g_j_m 3c40292773 Altered the way in which plugins add items to the plugin menu. Old way
still supported for the moment. New way allows different plugins to use the
same submenu (e.g. Decorations for copyright and north arrow)

git-svn-id: http://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk/qgis@3232 c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
2005-04-27 05:21:34 +00:00

589 lines
19 KiB

qgsgpsplugin.cpp - GPS related tools
Date : Jan 21, 2004
Copyright : (C) 2004 by Tim Sutton
Email : tim@linfiniti.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/* $Id$ */
// includes
#include "../../src/qgisapp.h"
#include "../../src/qgsmaplayerregistry.h"
#include "../../src/qgsmaplayer.h"
#include "../../src/qgsvectorlayer.h"
#include "../../src/qgsdataprovider.h"
#include "qgsgpsplugin.h"
#include <qeventloop.h>
#include <qfiledialog.h>
#include <qtoolbar.h>
#include <qmenubar.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qaction.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qprocess.h>
#include <qprogressdialog.h>
#include <qsettings.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
//non qt includes
#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
//the gui subclass
#include "qgsgpsplugingui.h"
// xpm for creating the toolbar icon
#include "icon.xpm"
#ifdef WIN32
#define QGISEXTERN extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
#define QGISEXTERN extern "C"
static const char * const ident_ =
static const char * const name_ = "GPS Tools";
static const char * const description_ =
"Tools for loading and importing GPS data.";
static const char * const version_ = "Version 0.1";
static const QgisPlugin::PLUGINTYPE type_ = QgisPlugin::UI;
* Constructor for the plugin. The plugin is passed a pointer to the main app
* and an interface object that provides access to exposed functions in QGIS.
* @param qgis Pointer to the QGIS main window
* @param _qI Pointer to the QGIS interface object
QgsGPSPlugin::QgsGPSPlugin(QgisApp * theQGisApp, QgisIface * theQgisInterFace):
// delete all our babel formats
BabelMap::iterator iter;
for (iter = mImporters.begin(); iter != mImporters.end(); ++iter)
delete iter->second;
std::map<QString, QgsGPSDevice*>::iterator iter2;
for (iter2 = mDevices.begin(); iter2 != mDevices.end(); ++iter2)
delete iter2->second;
* Initialize the GUI interface for the plugin
void QgsGPSPlugin::initGui()
QPopupMenu *pluginMenu = mQGisInterface->getPluginMenu("&Gps");
mMenuIdGPS = pluginMenu->insertItem(QIconSet(icon),"&Gps Tools", this, SLOT(run()));
mMenuIdGPX = pluginMenu->insertItem(QIconSet(icon),"&Create new GPX layer", this, SLOT(createGPX()));
pluginMenu->setWhatsThis(mMenuIdGPX, "Creates a new GPX layer and displays it on the map canvas");
// add an action to the toolbar
mQActionPointer = new QAction("Gps Tools", QIconSet(icon), "&Wmi",0,
this, "run");
mQActionPointer->setWhatsThis( "Creates a new GPX layer and displays it on the map canvas");
connect(mQActionPointer, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(run()));
//method defined in interface
void QgsGPSPlugin::help()
//implement me!
// Slot called when the buffer menu item is activated
void QgsGPSPlugin::run()
// find all GPX layers
std::vector<QgsVectorLayer*> gpxLayers;
std::map<QString, QgsMapLayer*>::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = mQGisInterface->getLayerRegistry()->mapLayers().begin();
iter != mQGisInterface->getLayerRegistry()->mapLayers().end(); ++iter) {
if (iter->second->type() == QgsMapLayer::VECTOR) {
QgsVectorLayer* vLayer = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>(iter->second);
if (vLayer->providerType() == "gpx")
QgsGPSPluginGui *myPluginGui =
new QgsGPSPluginGui(mImporters, mDevices, gpxLayers, mMainWindowPointer,
"GPS Tools", true, 0);
//listen for when the layer has been made so we can draw it
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(drawRasterLayer(QString)),
this, SLOT(drawRasterLayer(QString)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(drawVectorLayer(QString,QString,QString)),
this, SLOT(drawVectorLayer(QString,QString,QString)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(loadGPXFile(QString, bool, bool, bool)),
this, SLOT(loadGPXFile(QString, bool, bool, bool)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(importGPSFile(QString, QgsBabelFormat*, bool,
bool, bool, QString, QString)),
this, SLOT(importGPSFile(QString, QgsBabelFormat*, bool, bool,
bool, QString, QString)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(downloadFromGPS(QString, QString, bool, bool,
bool, QString, QString)),
this, SLOT(downloadFromGPS(QString, QString, bool, bool, bool,
QString, QString)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(uploadToGPS(QgsVectorLayer*, QString, QString)),
this, SLOT(uploadToGPS(QgsVectorLayer*, QString, QString)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(closeGui()), myPluginGui, SLOT(close()));
void QgsGPSPlugin::createGPX() {
QString fileName =
QFileDialog::getSaveFileName("." , "GPS eXchange file (*.gpx)",
mMainWindowPointer, "OpenFileDialog",
"Save new GPX file as...");
if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName);
std::ofstream ofs((const char*)fileName);
if (!ofs) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Could not create file",
"Unable to create a GPX file with the given name. "
"Try again with another name or in another "
emit drawVectorLayer(fileName + "?type=track",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", tracks", "gpx");
emit drawVectorLayer(fileName + "?type=route",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", routes", "gpx");
emit drawVectorLayer(fileName + "?type=waypoint",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", waypoints", "gpx");
void QgsGPSPlugin::drawVectorLayer(QString thePathNameQString,
QString theBaseNameQString,
QString theProviderQString)
mQGisInterface->addVectorLayer(thePathNameQString, theBaseNameQString,
// Unload the plugin by cleaning up the GUI
void QgsGPSPlugin::unload()
// remove the GUI
delete mQActionPointer;
void QgsGPSPlugin::loadGPXFile(QString filename, bool loadWaypoints, bool loadRoutes,
bool loadTracks) {
//check if input file is readable
QFileInfo fileInfo(filename);
if (!fileInfo.isReadable()) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "GPX Loader",
"Unable to read the selected file.\n"
"Please reselect a valid file." );
// remember the directory
QSettings settings;
settings.writeEntry("/qgis/gps/gpxdirectory", fileInfo.dirPath());
// add the requested layers
if (loadTracks)
emit drawVectorLayer(filename + "?type=track",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", tracks", "gpx");
if (loadRoutes)
emit drawVectorLayer(filename + "?type=route",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", routes", "gpx");
if (loadWaypoints)
emit drawVectorLayer(filename + "?type=waypoint",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", waypoints", "gpx");
emit closeGui();
void QgsGPSPlugin::importGPSFile(QString inputFilename, QgsBabelFormat* importer,
bool importWaypoints, bool importRoutes,
bool importTracks, QString outputFilename,
QString layerName) {
// what features does the user want to import?
QString typeArg;
if (importWaypoints)
typeArg = "-w";
else if (importRoutes)
typeArg = "-r";
else if (importTracks)
typeArg = "-t";
// try to start the gpsbabel process
QStringList babelArgs =
importer->importCommand(mBabelPath, typeArg,
inputFilename, outputFilename);
QProcess babelProcess(babelArgs);
if (!babelProcess.start()) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Could not start process",
"Could not start GPSBabel!");
// wait for gpsbabel to finish (or the user to cancel)
QProgressDialog progressDialog("Importing data...", "Cancel", 0,
NULL, 0, true);
for (int i = 0; babelProcess.isRunning(); ++i) {
if (progressDialog.wasCancelled())
// did we get any data?
if (babelProcess.exitStatus() != 0) {
QString babelError(babelProcess.readStderr());
QString errorMsg(QString("Could not import data from %1!\n\n")
errorMsg += babelError;
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Error importing data", errorMsg);
// add the layer
if (importTracks)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=track",
layerName, "gpx");
if (importRoutes)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=route",
layerName, "gpx");
if (importWaypoints)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=waypoint",
layerName, "gpx");
emit closeGui();
void QgsGPSPlugin::downloadFromGPS(QString device, QString port,
bool downloadWaypoints, bool downloadRoutes,
bool downloadTracks, QString outputFilename,
QString layerName) {
// what does the user want to download?
QString typeArg, features;
if (downloadWaypoints) {
typeArg = "-w";
features = "waypoints";
else if (downloadRoutes) {
typeArg = "-r";
features = "routes";
else if (downloadTracks) {
typeArg = "-t";
features = "tracks";
// try to start the gpsbabel process
QStringList babelArgs =
mDevices[device]->importCommand(mBabelPath, typeArg,
port, outputFilename);
if (babelArgs.isEmpty()) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Not supported",
QString("This device does not support downloading "
"of ") + features + ".");
QProcess babelProcess(babelArgs);
if (!babelProcess.start()) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Could not start process",
"Could not start GPSBabel!");
// wait for gpsbabel to finish (or the user to cancel)
QProgressDialog progressDialog("Downloading data...", "Cancel", 0,
NULL, 0, true);
for (int i = 0; babelProcess.isRunning(); ++i) {
if (progressDialog.wasCancelled())
// did we get any data?
if (babelProcess.exitStatus() != 0) {
QString babelError(babelProcess.readStderr());
QString errorMsg("Could not download data from GPS!\n\n");
errorMsg += babelError;
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Error downloading data", errorMsg);
// add the layer
if (downloadWaypoints)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=waypoint",
layerName, "gpx");
if (downloadRoutes)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=route",
layerName, "gpx");
if (downloadTracks)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=track",
layerName, "gpx");
// everything was OK, remember the device and port for next time
QSettings settings;
settings.writeEntry("/qgis/gps/lastdldevice", device);
settings.writeEntry("/qgis/gps/lastdlport", port);
emit closeGui();
void QgsGPSPlugin::uploadToGPS(QgsVectorLayer* gpxLayer, QString device,
QString port) {
const QString& source(gpxLayer->getDataProvider()->getDataSourceUri());
// what kind of data does the user want to upload?
QString typeArg, features;
if (source.right(8) == "waypoint") {
typeArg = "-w";
features = "waypoints";
else if (source.right(5) == "route") {
typeArg = "-r";
features = "routes";
else if (source.right(5) == "track") {
typeArg = "-t";
features = "tracks";
else {
// try to start the gpsbabel process
QStringList babelArgs =
mDevices[device]->exportCommand(mBabelPath, typeArg,
source.left(source.findRev('?')), port);
if (babelArgs.isEmpty()) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Not supported",
QString("This device does not support uploading of ")+
features + ".");
QProcess babelProcess(babelArgs);
if (!babelProcess.start()) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Could not start process",
"Could not start GPSBabel!");
// wait for gpsbabel to finish (or the user to cancel)
QProgressDialog progressDialog("Uploading data...", "Cancel", 0,
NULL, 0, true);
for (int i = 0; babelProcess.isRunning(); ++i) {
if (progressDialog.wasCancelled())
// did we get an error?
if (babelProcess.exitStatus() != 0) {
QString babelError(babelProcess.readStderr());
QString errorMsg("Error while uploading data to GPS!\n\n");
errorMsg += babelError;
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Error uploading data", errorMsg);
// everything was OK, remember this device for next time
QSettings settings;
settings.writeEntry("/qgis/gps/lastuldevice", device);
settings.writeEntry("/qgis/gps/lastulport", port);
emit closeGui();
void QgsGPSPlugin::setupBabel() {
// where is gpsbabel?
QSettings settings;
mBabelPath = settings.readEntry("/qgis/gps/gpsbabelpath");
if (mBabelPath.isEmpty())
mBabelPath = "gpsbabel";
// the importable formats
mImporters["Geocaching.com .loc"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("geo", true, false, false);
mImporters["Magellan Mapsend"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("mapsend", true, true, true);
mImporters["Garmin PCX5"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("pcx", true, false, true);
mImporters["Garmin Mapsource"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("mapsource", true, true, true);
mImporters["GPSUtil"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("gpsutil", true, false, false);
mImporters["PocketStreets 2002/2003 Pushpin"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("psp", true, false, false);
mImporters["CoPilot Flight Planner"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("copilot", true, false, false);
mImporters["Magellan Navigator Companion"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("magnav", true, false, false);
mImporters["Holux"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("holux", true, false, false);
mImporters["Topo by National Geographic"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("tpg", true, false, false);
mImporters["TopoMapPro"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("tmpro", true, false, false);
mImporters["GeocachingDB"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("gcdb", true, false, false);
mImporters["Tiger"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("tiger", true, false, false);
mImporters["EasyGPS Binary Format"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("easygps", true, false, false);
mImporters["Delorme Routes"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("saroute", false, false, true);
mImporters["Navicache"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("navicache", true, false, false);
mImporters["PSITrex"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("psitrex", true, true, true);
mImporters["Delorme GPS Log"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("gpl", false, false, true);
mImporters["OziExplorer"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("ozi", true, false, false);
mImporters["NMEA Sentences"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("nmea", true, false, true);
mImporters["Delorme Street Atlas 2004 Plus"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("saplus", true, false, false);
mImporters["Microsoft Streets and Trips"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("s_and_t", true, false, false);
mImporters["NIMA/GNIS Geographic Names"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("nima", true, false, false);
mImporters["Maptech"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("mxf", true, false, false);
mImporters["Mapopolis.com Mapconverter Application"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("mapconverter", true, false, false);
mImporters["GPSman"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("gpsman", true, false, false);
mImporters["GPSDrive"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("gpsdrive", true, false, false);
mImporters["Fugawi"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("fugawi", true, false, false);
mImporters["DNA"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("dna", true, false, false);
// and the GPS devices
mDevices["Garmin serial"] =
new QgsGPSDevice("%babel -w -i garmin -o gpx %in %out",
"%babel -w -i gpx -o garmin %in %out",
"%babel -r -i garmin -o gpx %in %out",
"%babel -r -i gpx -o garmin %in %out",
"%babel -t -i garmin -o gpx %in %out",
"%babel -t -i gpx -o garmin %in %out");
QStringList deviceNames = settings.readListEntry("/qgis/gps/devicelist");
QStringList::iterator iter;
for (iter = deviceNames.begin(); iter != deviceNames.end(); ++iter) {
QString wptDownload = settings.
readEntry(QString("/qgis/gps/devices/%1/wptdownload").arg(*iter), "");
QString wptUpload = settings.
readEntry(QString("/qgis/gps/devices/%1/wptupload").arg(*iter), "");
QString rteDownload = settings.
readEntry(QString("/qgis/gps/devices/%1/rtedownload").arg(*iter), "");
QString rteUpload = settings.
readEntry(QString("/qgis/gps/devices/%1/rteupload").arg(*iter), "");
QString trkDownload = settings.
readEntry(QString("/qgis/gps/devices/%1/trkdownload").arg(*iter), "");
QString trkUpload = settings.
readEntry(QString("/qgis/gps/devices/%1/trkupload").arg(*iter), "");
mDevices[*iter] = new QgsGPSDevice(wptDownload, wptUpload,
rteDownload, rteUpload,
trkDownload, trkUpload);
* Required extern functions needed for every plugin
* These functions can be called prior to creating an instance
* of the plugin class
// Class factory to return a new instance of the plugin class
QGISEXTERN QgisPlugin * classFactory(QgisApp * theQGisAppPointer,
QgisIface * theQgisInterfacePointer)
return new QgsGPSPlugin(theQGisAppPointer, theQgisInterfacePointer);
// Return the name of the plugin - note that we do not user class members as
// the class may not yet be insantiated when this method is called.
QGISEXTERN QString name()
return name_;
// Return the description
QGISEXTERN QString description()
return description_;
// Return the type (either UI or MapLayer plugin)
QGISEXTERN int type()
return type_;
// Return the version number for the plugin
QGISEXTERN QString version()
return version_;
// Delete ourself
QGISEXTERN void unload(QgisPlugin * thePluginPointer)
delete thePluginPointer;