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/** Base class for raster data providers
* \note This class has been copied and pasted from
* QgsVectorDataProvider, and does not yet make
* sense for Raster layers.
class QgsRasterDataProvider : QgsDataProvider, QgsRasterInterface
#include <qgsrasterdataprovider.h>
#include <qgsrasterinterface.h>
#include <qgsrasteridentifyresult.h>
QgsRasterDataProvider( const QString & uri );
virtual ~QgsRasterDataProvider();
virtual QgsRasterInterface * clone() const = 0;
/* It makes no sense to set input on provider */
bool setInput( QgsRasterInterface* input );
// TODO: Document this better.
/** \brief Renders the layer as an image
virtual QImage* draw( const QgsRectangle & viewExtent, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight ) = 0;
// TODO: Get the supported formats by this provider
// TODO: Get the file masks supported by this provider, suitable for feeding into the file open dialog box
virtual QgsRectangle extent() = 0;
/** Returns data type for the band specified by number */
virtual QGis::DataType dataType( int bandNo ) const = 0;
/** Returns source data type for the band specified by number,
* source data type may be shorter than dataType
virtual QGis::DataType srcDataType( int bandNo ) const = 0;
/** Returns data type for the band specified by number */
virtual int colorInterpretation( int theBandNo ) const;
QString colorName( int colorInterpretation ) const;
/** Reload data (data could change) */
virtual bool reload();
virtual QString colorInterpretationName( int theBandNo ) const;
/** Get block size */
virtual int xBlockSize() const;
virtual int yBlockSize() const;
/** Get raster size */
virtual int xSize() const;
virtual int ySize() const;
/** read block of data */
virtual QgsRasterBlock *block( int bandNo, const QgsRectangle &extent, int width, int height ) / Factory /;
/* Return true if source band has no data value */
virtual bool srcHasNoDataValue( int bandNo ) const;
/** \brief Get source nodata value usage */
virtual bool useSrcNoDataValue( int bandNo ) const;
/** \brief Set source nodata value usage */
virtual void setUseSrcNoDataValue( int bandNo, bool use );
/** Value representing no data value. */
virtual double srcNoDataValue( int bandNo ) const;
virtual void setUserNoDataValue( int bandNo, QgsRasterRangeList noData );
/** Get list of user no data value ranges */
virtual QgsRasterRangeList userNoDataValues( int bandNo ) const;
virtual QList<QgsColorRampShader::ColorRampItem> colorTable( int bandNo ) const;
// Defined in parent
/** \brief Returns the sublayers of this layer - Useful for providers that manage their own layers, such as WMS */
virtual QStringList subLayers() const;
/** \brief Create pyramid overviews */
virtual QString buildPyramids( const QList<QgsRasterPyramid> & thePyramidList,
const QString & theResamplingMethod = "NEAREST",
QgsRaster::RasterPyramidsFormat theFormat = QgsRaster::PyramidsGTiff,
const QStringList & theConfigOptions = QStringList() );
/** \brief Accessor for ths raster layers pyramid list.
* @param overviewList used to construct the pyramid list (optional), when empty the list is defined by the provider.
* A pyramid list defines the
* POTENTIAL pyramids that can be in a raster. To know which of the pyramid layers
* ACTUALLY exists you need to look at the existsFlag member in each struct stored in the
* list.
virtual QList<QgsRasterPyramid> buildPyramidList( QList<int> overviewList = QList<int>() );
/** \brief Returns true if raster has at least one populated histogram. */
bool hasPyramids();
* Get metadata in a format suitable for feeding directly
* into a subset of the GUI raster properties "Metadata" tab.
virtual QString metadata() = 0;
virtual QgsRasterIdentifyResult identify( const QgsPoint & thePoint, QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat theFormat, const QgsRectangle &theExtent = QgsRectangle(), int theWidth = 0, int theHeight = 0 );
//QMap<QString, QString> identify( const QgsPoint & thePoint, const QgsRectangle &theExtent = QgsRectangle(), int theWidth = 0, int theHeight = 0 );
* \brief Returns the caption error text for the last error in this provider
* If an operation returns 0 (e.g. draw()), this function
* returns the text of the error associated with the failure.
* Interactive users of this provider can then, for example,
* call a QMessageBox to display the contents.
virtual QString lastErrorTitle() = 0;
* \brief Returns the verbose error text for the last error in this provider
* If an operation returns 0 (e.g. draw()), this function
* returns the text of the error associated with the failure.
* Interactive users of this provider can then, for example,
* call a QMessageBox to display the contents.
virtual QString lastError() = 0;
* \brief Returns the format of the error text for the last error in this provider
* \note added in 1.6
virtual QString lastErrorFormat();
/**Returns the dpi of the output device.
@note: this method was added in version 1.2*/
int dpi() const;
/**Sets the output device resolution.
@note: this method was added in version 1.2*/
void setDpi( int dpi );
/** Time stamp of data source in the moment when data/metadata were loaded by provider */
virtual QDateTime timestamp() const;
/** Current time stamp of data source */
virtual QDateTime dataTimestamp() const;
/**Writes into the provider datasource*/
// TODO: add data type (may be defferent from band type)
virtual bool write( void* data, int band, int width, int height, int xOffset, int yOffset );
/** Creates a new dataset with mDataSourceURI
@return true in case of success*/
static QgsRasterDataProvider* create( const QString &providerKey,
const QString &uri,
const QString& format, int nBands,
QGis::DataType type,
int width, int height, double* geoTransform,
const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs,
QStringList createOptions = QStringList() /*e.v. color table*/ );
/** Set no data value on created dataset
* @param bandNo band number
* @param noDataValue no data value
virtual bool setNoDataValue( int bandNo, double noDataValue );
/** Remove dataset*/
virtual bool remove();
/** Returns a list of pyramid resampling method names for given provider */
static QList<QPair<QString,QString> > pyramidResamplingMethods( QString providerKey );
/** Validates creation options for a specific dataset and destination format.
* @note used by GDAL provider only
* @note see also validateCreationOptionsFormat() in gdal provider for validating options based on format only */
virtual QString validateCreationOptions( const QStringList& createOptions, QString format );
/** Validates pyramid creation options for a specific dataset and destination format
* @note used by GDAL provider only */
virtual QString validatePyramidsConfigOptions( QgsRaster::RasterPyramidsFormat pyramidsFormat,
const QStringList & theConfigOptions, const QString & fileFormat );
/** Emit a signal to notify of the progress event.
* Emitted theProgress is in percents (0.0-100.0) */
void progress( int theType, double theProgress, QString theMessage );
void progressUpdate( int theProgress );
/** Fill in histogram defaults if not specified */
void initHistogram( QgsRasterHistogram &theHistogram, int theBandNo,
int theBinCount,
double theMinimum,
double theMaximum,
const QgsRectangle & theExtent = QgsRectangle(),
int theSampleSize = 0,
bool theIncludeOutOfRange = false );
/** Fill in statistics defaults if not specified */
void initStatistics( QgsRasterBandStats &theStatistics, int theBandNo,
int theStats = QgsRasterBandStats::All,
const QgsRectangle & theExtent = QgsRectangle(),
int theBinCount = 0 );