. Only used if hasFrame is true.
* @returns frame stroke color
* @note introduced in 2.6
* @see hasFrame
* @see setFrameStrokeColor
* @see frameJoinStyle
* @see setFrameStrokeColor
QColor frameStrokeColor() const;
/** Sets frame stroke width
* @param strokeWidth new width for stroke frame
* @note introduced in 2.2
* @see frameStrokeWidth
* @see setFrameEnabled
* @see setFrameJoinStyle
* @see setFrameStrokeColor
virtual void setFrameStrokeWidth( const double strokeWidth );
/** Returns the frame's stroke width. Only used if hasFrame is true.
* @returns Frame stroke width
* @note introduced in 2.3
* @see hasFrame
* @see setFrameStrokeWidth
* @see frameJoinStyle
* @see frameStrokeColor
double frameStrokeWidth() const;
/** Returns the join style used for drawing the item's frame
* @returns Join style for outline frame
* @note introduced in 2.3
* @see hasFrame
* @see setFrameJoinStyle
* @see frameStrokeWidth
* @see frameStrokeColor
Qt::PenJoinStyle frameJoinStyle() const;
/** Sets join style used when drawing the item's frame
* @param style Join style for outline frame
* @note introduced in 2.3
* @see setFrameEnabled
* @see frameJoinStyle
* @see setFrameStrokeWidth
* @see setFrameStrokeColor
void setFrameJoinStyle( const Qt::PenJoinStyle style );
/** Returns the estimated amount the item's frame bleeds outside the item's
* actual rectangle. For instance, if the item has a 2mm frame stroke, then
* 1mm of this frame is drawn outside the item's rect. In this case the
* return value will be 1.0
* @note introduced in 2.2
* @see rectWithFrame
virtual double estimatedFrameBleed() const;
/** Returns the item's rectangular bounds, including any bleed caused by the item's frame.
* The bounds are returned in the item's coordinate system (see Qt's QGraphicsItem docs for
* more details about QGraphicsItem coordinate systems). The results differ from Qt's rect()
* function, as rect() makes no allowances for the portion of outlines which are drawn
* outside of the item.
* @note introduced in 2.2
* @see estimatedFrameBleed
virtual QRectF rectWithFrame() const;
/** Whether this item has a Background or not.
* @returns true if there is a Background around this item, otherwise false.
* @see setBackgroundEnabled
* @see backgroundColor
bool hasBackground() const;
/** Set whether this item has a Background drawn around it or not.
* @param drawBackground draw Background
* @returns nothing
* @see hasBackground
* @see setBackgroundColor
void setBackgroundEnabled( const bool drawBackground );
/** Gets the background color for this item
* @returns background color
* @see setBackgroundColor
* @see hasBackground
QColor backgroundColor() const;
/** Sets the background color for this item
* @param backgroundColor new background color
* @returns nothing
* @see backgroundColor
* @see setBackgroundEnabled
void setBackgroundColor( const QColor &backgroundColor );
/** Returns the item's composition blending mode.
* @returns item blending mode
* @see setBlendMode
QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode() const;
/** Sets the item's composition blending mode
* @param blendMode blending mode for item
* @see blendMode
void setBlendMode( const QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode );
/** Returns the item's transparency
* @returns transparency as integer between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque)
* @see setTransparency
int transparency() const;
/** Sets the item's transparency
* @param transparency integer between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque)
* @see transparency
void setTransparency( const int transparency );
/** Returns whether effects (e.g., blend modes) are enabled for the item
* @returns true if effects are enabled
* @see setEffectsEnabled
* @see transparency
* @see blendMode
bool effectsEnabled() const;
/** Sets whether effects (e.g., blend modes) are enabled for the item
* @param effectsEnabled set to true to enable effects
* @see effectsEnabled
* @see setTransparency
* @see setBlendMode
void setEffectsEnabled( const bool effectsEnabled );
/** Composite operations for item groups do nothing per default*/
virtual void addItem( QgsComposerItem *item );
virtual void removeItems();
virtual void beginItemCommand( const QString &text );
/** Starts new composer undo command
@param commandText command title
@param c context for mergeable commands (unknown for non-mergeable commands*/
void beginCommand( const QString &commandText, QgsComposerMergeCommand::Context c = QgsComposerMergeCommand::Unknown );
virtual void endItemCommand();
/** Finish current command and push it onto the undo stack */
void endCommand();
void cancelCommand();
//functions that encapsulate the workaround for the Qt font bug (that is to scale the font size up and then scale the
//painter down by the same factor for drawing
/** Locks / unlocks the item position for mouse drags
* @param lock set to true to prevent item movement and resizing via the mouse
* @see positionLock
void setPositionLock( const bool lock );
/** Returns whether position lock for mouse drags is enabled
* returns true if item is locked for mouse movement and resizing
* @see setPositionLock
bool positionLock() const;
/** Returns the current rotation for the composer item.
* @returns rotation for composer item
* @param valueType controls whether the returned value is the user specified rotation,
* or the current evaluated rotation (which may be affected by data driven rotation
* settings).
* @note this method was added in version 2.1
* @see setItemRotation
double itemRotation( const QgsComposerObject::PropertyValueType valueType = QgsComposerObject::EvaluatedValue ) const;
/** Updates item, with the possibility to do custom update for subclasses*/
virtual void updateItem();
/** Get item's id (which is not necessarly unique)
* @returns item id
* @see setId
QString id() const;
/** Set item's id (which is not necessarly unique)
* @param id new id for item
* @see id
void setId( const QString &id );
/** Get item identification name
* @returns unique item identification string
* @note there is not setter since one can't manually set the id
* @see id
* @see setId
QString uuid() const;
/** Get item display name. This is the item's id if set, and if
* not, a user-friendly string identifying item type.
* @returns display name for item
* @see id
* @see setId
* @note added in version 2.5
virtual QString displayName() const;
/** Sets visibility for item.
* @param visible set to true to show item, false to hide item
* @note QGraphicsItem::setVisible should not be called directly
* on a QgsComposerItem, as some item types (e.g., groups) need to override
* the visibility toggle.
* @note added in version 2.5
virtual void setVisibility( const bool visible );
/** Returns whether the item should be excluded from composer exports and prints
* @param valueType controls whether the returned value is the user specified value,
* or the current evaluated value (which may be affected by data driven settings).
* @returns true if item should be excluded
* @note added in version 2.5
* @see setExcludeFromExports
bool excludeFromExports( const QgsComposerObject::PropertyValueType valueType = QgsComposerObject::EvaluatedValue );
/** Sets whether the item should be excluded from composer exports and prints
* @param exclude set to true to exclude the item from exports
* @note added in version 2.5
* @see excludeFromExports
virtual void setExcludeFromExports( const bool exclude );
/** Returns whether this item is part of a group
* @returns true if item is in a group
* @note added in version 2.5
* @see setIsGroupMember
bool isGroupMember() const;
/** Sets whether this item is part of a group
* @param isGroupMember set to true if item is in a group
* @note added in version 2.5
* @see isGroupMember
void setIsGroupMember( const bool isGroupMember );
virtual int numberExportLayers() const;
virtual void setCurrentExportLayer( const int layerIdx = -1 );
virtual QgsExpressionContext createExpressionContext() const;
void setUpdatesEnabled( bool enabled );
bool updatesEnabled() const;
public slots:
/** Sets the item rotation
* @param r item rotation in degrees
* @param adjustPosition set to true if item should be shifted so that rotation occurs
* around item center. If false, rotation occurs around item origin
* @note this method was added in version 2.1
* @see itemRotation
virtual void setItemRotation( const double r, const bool adjustPosition = false );
void repaint();
/** Refreshes a data defined property for the item by reevaluating the property's value
* and redrawing the item with this new value.
* @param property data defined property to refresh. If property is set to
* QgsComposerItem::AllProperties then all data defined properties for the item will be
* refreshed.
* @param context expression context for evaluating data defined expressions
* @note this method was added in version 2.5
virtual void refreshDataDefinedProperty( const QgsComposerObject::DataDefinedProperty property = QgsComposerObject::AllProperties, const QgsExpressionContext *context = 0 );
//event handlers
virtual void mouseMoveEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event );
virtual void mousePressEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event );
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event );
virtual void hoverMoveEvent( QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event );
/** Draws additional graphics on selected items. The base implementation has
* no effect.
virtual void drawSelectionBoxes( QPainter *p );
/** Draw black frame around item*/
virtual void drawFrame( QPainter *p );
/** Draw background*/
virtual void drawBackground( QPainter *p );
/** Returns the current (zoom level dependent) tolerance to decide if mouse position is close enough to the
item border for resizing*/
double rectHandlerBorderTolerance() const;
/** Returns the zoom factor of the graphics view.
* @return the factor or -1 in case of error (e.g. graphic view does not exist)
double horizontalViewScaleFactor() const;
//some utility functions
/** Return horizontal align snap item. Creates a new graphics line if 0*/
QGraphicsLineItem *hAlignSnapItem();
void deleteHAlignSnapItem();
/** Return vertical align snap item. Creates a new graphics line if 0*/
QGraphicsLineItem *vAlignSnapItem();
void deleteVAlignSnapItem();
void deleteAlignItems();
/** Evaluates an item's bounding rect to consider data defined position and size of item
* and reference point
* @param newRect target bounding rect for item
* @param resizeOnly set to true if the item is only being resized. If true then
* the position of the returned rect will be adjusted to account for the item's
* position mode
* @param context expression context for evaluating data defined expressions
* @returns bounding box rectangle for item after data defined size and position have been
* set and position mode has been accounted for
* @note added in QGIS 2.5
QRectF evalItemRect( const QRectF &newRect, const bool resizeOnly = false, const QgsExpressionContext *context = 0 );
/** Returns whether the item should be drawn in the current context
* @returns true if item should be drawn
* @note added in QGIS 2.5
bool shouldDrawItem() const;
/** Is emitted on item rotation change*/
void itemRotationChanged( double newRotation );
/** Emitted if the rectangle changes*/
void sizeChanged();
/** Emitted if the item's frame style changes
* @note: this function was introduced in version 2.2
void frameChanged();
/** Emitted if the item's lock status changes
* @note: this function was introduced in version 2.5
void lockChanged();