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qgsgrass.cpp - Data provider for GRASS format
begin : March, 2004
copyright : (C) 2004 by Radim Blazek
email : blazek@itc.it
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/* $Id$ */
#include <iostream>
#include "qstring.h"
#include "qprocess.h"
#include "qfile.h"
#include "qfileinfo.h"
#include "qdir.h"
#include "qtextstream.h"
#include "qgsgrass.h"
extern "C" {
#include <unistd.h>
void QgsGrass::init( void ) {
if ( !initialized ) {
// Is it active mode ?
if ( getenv ("GISRC") ) {
active = true;
// Store default values
defaultGisdbase = G_gisdbase();
defaultLocation = G_location();
defaultMapset = G_mapset();
} else {
active = false;
// Don't use GISRC file and read/write GRASS variables (from location G_VAR_GISRC) to memory only.
G_set_gisrc_mode ( G_GISRC_MODE_MEMORY );
// Init GRASS libraries (required)
G_no_gisinit(); // Doesn't check write permissions for mapset compare to G_gisinit("libgrass++");
// Set error function
G_set_error_routine ( &error_routine );
// Set program name
G_set_program_name ("QGIS");
// Add path to GRASS modules
// TODO: do that portable
QString gisBase = getenv("GISBASE");
QString path = "PATH=" + gisBase + "/bin";
path.append ( ":" + gisBase + "/scripts" );
QString p = getenv ("PATH");
path.append ( ":" + p );
std::cerr << "set PATH: " << path.local8Bit() << std::endl;
char *pathEnvChar = new char[path.length()+1];
strcpy ( pathEnvChar, const_cast<char *>(path.ascii()) );
putenv( pathEnvChar );
initialized = 1;
bool QgsGrass::activeMode( void )
return active;
QString QgsGrass::getDefaultGisdbase ( void ) {
return defaultGisdbase;
QString QgsGrass::getDefaultLocation ( void ) {
return defaultLocation;
QString QgsGrass::getDefaultMapset ( void ) {
return defaultMapset;
void QgsGrass::setLocation( QString gisdbase, QString location )
std::cerr << "QgsGrass::setLocation(): gisdbase = " << gisdbase.local8Bit() << " location = "
<< location.local8Bit() << std::endl;
// Set principal GRASS variables (in memory)
G__setenv( "GISDBASE", (char *) gisdbase.ascii() );
G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", (char *) location.ascii() );
G__setenv( "MAPSET", "PERMANENT"); // PERMANENT must always exist
// Add all available mapsets to search path
char **ms = G_available_mapsets();
for ( int i = 0; ms[i]; i++ ) G_add_mapset_to_search_path ( ms[i] );
void QgsGrass::setMapset( QString gisdbase, QString location, QString mapset )
std::cerr << "QgsGrass::setLocation(): gisdbase = " << gisdbase.local8Bit() << " location = "
<< location.local8Bit() << " mapset = " << mapset.local8Bit() << std::endl;
// Set principal GRASS variables (in memory)
G__setenv( "GISDBASE", (char *) gisdbase.ascii() );
G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", (char *) location.ascii() );
G__setenv( "MAPSET", (char *) mapset.ascii() );
// Add all available mapsets to search path
char **ms = G_available_mapsets();
for ( int i = 0; ms[i]; i++ ) G_add_mapset_to_search_path ( ms[i] );
int QgsGrass::initialized = 0;
bool QgsGrass::active = 0;
QgsGrass::ERROR QgsGrass::error = QgsGrass::OK;
QString QgsGrass::error_message;
QString QgsGrass::defaultGisdbase;
QString QgsGrass::defaultLocation;
QString QgsGrass::defaultMapset;
int QgsGrass::error_routine ( char *msg, int fatal) {
std::cerr << "error_routine (fatal = " << fatal << "): " << msg << std::endl;
if ( fatal ) error = FATAL;
else error = WARNING;
error_message = msg;
return 1;
void QgsGrass::resetError ( void ) {
error = OK;
int QgsGrass::getError ( void ) {
return error;
QString QgsGrass::getErrorMessage ( void ) {
return error_message;
QString QgsGrass::openMapset ( QString gisdbase, QString location, QString mapset )
std::cerr << "QgsGrass::openMapset" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "gisdbase = " << gisdbase << std::endl;
std::cerr << "location = " << location << std::endl;
std::cerr << "mapset = " << mapset << std::endl;
QString mapsetPath = gisdbase + "/" + location + "/" + mapset;
// Check if the mapset is in use
QString gisBase = getenv("GISBASE");
if ( gisBase.isNull() ) return "GISBASE is not set.";
QString lock = mapsetPath + "/.gislock";
QFile lockFile ( lock );
QProcess *process = new QProcess();
process->addArgument ( gisBase + "/etc/lock" ); // lock program
process->addArgument ( lock ); // lock file
// TODO: getpid() probably is not portable
int pid = getpid();
std::cerr << "pid = " << pid << std::endl;
process->addArgument ( QString::number(pid) );
if ( !process->start() )
return "Cannot start " + gisBase + "/etc/lock";
// TODO better wait
while ( process->isRunning () ) { }
int status = process->exitStatus ();
delete process;
std::cerr << "status = " << status << std::endl;
if ( status > 0 ) return "Mapset is already in use.";
// Create temporary directory
QFileInfo info ( mapsetPath );
QString user = info.owner();
mTmp = "/tmp/grass6-" + user + "-" + QString::number(pid);
QDir dir ( mTmp );
if ( dir.exists() )
QFileInfo dirInfo(mTmp);
if ( !dirInfo.isWritable() )
return "Temporary directory " + mTmp + " exist but is not writable";
else if ( !dir.mkdir( mTmp ) )
return "Cannot create temporary directory " + mTmp;
// Create GISRC file
QString globalGisrc = QDir::home().path() + "/.grassrc6";
mGisrc = mTmp + "/gisrc";
std::cerr << "globalGisrc = " << globalGisrc << std::endl;
std::cerr << "mGisrc = " << mGisrc << std::endl;
QFile out ( mGisrc );
if ( !out.open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
return "Cannot create " + mGisrc;
QTextStream stream ( &out );
QFile in ( globalGisrc );
QString line;
if ( in.open( IO_ReadOnly ) )
while ( in.readLine( line, 1000 ) != -1 )
if ( line.contains("GISDBASE:") ||
line.contains("LOCATION_NAME:") ||
line.contains("MAPSET:") )
stream << line;
line = "GISDBASE: " + gisdbase + "\n";
stream << line;
line = "LOCATION_NAME: " + location + "\n";
stream << line;
line = "MAPSET: " + mapset + "\n";
stream << line;
// Set GISRC enviroment variable
/* _Correct_ putenv() implementation is not making copy! */
QString gisrcEnv = "GISRC=" + mGisrc;
char *gisrcEnvChar = new char[gisrcEnv.length()+1];
strcpy ( gisrcEnvChar, const_cast<char *>(gisrcEnv.ascii()) );
putenv( gisrcEnvChar );
// Reinitialize GRASS
G__setenv( "GISRC", const_cast<char *>(gisrcEnv.ascii()) );
G__setenv( "GISDBASE", const_cast<char *>(gisdbase.ascii()) );
G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", const_cast<char *>(location.ascii()) );
G__setenv( "MAPSET", const_cast<char *>(mapset.ascii()) );
defaultGisdbase = gisdbase;
defaultLocation = location;
defaultMapset = mapset;
active = true;
// Close old mapset
if ( mMapsetLock.length() > 0 )
QFile file ( mMapsetLock );
mMapsetLock = lock;
return NULL;
QString QgsGrass::closeMapset ( )
std::cerr << "QgsGrass::closeMapset" << std::endl;
if ( mMapsetLock.length() > 0 )
QFile file ( mMapsetLock );
if ( !file.remove() )
return "Cannot remove mapset lock: " + mMapsetLock;
mMapsetLock = "";
putenv( "GISRC" );
// Reinitialize GRASS
G__setenv( "GISRC", "" );
G__setenv( "GISDBASE", "" );
G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", "" );
G__setenv( "MAPSET", "" );
defaultGisdbase = "";
defaultLocation = "";
defaultMapset = "";
active = 0;
// Delete temporary dir
// To be sure that we dont delete '/' for example
if ( mTmp.left(4) == "/tmp" )
QDir dir ( mTmp );
for ( int i = 0; i < dir.count(); i++ )
if ( dir[i] == "." || dir[i] == ".." ) continue;
if ( dir.remove(dir[i]) )
std::cerr << "Cannot remove temporary file " << dir[i] << std::endl;
if ( !dir.rmdir(mTmp) )
std::cerr << "Cannot remove temporary directory " << mTmp << std::endl;
return NULL;