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** libDXFrw - Library to read/write DXF files (ascii & binary) **
** **
** Copyright (C) 2011-2015 José F. Soriano, rallazz@gmail.com **
** **
** This library is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU **
** General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, **
** either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License **
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include "../drw_base.h"
class DRW_Coord;
class DRW_TextCodec;
class dwgBasicStream
dwgBasicStream() {}
virtual ~dwgBasicStream() = default;
virtual bool read( duint8 *s, duint64 n ) = 0;
virtual duint64 size() = 0;
virtual duint64 getPos() = 0;
virtual bool setPos( duint64 p ) = 0;
virtual bool good() = 0;
virtual dwgBasicStream *clone() = 0;
class dwgFileStream: public dwgBasicStream
explicit dwgFileStream( std::ifstream *s )
stream = s;
stream->seekg( 0, std::ios::end );
sz = stream->tellg();
stream->seekg( 0, std::ios_base::beg );
virtual bool read( duint8 *s, duint64 n );
virtual duint64 size() {return sz;}
virtual duint64 getPos() {return stream->tellg();}
virtual bool setPos( duint64 p );
virtual bool good() {return stream->good();}
virtual dwgBasicStream *clone() {return new dwgFileStream( stream );}
std::ifstream *stream = nullptr;
duint64 sz;
class dwgCharStream: public dwgBasicStream
dwgCharStream( duint8 *buf, int s )
stream = buf;
sz = s;
pos = 0;
isOk = true;
virtual bool read( duint8 *s, duint64 n );
virtual duint64 size() {return sz;}
virtual duint64 getPos() {return pos;}
virtual bool setPos( duint64 p );
virtual bool good() {return isOk;}
virtual dwgBasicStream *clone() {return new dwgCharStream( stream, sz );}
duint8 *stream = nullptr;
duint64 sz;
duint64 pos;
bool isOk;
class dwgBuffer
dwgBuffer( std::ifstream *stream, DRW_TextCodec *decoder = nullptr );
dwgBuffer( duint8 *buf, int size, DRW_TextCodec *decoder = nullptr );
dwgBuffer( const dwgBuffer &org );
dwgBuffer &operator=( const dwgBuffer &org );
duint64 size() {return filestr->size();}
bool setPosition( duint64 pos );
duint64 getPosition();
void resetPosition() {setPosition( 0 ); setBitPos( 0 );}
void setBitPos( duint8 pos );
duint8 getBitPos() {return bitPos;}
bool moveBitPos( dint32 size );
duint8 getBit(); //B
bool getBoolBit(); //B as bool
duint8 get2Bits(); //BB
duint8 get3Bits(); //3B
duint16 getBitShort(); //BS
dint16 getSBitShort(); //BS
dint32 getBitLong(); //BL
duint64 getBitLongLong(); //BLL (R24)
double getBitDouble(); //BD
//2BD => call BD 2 times
DRW_Coord get3BitDouble(); //3BD
duint8 getRawChar8(); //RC
duint16 getRawShort16(); //RS
double getRawDouble(); //RD
duint32 getRawLong32(); //RL
duint64 getRawLong64(); //RLL
DRW_Coord get2RawDouble(); //2RD
//3RD => call RD 3 times
duint32 getUModularChar(); //UMC, unsigned for offsets in 1015
dint32 getModularChar(); //MC
dint32 getModularShort(); //MS
dwgHandle getHandle(); //H
dwgHandle getOffsetHandle( duint32 href ); //H converted to hard
UTF8STRING getVariableText( DRW::Version v, bool nullTerm = true ); //TV => call TU for 2007+ or T for previous versions
UTF8STRING getCP8Text(); //T 8 bit text converted from codepage to utf8
UTF8STRING getUCSText( bool nullTerm = true ); //TU unicode 16 bit (UCS) text converted to utf8
UTF8STRING getUCSStr( duint16 ts );
duint16 getObjType( DRW::Version v ); //OT
//X, U, SN,
DRW_Coord getExtrusion( bool b_R2000_style ); //BE
double getDefaultDouble( double d ); //DD
double getThickness( bool b_R2000_style );//BT
duint32 getCmColor( DRW::Version v ); //CMC
duint32 getEnColor( DRW::Version v, int &rgb, int &transparency ); //ENC
duint16 getBERawShort16(); //RS big-endian order
bool isGood() {return filestr->good();}
bool getBytes( duint8 *buf, int size );
int numRemainingBytes() {return ( maxSize - filestr->getPos() );}
duint16 crc8( duint16 dx, dint32 start, dint32 end );
duint32 crc32( duint32 seed, dint32 start, dint32 end );
// duint8 getCurrByte(){return currByte;}
DRW_TextCodec *decoder = nullptr;
dwgBasicStream *filestr = nullptr;
int maxSize;
duint8 currByte;
duint8 bitPos;
UTF8STRING get8bitStr();
UTF8STRING get16bitStr( duint16 textSize, bool nullTerm = true );
#endif // DWGBUFFER_H