2013-02-03 21:18:39 +01:00

1140 lines
44 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# fTools
# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Carson Farmer
# EMAIL: carson.farmer (at) gmail.com
# WEB : http://www.ftools.ca/fTools.html
# A collection of data management and analysis tools for vector data
# licensed under the terms of GNU GPL 2
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from qgis.core import *
from ui_frmGeometry import Ui_Dialog
import ftools_utils
import math
from itertools import izip
import voronoi
from sets import Set
class GeometryDialog( QDialog, Ui_Dialog ):
def __init__( self, iface, function ):
QDialog.__init__( self, iface.mainWindow() )
self.iface = iface
self.setupUi( self )
self.myFunction = function
self.buttonOk = self.buttonBox_2.button( QDialogButtonBox.Ok )
QObject.connect( self.toolOut, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.outFile )
if self.myFunction == 1:
QObject.connect( self.inShape, SIGNAL( "currentIndexChanged( QString )" ), self.update )
elif self.myFunction == 5:
QObject.connect( self.chkWriteShapefile, SIGNAL( "stateChanged( int )" ), self.updateGui )
self.success = False
self.cancel_close = self.buttonBox_2.button( QDialogButtonBox.Close )
self.progressBar.setValue( 0 )
def update( self ):
inputLayer = unicode( self.inShape.currentText() )
if inputLayer != "":
changedLayer = ftools_utils.getVectorLayerByName( inputLayer )
changedField = ftools_utils.getFieldList( changedLayer )
for i in changedField:
self.cmbField.addItem( unicode( changedField[ i ].name() ) )
self.cmbField.addItem( "--- " + self.tr( "Merge all" ) + " ---" )
def accept( self ):
if self.inShape.currentText() == "":
QMessageBox.information( self, self.tr( "Geometry" ),
self.tr( "Please specify input vector layer" ) )
elif self.outShape.text() == "" and self.myFunction != 5:
QMessageBox.information( self, self.tr( "Geometry" ),
self.tr( "Please specify output shapefile" ) )
elif self.lineEdit.isVisible() and self.lineEdit.value() < 0.00:
QMessageBox.information( self, self.tr( "Geometry" ),
self.tr( "Please specify valid tolerance value" ) )
elif self.cmbField.isVisible() and self.cmbField.currentText() == "":
QMessageBox.information( self, self.tr( "Geometry" ),
self.tr( "Please specify valid UID field" ) )
self.geometry( self.inShape.currentText(), self.lineEdit.value(),
self.cmbField.currentText() )
def outFile( self ):
(self.shapefileName, self.encoding) = ftools_utils.saveDialog( self )
if self.shapefileName is None or self.encoding is None:
self.outShape.setText( QString( self.shapefileName ) )
def manageGui( self ):
self.lblField.setVisible( False )
self.cmbField.setVisible( False )
self.lblCalcType.setVisible( False )
self.cmbCalcType.setVisible( False )
self.chkUseSelection.setVisible( False )
self.chkByFeatures.setVisible( False )
self.chkWriteShapefile.setVisible( False )
if self.myFunction == 1: # Singleparts to multipart
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Singleparts to multipart" ) )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
self.label.setVisible( False )
self.lblOutputShapefile.setText( self.tr( "Output shapefile" ) )
self.cmbField.setVisible( True )
self.lblField.setVisible( True )
elif self.myFunction == 2: # Multipart to singleparts
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Multipart to singleparts" ) )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
self.label.setVisible( False )
self.lblOutputShapefile.setText( self.tr( "Output shapefile" ) )
elif self.myFunction == 3: # Extract nodes
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Extract nodes" ) )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
self.label.setVisible( False )
elif self.myFunction == 4: # Polygons to lines
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Polygons to lines" ) )
self.lblOutputShapefile.setText( self.tr( "Output shapefile" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input polygon vector layer" ) )
self.label.setVisible( False )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
elif self.myFunction == 5: # Export/Add geometry columns
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Export/Add geometry columns" ) )
self.lblOutputShapefile.setText( self.tr( "Output shapefile" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input vector layer" ) )
self.label.setVisible( False )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
# populate calculation types
self.lblCalcType.setVisible( True )
self.cmbCalcType.setVisible( True )
self.cmbCalcType.addItem( self.tr( "Layer CRS" ) )
self.cmbCalcType.addItem( self.tr( "Project CRS" ) )
self.cmbCalcType.addItem( self.tr( "Ellipsoid" ) )
self.chkWriteShapefile.setVisible( True )
self.chkWriteShapefile.setChecked( False )
self.lblOutputShapefile.setVisible( False )
elif self.myFunction == 7: # Polygon centroids
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Polygon centroids" ) )
self.lblOutputShapefile.setText( self.tr( "Output point shapefile" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input polygon vector layer" ) )
self.label.setVisible( False )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
if self.myFunction == 8: # Delaunay triangulation
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Delaunay triangulation" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input point vector layer" ) )
self.label.setVisible( False )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
elif self.myFunction == 10: # Voronoi Polygons
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Voronoi polygon" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input point vector layer" ) )
self.label.setText( self.tr( "Buffer region" ) )
self.lineEdit.setSuffix( " %" )
self.lineEdit.setRange( 0, 100 )
self.lineEdit.setSingleStep( 5 )
self.lineEdit.setValue( 0 )
elif self.myFunction == 11: #Lines to polygons
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Lines to polygons" ) )
self.lblOutputShapefile.setText( self.tr( "Output shapefile" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input line vector layer" ) )
self.label.setVisible( False )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
else: # Polygon from layer extent
self.setWindowTitle( self.tr( "Polygon from layer extent" ) )
self.label_3.setText( self.tr( "Input layer" ) )
self.label.setVisible( False )
self.lineEdit.setVisible( False )
self.chkByFeatures.setVisible( True )
self.chkUseSelection.setVisible( True )
self.lblOutputShapefile.setText( self.tr( "Output polygon shapefile" ) )
self.resize( 381, 100 )
def updateGui( self ):
if self.chkWriteShapefile.isChecked():
self.lineEdit.setEnabled( True )
self.toolOut.setEnabled( True )
self.lineEdit.setEnabled( False )
self.toolOut.setEnabled( False )
def populateLayers( self ):
if self.myFunction == 3 or self.myFunction == 6:
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( [ QGis.Polygon, QGis.Line ] )
elif self.myFunction == 4 or self.myFunction == 7:
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( [ QGis.Polygon ] )
elif self.myFunction == 8 or self.myFunction == 10:
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( [ QGis.Point ] )
elif self.myFunction == 9:
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( "all" )
elif self.myFunction == 11:
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( [ QGis.Line ] )
myList = ftools_utils.getLayerNames( [ QGis.Point, QGis.Line, QGis.Polygon ] )
self.inShape.addItems( myList )
#1: Singleparts to multipart
#2: Multipart to singleparts
#3: Extract nodes
#4: Polygons to lines
#5: Export/Add geometry columns
#6: Simplify geometries (disabled)
#7: Polygon centroids
#8: Delaunay triangulation
#9: Polygon from layer extent
#10: Voronoi polygons
#11: Lines to polygons
def geometry( self, myLayer, myParam, myField ):
if self.myFunction == 9:
vlayer = ftools_utils.getMapLayerByName( myLayer )
vlayer = ftools_utils.getVectorLayerByName( myLayer )
error = False
if ( self.myFunction == 5 and self.chkWriteShapefile.isChecked() ) or self.myFunction != 5:
check = QFile( self.shapefileName )
if check.exists():
if not QgsVectorFileWriter.deleteShapeFile( self.shapefileName ):
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr( "Geometry"),
self.tr( "Unable to delete existing shapefile." ) )
if self.myFunction == 5 and not self.chkWriteShapefile.isChecked():
self.shapefileName = None
self.encoding = None
res = QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr( "Geometry"),
self.tr( "Currently QGIS doesn't allow simultaneous access from \
different threads to the same datasource. Make sure your layer's \
attribute tables are closed. Continue?"),
QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No )
if res == QMessageBox.No:
self.buttonOk.setEnabled( False )
self.testThread = geometryThread( self.iface.mainWindow(), self, self.myFunction,
vlayer, myParam, myField, self.shapefileName, self.encoding,
self.cmbCalcType.currentIndex(), self.chkWriteShapefile.isChecked(),
self.chkByFeatures.isChecked(), self.chkUseSelection.isChecked() )
QObject.connect( self.testThread, SIGNAL( "runFinished( PyQt_PyObject )" ), self.runFinishedFromThread )
QObject.connect( self.testThread, SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), self.runStatusFromThread )
QObject.connect( self.testThread, SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), self.runRangeFromThread )
self.cancel_close.setText( self.tr( "Cancel" ) )
QObject.connect( self.cancel_close, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.cancelThread )
def cancelThread( self ):
self.buttonOk.setEnabled( True )
def runFinishedFromThread( self, success ):
self.buttonOk.setEnabled( True )
extra = ""
if success == "math_error":
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr( "Geometry" ),
self.tr( "Error processing specified tolerance!\nPlease choose larger tolerance..." ) )
if not QgsVectorFileWriter.deleteShapeFile( self.shapefileName ):
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr( "Geometry" ),
self.tr( "Unable to delete incomplete shapefile." ) )
elif success == "attr_error":
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr( "Geometry" ),
self.tr( "At least two features must have same attribute value!\nPlease choose another field..." ) )
if not QgsVectorFileWriter.deleteShapeFile( self.shapefileName ):
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr( "Geometry" ),
self.tr( "Unable to delete incomplete shapefile." ) )
if success == "valid_error":
extra = self.tr( "One or more features in the output layer may have invalid "
+ "geometry, please check using the check validity tool\n" )
success = True
self.cancel_close.setText( "Close" )
QObject.disconnect( self.cancel_close, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.cancelThread )
if success:
if ( self.myFunction == 5 and self.chkWriteShapefile.isChecked() ) or self.myFunction != 5:
addToTOC = QMessageBox.question( self, self.tr("Geometry"),
self.tr( "Created output shapefile:\n%1\n%2\n\nWould you like to add the new layer to the TOC?" ).arg( unicode( self.shapefileName ) ).arg( extra ),
QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.NoButton )
if addToTOC == QMessageBox.Yes:
if not ftools_utils.addShapeToCanvas( unicode( self.shapefileName ) ):
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr( "Geometry"),
self.tr( "Error loading output shapefile:\n%1" ).arg( unicode( self.shapefileName ) ) )
QMessageBox.information( self, self.tr( "Geometry" ),
self.tr( "Layer '%1' updated" ).arg( self.inShape.currentText() ) )
QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr( "Geometry" ), self.tr( "Error writing output shapefile." ) )
def runStatusFromThread( self, status ):
self.progressBar.setValue( status )
def runRangeFromThread( self, range_vals ):
self.progressBar.setRange( range_vals[ 0 ], range_vals[ 1 ] )
class geometryThread( QThread ):
def __init__( self, parentThread, parentObject, function, vlayer, myParam,
myField, myName, myEncoding, myCalcType, myNewShape, myByFeatures,
myUseSelection ):
QThread.__init__( self, parentThread )
self.parent = parentObject
self.running = False
self.myFunction = function
self.vlayer = vlayer
self.myParam = myParam
self.myField = myField
self.myName = myName
self.myEncoding = myEncoding
self.myCalcType = myCalcType
self.writeShape = myNewShape
self.byFeatures = myByFeatures
self.useSelection = myUseSelection
def run( self ):
self.running = True
if self.myFunction == 1: # Singleparts to multipart
success = self.single_to_multi()
elif self.myFunction == 2: # Multipart to singleparts
success = self.multi_to_single()
elif self.myFunction == 3: # Extract nodes
success = self.extract_nodes()
elif self.myFunction == 4: # Polygons to lines
success = self.polygons_to_lines()
elif self.myFunction == 5: # Export/Add geometry columns
success = self.export_geometry_info()
# note that 6 used to be associated with simplify_geometry
elif self.myFunction == 7: # Polygon centroids
success = self.polygon_centroids()
elif self.myFunction == 8: # Delaunay triangulation
success = self.delaunay_triangulation()
elif self.myFunction == 9: # Polygon from layer extent
if self.byFeatures:
success = self.feature_extent()
success = self.layer_extent()
elif self.myFunction == 10: # Voronoi Polygons
success = self.voronoi_polygons()
elif self.myFunction == 11: # Lines to polygons
success = self.lines_to_polygons()
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runFinished( PyQt_PyObject )" ), success )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0 )
def stop( self ):
self.running = False
def single_to_multi( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
allValid = True
geomType = self.singleToMultiGeom( vprovider.geometryType() )
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding, vprovider.fields(),
geomType, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
outGeom = QgsGeometry()
index = vprovider.fieldNameIndex( self.myField )
if not index == -1:
unique = ftools_utils.getUniqueValues( vprovider, int( index ) )
unique = [ QVariant( QString() ) ]
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount() * len( unique )
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
merge_all = self.myField == QString( "--- " + self.tr( "Merge all" ) + " ---" )
if not len( unique ) == self.vlayer.featureCount() or merge_all:
for i in unique:
multi_feature= []
first = True
fit = vprovider.getFeatures()
while fit.nextFeature( inFeat ):
atMap = inFeat.attributes()
if not merge_all:
idVar = atMap[ index ]
idVar = QVariant( QString() )
if idVar.toString().trimmed() == i.toString().trimmed() or merge_all:
if first:
atts = atMap
first = False
inGeom = QgsGeometry( inFeat.geometry() )
vType = inGeom.type()
feature_list = self.extractAsMulti( inGeom )
multi_feature.extend( feature_list )
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), nElement )
outFeat.setAttributes( atts )
outGeom = QgsGeometry( self.convertGeometry( multi_feature, vType ) )
if not outGeom.isGeosValid():
allValid = "valid_error"
outFeat.setGeometry( outGeom )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return "attr_error"
return allValid
def multi_to_single( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
geomType = self.multiToSingleGeom( vprovider.geometryType() )
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding, vprovider.fields(),
geomType, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
outGeom = QgsGeometry()
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount()
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
fit = vprovider.getFeatures()
while fit.nextFeature( inFeat ):
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), nElement )
inGeom = inFeat.geometry()
atMap = inFeat.attributes()
featList = self.extractAsSingle( inGeom )
outFeat.setAttributes( atMap )
for i in featList:
outFeat.setGeometry( i )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def extract_nodes( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding, vprovider.fields(),
QGis.WKBPoint, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
outGeom = QgsGeometry()
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount()
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
fit = vprovider.getFeatures()
while fit.nextFeature( inFeat ):
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), nElement )
inGeom = inFeat.geometry()
atMap = inFeat.attributes()
pointList = ftools_utils.extractPoints( inGeom )
outFeat.setAttributes( atMap )
for i in pointList:
outFeat.setGeometry( outGeom.fromPoint( i ) )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def polygons_to_lines( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding, vprovider.fields(),
QGis.WKBLineString, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
outGeom = QgsGeometry()
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount()
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0)
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
fit = vprovider.getFeatures()
while fit.nextFeature( inFeat ):
multi = False
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), nElement )
inGeom = inFeat.geometry()
if inGeom.isMultipart():
multi = True
atMap = inFeat.attributes()
lineList = self.extractAsLine( inGeom )
outFeat.setAttributes( atMap )
for h in lineList:
outFeat.setGeometry( outGeom.fromPolyline( h ) )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def lines_to_polygons( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding, vprovider.fields(),
QGis.WKBPolygon, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount()
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0)
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
fit = vprovider.getFeatures()
while fit.nextFeature( inFeat ):
outGeomList = []
multi = False
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), nElement )
if inFeat.geometry().isMultipart():
outGeomList = inFeat.geometry().asMultiPolyline()
multi = True
outGeomList.append( inFeat.geometry().asPolyline() )
polyGeom = self.remove_bad_lines( outGeomList )
if len( polyGeom ) <> 0:
outFeat.setGeometry( QgsGeometry.fromPolygon( polyGeom ) )
atMap = inFeat.attributes()
outFeat.setAttributes( atMap )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def export_geometry_info( self ):
ellips = None
crs = None
coordTransform = None
# calculate with:
# 0 - layer CRS
# 1 - project CRS
# 2 - ellipsoidal
if self.myCalcType == 2:
settings = QSettings()
ellips = settings.value( "/qgis/measure/ellipsoid", "WGS84" ).toString()
crs = self.vlayer.crs().srsid()
elif self.myCalcType == 1:
mapCRS = self.parent.iface.mapCanvas().mapRenderer().destinationCrs()
layCRS = self.vlayer.crs()
coordTransform = QgsCoordinateTransform( layCRS, mapCRS )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
inGeom = QgsGeometry()
nElement = 0
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0)
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, vprovider.featureCount() ) )
( fields, index1, index2 ) = self.checkMeasurementFields( self.vlayer, not self.writeShape )
if self.writeShape:
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding, fields,
vprovider.geometryType(), vprovider.crs() )
fit = vprovider.getFeatures()
while fit.nextFeature(inFeat):
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), nElement )
nElement += 1
inGeom = inFeat.geometry()
if self.myCalcType == 1:
inGeom.transform( coordTransform )
( attr1, attr2 ) = self.simpleMeasure( inGeom, self.myCalcType, ellips, crs )
if self.writeShape:
outFeat.setGeometry( inGeom )
atMap = inFeat.attributes()
maxIndex = index1 if index1>index2 else index2
if maxIndex>len(atMap):
atMap += [ QVariant() ] * ( index2+1 - len(atMap) )
atMap[ index1 ] = attr1
if index1!=index2:
atMap[ index2 ] = attr2
outFeat.setAttributes( atMap )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
changeMap = {}
changeMap[ inFeat.id() ] = {}
changeMap[ inFeat.id() ][ index1 ] = QVariant( attr1 )
if index1!=index2:
changeMap[ inFeat.id() ][ index2 ] = QVariant( attr2 )
vprovider.changeAttributeValues( changeMap )
if self.writeShape:
del writer
return True
def polygon_centroids( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding, vprovider.fields(),
QGis.WKBPoint, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
nFeat = vprovider.featureCount()
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
fit = vprovider.getFeatures()
while fit.nextFeature( inFeat ):
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), nElement )
inGeom = inFeat.geometry()
atMap = inFeat.attributes()
outGeom = inGeom.centroid()
if outGeom is None:
return "math_error"
outFeat.setAttributes( atMap )
outFeat.setGeometry( QgsGeometry( outGeom ) )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def delaunay_triangulation( self ):
import voronoi
from sets import Set
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
fields = [ QgsField( "POINTA", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "POINTB", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "POINTC", QVariant.Double ) ]
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding, fields,
QGis.WKBPolygon, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
c = voronoi.Context()
pts = []
ptDict = {}
ptNdx = -1
fit = vprovider.getFeatures()
while fit.nextFeature( inFeat ):
geom = QgsGeometry( inFeat.geometry() )
point = geom.asPoint()
x = point.x()
y = point.y()
pts.append( ( x, y ) )
ptNdx +=1
ptDict[ptNdx] = inFeat.id()
if len(pts) < 3:
return False
uniqueSet = Set( item for item in pts )
ids = [ pts.index( item ) for item in uniqueSet ]
sl = voronoi.SiteList( [ voronoi.Site( *i ) for i in uniqueSet ] )
c.triangulate = True
voronoi.voronoi( sl, c )
triangles = c.triangles
feat = QgsFeature()
nFeat = len( triangles )
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
for triangle in triangles:
indicies = list( triangle )
indicies.append( indicies[ 0 ] )
polygon = []
step = 0
for index in indicies:
vprovider.getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( ptDict[ ids[ index ] ] ) ).nextFeature( inFeat )
geom = QgsGeometry( inFeat.geometry() )
point = QgsPoint( geom.asPoint() )
polygon.append( point )
if step <= 3: feat.setAttribute( step, QVariant( ids[ index ] ) )
step += 1
geometry = QgsGeometry().fromPolygon( [ polygon ] )
feat.setGeometry( geometry )
writer.addFeature( feat )
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), nElement )
del writer
return True
def voronoi_polygons( self ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding, vprovider.fields(),
QGis.WKBPolygon, vprovider.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
extent = self.vlayer.extent()
extraX = extent.height() * ( self.myParam / 100.00 )
extraY = extent.width() * ( self.myParam / 100.00 )
height = extent.height()
width = extent.width()
c = voronoi.Context()
pts = []
ptDict = {}
ptNdx = -1
fit = vprovider.getFeatures()
while fit.nextFeature( inFeat ):
geom = QgsGeometry( inFeat.geometry() )
point = geom.asPoint()
x = point.x() - extent.xMinimum()
y = point.y() - extent.yMinimum()
pts.append( ( x, y ) )
ptNdx +=1
ptDict[ ptNdx ] = inFeat.id()
self.vlayer = None
if len( pts ) < 3:
return False
uniqueSet = Set( item for item in pts )
ids = [ pts.index( item ) for item in uniqueSet ]
sl = voronoi.SiteList( [ voronoi.Site( i[ 0 ], i[ 1 ], sitenum = j ) for j, i in enumerate( uniqueSet ) ] )
voronoi.voronoi( sl, c )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
nFeat = len( c.polygons )
nElement = 0
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, nFeat ) )
for site, edges in c.polygons.iteritems():
vprovider.getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( ptDict[ ids[ site ] ] ) ).nextFeature( inFeat )
lines = self.clip_voronoi( edges, c, width, height, extent, extraX, extraY )
geom = QgsGeometry.fromMultiPoint( lines )
geom = QgsGeometry( geom.convexHull() )
outFeat.setGeometry( geom )
outFeat.setAttributes( inFeat.attributes() )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
nElement += 1
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), nElement )
del writer
return True
def clip_voronoi( self, edges, c, width, height, extent, exX, exY ):
""" Clip voronoi function based on code written for Inkscape
Copyright (C) 2010 Alvin Penner, penner@vaxxine.com
def clip_line( x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, x, y ):
if x1 < 0 - x and x2 < 0 - x:
return [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
if x1 > w + x and x2 > w + x:
return [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
if x1 < 0 - x:
y1 = ( y1 * x2 - y2 * x1 ) / ( x2 - x1 )
x1 = 0 - x
if x2 < 0 - x:
y2 = ( y1 * x2 - y2 * x1 ) / ( x2 - x1 )
x2 = 0 - x
if x1 > w + x:
y1 = y1 + ( w + x - x1 ) * ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 )
x1 = w + x
if x2 > w + x:
y2 = y1 + ( w + x - x1 ) *( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 )
x2 = w + x
if y1 < 0 - y and y2 < 0 - y:
return [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
if y1 > h + y and y2 > h + y:
return [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2:
return [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
if y1 < 0 - y:
x1 = ( x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 ) / ( y2 - y1 )
y1 = 0 - y
if y2 < 0 - y:
x2 = ( x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 ) / ( y2 - y1 )
y2 = 0 - y
if y1 > h + y:
x1 = x1 + ( h + y - y1 ) * ( x2 - x1 ) / ( y2 - y1 )
y1 = h + y
if y2 > h + y:
x2 = x1 + ( h + y - y1) * ( x2 - x1 ) / ( y2 - y1 )
y2 = h + y
return [ x1, y1, x2, y2 ]
lines = []
hasXMin = False
hasYMin = False
hasXMax = False
hasYMax = False
for edge in edges:
if edge[ 1 ] >= 0 and edge[ 2 ] >= 0: # two vertices
[ x1, y1, x2, y2 ] = clip_line( c.vertices[ edge[ 1 ] ][ 0 ], c.vertices[ edge[ 1 ] ][ 1 ], c.vertices[ edge[ 2 ] ][ 0 ], c.vertices[ edge[ 2 ] ][ 1 ], width, height, exX, exY )
elif edge[ 1 ] >= 0: # only one vertex
if c.lines[ edge[ 0 ] ][ 1 ] == 0: # vertical line
xtemp = c.lines[ edge[ 0 ] ][ 2 ] / c.lines[ edge[ 0 ] ][ 0 ]
if c.vertices[ edge[ 1 ] ][ 1 ] > ( height + exY ) / 2:
ytemp = height + exY
ytemp = 0 - exX
xtemp = width + exX
ytemp = ( c.lines[ edge[ 0 ] ][ 2 ] - ( width + exX ) * c.lines[ edge[ 0 ] ][ 0 ] ) / c.lines[ edge[ 0 ] ][ 1 ]
[ x1, y1, x2, y2 ] = clip_line( c.vertices[ edge[ 1 ] ][ 0 ], c.vertices[ edge[ 1 ] ][ 1 ], xtemp, ytemp, width, height, exX, exY )
elif edge[ 2 ] >= 0: # only one vertex
if c.lines[ edge[ 0 ] ][ 1 ] == 0: # vertical line
xtemp = c.lines[ edge[ 0 ] ][ 2 ] / c.lines[ edge[ 0 ] ][ 0 ]
if c.vertices[ edge[ 2 ] ][ 1 ] > ( height + exY ) / 2:
ytemp = height + exY
ytemp = 0.0 - exY
xtemp = 0.0 - exX
ytemp = c.lines[ edge[ 0 ] ][ 2 ] / c.lines[ edge[ 0 ] ][ 1 ]
[ x1, y1, x2, y2 ] = clip_line( xtemp, ytemp, c.vertices[ edge[ 2 ] ][ 0 ], c.vertices[ edge[ 2 ] ][ 1 ], width, height, exX, exY )
if x1 or x2 or y1 or y2:
lines.append( QgsPoint( x1 + extent.xMinimum(), y1 + extent.yMinimum() ) )
lines.append( QgsPoint( x2 + extent.xMinimum(), y2 + extent.yMinimum() ) )
if 0 - exX in ( x1, x2 ):
hasXMin = True
if 0 - exY in ( y1, y2 ):
hasYMin = True
if height + exY in ( y1, y2 ):
hasYMax = True
if width + exX in ( x1, x2 ):
hasXMax = True
if hasXMin:
if hasYMax:
lines.append( QgsPoint( extent.xMinimum() - exX, height + extent.yMinimum() + exY ) )
if hasYMin:
lines.append( QgsPoint( extent.xMinimum() - exX, extent.yMinimum() - exY ) )
if hasXMax:
if hasYMax:
lines.append( QgsPoint( width + extent.xMinimum() + exX, height + extent.yMinimum() + exY ) )
if hasYMin:
lines.append( QgsPoint( width + extent.xMinimum() + exX, extent.yMinimum() - exY ) )
return lines
def layer_extent( self ):
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0 )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, 0 ) )
fields = [ QgsField( "MINX", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "MINY", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "MAXX", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "MAXY", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "CNTX", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "CNTY", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "AREA", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "PERIM", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "HEIGHT", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "WIDTH", QVariant.Double ) ]
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding, fields,
QGis.WKBPolygon, self.vlayer.crs() )
rect = self.vlayer.extent()
minx = rect.xMinimum()
miny = rect.yMinimum()
maxx = rect.xMaximum()
maxy = rect.yMaximum()
height = rect.height()
width = rect.width()
cntx = minx + ( width / 2.0 )
cnty = miny + ( height / 2.0 )
area = width * height
perim = ( 2 * width ) + (2 * height )
rect = [ QgsPoint( minx, miny ),
QgsPoint( minx, maxy ),
QgsPoint( maxx, maxy ),
QgsPoint( maxx, miny ),
QgsPoint( minx, miny ) ]
geometry = QgsGeometry().fromPolygon( [ rect ] )
feat = QgsFeature()
feat.setGeometry( geometry )
feat.setAttributes( [ QVariant( minx ),
QVariant( miny ),
QVariant( maxx ),
QVariant( maxy ),
QVariant( cntx ),
QVariant( cnty ),
QVariant( area ),
QVariant( perim ),
QVariant( height ),
QVariant( width ) ] )
writer.addFeature( feat )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, 100 ) )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0 )
del writer
return True
def feature_extent( self, ):
vprovider = self.vlayer.dataProvider()
vprovider.select( [] )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), 0 )
fields = [ QgsField( "MINX", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "MINY", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "MAXX", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "MAXY", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "CNTX", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "CNTY", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "AREA", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "PERIM", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "HEIGHT", QVariant.Double ),
QgsField( "WIDTH", QVariant.Double ) ]
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter( self.myName, self.myEncoding, fields,
QGis.WKBPolygon, self.vlayer.crs() )
inFeat = QgsFeature()
outFeat = QgsFeature()
nElement = 0
if self.useSelection:
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), (0, self.vlayer.selectedFeatureCount() ) )
for inFeat in self.vlayer.selectedFeatures():
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), nElement )
nElement += 1
rect = inFeat.geometry().boundingBox()
minx = rect.xMinimum()
miny = rect.yMinimum()
maxx = rect.xMaximum()
maxy = rect.yMaximum()
height = rect.height()
width = rect.width()
cntx = minx + ( width / 2.0 )
cnty = miny + ( height / 2.0 )
area = width * height
perim = ( 2 * width ) + ( 2 * height )
rect = [ QgsPoint( minx, miny ),
QgsPoint( minx, maxy ),
QgsPoint( maxx, maxy ),
QgsPoint( maxx, miny ),
QgsPoint( minx, miny ) ]
geometry = QgsGeometry().fromPolygon( [ rect ] )
outFeat.setGeometry( geometry )
outFeat.setAttributes( [ QVariant( minx ),
QVariant( miny ),
QVariant( maxx ),
QVariant( maxy ),
QVariant( cntx ),
QVariant( cnty ),
QVariant( area ),
QVariant( perim ),
QVariant( height ),
QVariant( width ) ] )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runRange( PyQt_PyObject )" ), ( 0, vprovider.featureCount() ) )
fit = vprovider.getFeatures()
while fit.nextFeature( inFeat ):
self.emit( SIGNAL( "runStatus( PyQt_PyObject )" ), nElement )
nElement += 1
rect = inFeat.geometry().boundingBox()
minx = rect.xMinimum()
miny = rect.yMinimum()
maxx = rect.xMaximum()
maxy = rect.yMaximum()
height = rect.height()
width = rect.width()
cntx = minx + ( width / 2.0 )
cnty = miny + ( height / 2.0 )
area = width * height
perim = ( 2 * width ) + ( 2 * height )
rect = [ QgsPoint( minx, miny ),
QgsPoint( minx, maxy ),
QgsPoint( maxx, maxy ),
QgsPoint( maxx, miny ),
QgsPoint( minx, miny ) ]
geometry = QgsGeometry().fromPolygon( [ rect ] )
outFeat.setGeometry( geometry )
outFeat.setAttributes( [ QVariant( minx ),
QVariant( miny ),
QVariant( maxx ),
QVariant( maxy ),
QVariant( cntx ),
QVariant( cnty ),
QVariant( area ),
QVariant( perim ),
QVariant( height ),
QVariant( width ) ] )
writer.addFeature( outFeat )
del writer
return True
def simpleMeasure( self, inGeom, calcType, ellips, crs ):
if inGeom.wkbType() in ( QGis.WKBPoint, QGis.WKBPoint25D ):
pt = inGeom.asPoint()
attr1 = pt.x()
attr2 = pt.y()
elif inGeom.wkbType() in ( QGis.WKBMultiPoint, QGis.WKBMultiPoint25D ):
pt = inGeom.asMultiPoint()
attr1 = pt[ 0 ].x()
attr2 = pt[ 0 ].y()
measure = QgsDistanceArea()
if calcType == 2:
measure.setSourceCrs( crs )
measure.setEllipsoid( ellips )
measure.setEllipsoidalMode( True )
attr1 = measure.measure( inGeom )
if inGeom.type() == QGis.Polygon:
attr2 = self.perimMeasure( inGeom, measure )
attr2 = attr1
return ( attr1, attr2 )
def perimMeasure( self, inGeom, measure ):
value = 0.00
if inGeom.isMultipart():
poly = inGeom.asMultiPolygon()
for k in poly:
for j in k:
value = value + measure.measureLine( j )
poly = inGeom.asPolygon()
for k in poly:
value = value + measure.measureLine( k )
return value
def doubleFieldIndex( self, name, desc, fieldList, f ):
i = 0
for f in fieldList:
if name == f.name().toUpper():
return (i, fieldList )
i += 1
fieldList.append( QgsField( name, QVariant.Double, "double precision", 21, 6, desc ) )
return ( len(fieldList)-1, fieldList )
def checkMeasurementFields( self, vlayer, add ):
vprovider = vlayer.dataProvider()
geomType = vlayer.geometryType()
if geomType == QGis.Polygon:
(index1, fieldList) = doubleFieldIndex( "AREA", self.tr( "Polygon area" ), fieldList )
(index2, fieldList) = doubleFieldIndex( "PERIMETER", self.tr( "Polygon perimeter" ), fieldList )
elif geomType == QGis.Line:
(index1, fieldList) = doubleFieldIndex( "LENGTH", self.tr( "Line length" ), fieldList )
index2 = index1
(index1, fieldList) = doubleFieldIndex( "XCOORD", self.tr( "Point x ordinate" ), fieldList )
(index2, fieldList) = doubleFieldIndex( "YCOORD", self.tr( "Point y ordinate" ), fieldList )
if add:
vprovider.addAttributes( newFields )
return ( fieldList, index1, index2 )
def extractAsLine( self, geom ):
multi_geom = QgsGeometry()
temp_geom = []
if geom.type() == 2:
if geom.isMultipart():
multi_geom = geom.asMultiPolygon()
for i in multi_geom:
temp_geom.extend( i )
multi_geom = geom.asPolygon()
temp_geom = multi_geom
return temp_geom
return []
def remove_bad_lines( self, lines ):
temp_geom = []
if len( lines ) == 1:
if len( lines[ 0 ] ) > 2:
temp_geom = lines
temp_geom = []
temp_geom = [ elem for elem in lines if len( elem ) > 2 ]
return temp_geom
def singleToMultiGeom( self, wkbType ):
if wkbType in ( QGis.WKBPoint, QGis.WKBMultiPoint,
QGis.WKBPoint25D, QGis.WKBMultiPoint25D ):
return QGis.WKBMultiPoint
elif wkbType in ( QGis.WKBLineString, QGis.WKBMultiLineString,
QGis.WKBMultiLineString25D, QGis.WKBLineString25D ):
return QGis.WKBMultiLineString
elif wkbType in ( QGis.WKBPolygon, QGis.WKBMultiPolygon,
QGis.WKBMultiPolygon25D, QGis.WKBPolygon25D ):
return QGis.WKBMultiPolygon
return QGis.WKBUnknown
except Exception, err:
print str( err )
def multiToSingleGeom( self, wkbType ):
if wkbType in ( QGis.WKBPoint, QGis.WKBMultiPoint,
QGis.WKBPoint25D, QGis.WKBMultiPoint25D ):
return QGis.WKBPoint
elif wkbType in ( QGis.WKBLineString, QGis.WKBMultiLineString,
QGis.WKBMultiLineString25D, QGis.WKBLineString25D ):
return QGis.WKBLineString
elif wkbType in ( QGis.WKBPolygon, QGis.WKBMultiPolygon,
QGis.WKBMultiPolygon25D, QGis.WKBPolygon25D ):
return QGis.WKBPolygon
return QGis.WKBUnknown
except Exception, err:
print str( err )
def extractAsSingle( self, geom ):
multi_geom = QgsGeometry()
temp_geom = []
if geom.type() == 0:
if geom.isMultipart():
multi_geom = geom.asMultiPoint()
for i in multi_geom:
temp_geom.append( QgsGeometry().fromPoint ( i ) )
temp_geom.append( geom )
elif geom.type() == 1:
if geom.isMultipart():
multi_geom = geom.asMultiPolyline()
for i in multi_geom:
temp_geom.append( QgsGeometry().fromPolyline( i ) )
temp_geom.append( geom )
elif geom.type() == 2:
if geom.isMultipart():
multi_geom = geom.asMultiPolygon()
for i in multi_geom:
temp_geom.append( QgsGeometry().fromPolygon( i ) )
temp_geom.append( geom )
return temp_geom
def extractAsMulti( self, geom ):
temp_geom = []
if geom.type() == 0:
if geom.isMultipart():
return geom.asMultiPoint()
return [ geom.asPoint() ]
elif geom.type() == 1:
if geom.isMultipart():
return geom.asMultiPolyline()
return [ geom.asPolyline() ]
if geom.isMultipart():
return geom.asMultiPolygon()
return [ geom.asPolygon() ]
def convertGeometry( self, geom_list, vType ):
if vType == 0:
return QgsGeometry().fromMultiPoint( geom_list )
elif vType == 1:
return QgsGeometry().fromMultiPolyline( geom_list )
return QgsGeometry().fromMultiPolygon( geom_list )