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MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License)
Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com)
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "mdal_data_model.hpp"
#include "mdal_cf.hpp"
#include "mdal_utils.hpp"
#include "math.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CF_THROW_ERR throw MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat
MDAL::cfdataset_info_map MDAL::LoaderCF::parseDatasetGroupInfo()
* list of datasets:
* Getting the full list of variables from the file and then grouping them in two steps:
* - Grouping (or filtering) based on whether theyre time-dependent (find time dimension id,
* and check whether each of the data variables has that dimension id in its own dimensions).
* - Next, filtering them on whether theyre space-dependent, possibly grouping them based on
* their topological location: this can be inquired by getting their “:location” attribute
* which has either the value “face” (often), “edge” (sometimes), or “node” (rarely).
* naming:
* You could use the long_name to print a human readable variable name. When that is absent,
* use the standard_name of the variable and use your own lookup table for a human readable
* variable name (e.g.: sea_surface_level_above_geoid could translate into “Water level”).
* Finally, if also standard_name is absent, fall back to the bare variable name (e.g. “mesh2d_s1”).
/* PHASE 1 - gather all variables to be used for node/element datasets */
cfdataset_info_map dsinfo_map;
int varid = -1;
std::set<std::string> ignoreVariables = ignoreNetCDFVariables();
// get variable name
char variable_name_c[NC_MAX_NAME];
if ( nc_inq_varname( mNcFile.handle(), varid, variable_name_c ) ) break; // probably we are at the end of available arrays, quit endless loop
std::string variable_name( variable_name_c );
if ( ignoreVariables.find( variable_name ) == ignoreVariables.end() )
// get number of dimensions
int ndims;
if ( nc_inq_varndims( mNcFile.handle(), varid, &ndims ) ) continue;
// we parse either time-dependent or time-independent (e.g. Bed/Maximums)
if ( ( ndims < 1 ) || ( ndims > 2 ) ) continue;
int dimids[2];
if ( nc_inq_vardimid( mNcFile.handle(), varid, dimids ) ) continue;
int dimid;
size_t nTimesteps;
if ( ndims == 1 )
nTimesteps = 1;
dimid = dimids[0];
nTimesteps = mDimensions.size( CFDimensions::Time );
dimid = dimids[1];
if ( !mDimensions.isDatasetType( mDimensions.type( dimid ) ) )
size_t arr_size = mDimensions.size( mDimensions.type( dimid ) ) * nTimesteps;
std::string suffix = nameSuffix( mDimensions.type( dimid ) );
// Get name, if it is vector and if it is x or y
std::string name;
bool is_vector = true;
bool is_x = false;
parseNetCDFVariableMetadata( varid, variable_name, name, &is_vector, &is_x );
if ( !suffix.empty() )
name = name + " (" + suffix + ")";
// Add it to the map
auto it = dsinfo_map.find( name );
if ( it != dsinfo_map.end() )
if ( is_x )
it->second.ncid_x = varid;
it->second.ncid_y = varid;
CFDatasetGroupInfo dsInfo;
dsInfo.nTimesteps = nTimesteps;
dsInfo.is_vector = is_vector;
if ( is_x )
dsInfo.ncid_x = varid;
dsInfo.ncid_y = varid;
dsInfo.outputType = mDimensions.type( dimid );
dsInfo.name = name;
dsInfo.arr_size = arr_size;
dsinfo_map[name] = dsInfo;
while ( true );
if ( dsinfo_map.size() == 0 )
throw MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData;
return dsinfo_map;
static void populate_vals( bool is_vector, double *vals, size_t i,
const std::vector<double> &vals_x, const std::vector<double> &vals_y,
size_t idx, double fill_val_x, double fill_val_y )
if ( is_vector )
vals[2 * i] = MDAL::safeValue( vals_x[idx], fill_val_x );
vals[2 * i + 1] = MDAL::safeValue( vals_y[idx], fill_val_y );
vals[i] = MDAL::safeValue( vals_x[idx], fill_val_x );
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::Dataset> MDAL::LoaderCF::createFace2DDataset( std::shared_ptr<DatasetGroup> group, size_t ts, const MDAL::CFDatasetGroupInfo &dsi,
const std::vector<double> &vals_x, const std::vector<double> &vals_y,
double fill_val_x, double fill_val_y )
assert( dsi.outputType == CFDimensions::Face2D );
size_t nFaces2D = mDimensions.size( CFDimensions::Face2D );
size_t nLine1D = mDimensions.size( CFDimensions::Line1D );
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset> dataset = std::make_shared<MDAL::MemoryDataset>( group.get() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < nFaces2D; ++i )
size_t idx = ts * nFaces2D + i;
populate_vals( dsi.is_vector,
nLine1D + i,
fill_val_y );
return dataset;
void MDAL::LoaderCF::addDatasetGroups( MDAL::Mesh *mesh, const std::vector<double> &times, const MDAL::cfdataset_info_map &dsinfo_map )
/* PHASE 2 - add dataset groups */
for ( const auto &it : dsinfo_map )
const CFDatasetGroupInfo dsi = it.second;
// Create a dataset group
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::DatasetGroup> group = std::make_shared<MDAL::DatasetGroup>(
group->setIsScalar( !dsi.is_vector );
group->setIsOnVertices( false );
// read X data
double fill_val_x = mNcFile.getFillValue( dsi.ncid_x );
std::vector<double> vals_x( dsi.arr_size );
if ( nc_get_var_double( mNcFile.handle(), dsi.ncid_x, vals_x.data() ) ) CF_THROW_ERR;
// read Y data if vector
double fill_val_y = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
std::vector<double> vals_y;
if ( dsi.is_vector )
fill_val_y = mNcFile.getFillValue( dsi.ncid_y );
vals_y.resize( dsi.arr_size );
if ( nc_get_var_double( mNcFile.handle(), dsi.ncid_y, vals_y.data() ) ) CF_THROW_ERR;
// Create dataset
for ( size_t ts = 0; ts < dsi.nTimesteps; ++ts )
double time = times[ts];
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::Dataset> dataset;
if ( dsi.outputType == CFDimensions::Face2D )
dataset = createFace2DDataset( group, ts, dsi, vals_x, vals_y, fill_val_x, fill_val_y );
dataset->setTime( time );
dataset->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( dataset ) );
group->datasets.push_back( dataset );
// Add to mesh
if ( !group->datasets.empty() )
group->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( group ) );
mesh->datasetGroups.push_back( group );
void MDAL::LoaderCF::parseTime( std::vector<double> &times )
size_t nTimesteps = mDimensions.size( CFDimensions::Time );
times = mNcFile.readDoubleArr( "time", nTimesteps );
std::string units = mNcFile.getAttrStr( "time", "units" );
double div_by = MDAL::parseTimeUnits( units );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < nTimesteps; ++i )
times[i] /= div_by;
MDAL::LoaderCF::LoaderCF( const std::string &fileName ):
mFileName( fileName )
void MDAL::LoaderCF::setProjection( MDAL::Mesh *mesh )
std::string coordinate_system_variable = getCoordinateSystemVariableName();
if ( !coordinate_system_variable.empty() )
std::string wkt = mNcFile.getAttrStr( coordinate_system_variable, "wkt" );
if ( wkt.empty() )
std::string epsg_code = mNcFile.getAttrStr( coordinate_system_variable, "EPSG_code" );
if ( epsg_code.empty() )
int epsg = mNcFile.getAttrInt( coordinate_system_variable, "epsg" );
if ( epsg != 0 )
mesh->setSourceCrsFromEPSG( epsg );
mesh->setSourceCrs( epsg_code );
mesh->setSourceCrsFromWKT( wkt );
catch ( MDAL_Status )
std::unique_ptr< MDAL::Mesh > MDAL::LoaderCF::load( MDAL_Status *status )
if ( status ) *status = MDAL_Status::None;
//Dimensions dims;
std::vector<double> times;
// Open file
mNcFile.openFile( mFileName );
// Parse dimensions
mDimensions = populateDimensions();
// Create mMesh
Faces faces;
Vertices vertices;
populateFacesAndVertices( vertices, faces );
std::unique_ptr< MemoryMesh > mesh(
new MemoryMesh(
computeExtent( vertices ),
mesh->faces = faces;
mesh->vertices = vertices;
addBedElevation( mesh.get() );
setProjection( mesh.get() );
// Parse time array
parseTime( times );
// Parse dataset info
cfdataset_info_map dsinfo_map = parseDatasetGroupInfo();
// Create datasets
addDatasetGroups( mesh.get(), times, dsinfo_map );
return std::unique_ptr<Mesh>( mesh.release() );
catch ( MDAL_Status error )
if ( status ) *status = ( error );
return std::unique_ptr<Mesh>();
MDAL::CFDimensions::Type MDAL::CFDimensions::type( int ncid ) const
const auto it = mNcId.find( ncid );
if ( it == mNcId.end() )
return UnknownType;
return it->second;
size_t MDAL::CFDimensions::size( MDAL::CFDimensions::Type type ) const
const auto it = mCount.find( type );
if ( it == mCount.end() )
return 0;
return it->second;
void MDAL::CFDimensions::setDimension( MDAL::CFDimensions::Type type,
size_t count, int ncid )
mNcId[ncid] = type;
mCount[type] = count;
size_t MDAL::CFDimensions::faceCount() const
return size( Face2D ) + size( Line1D );
size_t MDAL::CFDimensions::vertexCount() const
return size( Vertex1D ) + size( Vertex2D );
bool MDAL::CFDimensions::isDatasetType( MDAL::CFDimensions::Type type ) const
return (
( type == Vertex1D ) ||
( type == Vertex2D ) ||
( type == Line1D ) ||
( type == Face2DEdge ) ||
( type == Face2D )