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1. QGIS Coding Standards
1.1. Classes
1.1.1. Names
1.1.2. Members
1.1.3. Accessor Functions
1.1.4. Functions
1.2. Qt Designer
1.2.1. Generated Classes
1.2.2. Dialogs
1.3. C++ Files
1.3.1. Names
1.3.2. Standard Header and License
1.3.3. CVS Keyword
1.4. Variable Names
1.5. Editing
1.5.1. Tabs
1.5.2. Indentation
1.5.3. Braces
1.6. Coding Style
1.6.1. Where-ever Possible Generalize Code
1.6.2. Prefer Having Constants First in Predicates
1.6.3. Whitespace Can Be Your Friend
1.6.4. Add Trailing Identifying Comments
1.6.5. Use Braces Even for Single Line Statements
1.6.6. Book recommendations
2. SVN Access
2.1. Accessing the Repository
2.2. Anonymous Access
2.3. QGIS documentation sources
2.4. Documentation
2.5. Development in branches
2.5.1. Purpose
2.5.2. Procedure
2.5.3. Creating a branch
2.5.4. Merge regularly from trunk to branch
2.6. Submitting Patches
2.6.1. Patch file naming
2.6.2. Create your patch in the top level QGIS source dir
2.6.3. Including non version controlled files in your patch
2.6.4. Getting your patch noticed
2.6.5. Due Diligence
2.7. Obtaining SVN Write Access
2.7.1. Procedure once you have access
3. Unit Testing
3.1. The QGIS testing framework - an overview
3.2. Creating a unit test
3.3. Adding your unit test to CMakeLists.txt
3.4. Building your unit test
3.5. Run your tests
4. Authors
1. QGIS Coding Standards
These standards should be followed by all QGIS developers.
1.1. Classes
1.1.1. Names
Class in QGIS begin with Qgs and are formed using mixed case.
1.1.2. Members
Class member names begin with a lower case m and are formed using mixed case.
All class members should be private.
Public class members are STRONGLY discouraged
1.1.3. Accessor Functions
Class member values should be obtained through accesssor functions. The function should be named without a get prefix. Accessor functions for the two private members above would be:
1.1.4. Functions
Function names begin with a lowercase letter and are formed using mixed case. The function name should convey something about the purpose of the function.
1.2. Qt Designer
1.2.1. Generated Classes
QGIS classes that are generated from Qt Designer (ui) files should have a Base suffix. This identifies the class as a generated base class.
1.2.2. Dialogs
All dialogs should implement the following:
* Tooltip help for all toolbar icons and other relevant widgets
* WhatsThis help for all widgets on the dialog
* An optional (though highly recommended) context sensitive Help button that directs the user to the appropriate help page by launching their web browser
1.3. C++ Files
1.3.1. Names
C++ implementation and header files should be have a .cpp and .h extension respectively.
Filename should be all lowercase and, in the case of classes, match the class name.
Class QgsFeatureAttribute source files are
qgsfeatureattribute.cpp and qgsfeatureattribute.h
1.3.2. Standard Header and License
Each source file should contain a header section patterned after the following example:
qgsfield.cpp - Describes a field in a layer or table
Date : 01-Jan-2004
Copyright : (C) 2004 by Gary E.Sherman
Email : sherman at mrcc.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
1.3.3. CVS Keyword
Each source file should contain the $Id$ keyword. This will be expanded by CVS to contain useful information about the file, revision, last committer, and date/time of last checkin.
Place the keyword right after the standard header/license that is found at the top of each source file:
/* $Id$ */
1.4. Variable Names
Variable names begin with a lower case letter and are formed using mixed case.
1.5. Editing
Any text editor/IDE can be used to edit QGIS code, providing the following requirements are met.
1.5.1. Tabs
Set your editor to emulate tabs with spaces. Tab spacing should be set to 2 spaces.
1.5.2. Indentation
Source code should be indented to improve readability. There is a .indent.pro file in the QGIS src directory that contains the switches to be used when indenting code using the GNU indent program. If you don't use GNU indent, you should emulate these settings.
1.5.3. Braces
Braces should start on the line following the expression:
if(foo == 1)
// do stuff
// do something else
1.6. Coding Style
Here are described some programming hints and tips that will hopefully reduce errors, development time, and maintenance.
1.6.1. Where-ever Possible Generalize Code
If you are cut-n-pasting code, or otherwise writing the same thing more than once, consider consolidating the code
into a single function.
This will:
* allow changes to be made in one location instead of in multiple places
* help prevent code bloat
* make it more difficult for multiple copies to evolve differences over time, thus making it harder to understand and
maintain for others
1.6.2. Prefer Having Constants First in Predicates
Prefer to put constants first in predicates.
"0 == value" instead of "value == 0"
This will help prevent programmers from accidentally using "=" when they meant to use "==", which can introduce very subtle
logic bugs. The compiler will generate an error if you accidentally use "=" instead of "==" for comparisons since constants
inherently cannot be assigned values.
1.6.3. Whitespace Can Be Your Friend
Adding spaces between operators, statements, and functions makes it easier for humans to parse code.
Which is easier to read, this:
if (!a&&b)
or this:
if ( ! a && b )
1.6.4. Add Trailing Identifying Comments
Adding comments at the end of function, struct and class implementations makes it easier to find them later.
Consider that you're at the bottom of a source file and need to find a very long function -- without these kinds of trailing
comments you will have to page up past the body of the function to find its name. Of course this is ok if you wanted to find
the beginning of the function; but what if you were interested at code near its end? You'd have to page up and then back down
again to the desired part.
void foo::bar()
// ... imagine a lot of code here
} // foo::bar()
1.6.5. Use Braces Even for Single Line Statements
Using braces for code in if/then blocks or similar code structures even for single line statements means that adding another
statement is less likely to generate broken code.
if (foo)
Adding code after bar() or baz() without adding enclosing braces would create broken code. Though most programmers would
naturally do that, some may forget to do so in haste.
So, prefer this:
if (foo)
1.6.6. Book recommendations
* Effective C++ (http://www.awprofessional.com/title/0321334876), Scott Meyers
* More Effective C++ (http://www.awprofessional.com/bookstore/product.asp?isbn=020163371X&rl=1), Scott Meyers
* Effective STL (http://www.awprofessional.com/title/0201749629), Scott Meyers
* Design Patterns (http://www.awprofessional.com/title/0201634988), GoF
2. SVN Access
This page describes how to get started using the QGIS Subversion repository
2.1. Accessing the Repository
To check out QGIS HEAD:
svn --username [your user name] co https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/trunk/qgis
2.2. Anonymous Access
You can use the following commands to perform an anonymous checkout from the QGIS Subversion repository.
Note we recommend checking out the trunk (unless you are a developer or really HAVE to have the latest
changes and dont mind lots of crashing!).
You must have a subversion client installed prior to checking out the code. See the Subversion website
for more information. The Links page contains a good selection of SVN clients for various platforms.
To check out a branch
svn co https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/branches/<branch name>
To check out SVN stable trunk:
svn co https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/trunk/qgis qgis_unstable
/!\ Note: If you are behind a proxy server, edit your ~/subversion/servers file to specify
your proxy settings first!
/!\ Note: In QGIS we keep our most stable code in trunk. Periodically we will tag a release
off trunk, and then continue stabilisation and selective incorporation of new features into trunk.
See the INSTALL file in the source tree for specific instructions on building development versions.
2.3. QGIS documentation sources
If you're interested in checking out Quantum GIS documentation sources:
svn co https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis_docs/trunk qgis_docs
You can also take a look at DocumentationWritersCorner for more information.
2.4. Documentation
The repository is organized as follows:
See the Subversion book http://svnbook.red-bean.com for information on becoming a SVN master.
2.5. Development in branches
2.5.1. Purpose
The complexity of the QGIS source code has increased considerably during the last years. Therefore it is hard
to anticipate the side effects that the addition of a feature will have. In the past, the QGIS project had very
long release cycles because it was a lot of work to reetablish the stability of the software system after new
features were added. To overcome these problems, QGIS switched to a development model where new features are
coded in svn branches first and merged to trunk (the main branch) when they are finished and stable. This section
describes the procedure for branching and merging in the QGIS project.
2.5.2. Procedure
* Initial announcement on mailing list
Before starting, make an announcement on the developer mailing list to see if another developer is
already working on the same feature. Also contact the technical advisor of the project steering committee
(PSC). If the new feature requires any changes to the QGIS architecture, a request for comment (RFC) is needed.
* Create a branch
Create a new svn branch for the development of the new feature (see UsingSubversion for the svn syntax). Now
you can start developing.
* Merge from trunk regularly
It is recommended to merge the changes in trunk to the branch on a regular basis. This makes it easier to merge
the branch back to trunk later.
* Documentation on wiki
It is also recommended to document the intended changes and the current status of the work on a wiki page.
* Testing before merging back to trunk
When you are finished with the new feature and happy with the stability, make an announcement on the developer list.
Before merging back, the changes will be tested by developers and users. Binary packages (especially for OsX and Windows)
will be generated to also involve non-developers. In trac, a new Component will be opened to file tickets against.
Once there are no remaining issues left, the technical advisor of the PSC merges the changes into trunk.
2.5.3. Creating a branch
We prefer that new feature developments happen out of trunk so that trunk remains in a
stable state. To create a branch use the following command:
svn copy https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/trunk/qgis https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/branches/qgis_newfeature
svn commit -m "New feature branch"
2.5.4. Merge regularly from trunk to branch
When working in a branch you should regularly merge trunk into it so that your branch does not diverge more
than necessary. In the top level dir of your branch, first type `svn info` to determine the revision
numbers of your branch which will produce output something like this:
timlinux@timlinux-desktop:~/dev/cpp/qgis_raster_transparency_branch$ svn info
Caminho: .
URL: https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/branches/raster_transparency_branch
Raiz do Repositório: https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis
UUID do repositório: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
Revisão: 6546
Tipo de Nó: diretório
Agendado: normal
Autor da Última Mudança: timlinux
Revisão da Última Mudança: 6495
Data da Última Mudança: 2007-02-02 09:29:47 -0200 (Sex, 02 Fev 2007)
Propriedades da Última Mudança: 2007-01-09 11:32:55 -0200 (Ter, 09 Jan 2007)
The second revision number shows the revision number of the start revision of your branch and the first the
current revision. You can do a dry run of the merge like this:
svn merge --dry-run -r 6495:6546 https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/trunk/qgis
After you are happy with the changes that will be made do the merge for real like this:
svn merge -r 6495:6546 https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/trunk/qgis
svn commit -m "Merged upstream changes from trunk to my branch"
2.6. Submitting Patches
There are a few guidelines that will help you to get your patches into QGIS easily, and help us
deal with the patches that are sent to use easily.
2.6.1. Patch file naming
If the patch is a fix for a specific bug, please name the file with the bug number in it e.g.
bug777fix.diff, and attach it to the original bug report in trac (https://svn.qgis.org/trac).
If the bug is an enhancement or new feature, its usually a good idea to create a ticket in
trac (https://svn.qgis.org/trac) first and then attach you
2.6.2. Create your patch in the top level QGIS source dir
This makes it easier for us to apply the patches since we don't need to navigate to a specific
place in the source tree to apply the patch. Also when I receive patches I usually evaluate them
using kompare, and having the patch from the top level dir makes this much easier. Below is an
example of you you can include multiple changed files into your patch from the top level directory:
cd qgis
svn diff src/ui/somefile.ui src/app/somefile2.cpp > bug872fix.diff
2.6.3. Including non version controlled files in your patch
If your improvements include new files that don't yet exist in the repository, you should indicate
to svn that they need to be added before generating your patch e.g.
cd qgis
svn add src/lib/somenewfile.cpp
svn diff > bug7887fix.diff
2.6.4. Getting your patch noticed
QGIS developers are busy folk. We do scan the incoming patches on bug reports but sometimes we miss things.
Don't be offended or alarmed. Try to identify a developer to help you - using the ["Project Organigram"] and
contact them asking them if they can look at your patch. If you dont get any response, you can escalate your
query to one of the Project Steering Committee members (contact details also available on the ["Project Organigram"]).
2.6.5. Due Diligence
QGIS is licensed under the GPL. You should make every effort to ensure you only submit patches which are
unencumbered by conflicting intellectual property rights. Also do not submit code that you are not happy to
have made available under the GPL.
2.7. Obtaining SVN Write Access
Write access to QGIS source tree is by invitation. Typically when a person submits several (there is no fixed
number here) substantial patches that demonstrate basic competance and understanding of C++ and QGIS coding
conventions, one of the PSC members or other existing developers can nominate that person to the PSC for granting
of write access. The nominator should give a basic promotional paragraph of why they think that person should gain
write access. In some cases we will grant write access to non C++ developers e.g. for translators and documentors.
In these cases, the person should still have demonstrated ability to submit patches and should ideally have submtted
several substantial patches that demonstrate their understanding of modifying the code base without breaking things, etc.
2.7.1. Procedure once you have access
Checkout the sources:
svn co https://svn.qgis.org/repos/qgis/trunk/qgis qgis
Build the sources (see INSTALL document for proper detailed instructions)
cd qgis
mkdir build
ccmake .. (set your preferred options)
make install (maybe you need to do with sudo / root perms)
Make your edits
cd ..
Make your changes in sources. Always check that everything compiles before making any commits.
Try to be aware of possible breakages your commits may cause for people building on other
platforms and with older / newer versions of libraries.
Add files (if you added any new files). The svn status command can be used to quickly see
if you have added new files.
svn status src/pluguns/grass/modules
Files listed with ? in front are not in SVN and possibly need to be added by you:
svn add src/pluguns/grass/modules/foo.xml
Commit your changes
svn commit src/pluguns/grass/modules/foo.xml
Your editor (as defined in $EDITOR environment variable) will appear and you should make a
comment at the top of the file (above the area that says 'dont change this'. Put a
descriptive comment and rather do several small commits if the changes across a number of
files are unrelated. Conversely we prefer you to group related changes into a single commit.
Save and close in your editor. The first time you do this, you should be prompted to
put in your username and password. Just use the same ones as your trac account.
3. Unit Testing
As of November 2007 we require all new features going into trunk to be accompanied with
a unit test. Initially we have limited this requirement to qgis_core, and we will extend
this requirement to other parts of the code base once people are familiar with the
procedures for unit testing explained in the sections that follow.
3.1. The QGIS testing framework - an overview
Unit testing is carried out using a combination of QTestLib (the Qt testing library) and
CTest (a framework for compiling and running tests as part of the CMake build process).
Lets take an overview of the process before I delve into the details:
* There is some code you want to test, e.g. a class or function. Extreme programming
advocates suggest that the code should not even be written yet when you start
building your tests, and then as you implement your code you can immediately validate
each new functional part you add with your test. In practive you will probably
need to write tests for pre-existing code in QGIS since we are starting with a testing
framework well after much application logic has already been implemented.
* You create a unit test. This happens under <QGIS Source Dir>/tests/src/core
in the case of the core lib. The test is basically a client that creates an instance
of a class and calls some methods on that class. It will check the return from each
method to make sure it matches the expected value. If any one of the calls fails,
the unit will fail.
* You include QtTestLib macros in your test class. This macro is processed by
the Qt meta object compiler (moc) and expands your test class into a runnable application.
* You add a section to the CMakeLists.txt in your tests directory that will
build your test.
* You ensure you have ENABLE_TESTING enabled in ccmake / cmakesetup. This
will ensure your tests actually get compiled when you type make.
* You optionally add test data to <QGIS Source Dir>/tests/testdata if your
test is data driven (e.g. needs to load a shapefile). These test data should be
as small as possible and wherever possible you should use the existing datasets
already there. Your tests should never modify this data in situ, but rather
may a temporary copy somewhere if needed.
* You compile your sources and install. Do this using normal make && (sudo)
make install procedure.
* You run your tests. This is normally done simply by doing make test
after the make install step, though I will explain other aproaches that offer more
fine grained control over running tests.
Right with that overview in mind, I will delve into a bit of detail. I've already
done much of the configuration for you in CMake and other places in the source tree
so all you need to do are the easy bits - writing unit tests!
3.2. Creating a unit test
Creating a unit test is easy - typically you will do this by just creating a
single .cpp file (not .h file is used) and implement all your test methods as
public methods that return void. I'll use a simple test class for QgsRasterLayer
throughout the section that follows to illustrate. By convention we will name our
test with the same name as the class they are testing but prefixed with 'Test'.
So our test implementation goes in a file called testqgsrasterlayer.cpp and
the class itself will be TestQgsRasterLayer. First we add our standard copyright
Date : Frida Nov 23 2007
Copyright : (C) 2007 by Tim Sutton
Email : tim@linfiniti.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
Next we use start our includes needed for the tests we plan to run. There is
one special include all tests should have:
#include <QtTest>
Beyond that you just continue implementing your class as per normal, pulling
in whatever headers you may need:
//Qt includes...
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QObject>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QDir>
//qgis includes...
#include <qgsrasterlayer.h>
#include <qgsrasterbandstats.h>
#include <qgsapplication.h>
Since we are combining both class declaration and implementation in a single
file the class declaration comes next. We start with our doxygen documentation.
Every test case should be properly documented. We use the doxygen ingroup
directive so that all the UnitTests appear as a module in the generated
Doxygen documentation. After that comes a short description of the unit test:
/** \ingroup UnitTests
* This is a unit test for the QgsRasterLayer class.
The class must inherit from QObject and include the Q_OBJECT macro.
class TestQgsRasterLayer: public QObject
All our test methods are implemented as private slots. The QtTest framework
will sequentially call each private slot method in the test class. There are
four 'special' methods which if implemented will be called at the start of
the unit test (initTestCase), at the end of the unit test (cleanupTestCase).
Before each test method is called, the init() method will be called and
after each test method is called the cleanup() method is called. These
methods are handy in that they allow you to allocate and cleanup resources
prior to running each test, and the test unit as a whole.
private slots:
// will be called before the first testfunction is executed.
void initTestCase();
// will be called after the last testfunction was executed.
void cleanupTestCase(){};
// will be called before each testfunction is executed.
void init(){};
// will be called after every testfunction.
void cleanup();
Then come your test methods, all of which should take no parameters and
should return void. The methods will be called in order of declaration.
I am implementing two methods here which illustrates to types of testing. In
the first case I want to generally test the various parts of the class are
working, I can use a functional testing approach. Once again, extreme
programmers would advocate writing these tests before implementing the
class. Then as you work your way through your class implementation you
iteratively run your unit tests. More and more test functions should complete
sucessfully as your class implementation work progresses, and when the whole
unit test passes, your new class is done and is now complete with a repeatable
way to validate it.
Typically your unit tests would only cover the public API of your
class, and normally you do not need to write tests for accessors and mutators.
If it should happen that an acccessor or mutator is not working as expected
you would normally implement a regression test to check for this (see
lower down).
// Functional Testing
/** Check if a raster is valid. */
void isValid();
// more functional tests here ...
Next we implement our regression tests. Regression tests should be
implemented to replicate the conditions of a particular bug. For example
I recently received a report by email that the cell count by rasters was
off by 1, throwing off all the statistics for the raster bands. I opened
a bug (ticket #832) and then created a regression test that replicated
the bug using a small test dataset (a 10x10 raster). Then I ran the test
and ran it, verifying that it did indeed fail (the cell count was 99
instead of 100). Then I went to fix the bug and reran the unit test and
the regression test passed. I committed the regression test along with
the bug fix. Now if anybody breakes this in the source code again in the
future, we can immediatly identify that the code has regressed. Better
yet before committing any changes in the future, running our tests will
ensure our changes dont have unexpected side effects - like breaking
existing functionality.
There is one more benifit to regression tests - they can save you time.
If you ever fixed a bug that involved making changes to the source,
and then running the application and performing a series of convoluted
steps to replicate the issue, it will be immediately apparent that
simply implementing your regression test before fixing the bug
will let you automate the testing for bug resolution in an efficient
To implement your regression test, you should follow the naming
convention of regression<TicketID> for your test functions. If no
trac ticket exists for the regression, you should create one first.
Using this approach allows the person running a failed regression
test easily go and find out more information.
// Regression Testing
/** This is our second test case...to check if a raster
reports its dimensions properly. It is a regression test
for ticket #832 which was fixed with change r7650.
void regression832();
// more regression tests go here ...
Finally in our test class declaration you can declare privately
any data members and helper methods your unit test may need. In our
case I will declare a QgsRasterLayer * which can be used by any
of our test methods. The raster layer will be created in the
initTestCase() function which is run before any other tests, and then
destroyed using cleanupTestCase() which is run after all tests. By
declaring helper methods (which may be called by various test
functions) privately, you can ensure that they wont be automatically
run by the QTest executeable that is created when we compile our test.
// Here we have any data structures that may need to
// be used in many test cases.
QgsRasterLayer * mpLayer;
That ends our class declaration. The implementation is simply
inlined in the same file lower down. First our init and cleanup functions:
void TestQgsRasterLayer::initTestCase()
// init QGIS's paths - true means that all path will be inited from prefix
QString qgisPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath ();
QgsApplication::setPrefixPath(qgisPath, TRUE);
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
QgsApplication::setPkgDataPath(qgisPath + "/../share/qgis");
//create some objects that will be used in all tests...
std::cout << "Prefix PATH: " << QgsApplication::prefixPath().toLocal8Bit().data() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Plugin PATH: " << QgsApplication::pluginPath().toLocal8Bit().data() << std::endl;
std::cout << "PkgData PATH: " << QgsApplication::pkgDataPath().toLocal8Bit().data() << std::endl;
std::cout << "User DB PATH: " << QgsApplication::qgisUserDbFilePath().toLocal8Bit().data() << std::endl;
//create a raster layer that will be used in all tests...
QString myFileName (TEST_DATA_DIR); //defined in CmakeLists.txt
myFileName = myFileName + QDir::separator() + "tenbytenraster.asc";
QFileInfo myRasterFileInfo ( myFileName );
mpLayer = new QgsRasterLayer ( myRasterFileInfo.filePath(),
myRasterFileInfo.completeBaseName() );
void TestQgsRasterLayer::cleanupTestCase()
delete mpLayer;
The above init function illustrates a couple of interesting things.
1. I needed to manually set the QGIS application data path so that
resources such as srs.db can be found properly.
2. Secondly, this is a data driven test so we needed to provide a
way to generically locate the 'tenbytenraster.asc file. This was
achieved by using the compiler define TEST_DATA_PATH. The
define is created in the CMakeLists.txt configuration file under
<QGIS Source Root>/tests/CMakeLists.txt and is available to all
QGIS unit tests. If you need test data for your test, commit it
under <QGIS Source Root>/tests/testdata. You should only commit
very small datasets here. If your test needs to modify the test
data, it should make a copy of if first.
Qt also provides some other interesting mechanisms for data driven
testing, so if you are interested to know more on the topic, consult
the Qt documentation.
Next lets look at our functional test. The isValid() test simply
checks the raster layer was correctly loaded in the initTestCase.
QVERIFY is a Qt macro that you can use to evaluate a test condition.
There are a few other use macros Qt provide for use in your tests
QCOMPARE ( actual, expected )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( dataIndex, comment, mode )
QFAIL ( message )
QFETCH ( type, name )
QSKIP ( description, mode )
QTEST ( actual, testElement )
QTEST_MAIN ( TestClass )
QVERIFY2 ( condition, message )
QVERIFY ( condition )
QWARN ( message )
Some of these macros are useful only when using the Qt framework
for data driven testing (see the Qt docs for more detail).
void TestQgsRasterLayer::isValid()
QVERIFY ( mpLayer->isValid() );
Normally your functional tests would cover all the range of
functionality of your classes public API where feasible. With our
functional tests out the way, we can look at our regression test example.
Since the issue in bug #832 is a misreported cell count, writing
our test if simply a matter of using QVERIFY to check that the
cell count meets the expected value:
void TestQgsRasterLayer::regression832()
QVERIFY ( mpLayer->getRasterXDim() == 10 );
QVERIFY ( mpLayer->getRasterYDim() == 10 );
// regression check for ticket #832
// note getRasterBandStats call is base 1
QVERIFY ( mpLayer->getRasterBandStats(1).elementCountInt == 100 );
With all the unit test functions implemented, there one final thing we
need to add to our test class:
#include "moc_testqgsrasterlayer.cxx"
The purpose of these two lines is to signal to Qt's moc that his is a
QtTest (it will generate a main method that in turn calls each test funtion.
The last line is the include for the MOC generated sources. You should
replace 'testqgsrasterlayer' with the name of your class in lower case.
3.3. Adding your unit test to CMakeLists.txt
Adding your unit test to the build system is simply a matter of editing
the CMakeLists.txt in the test directory, cloning one of the existing
test blocks, and then search and replacing your test class name into it.
For example:
# QgsRasterLayer test
SET(qgis_rasterlayertest_SRCS testqgsrasterlayer.cpp)
SET(qgis_rasterlayertest_MOC_CPPS testqgsrasterlayer.cpp)
QT4_WRAP_CPP(qgis_rasterlayertest_MOC_SRCS ${qgis_rasterlayertest_MOC_CPPS})
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(qgis_rasterlayertestmoc ALL DEPENDS ${qgis_rasterlayertest_MOC_SRCS})
ADD_EXECUTABLE(qgis_rasterlayertest ${qgis_rasterlayertest_SRCS})
ADD_DEPENDENCIES(qgis_rasterlayertest qgis_rasterlayertestmoc)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(qgis_rasterlayertest ${QT_LIBRARIES} qgis_core)
ADD_TEST(qgis_rasterlayertest ${QGIS_BIN_DIR}/qgis_rasterlayertest)
I'll run through these lines briefly to explain what they do, but if
you are not interested, just clone the block, search and replace e.g.
Lets look a little more in detail at the individual lines. First we
define the list of sources for our test. Since we have only one source file
(following the methodology I described above where class declaration and
definition are in the same file) its a simple statement:
SET(qgis_rasterlayertest_SRCS testqgsrasterlayer.cpp)
Since our test class needs to be run through the Qt meta object compiler (moc)
we need to provide a couple of lines to make that happen too:
SET(qgis_rasterlayertest_MOC_CPPS testqgsrasterlayer.cpp)
QT4_WRAP_CPP(qgis_rasterlayertest_MOC_SRCS ${qgis_rasterlayertest_MOC_CPPS})
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(qgis_rasterlayertestmoc ALL DEPENDS ${qgis_rasterlayertest_MOC_SRCS})
Next we tell cmake that it must make an executeable from the test class.
Remember in the previous section on the last line of the class implementation
I included the moc outputs directly into our test class, so that will
give it (among other things) a main method so the class can be
compiled as an executeable:
ADD_EXECUTABLE(qgis_rasterlayertest ${qgis_rasterlayertest_SRCS})
ADD_DEPENDENCIES(qgis_rasterlayertest qgis_rasterlayertestmoc)
Next we need to specify any library dependencies. At the moment classes
have been implemented with a catch-all QT_LIBRARIES dependency, but I will
be working to replace that with the specific Qt libraries that each class
needs only. Of course you also need to link to the relevant qgis
libraries as required by your unit test.
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(qgis_rasterlayertest ${QT_LIBRARIES} qgis_core)
Next I tell cmake to the same place as the qgis binaries itself. This
is something I plan to remove in the future so that the tests can
run directly from inside the source tree.
Finally here is where the best magic happens - we register the class with
ctest. If you recall in the overview I gave in the beginning of this
section we are using both QtTest and CTest together. To recap, QtTest adds a
main method to your test unit and handles calling your test methods within
the class. It also provides some macros like QVERIFY that you can use as
to test for failure of the tests using conditions. The output from
a QtTest unit test is an executeable which you can run from the command line.
However when you have a suite of tests and you want to run each executeable
in turn, and better yet integrate running tests into the build process,
the CTest is what we use. The next line registers the unit test with
CMake / CTest.
ADD_TEST(qgis_rasterlayertest ${QGIS_BIN_DIR}/qgis_rasterlayertest)
The last thing I should add is that if your test requires optional
parts of the build process (e.g. Postgresql support, GSL libs, GRASS etc.),
you should take care to enclose you test block inside a IF () block
in the CMakeLists.txt file.
3.4. Building your unit test
To build the unit test you need only to make sure that ENABLE_TESTS=true
in the cmake configuration. There are two ways to do this:
1. Run ccmake .. (cmakesetup .. under windows) and interactively set
the ENABLE_TESTS flag to ON.
1. Add a command line flag to cmake e.g. cmake -DENABLE_TESTS=true ..
Other than that, just build QGIS as per normal and the tests should build
3.5. Run your tests
The simplest way to run the tests is as part of your normal build process:
make && make install && make test
The make test command will invoke CTest which will run each test that
was registered using the ADD_TEST CMake directive described above. Typical
output from make test will look like this:
Running tests...
Start processing tests
Test project /Users/tim/dev/cpp/qgis/build
1/ 3 Testing qgis_applicationtest ***Exception: Other
2/ 3 Testing qgis_filewritertest *** Passed
3/ 3 Testing qgis_rasterlayertest *** Passed
0% tests passed, 3 tests failed out of 3
The following tests FAILED:
1 - qgis_applicationtest (OTHER_FAULT)
Errors while running CTest
make: *** [test] Error 8
If a test fails, you can use the ctest command to examine more
closely why it failed. User the -R option to specify a regex for
which tests you want to run and -V to get verbose output:
[build] ctest -R appl -V
Start processing tests
Test project /Users/tim/dev/cpp/qgis/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Changing directory into /Users/tim/dev/cpp/qgis/build/tests/src/core
1/ 3 Testing qgis_applicationtest
Test command: /Users/tim/dev/cpp/qgis/build/tests/src/core/qgis_applicationtest
********* Start testing of TestQgsApplication *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.3.0, Qt 4.3.0
PASS : TestQgsApplication::initTestCase()
Prefix PATH: /Users/tim/dev/cpp/qgis/build/tests/src/core/../
Plugin PATH: /Users/tim/dev/cpp/qgis/build/tests/src/core/..//lib/qgis
PkgData PATH: /Users/tim/dev/cpp/qgis/build/tests/src/core/..//share/qgis
User DB PATH: /Users/tim/.qgis/qgis.db
PASS : TestQgsApplication::getPaths()
Prefix PATH: /Users/tim/dev/cpp/qgis/build/tests/src/core/../
Plugin PATH: /Users/tim/dev/cpp/qgis/build/tests/src/core/..//lib/qgis
PkgData PATH: /Users/tim/dev/cpp/qgis/build/tests/src/core/..//share/qgis
User DB PATH: /Users/tim/.qgis/qgis.db
QDEBUG : TestQgsApplication::checkTheme() Checking if a theme icon exists:
QDEBUG : TestQgsApplication::checkTheme()
FAIL! : TestQgsApplication::checkTheme() '!myPixmap.isNull()' returned FALSE. ()
Loc: [/Users/tim/dev/cpp/qgis/tests/src/core/testqgsapplication.cpp(59)]
PASS : TestQgsApplication::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 3 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of TestQgsApplication *********
-- Process completed
0% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 1
The following tests FAILED:
1 - qgis_applicationtest (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
Well that concludes this section on writing unit tests in QGIS. We hope you
will get into the habit of writing test to test new functionality and to
check for regressions. Some aspects of the test system (in particular the
CMakeLists.txt parts) are still being worked on so that the testing framework
works in a truly platform way. I will update this document as things progress.
4. Authors
* Tim Sutton (author and editor)
* Gary Sherman
* Marco Hugentobler
Original pages from wiki to deprecate:
* http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/CodingGuidelines (./)
* http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/CodingStandards (./)
* http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/UsingSubversion (./)
* http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/DebuggingPlugins
* http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/DevelopmentInBranches (./)
* http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/SubmittingPatchesAndSvnAccess (./)