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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# =============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2013 Christian Ledermann <christian.ledermann@gmail.com>
# Based on wms.py, which has the following copyright statement:
# Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 Sean C. Gillies
# Copyright (c) 2005 Nuxeo SARL <http://nuxeo.com>
# Authors : Sean Gillies <sgillies@frii.com>
# Julien Anguenot <ja@nuxeo.com>
# Contact email: sgillies@frii.com
# =============================================================================
# TMS as defined in:
# http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Tile_Map_Service_Specification
from etree import etree
from .util import openURL, testXMLValue
FORCE900913 = False
def force900913(epsg):
# http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/OSGEO-code-td3852851.html
# "EPSG:900913" = ["OSGEO:41001", "EPSG:3785", "EPSG:3857", "EPSG:54004"]
if FORCE900913 and epsg.upper() in ["OSGEO:41001", "EPSG:3785",
"EPSG:3857", "EPSG:54004"]:
return "EPSG:900913"
return epsg
class TileMapService(object):
"""Abstraction for OGC Tile Map Service (TMS).
Implements IWebMapService.
def __init__(self, url, version='1.0.0', xml=None,
username=None, password=None, parse_remote_metadata=False
self.url = url
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.version = version
self.services = None
self._capabilities = None
# Authentication handled by Reader
reader = TMSCapabilitiesReader(
self.version, url=self.url, un=self.username, pw=self.password
if xml: # read from stored xml
self._capabilities = reader.readString(xml)
else: # read from server
self._capabilities = reader.read(self.url)
# build metadata objects
def _getcapproperty(self):
if not self._capabilities:
reader = TMSCapabilitiesReader(
self.version, url=self.url, un=self.username, pw=self.password
self._capabilities = ServiceMetadata(reader.read(self.url))
return self._capabilities
def _buildMetadata(self, parse_remote_metadata=False):
''' set up capabilities metadata objects '''
if self._capabilities.attrib.get('version'):
self.version = self._capabilities.attrib.get('version')
self.identification=ServiceIdentification(self._capabilities, self.version)
tilemaps = self._capabilities.find('TileMaps')
if tilemaps is not None:
for tilemap in tilemaps.findall('TileMap'):
cm = ContentMetadata(tilemap, un=self.username, pw=self.password)
if cm.id:
if cm.id in self.contents:
raise KeyError('Content metadata for layer "%s" already exists' % cm.id)
self.contents[cm.id] = cm
def getServiceXML(self):
xml = None
if self._capabilities is not None:
xml = etree.tostring(self._capabilities)
return xml
def items(self, srs=None, profile=None):
'''supports dict-like items() access'''
if not srs and not profile:
for item in self.contents:
elif srs and profile:
for item in self.contents:
if (self.contents[item].srs == srs and
self.contents[item].profile == profile):
elif srs:
for item in self.contents:
if self.contents[item].srs == srs:
elif profile:
for item in self.contents:
if self.contents[item].profile == profile:
return items
def _gettilefromset(self, tilesets, x, y,z, ext):
for tileset in tilesets:
if tileset['order'] == z:
url = tileset['href'] + '/' + str(x) +'/' + str(y) + '.' + ext
u = openURL(url, '', username = self.username,
password = self.password)
return u
raise ValueError('cannot find zoomlevel %i for TileMap' % z)
def gettile(self, x,y,z, id=None, title=None, srs=None, mimetype=None):
if not id and not title and not srs:
raise ValueError('either id or title and srs must be specified')
if id:
return self._gettilefromset(self.contents[id].tilemap.tilesets,
x, y, z, self.contents[id].tilemap.extension)
elif title and srs:
for tm in self.contents.values():
if tm.title == title and tm.srs == srs:
if mimetype:
if tm.tilemap.mimetype == mimetype:
return self._gettilefromset(tm.tilemap.tilesets,
x, y, z, tm.tilemap.extension)
#if no format is given we return the tile from the
# first tilemap that matches name and srs
return self._gettilefromset(tm.tilemap.tilesets,
x, y,z, tm.tilemap.extension)
raise ValueError('cannot find %s with projection %s for zoomlevel %i'
%(title, srs, z) )
elif title or srs:
ValueError('both title and srs must be specified')
raise ValueError('''Specified Tile with id %s, title %s
projection %s format %s at zoomlevel %i cannot be found'''
%(id, title, srs, format, z))
class ServiceIdentification(object):
def __init__(self, infoset, version):
if self._root.tag != 'TileMapService':
raise ServiceException
self.version = version
self.title = testXMLValue(self._root.find('Title'))
self.abstract = testXMLValue(self._root.find('Abstract'))
self.keywords = []
f = self._root.find('KeywordList')
if f is not None:
self.keywords = f.text.split()
self.url = self._root.attrib.get('services')
class ContentMetadata(object):
Abstraction for TMS layer metadata.
def __str__(self):
return 'Layer Title: %s, URL: %s' % (self.title, self.id)
def __init__(self, elem, un=None, pw=None):
if elem.tag != 'TileMap':
raise ValueError('%s should be a TileMap' % (elem,))
self.id = elem.attrib['href']
self.title = elem.attrib['title']
self.srs = force900913(elem.attrib['srs'])
self.profile = elem.attrib['profile']
self.password = pw
self.username = pw
self._tile_map = None
self.type = elem.attrib.get('type')
def _get_tilemap(self):
if self._tile_map is None:
self._tile_map = TileMap(self.id, un=self.username, pw=self.password)
assert(self._tile_map.srs == self.srs)
return self._tile_map
def tilemap(self):
return self._get_tilemap()
def abstract(self):
return self._get_tilemap().abstract
def width(self):
return self._get_tilemap().width
def height(self):
return self._get_tilemap().height
def mimetype(self):
return self._get_tilemap().mimetype
def extension(self):
return self._get_tilemap().extension
def boundingBox(self):
return self._get_tilemap().boundingBox
def origin(self):
return self._get_tilemap().origin
class TileMap(object):
title = None
abstract = None
srs = None
boundingBox = None
origin = None
width = None
height = None
mimetype = None
extension = None
_element = None
version = None
tilemapservice = None
tilesets = None
profile = None
def __init__(self, url=None, xml=None, un=None, pw=None):
self.url = url
self.username = un
self.password = pw
self.tilesets = []
if xml and not url:
elif url:
def _parse(self, elem):
if elem.tag != 'TileMap':
raise ValueError('%s should be a TileMap' % (elem,))
self._element = elem
self.version = elem.attrib.get('version')
self.tilemapservice = elem.attrib.get('tilemapservice')
self.title = testXMLValue(elem.find('Title'))
self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find('Abstract'))
self.srs = force900913(testXMLValue(elem.find('SRS')))
bbox = elem.find('BoundingBox')
self.boundingBox = (float(bbox.attrib['minx']),
origin = elem.find('Origin')
self.origin = (float(origin.attrib['x']), float(origin.attrib['y']))
tf = elem.find('TileFormat')
self.width = int(tf.attrib['width'])
self.height = int(tf.attrib['height'])
self.mimetype = tf.attrib['mime-type']
self.extension = tf.attrib['extension']
ts = elem.find('TileSets')
if ts is not None:
self.profile = ts.attrib.get('profile')
tilesets = ts.findall('TileSet')
for tileset in tilesets:
href = tileset.attrib['href']
upp = float(tileset.attrib['units-per-pixel'])
order = int(tileset.attrib['order'])
'href': href,
'units-per-pixel': upp,
'order': order})
def read(self, url):
u = openURL(url, '', method='Get', username = self.username, password = self.password)
def readString(self, st):
if not isinstance(st, str):
raise ValueError("String must be of type string, not %s" % type(st))
class TMSCapabilitiesReader(object):
"""Read and parse capabilities document into a lxml.etree infoset
def __init__(self, version='1.0.0', url=None, un=None, pw=None):
self.version = version
self._infoset = None
self.url = url
self.username = un
self.password = pw
def read(self, service_url):
"""Get and parse a TMS capabilities document, returning an
elementtree instance
u = openURL(service_url, '', method='Get', username = self.username, password = self.password)
return etree.fromstring(u.read())
def readString(self, st):
"""Parse a TMS capabilities document, returning an elementtree instance
string should be an XML capabilities document
if not isinstance(st, str):
raise ValueError("String must be of type string, not %s" % type(st))
return etree.fromstring(st)