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MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License)
Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com)
#ifndef MDAL_H
#define MDAL_H
/* API is considered EXPERIMENTAL and can be changed without a notice */
# define MDAL_EXPORT
# if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
# ifdef mdal_EXPORTS
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define MDAL_EXPORT __attribute__ ((dllexport))
# else
# define MDAL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) // Note: actually gcc seems to also supports this syntax.
# endif
# else
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define MDAL_EXPORT __attribute__ ((dllimport))
# else
# define MDAL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport) // Note: actually gcc seems to also supports this syntax.
# endif
# endif
# else
# if __GNUC__ >= 4
# define MDAL_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
# else
# define MDAL_EXPORT
# endif
# endif
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Statuses */
enum MDAL_Status
// Errors
// Warnings
typedef void *MeshH;
typedef void *MeshVertexIteratorH;
typedef void *MeshFaceIteratorH;
typedef void *DatasetGroupH;
typedef void *DatasetH;
//! Returns MDAL version
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_Version();
//! Returns last status message
MDAL_EXPORT MDAL_Status MDAL_LastStatus();
/// MESH
* Loads mesh file. On error see MDAL_LastStatus for error type
* This may effectively load whole mesh in-memory for some providers
MDAL_EXPORT MeshH MDAL_LoadMesh( const char *meshFile );
//! Closes mesh, frees the memory
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_CloseMesh( MeshH mesh );
* Returns mesh projection
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_M_projection( MeshH mesh );
* Returns mesh extent in native projection
* Returns NaN on error
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_M_extent( MeshH mesh, double *minX, double *maxX, double *minY, double *maxY );
//! Returns vertex count for the mesh
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_M_vertexCount( MeshH mesh );
//! Returns face count for the mesh
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_M_faceCount( MeshH mesh );
//! Returns maximum number of vertices face can consist of, e.g. 4 for regular quad mesh
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_M_faceVerticesMaximumCount( MeshH mesh );
* Loads dataset file. On error see MDAL_LastStatus for error type.
* This may effectively load whole dataset in-memory for some providers
* Datasets will be closed automatically on mesh destruction or memory
* can be freed manually with MDAL_CloseDataset if needed
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_M_LoadDatasets( MeshH mesh, const char *datasetFile );
//! Returns dataset groups count
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_M_datasetGroupCount( MeshH mesh );
//! Returns dataset group handle
MDAL_EXPORT DatasetGroupH MDAL_M_datasetGroup( MeshH mesh, int index );
* Returns iterator to the mesh vertices
* For some formats this may effectively load all vertices in-memory until iterator is closed
MDAL_EXPORT MeshVertexIteratorH MDAL_M_vertexIterator( MeshH mesh );
* Returns vertices from iterator for the mesh
* \param iterator mesh data iterator
* \param verticesCount maximum number or vertices to be written to buffer
* \param coordinates must be allocated to 3* verticesCount items to store x1, y1, z1, ..., xN, yN, zN coordinates
* \returns number of vertices written in the buffer
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_VI_next( MeshVertexIteratorH iterator, int verticesCount, double *coordinates );
//! Closes mesh data iterator, frees the memory
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_VI_close( MeshVertexIteratorH iterator );
* Returns iterator to the mesh faces
* For some formats this may effectively load all faces in-memory until iterator is closed
MDAL_EXPORT MeshFaceIteratorH MDAL_M_faceIterator( MeshH mesh );
* Returns next faces from iterator for the mesh
* Reading stops when vertexIndicesBuffer capacity is full / faceOffsetsBuffer
* capacity is full / end of faces is reached, whatever comes first
* \param iterator mesh data iterator
* \param faceOffsetsBufferLen size of faceOffsetsBuffer, minimum 1
* \param faceOffsetsBuffer allocated array to store face offset in vertexIndicesBuffer for given face.
* To find number of vertices of face i, calculate faceOffsetsBuffer[i] - faceOffsetsBuffer[i-1]
* \param vertexIndicesBufferLen size of vertexIndicesBuffer, minimum is MDAL_M_faceVerticesMaximumCount()
* \param vertexIndicesBuffer writes vertex indexes for faces
* faceOffsetsBuffer[i-1] is index where the vertices for face i begins,
* \returns number of faces written in the buffer
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_FI_next( MeshFaceIteratorH iterator,
int faceOffsetsBufferLen,
int *faceOffsetsBuffer,
int vertexIndicesBufferLen,
int *vertexIndicesBuffer );
//! Closes mesh data iterator, frees the memory
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_FI_close( MeshFaceIteratorH iterator );
//! Returns dataset parent mesh
MDAL_EXPORT MeshH MDAL_G_mesh( DatasetGroupH group );
//! Returns dataset count in group
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_G_datasetCount( DatasetGroupH group );
//! Returns dataset handle
MDAL_EXPORT DatasetH MDAL_G_dataset( DatasetGroupH group, int index );
//! Returns number of metadata values
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_G_metadataCount( DatasetGroupH group );
* Returns dataset metadata key
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_G_metadataKey( DatasetGroupH group, int index );
* Returns dataset metadata value
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_G_metadataValue( DatasetGroupH group, int index );
* Returns dataset group name
* not thread-safe and valid only till next call
MDAL_EXPORT const char *MDAL_G_name( DatasetGroupH group );
//! Whether dataset has scalar data associated
MDAL_EXPORT bool MDAL_G_hasScalarData( DatasetGroupH group );
//! Whether dataset is on vertices
MDAL_EXPORT bool MDAL_G_isOnVertices( DatasetGroupH group );
* Returns the min and max values of the group
* Returns NaN on error
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_G_minimumMaximum( DatasetGroupH group, double *min, double *max );
//! Returns dataset parent group
MDAL_EXPORT DatasetGroupH MDAL_D_group( DatasetH dataset );
//! Returns dataset time
MDAL_EXPORT double MDAL_D_time( DatasetH dataset );
//! Returns number of values
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_D_valueCount( DatasetH dataset );
//! Returns whether dataset is valid
MDAL_EXPORT bool MDAL_D_isValid( DatasetH dataset );
//! Data type to be returned by MDAL_D_data
enum MDAL_DataType
SCALAR_DOUBLE, //!< Double value for scalar datasets
VECTOR_2D_DOUBLE, //!< Double, double value for vector datasets
ACTIVE_INTEGER //!< Integer, active flag for dataset faces. Some formats support switching off the element for particular timestep.
* Populates buffer with values from the dataset
* for nodata, returned is numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN
* \param dataset handle to dataset
* \param indexStart index of face/vertex to start reading of values to the buffer
* \param count number of values to be written to the buffer
* \param dataType type of values to be written to the buffer
* \param buffer output array to be populated with the values. must be already allocated
* For SCALAR_DOUBLE, the minimum size must be valuesCount * size_of(double)
* For VECTOR_2D_DOUBLE, the minimum size must be valuesCount * 2 * size_of(double).
* Values are returned as x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., xN, yN
* For ACTIVE_INTEGER, the minimum size must be valuesCount * size_of(int)
* \returns number of values written to buffer. If return value != count requested, see MDAL_LastStatus() for error type
MDAL_EXPORT int MDAL_D_data( DatasetH dataset, int indexStart, int count, MDAL_DataType dataType, void *buffer );
* Returns the min and max values of the dataset
* Returns NaN on error
MDAL_EXPORT void MDAL_D_minimumMaximum( DatasetH dataset, double *min, double *max );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //MDAL_H