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synced 2025-03-28 00:04:04 -04:00
instead of adding an extra CMakeLists in .ci/travis/code_layout to build API doc, astyle and run tests (indentation, spelling, sip, doc coverage), the top CMakeLists has been adapted to allow not building core libraries and possibly just the static code layout * astyle has been moved from /src/astyle to /lib/astyle (I would propose to move all external libraries, and possibly add git submodules)
1093 lines
59 KiB
Executable File
1093 lines
59 KiB
Executable File
// ASLocalizer.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2017 by Jim Pattee <jimp03@email.com>.
// This code is licensed under the MIT License.
// License.md describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
// File encoding for this file is UTF-8 WITHOUT a byte order mark (BOM).
// русский 中文(简体) 日本語 한국의
// Windows:
// Add the required "Language" to the system.
// The settings do NOT need to be changed to the added language.
// Change the "Region" settings.
// Change both the "Format" and the "Current Language..." settings.
// A restart is required if the codepage has changed.
// Windows problems:
// Hindi - no available locale, language pack removed
// Japanese - language pack install error
// Ukranian - displays a ? instead of i
// Linux:
// Change the LANG environment variable: LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8.
// setlocale() will use the LANG environment variable on Linux.
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* To add a new language to this source module:
* Add a new translation class to ASLocalizer.h.
* Update the WinLangCode array in ASLocalizer.cpp.
* Add the language code to setTranslationClass() in ASLocalizer.cpp.
* Add the English-Translation pair to the constructor in ASLocalizer.cpp.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// headers
#include "ASLocalizer.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef __VMS
#define __USE_STD_IOSTREAM 1
#include <assert>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <clocale> // needed by some compilers
#include <cstdlib>
#include <typeinfo>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // secure version deprecation warnings
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma warn -8104 // Local Static with constructor dangerous for multi-threaded apps
#pragma warning(disable: 383) // value copied to temporary, reference to temporary used
#pragma warning(disable: 981) // operands are evaluated in unspecified order
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" // wcstombs
namespace astyle {
#ifndef ASTYLE_LIB
// ASLocalizer class methods.
// Set the locale information.
// set language default values to english (ascii)
// this will be used if a locale or a language cannot be found
m_localeName = "UNKNOWN";
m_langID = "en";
m_lcid = 0;
m_translation = nullptr;
// Not all compilers support the C++ function locale::global(locale(""));
char* localeName = setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
if (localeName == nullptr) // use the english (ascii) defaults
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n\n", "Cannot set native locale, reverting to English");
// set the class variables
#ifdef _WIN32
size_t lcid = GetUserDefaultLCID();
// Delete dynamically allocated memory.
delete m_translation;
#ifdef _WIN32
struct WinLangCode
size_t winLang;
char canonicalLang[3];
static WinLangCode wlc[] =
// primary language identifier http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa912554.aspx
// sublanguage identifier http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa913256.aspx
// language ID http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee797784%28v=cs.20%29.aspx
{ LANG_BULGARIAN, "bg" }, // bg-BG 1251
{ LANG_CHINESE, "zh" }, // zh-CHS, zh-CHT
{ LANG_DUTCH, "nl" }, // nl-NL 1252
{ LANG_ENGLISH, "en" }, // en-US 1252
{ LANG_ESTONIAN, "et" }, // et-EE
{ LANG_FINNISH, "fi" }, // fi-FI 1252
{ LANG_FRENCH, "fr" }, // fr-FR 1252
{ LANG_GERMAN, "de" }, // de-DE 1252
{ LANG_GREEK, "el" }, // el-GR 1253
{ LANG_HINDI, "hi" }, // hi-IN
{ LANG_HUNGARIAN, "hu" }, // hu-HU 1250
{ LANG_ITALIAN, "it" }, // it-IT 1252
{ LANG_JAPANESE, "ja" }, // ja-JP
{ LANG_KOREAN, "ko" }, // ko-KR
{ LANG_NORWEGIAN, "nn" }, // nn-NO 1252
{ LANG_POLISH, "pl" }, // pl-PL 1250
{ LANG_PORTUGUESE, "pt" }, // pt-PT 1252
{ LANG_ROMANIAN, "ro" }, // ro-RO 1250
{ LANG_RUSSIAN, "ru" }, // ru-RU 1251
{ LANG_SPANISH, "es" }, // es-ES 1252
{ LANG_SWEDISH, "sv" }, // sv-SE 1252
{ LANG_UKRAINIAN, "uk" }, // uk-UA 1251
void ASLocalizer::setLanguageFromLCID(size_t lcid)
// Windows get the language to use from the user locale.
// NOTE: GetUserDefaultLocaleName() gets nearly the same name as Linux.
// But it needs Windows Vista or higher.
// Same with LCIDToLocaleName().
m_lcid = lcid;
m_langID = "en"; // default to english
size_t sublang = SUBLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(m_lcid));
// find language in the wlc table
size_t count = sizeof(wlc) / sizeof(wlc[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (wlc[i].winLang == lang)
m_langID = wlc[i].canonicalLang;
if (m_langID == "zh")
m_subLangID = "CHS";
m_subLangID = "CHT"; // default
#endif // _win32
string ASLocalizer::getLanguageID() const
// Returns the language ID in m_langID.
return m_langID;
const Translation* ASLocalizer::getTranslationClass() const
// Returns the name of the translation class in m_translation. Used for testing.
return m_translation;
void ASLocalizer::setLanguageFromName(const char* langID)
// Linux set the language to use from the langID.
// the language string has the following form
// lang[_LANG][.encoding][@modifier]
// (see environ(5) in the Open Unix specification)
// where lang is the primary language, LANG is a sublang/territory,
// encoding is the charset to use and modifier "allows the user to select
// a specific instance of localization data within a single category"
// for example, the following strings are valid:
// fr
// fr_FR
// de_DE.iso88591
// de_DE@euro
// de_DE.iso88591@euro
// the constants describing the format of lang_LANG locale string
m_lcid = 0;
string langStr = langID;
m_langID = langStr.substr(0, 2);
// need the sublang for chinese
if (m_langID == "zh" && langStr[2] == '_')
string subLang = langStr.substr(3, 2);
if (subLang == "CN" || subLang == "SG")
m_subLangID = "CHS";
m_subLangID = "CHT"; // default
const char* ASLocalizer::settext(const char* textIn) const
// Call the settext class and return the value.
const string stringIn = textIn;
return m_translation->translate(stringIn).c_str();
void ASLocalizer::setTranslationClass()
// Return the required translation class.
// Sets the class variable m_translation from the value of m_langID.
// Get the language ID at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee797784%28v=cs.20%29.aspx
// delete previously set (--ascii option)
if (m_translation != nullptr)
delete m_translation;
m_translation = nullptr;
if (m_langID == "bg")
m_translation = new Bulgarian;
else if (m_langID == "zh" && m_subLangID == "CHS")
m_translation = new ChineseSimplified;
else if (m_langID == "zh" && m_subLangID == "CHT")
m_translation = new ChineseTraditional;
else if (m_langID == "nl")
m_translation = new Dutch;
else if (m_langID == "en")
m_translation = new English;
else if (m_langID == "et")
m_translation = new Estonian;
else if (m_langID == "fi")
m_translation = new Finnish;
else if (m_langID == "fr")
m_translation = new French;
else if (m_langID == "de")
m_translation = new German;
else if (m_langID == "el")
m_translation = new Greek;
else if (m_langID == "hi")
m_translation = new Hindi;
else if (m_langID == "hu")
m_translation = new Hungarian;
else if (m_langID == "it")
m_translation = new Italian;
else if (m_langID == "ja")
m_translation = new Japanese;
else if (m_langID == "ko")
m_translation = new Korean;
else if (m_langID == "nn")
m_translation = new Norwegian;
else if (m_langID == "pl")
m_translation = new Polish;
else if (m_langID == "pt")
m_translation = new Portuguese;
else if (m_langID == "ro")
m_translation = new Romanian;
else if (m_langID == "ru")
m_translation = new Russian;
else if (m_langID == "es")
m_translation = new Spanish;
else if (m_langID == "sv")
m_translation = new Swedish;
else if (m_langID == "uk")
m_translation = new Ukrainian;
else // default
m_translation = new English;
// Translation base class methods.
void Translation::addPair(const string& english, const wstring& translated)
// Add a string pair to the translation vector.
pair<string, wstring> entry(english, translated);
string Translation::convertToMultiByte(const wstring& wideStr) const
// Convert wchar_t to a multibyte string using the currently assigned locale.
// Return an empty string if an error occurs.
static bool msgDisplayed = false;
// get length of the output excluding the nullptr and validate the parameters
size_t mbLen = wcstombs(nullptr, wideStr.c_str(), 0);
if (mbLen == string::npos)
if (!msgDisplayed)
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n\n", "Cannot convert to multi-byte string, reverting to English");
msgDisplayed = true;
return "";
// convert the characters
char* mbStr = new (nothrow) char[mbLen + 1];
if (mbStr == nullptr)
if (!msgDisplayed)
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n\n", "Bad memory alloc for multi-byte string, reverting to English");
msgDisplayed = true;
return "";
wcstombs(mbStr, wideStr.c_str(), mbLen + 1);
// return the string
string mbTranslation = mbStr;
delete[] mbStr;
return mbTranslation;
size_t Translation::getTranslationVectorSize() const
// Return the translation vector size. Used for testing.
return m_translation.size();
bool Translation::getWideTranslation(const string& stringIn, wstring& wideOut) const
// Get the wide translation string. Used for testing.
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_translation.size(); i++)
if (m_translation[i].first == stringIn)
wideOut = m_translation[i].second;
return true;
// not found
wideOut = L"";
return false;
string& Translation::translate(const string& stringIn) const
// Translate a string.
// Return a mutable string so the method can have a "const" designation.
// This allows "settext" to be called from a "const" method.
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_translation.size(); i++)
if (m_translation[i].first == stringIn)
m_mbTranslation = convertToMultiByte(m_translation[i].second);
// not found, return english
if (m_mbTranslation.empty())
m_mbTranslation = stringIn;
return m_mbTranslation;
// Translation class methods.
// These classes have only a constructor which builds the language vector.
Bulgarian::Bulgarian() // български
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Форматиран %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Непроменен %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"директория %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Изключвам %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Изключване (несравнимо) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s форматиран %s hепроменен ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" секунди ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d мин %d сек ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s линии\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Използване на файла възможности по подразбиране %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Откриване HTML документация %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Невалидни опции опция файлове:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Невалидни опции за командния ред:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"За помощ относно възможностите тип 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Не може да се отвори файл опции");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Не може да се отвори директория");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Не може да се отвори HTML файл %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Command изпълни недостатъчност");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Command не е инсталиран");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Липсва името на файла в %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Рекурсивно опция, без маска");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Знаете ли намерение да цитирам името на файла");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Не файл за обработка %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Знаете ли възнамерявате да използвате --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Не може да са UTF-32 кодиране");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style е прекратено");
ChineseSimplified::ChineseSimplified() // 中文(简体)
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"格式化 %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"未改变 %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"目录 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"排除 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"排除(无匹配项) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s 格式化 %s 未改变 ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" 秒 ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d 分 %d 秒 ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s 行\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"使用默认配置文件 %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"打开HTML文档 %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"无效的配置文件选项:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"无效的命令行选项:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"输入 'astyle -h' 以获得有关命令行的帮助");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"无法打开配置文件");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"无法打开目录");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"无法打开HTML文件 %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"执行命令失败");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"未安装命令");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"在%s缺少文件名\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"递归选项没有通配符");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"你打算引用文件名");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"没有文件可处理 %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"你打算使用 --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"不能处理UTF-32编码");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style 已经终止运行");
ChineseTraditional::ChineseTraditional() // 中文(繁體)
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"格式化 %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"未改變 %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"目錄 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"排除 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"排除(無匹配項) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s 格式化 %s 未改變 ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" 秒 ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d 分 %d 秒 ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s 行\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"使用默認配置文件 %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"打開HTML文檔 %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"無效的配置文件選項:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"無效的命令行選項:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"輸入'astyle -h'以獲得有關命令行的幫助:");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"無法打開配置文件");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"無法打開目錄");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"無法打開HTML文件 %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"執行命令失敗");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"未安裝命令");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"在%s缺少文件名\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"遞歸選項沒有通配符");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"你打算引用文件名");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"沒有文件可處理 %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"你打算使用 --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"不能處理UTF-32編碼");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style 已經終止運行");
Dutch::Dutch() // Nederlandse
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Geformatteerd %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Onveranderd %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Directory %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Uitsluiten %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Uitgesloten (ongeëvenaarde) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s geformatteerd %s onveranderd ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" seconden ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sec ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s lijnen\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Met behulp van standaard opties bestand %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Het openen van HTML-documentatie %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Ongeldige optie file opties:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Ongeldige command line opties:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Voor hulp bij 'astyle-h' opties het type");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Kan niet worden geopend options bestand");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Kan niet open directory");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Kan HTML-bestand niet openen %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Voeren commando falen");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Command is niet geïnstalleerd");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Ontbrekende bestandsnaam in %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Recursieve optie met geen wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Heeft u van plan citaat van de bestandsnaam");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Geen bestand te verwerken %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Hebt u van plan bent te gebruiken --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Kan niet verwerken UTF-32 codering");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style heeft beëindigd");
// this class is NOT translated
Estonian::Estonian() // Eesti
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formaadis %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Muutumatu %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Kataloog %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Välista %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Välista (tasakaalustamata) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formaadis %s muutumatu ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekundit ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s read\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Kasutades selliseid vaikimisi valikuid faili %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Avamine HTML dokumentatsioon %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Vale valik faili võimalusi:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Vale käsureavõtmetega:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Abiks võimaluste tüüp 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Ei saa avada võimalusi faili");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Ei saa avada kataloogi");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Ei saa avada HTML-faili %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Käsk täita rike");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Käsk ei ole paigaldatud");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Kadunud failinimi %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekursiivne võimalus ilma metamärgi");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Kas te kavatsete tsiteerida failinimi");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"No faili töötlema %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Kas te kavatsete kasutada --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Ei saa töödelda UTF-32 kodeeringus");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style on lõpetatud");
Finnish::Finnish() // Suomeksi
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Muotoiltu %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Ennallaan %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Directory %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Sulkea %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Sulkea (verraton) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s muotoiltu %s ennallaan ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekuntia ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linjat\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Käyttämällä oletusasetuksia tiedosto %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Avaaminen HTML asiakirjat %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Virheellinen vaihtoehto tiedosto vaihtoehtoja:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Virheellinen komentorivin:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Apua vaihtoehdoista tyyppi 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Ei voi avata vaihtoehtoja tiedostoa");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Ei Open Directory");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Ei voi avata HTML-tiedoston %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Suorita komento vika");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Komento ei ole asennettu");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Puuttuvat tiedostonimi %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekursiivinen vaihtoehto ilman wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Oletko aio lainata tiedostonimi");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Ei tiedostoa käsitellä %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Oliko aiot käyttää --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Ei voi käsitellä UTF-32 koodausta");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style on päättynyt");
French::French() // Française
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formaté %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Inchangée %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Répertoire %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Exclure %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Exclure (non appariés) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formaté %s inchangée ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" seconde ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sec ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s lignes\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Options par défaut utilisation du fichier %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Ouverture documentation HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Options Blancs option du fichier:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Blancs options ligne de commande:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Pour de l'aide sur les options tapez 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier d'options");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Impossible d'ouvrir le répertoire");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Exécuter échec de la commande");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Commande n'est pas installé");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Nom de fichier manquant dans %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Option récursive sans joker");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Avez-vous l'intention de citer le nom de fichier");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Aucun fichier à traiter %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Avez-vous l'intention d'utiliser --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Impossible de traiter codage UTF-32");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style a mis fin");
German::German() // Deutsch
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formatiert %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Unverändert %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Verzeichnis %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Ausschließen %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Ausschließen (unerreichte) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formatiert %s unverändert ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekunden ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linien\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Mit Standard-Optionen Dat %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Öffnen HTML-Dokumentation %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Ungültige Option Datei-Optionen:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Ungültige Kommandozeilen-Optionen:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Für Hilfe zu den Optionen geben Sie 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Kann nicht geöffnet werden Optionsdatei");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Kann nicht geöffnet werden Verzeichnis");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Kann nicht öffnen HTML-Datei %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Execute Befehl Scheitern");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Befehl ist nicht installiert");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Missing in %s Dateiname\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekursive Option ohne Wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Haben Sie die Absicht Inhalte der Dateiname");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Keine Datei zu verarbeiten %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Haben Sie verwenden möchten --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Nicht verarbeiten kann UTF-32 Codierung");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style ist beendet");
Greek::Greek() // ελληνικά
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Διαμορφωμένη %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Αμετάβλητος %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Κατάλογος %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Αποκλείω %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Ausschließen (unerreichte) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s σχηματοποιημένη %s αμετάβλητες ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" δευτερόλεπτα ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d λεπ %d δευ ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s γραμμές\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Χρησιμοποιώντας το αρχείο προεπιλεγμένες επιλογές %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Εγκαίνια έγγραφα HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Μη έγκυρες επιλογές αρχείου επιλογή:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Μη έγκυρη επιλογές γραμμής εντολών:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Για βοήθεια σχετικά με το είδος επιλογές 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Δεν μπορείτε να ανοίξετε το αρχείο επιλογών");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Δεν μπορείτε να ανοίξετε τον κατάλογο");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Δεν μπορείτε να ανοίξετε το αρχείο HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Εντολή να εκτελέσει την αποτυχία");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Η εντολή δεν έχει εγκατασταθεί");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Λείπει το όνομα αρχείου σε %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Αναδρομικές επιλογή χωρίς μπαλαντέρ");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Μήπως σκοπεύετε να αναφέρετε το όνομα του αρχείου");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Δεν υπάρχει αρχείο για την επεξεργασία %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Μήπως σκοπεύετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"δεν μπορεί να επεξεργαστεί UTF-32 κωδικοποίηση");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style έχει λήξει");
Hindi::Hindi() // हिन्दी
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
// NOTE: Scintilla based editors (CodeBlocks) cannot always edit Hindi.
// Use Visual Studio instead.
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"स्वरूपित किया %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"अपरिवर्तित %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"निर्देशिका %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"निकालना %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"अपवर्जित (बेजोड़) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s स्वरूपित किया %s अपरिवर्तित ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" सेकंड ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d मिनट %d सेकंड ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s लाइनों\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"डिफ़ॉल्ट विकल्प का उपयोग कर फ़ाइल %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"एचटीएमएल प्रलेखन खोलना %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"अवैध विकल्प फ़ाइल विकल्प हैं:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"कमांड लाइन विकल्प अवैध:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"विकल्पों पर मदद के लिए प्रकार 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"विकल्प फ़ाइल नहीं खोल सकता है");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"निर्देशिका नहीं खोल सकता");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"HTML फ़ाइल नहीं खोल सकता %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"आदेश विफलता निष्पादित");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"कमान स्थापित नहीं है");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"लापता में फ़ाइलनाम %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"कोई वाइल्डकार्ड साथ पुनरावर्ती विकल्प");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"क्या आप बोली फ़ाइलनाम का इरादा");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"कोई फ़ाइल %s प्रक्रिया के लिए\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"क्या आप उपयोग करना चाहते हैं --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"UTF-32 कूटबन्धन प्रक्रिया नहीं कर सकते");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style समाप्त किया है");
Hungarian::Hungarian() // Magyar
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formázott %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Változatlan %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Címjegyzék %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Kizár %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Escludere (senza pari) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formázott %s változatlan ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" másodperc ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d jeg %d más ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s vonalak\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Az alapértelmezett beállítások fájl %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Nyitó HTML dokumentáció %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Érvénytelen opció fájlbeállítást:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Érvénytelen parancssori opciók:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Ha segítségre van lehetőség típus 'astyle-h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Nem lehet megnyitni beállítási fájlban");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Nem lehet megnyitni könyvtár");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Nem lehet megnyitni a HTML fájlt %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Command végre hiba");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Parancs nincs telepítve");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Hiányzó fájlnév %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekurzív kapcsolót nem wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Esetleg kívánja idézni a fájlnév");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Nincs fájl feldolgozása %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Esetleg a használni kívánt --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Nem tudja feldolgozni UTF-32 kódolással");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style megszűnt");
Italian::Italian() // Italiano
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formattata %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Immutato %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Elenco %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Escludere %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Escludere (senza pari) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s ormattata %s immutato ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" secondo ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d seg ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linee\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Utilizzando file delle opzioni di default %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Apertura di documenti HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Opzione non valida file delle opzioni:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Opzioni della riga di comando non valido:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Per informazioni sulle opzioni di tipo 'astyle-h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Impossibile aprire il file opzioni");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Impossibile aprire la directory");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Impossibile aprire il file HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Esegui fallimento comando");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Il comando non è installato");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Nome del file mancante in %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Opzione ricorsiva senza jolly");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Avete intenzione citare il nome del file");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Nessun file al processo %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Hai intenzione di utilizzare --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Non è possibile processo di codifica UTF-32");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style ha terminato");
Japanese::Japanese() // 日本語
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"フォーマット済みの %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"変わりません %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"ディレクトリ %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"除外する %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"除外する(一致しません) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s フフォーマット済みの %s 変わりません ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" 秒 ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d 分 %d 秒 ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s ライン\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"デフォルトのオプションファイルを使用して、 %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"オープニングHTMLドキュメント %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"無効なオプションファイルのオプション:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"無効なコマンドラインオプション:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"コオプションの種類のヘルプについて'astyle- h'を入力してください");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"オプションファイルを開くことができません");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"ディレクトリを開くことができません。");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"HTMLファイルを開くことができません %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"コマンドが失敗を実行します");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"コマンドがインストールされていません");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"%s で、ファイル名がありません\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"無ワイルドカードを使用して再帰的なオプション");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"あなたはファイル名を引用するつもりでした");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"いいえファイルは処理しないように %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"あなたは--recursive使用するつもりでした");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"UTF - 32エンコーディングを処理できません");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style 終了しました");
Korean::Korean() // 한국의
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"수정됨 %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"변경없음 %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"디렉토리 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"제외됨 %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"제외 (NO 일치) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s 수정됨 %s 변경없음 ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" 초 ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d 분 %d 초 ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s 라인\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"기본 구성 파일을 사용 %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"HTML 문서를 열기 %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"잘못된 구성 파일 옵션 :");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"잘못된 명령줄 옵션 :");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"도움말을 보려면 옵션 유형 'astyle - H'를 사용합니다");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"구성 파일을 열 수 없습니다");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"디렉토리를 열지 못했습니다");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"HTML 파일을 열 수 없습니다 %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"명령 실패를 실행");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"명령이 설치되어 있지 않습니다");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"%s 에서 누락된 파일 이름\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"와일드 카드없이 재귀 옵션");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"당신은 파일 이름을 인용하고자하나요");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"처리할 파일이 없습니다 %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"--recursive 를 사용하고자 하십니까");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"UTF-32 인코딩을 처리할 수 없습니다");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style를 종료합니다");
Norwegian::Norwegian() // Norsk
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formatert %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Uendret %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Katalog %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Ekskluder %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Ekskluder (uovertruffen) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formatert %s uendret ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekunder ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek? ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linjer\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Ved hjelp av standardalternativer fil %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Åpning HTML dokumentasjon %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Ugyldige alternativ filalternativer:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Kommandolinjevalg Ugyldige:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"For hjelp til alternativer type 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Kan ikke åpne alternativer fil");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Kan ikke åpne katalog");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Kan ikke åpne HTML-fil %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Command utføre svikt");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Command er ikke installert");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Mangler filnavn i %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekursiv alternativ uten wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Har du tenkt sitere filnavnet");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Ingen fil å behandle %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Har du tenkt å bruke --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Kan ikke behandle UTF-32 koding");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style har avsluttet");
Polish::Polish() // Polski
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Sformatowany %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Niezmienione %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Katalog %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Wykluczać %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Wyklucz (niezrównany) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s sformatowany %s niezmienione ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekund ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linii\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Korzystanie z domyślnej opcji %s plik\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Otwarcie dokumentacji HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Nieprawidłowy opcji pliku opcji:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Nieprawidłowe opcje wiersza polecenia:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Aby uzyskać pomoc od rodzaju opcji 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Nie można otworzyć pliku opcji");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Nie można otworzyć katalogu");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Nie można otworzyć pliku HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Wykonaj polecenia niepowodzenia");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Polecenie nie jest zainstalowany");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Brakuje pliku w %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekurencyjne opcja bez symboli");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Czy zamierza Pan podać nazwę pliku");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Brak pliku do procesu %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Czy masz zamiar używać --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Nie można procesu kodowania UTF-32");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style został zakończony");
Portuguese::Portuguese() // Português
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formatado %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Inalterado %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Diretório %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Excluir %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Excluir (incomparável) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formatado %s inalterado ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" segundo ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d seg ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linhas\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Usando o arquivo de opções padrão %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Abrindo a documentação HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Opções de arquivo inválido opção:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Opções de linha de comando inválida:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Para obter ajuda sobre as opções de tipo 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Não é possível abrir arquivo de opções");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Não é possível abrir diretório");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Não é possível abrir arquivo HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Executar falha de comando");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Comando não está instalado");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Filename faltando em %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Opção recursiva sem curinga");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Será que você pretende citar o nome do arquivo");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Nenhum arquivo para processar %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Será que você pretende usar --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Não pode processar a codificação UTF-32");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style terminou");
Romanian::Romanian() // Română
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formatat %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Neschimbat %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Director %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Excludeți %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Excludeți (necompensată) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formatat %s neschimbat ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" secunde ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sec ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linii\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Fișier folosind opțiunile implicite %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Documentație HTML deschidere %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Opțiuni de opțiune de fișier nevalide:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Opțiuni de linie de comandă nevalide:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Pentru ajutor cu privire la tipul de opțiuni 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Nu se poate deschide fișierul de opțiuni");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Nu se poate deschide directorul");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Nu se poate deschide fișierul HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Comandă executa eșec");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Comanda nu este instalat");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Lipsă nume de fișier %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Opțiunea recursiv cu nici un wildcard");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"V-intentionati cita numele de fișier");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Nu există un fișier pentru a procesa %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"V-ați intenționați să utilizați --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Nu se poate procesa codificarea UTF-32");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style a terminat");
Russian::Russian() // русский
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Форматированный %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"без изменений %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"каталог %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"исключать %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Исключить (непревзойденный) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s Форматированный %s без изменений ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" секунды ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d мин %d сек ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s линий\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Использование опции по умолчанию файл %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Открытие HTML документации %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Недопустимый файл опций опцию:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Недопустимые параметры командной строки:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Для получения справки по 'astyle -h' опций типа");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Не удается открыть файл параметров");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Не могу открыть каталог");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Не удается открыть файл HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Выполнить команду недостаточности");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Не установлен Команда");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Отсутствует имя файла в %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Рекурсивный вариант без каких-либо шаблона");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Вы намерены цитатой файла");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Нет файлов для обработки %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Неужели вы собираетесь использовать --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Не удается обработать UTF-32 кодировке");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style прекратил");
Spanish::Spanish() // Español
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formato %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Inalterado %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Directorio %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Excluir %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Excluir (incomparable) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formato %s inalterado ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" segundo ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d seg ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s líneas\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Uso de las opciones por defecto del archivo %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Apertura de documentación HTML %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Opción no válida opciones de archivo:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"No válido opciones de línea de comando:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Para obtener ayuda sobre las opciones tipo 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"No se puede abrir el archivo de opciones");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"No se puede abrir el directorio");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"No se puede abrir el archivo HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Ejecutar el fracaso de comandos");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"El comando no está instalado");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Falta nombre del archivo en %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Recursiva opción sin comodín");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Se tiene la intención de citar el nombre de archivo");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"No existe el fichero a procesar %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Se va a utilizar --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"No se puede procesar la codificación UTF-32");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style ha terminado");
Swedish::Swedish() // Svenska
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"Formaterade %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"Oförändrade %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Katalog %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Uteslut %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Uteslut (oöverträffad) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s formaterade %s oförändrade ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" sekunder ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d min %d sek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linjer\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Använda standardalternativ fil %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Öppna HTML-dokumentation %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Ogiltigt alternativ fil alternativ:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Ogiltig kommandoraden alternativ:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"För hjälp om alternativ typ 'astyle -h'");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Kan inte öppna inställningsfilen");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Kan inte öppna katalog");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Kan inte öppna HTML-filen %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Utför kommando misslyckande");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Kommandot är inte installerat");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Saknade filnamn i %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekursiva alternativ utan jokertecken");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Visste du tänker citera filnamnet");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Ingen fil att bearbeta %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Har du för avsikt att använda --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Kan inte hantera UTF-32 kodning");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style har upphört");
Ukrainian::Ukrainian() // Український
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
addPair("Formatted %s\n", L"форматований %s\n"); // should align with unchanged
addPair("Unchanged %s\n", L"без змін %s\n"); // should align with formatted
addPair("Directory %s\n", L"Каталог %s\n");
addPair("Exclude %s\n", L"Виключити %s\n");
addPair("Exclude (unmatched) %s\n", L"Виключити (неперевершений) %s\n");
addPair(" %s formatted %s unchanged ", L" %s відформатований %s без змін ");
addPair(" seconds ", L" секунди ");
addPair("%d min %d sec ", L"%d хви %d cek ");
addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s ліній\n");
addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Використання файлів опцій за замовчуванням %s\n");
addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Відкриття HTML документації %s\n");
addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Неприпустимий файл опцій опцію:");
addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Неприпустима параметри командного рядка:");
addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Для отримання довідки по 'astyle -h' опцій типу");
addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Не вдається відкрити файл параметрів");
addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Не можу відкрити каталог");
addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Не вдається відкрити файл HTML %s\n");
addPair("Command execute failure", L"Виконати команду недостатності");
addPair("Command is not installed", L"Не встановлений Команда");
addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Відсутня назва файлу в %s\n");
addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Рекурсивний варіант без будь-яких шаблону");
addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Ви маєте намір цитатою файлу");
addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Немає файлів для обробки %s\n");
addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Невже ви збираєтеся використовувати --recursive");
addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Не вдається обробити UTF-32 кодуванні");
addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style припинив");
#endif // ASTYLE_LIB
} // end of namespace astyle