Alessandro Pasotti 930c3f8e45 Port makeFeaturesCompatible to C++
as: QgsVectorLayerUtils::makeFeaturesCompatible

With tests.
2018-09-25 08:17:14 +02:00

269 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Date : August 2012
Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya
Email : volayaf at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
__author__ = 'Victor Olaya'
__date__ = 'August 2012'
__copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya'
# This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive
__revision__ = '$Format:%H$'
import sys
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QCoreApplication
from qgis.core import (Qgis,
from processing.gui.Postprocessing import handleAlgorithmResults
from processing.tools import dataobjects
from qgis.utils import iface
def execute(alg, parameters, context=None, feedback=None):
"""Executes a given algorithm, showing its progress in the
progress object passed along.
Return true if everything went OK, false if the algorithm
could not be completed.
if feedback is None:
feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback()
if context is None:
context = dataobjects.createContext(feedback)
results, ok = alg.run(parameters, context, feedback)
return ok, results
except QgsProcessingException as e:
QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(sys.exc_info()[0]), 'Processing', Qgis.Critical)
if feedback is not None:
return False, {}
def execute_in_place_run(alg, active_layer, parameters, context=None, feedback=None, raise_exceptions=False):
"""Executes an algorithm modifying features in-place in the input layer.
The input layer must be editable or an exception is raised.
:param alg: algorithm to run
:type alg: QgsProcessingAlgorithm
:param active_layer: the editable layer
:type active_layer: QgsVectoLayer
:param parameters: parameters of the algorithm
:type parameters: dict
:param context: context, defaults to None
:param context: QgsProcessingContext, optional
:param feedback: feedback, defaults to None
:param feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback, optional
:raises QgsProcessingException: raised when the layer is not editable or the layer cannot be found in the current project
:return: a tuple with true if success and results
:rtype: tuple
if feedback is None:
feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback()
if context is None:
context = dataobjects.createContext(feedback)
if active_layer is None or not active_layer.isEditable():
raise QgsProcessingException(tr("Layer is not editable or layer is None."))
if not alg.supportInPlaceEdit(active_layer):
raise QgsProcessingException(tr("Selected algorithm and parameter configuration are not compatible with in-place modifications."))
parameters['OUTPUT'] = 'memory:'
new_feature_ids = []
req = QgsFeatureRequest(QgsExpression(r"$id < 0"))
# Checks whether the algorithm has a processFeature method
if hasattr(alg, 'processFeature'): # in-place feature editing
# Make a clone or it will crash the second time the dialog
# is opened and run
alg = alg.create()
if not alg.prepare(parameters, context, feedback):
raise QgsProcessingException(tr("Could not prepare selected algorithm."))
# Check again for compatibility after prepare
if not alg.supportInPlaceEdit(active_layer):
raise QgsProcessingException(tr("Selected algorithm and parameter configuration are not compatible with in-place modifications."))
field_idxs = range(len(active_layer.fields()))
feature_iterator = active_layer.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest(active_layer.selectedFeatureIds())) if parameters['INPUT'].selectedFeaturesOnly else active_layer.getFeatures()
for f in feature_iterator:
# need a deep copy, because python processFeature implementations may return
# a shallow copy from processFeature
input_feature = QgsFeature(f)
new_features = alg.processFeature(input_feature, context, feedback)
new_features = QgsVectorLayerUtils.makeFeaturesCompatible(new_features, active_layer)
if len(new_features) == 0:
elif len(new_features) == 1:
new_f = new_features[0]
if not f.geometry().equals(new_f.geometry()):
active_layer.changeGeometry(f.id(), new_f.geometry())
if f.attributes() != new_f.attributes():
active_layer.changeAttributeValues(f.id(), dict(zip(field_idxs, new_f.attributes())), dict(zip(field_idxs, f.attributes())))
# Get the new ids
old_ids = set([f.id() for f in active_layer.getFeatures(req)])
if not active_layer.addFeatures(new_features):
raise QgsProcessingException(tr("Error adding processed features back into the layer."))
new_ids = set([f.id() for f in active_layer.getFeatures(req)])
new_feature_ids += list(new_ids - old_ids)
results, ok = {}, True
else: # Traditional 'run' with delete and add features cycle
results, ok = alg.run(parameters, context, feedback)
if ok:
result_layer = QgsProcessingUtils.mapLayerFromString(results['OUTPUT'], context)
# TODO: check if features have changed before delete/add cycle
new_features = []
for f in result_layer.getFeatures():
makeFeaturesCompatible([f], active_layer))
# Get the new ids
old_ids = set([f.id() for f in active_layer.getFeatures(req)])
if not active_layer.addFeatures(new_features):
raise QgsProcessingException(tr("Error adding processed features back into the layer."))
new_ids = set([f.id() for f in active_layer.getFeatures(req)])
new_feature_ids += list(new_ids - old_ids)
if ok and new_feature_ids:
elif not ok:
return ok, results
except QgsProcessingException as e:
if raise_exceptions:
raise e
QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(sys.exc_info()[0]), 'Processing', Qgis.Critical)
if feedback is not None:
feedback.reportError(getattr(e, 'msg', str(e)))
return False, {}
def execute_in_place(alg, parameters, context=None, feedback=None):
"""Executes an algorithm modifying features in-place in the active layer.
The input layer must be editable or an exception is raised.
:param alg: algorithm to run
:type alg: QgsProcessingAlgorithm
:param parameters: parameters of the algorithm
:type parameters: dict
:param context: context, defaults to None
:param context: QgsProcessingContext, optional
:param feedback: feedback, defaults to None
:param feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback, optional
:raises QgsProcessingException: raised when the layer is not editable or the layer cannot be found in the current project
:return: a tuple with true if success and results
:rtype: tuple
parameters['INPUT'] = QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition(iface.activeLayer().id(), True)
ok, results = execute_in_place_run(alg, iface.activeLayer(), parameters, context=context, feedback=feedback)
if ok:
return ok, results
def executeIterating(alg, parameters, paramToIter, context, feedback):
# Generate all single-feature layers
parameter_definition = alg.parameterDefinition(paramToIter)
if not parameter_definition:
return False
iter_source = QgsProcessingParameters.parameterAsSource(parameter_definition, parameters, context)
sink_list = []
if iter_source.featureCount() == 0:
return False
total = 100.0 / iter_source.featureCount()
for current, feat in enumerate(iter_source.getFeatures()):
if feedback.isCanceled():
return False
sink, sink_id = QgsProcessingUtils.createFeatureSink('memory:', context, iter_source.fields(), iter_source.wkbType(), iter_source.sourceCrs())
sink.addFeature(feat, QgsFeatureSink.FastInsert)
del sink
feedback.setProgress(int(current * total))
# store output values to use them later as basenames for all outputs
outputs = {}
for out in alg.destinationParameterDefinitions():
outputs[out.name()] = parameters[out.name()]
# now run all the algorithms
for i, f in enumerate(sink_list):
if feedback.isCanceled():
return False
parameters[paramToIter] = f
for out in alg.destinationParameterDefinitions():
o = outputs[out.name()]
parameters[out.name()] = QgsProcessingUtils.generateIteratingDestination(o, i, context)
feedback.setProgressText(QCoreApplication.translate('AlgorithmExecutor', 'Executing iteration {0}/{1}').format(i, len(sink_list)))
feedback.setProgress(i * 100 / len(sink_list))
ret, results = execute(alg, parameters, context, feedback)
if not ret:
return False
handleAlgorithmResults(alg, context, feedback, False)
return True
def tr(string, context=''):
if context == '':
context = 'AlgorithmExecutor'
return QCoreApplication.translate(context, string)