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synced 2025-03-12 00:02:25 -04:00
- integrate PythonConsole help into main translation - allow referencing QGIS images in context help(viewer)
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41 lines
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i18n_dict = {
"header.title" : "Python Console for QGIS",
"header.subject" : "Python Console based on PyQScintilla2.",
"header.subject.main" : "To access the QGIS environment from this console \
use qgis.utils.iface object (instance of QgisInterface class). \
To import the class QgisInterface can also use the dedicated \
button on the toolbar on the left.",
"header.subject.A" : "The console is split in two main panes, output and input areas. \
Both are resizable by using the horizontal splitter. \
Output area pane is a widget read-only which shows the commands output. \
You can drag and drop or copy text into input area \
(no matter if selected text contains >>> or ...). \
Use 'Share on codepad' from contextual menu for sharing snippets code. \
The context menu looks like the image below.",
"header.subject.B" : "Input area pane is the interactive python shell for input commands.",
"features" : "Features",
"features.title" : "Auto-completion and highlighting syntax for the following APIs:",
"features.a" : "CTRL+SPACE to view the auto-completion list.",
"features.b" : "CTRL+ALT+SPACE to view the command history list.",
"features.c" : "Saves the command history by typing '_save' or closing the widget. \
This command saves the history command in the file ~/.qgis2/console_history.txt",
"features.d" : "Clears the command history by typing <b>_clear</b>. \
This command clears the command history from file ~/.qgis2/console_history.txt",
"features.e" : "Clears completely command history by typing '_clearAll'. \
This command clears completely the command history. It has an irreversible effect.",
"features.api.doc" : "Open QGIS API documentation by typing '_api'.",
"features.pyqgis.doc" : "Open PyQGIS Cookbook by typing '_pyqgis'.",
"toolbar" : "Toolbar",
"toolbar.title" : "The following is a description of the tools in the toolbar:",
"toolbar.clear" : "Tool to clear python console",
"toolbar.iface" : "Tool to import iface class",
"toolbar.sextante" : "Tool to import Sextante class",
"toolbar.qtcore" : "Tool to import PyQt4.QtCore class",
"toolbar.qtgui" : "Tool to import PyQt4.QtGui class",
"toolbar.script.open" : "Tool to open a python script and load in console",
"toolbar.script.save" : "Tool to save a python script",
"toolbar.settings" : "Settings",
"toolbar.help" : "Help",
"toolbar.run" : "Run command (like Enter key pressed)"