timlinux 6b1f74b69b Applied following patches:
1293255 SPIT: bugfix for "no fields" problem
1293069 2 bugfixes regarding extent calculation
1292938 added panning to overview
1253211 patch for PostGIS provider
1253027 patch for querybuilder

git-svn-id: http://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk/qgis@3919 c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
2005-09-17 09:51:12 +00:00

453 lines
14 KiB

Import tool for various worldmap analysis output files
begin : Jan 21, 2004
copyright : (C) 2004 by Tim Sutton
email : tim@linfiniti.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/* $Id$ */
// includes
#include <qgisapp.h>
#include <qgsmaplayer.h>
#include "plugin.h"
#include "qgsproject.h"
#include "qgsmapcanvas.h"
#include <qtoolbar.h>
#include <qmenubar.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qaction.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qpicture.h>
#include <qpointarray.h>
#include <qpaintdevicemetrics.h>
#include <qglobal.h>
//non qt includes
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
//the gui subclass
#include "plugingui.h"
// xpm for creating the toolbar icon
#include "icon.xpm"
#ifdef WIN32
#define QGISEXTERN extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
#define QGISEXTERN extern "C"
static const char * const ident_ = "$Id$";
static const char * const name_ = "NorthArrow";
static const char * const description_ = "This plugin displays a north arrow overlayed onto the map.";
static const char * const version_ = "Version 0.1";
static const QgisPlugin::PLUGINTYPE type_ = QgisPlugin::UI;
const double QgsNorthArrowPlugin::PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
// const double QgsNorthArrowPlugin::DEG2RAD = 0.0174532925199433;
const double QgsNorthArrowPlugin::TOL = 1e-8;
* Constructor for the plugin. The plugin is passed a pointer to the main app
* and an interface object that provides access to exposed functions in QGIS.
* @param qgis Pointer to the QGIS main window
* @param _qI Pointer to the QGIS interface object
QgsNorthArrowPlugin::QgsNorthArrowPlugin(QgisApp * theQGisApp, QgisIface * theQgisInterFace):
mPlacement=tr("Bottom Left");
* Initialize the GUI interface for the plugin
void QgsNorthArrowPlugin::initGui()
QPopupMenu *pluginMenu = qGisInterface->getPluginMenu("&Decorations");
menuId = pluginMenu->insertItem(QIconSet(icon),"&NorthArrow", this, SLOT(run()));
pluginMenu->setWhatsThis(menuId, "Creates a north arrow that is displayed on the map canvas");
// Create the action for tool
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
myQActionPointer = new QAction("North Arrow", QIconSet(icon), "&Wmi",0, this, "run");
myQActionPointer = new QAction(QIcon(icon), "North Arrow", this);
myQActionPointer->setWhatsThis("Creates a north arrow that is displayed on the map canvas");
// Connect the action to the run
connect(myQActionPointer, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(run()));
//render the arrow each time the map is rendered
connect(qGisInterface->getMapCanvas(), SIGNAL(renderComplete(QPainter *)), this, SLOT(renderNorthArrow(QPainter *)));
//this resets this plugin up if a project is loaded
connect(qgisMainWindowPointer, SIGNAL(projectRead()), this, SLOT(projectRead()));
// Add the icon to the toolbar
void QgsNorthArrowPlugin::projectRead()
std::cout << "+++++++++ north arrow plugin - project read slot called...." << std::endl;
//default text to start with - try to fetch it from qgsproject
mRotationInt = QgsProject::instance()->readNumEntry("NorthArrow","/Rotation",0);
mPlacement = QgsProject::instance()->readEntry("NorthArrow","/Placement","Bottom Left");
mEnable = QgsProject::instance()->readBoolEntry("NorthArrow","/Enabled",true);
mAutomatic = QgsProject::instance()->readBoolEntry("NorthArrow","/Automatic",true);
//method defined in interface
void QgsNorthArrowPlugin::help()
//implement me!
// Slot called when the buffer menu item is activated
void QgsNorthArrowPlugin::run()
QgsNorthArrowPluginGui *myPluginGui = new QgsNorthArrowPluginGui(qgisMainWindowPointer,"North Arrow",true,0);
//overides function byt the same name created in .ui
//listen for when the layer has been made so we can draw it
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(rotationChanged(int)), this, SLOT(rotationChanged(int)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(changePlacement(QString)), this, SLOT(setPlacement(QString)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(enableAutomatic(bool)), this, SLOT(setAutomatic(bool)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(enableNorthArrow(bool)), this, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(needToRefresh()), this, SLOT(refreshCanvas()));
//! Refresh the map display using the mapcanvas exported via the plugin interface
void QgsNorthArrowPlugin::refreshCanvas()
void QgsNorthArrowPlugin::renderNorthArrow(QPainter * theQPainter)
std::cout << "Rendering n-arrow" << std::endl;
//Large IF statement controlled by enable check box
if (mEnable)
QPixmap myQPixmap; //to store the north arrow image in
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(Q_OS_MACX)
QString PKGDATAPATH = qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/share/qgis";
QString myFileNameQString = QString(PKGDATAPATH) +
//std::cout << "Trying to load " << myFileNameQString << std::cout;
if (myQPixmap.load(myFileNameQString))
double centerXDouble = myQPixmap.width()/2;
double centerYDouble = myQPixmap.height()/2;
//save the current canvas rotation
//work out how to shift the image so that it rotates
// properly about its center
//(x cos a + y sin a - x, -x sin a + y cos a - y)
// could move this call to somewhere else so that it is only
// called when the projection or map extent changes
if (mAutomatic)
double myRadiansDouble = mRotationInt * PI / 180.0;
int xShift = static_cast<int>((
(centerXDouble * cos(myRadiansDouble)) +
(centerYDouble * sin(myRadiansDouble))
) - centerXDouble);
int yShift = static_cast<int>((
(-centerXDouble * sin(myRadiansDouble)) +
(centerYDouble * cos(myRadiansDouble))
) - centerYDouble);
// need width/height of paint device
QPaintDeviceMetrics myMetrics( theQPainter->device() );
int myHeight = myMetrics.height();
int myWidth = myMetrics.width();
std::cout << "Rendering n-arrow at " << mPlacement.local8Bit() << std::endl;
//Determine placement of label from form combo box
if (mPlacement==tr("Bottom Left"))
else if (mPlacement==tr("Top Right"))
else if (mPlacement==tr("Bottom Right"))
else // defaulting to top left
//no need to translate for TL corner because we're already at the origin
theQPainter->translate(0, 0);
//rotate the canvas by the north arrow rotation amount
theQPainter->rotate( mRotationInt );
//Now we can actually do the drawing
//unrotate the canvase again
//bitBlt ( qGisInterface->getMapCanvas()->canvasPixmap(), 0, 0, &myPainterPixmap, 0, 0, -1 , -1, Qt::CopyROP, false);
QFont myQFont("time", 32, QFont::Bold);
theQPainter->drawText(10, 20, QString("Pixmap Not Found"));
// Unload the plugin by cleaning up the GUI
void QgsNorthArrowPlugin::unload()
// remove the GUI
// remove the northarrow from the canvas
disconnect(qGisInterface->getMapCanvas(), SIGNAL(renderComplete(QPainter *)),
this, SLOT(renderNorthArrow(QPainter *)));
delete myQActionPointer;
void QgsNorthArrowPlugin::rotationChanged(int theInt)
mRotationInt = theInt;
QgsProject::instance()->writeEntry("NorthArrow","/Rotation", mRotationInt );
//! set placement of north arrow
void QgsNorthArrowPlugin::setPlacement(QString theQString)
mPlacement = theQString;
QgsProject::instance()->writeEntry("NorthArrow","/Placement", mPlacement);
void QgsNorthArrowPlugin::setEnabled(bool theBool)
mEnable = theBool;
QgsProject::instance()->writeEntry("NorthArrow","/Enabled", mEnable );
void QgsNorthArrowPlugin::setAutomatic(bool theBool)
mAutomatic = theBool;
QgsProject::instance()->writeEntry("NorthArrow","/Automatic", mAutomatic );
if (mAutomatic)
bool QgsNorthArrowPlugin::calculateNorthDirection()
QgsMapCanvas& mapCanvas = *(qGisInterface->getMapCanvas());
bool goodDirn = false;
if (mapCanvas.layerCount() > 0)
// Grab an SRS from any layer
QgsMapLayer& mapLayer = *(mapCanvas.getZpos(0));
QgsSpatialRefSys& outputSRS = mapLayer.coordinateTransform()->destSRS();
bool yy = outputSRS.geographicFlag();
if (outputSRS.isValid() && !outputSRS.geographicFlag())
// Use a geographic SRS to get lat/long to work out direction
QgsSpatialRefSys ourSRS;
ourSRS.createFromProj4("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs");
QgsCoordinateTransform transform(outputSRS, ourSRS);
QgsRect extent = mapCanvas.extent();
QgsPoint p1(extent.center());
// A point a bit above p1. XXX assumes that y increases up!!
// May need to involve the maptopixel transform if this proves
// to be a problem.
QgsPoint p2(p1.x(), p1.y() + extent.height() * 0.25);
// project p1 and p2 to geographic coords
p1 = transform.transform(p1);
p2 = transform.transform(p2);
catch (QgsException &e)
// just give up
return false;
// Work out the value of the initial heading one takes to go
// from point p1 to point p2. The north direction is then that
// many degrees anti-clockwise or vertical.
// Take some care to not divide by zero, etc, and ensure that we
// get sensible results for all possible values for p1 and p2.
goodDirn = true;
double angle = 0.0;
// convert to radians for the equations below
double y = sin(p2.x() - p1.x()) * cos(p2.y());
double x = cos(p1.y()) * sin(p2.y()) -
sin(p1.y()) * cos(p2.y()) * cos(p2.x()-p1.x());
if (y > 0.0)
if (x > TOL)
angle = atan(y/x);
else if (x < -TOL)
angle = PI - atan(-y/x);
angle = 0.5 * PI;
else if (y < 0.0)
if (x > TOL)
angle = -atan(-y/x);
else if (x < -TOL)
angle = atan(y/x) - PI;
angle = 1.5 * PI;
if (x > TOL)
angle = 0.0;
else if (x < -TOL)
angle = PI;
angle = 0.0; // p1 = p2
goodDirn = false;
// And set the angle of the north arrow. Perhaps do something
// different if goodDirn = false.
mRotationInt = static_cast<int>(round(fmod(360.0-angle*180.0/PI, 360.0)));
// For geographic SRS and for when there are no layers, set the
// direction back to the default
mRotationInt = 0;
return goodDirn;
* Required extern functions needed for every plugin
* These functions can be called prior to creating an instance
* of the plugin class
// Class factory to return a new instance of the plugin class
QGISEXTERN QgisPlugin * classFactory(QgisApp * theQGisAppPointer, QgisIface * theQgisInterfacePointer)
return new QgsNorthArrowPlugin(theQGisAppPointer, theQgisInterfacePointer);
// Return the name of the plugin - note that we do not user class members as
// the class may not yet be insantiated when this method is called.
QGISEXTERN QString name()
return name_;
// Return the description
QGISEXTERN QString description()
return description_;
// Return the type (either UI or MapLayer plugin)
QGISEXTERN int type()
return type_;
// Return the version number for the plugin
QGISEXTERN QString version()
return version_;
// Delete ourself
QGISEXTERN void unload(QgisPlugin * thePluginPointer)
delete thePluginPointer;