Nyall Dawson bf19eb6f35 [processing] Non-filed based outputs (e.g. postgis, geopackage)
options should be available for certain model outputs and script
algorithm outputs

We do this by swapping the test for non-file based output support
from checking only the algorithm's provider to instead checking
on a parameter-by-parameter basis.

This is done in order to support models. For models, depending
on what child algorithm a model output is based off, an individual
model may or may not have support for non-file based outputs. E.g
a model may generate outputs from a native qgis alg (supporting
these outputs) AND an output from a GDAL alg (with no support
for these outputs). In this case we need to enable or disable
the ui controls for non-file based outputs on an individual
output basis.

For scripts (for now) we blindly just say all outputs support
non-file based formats. This is going to be the case most of
the time, since scripts will usually be written using PyQGIS
API. For the exceptions (e.g. scripts which call other algs
like GDAL algs) we probably should add some way for the script
to indicate whether an individual output supports this, but
for now we just say they all do.

Fixes #17949
2018-01-25 15:47:42 +11:00
2018-01-17 10:16:37 -04:00
2017-07-03 08:49:50 +02:00

QGIS unit tests

Build tests

Make sure that you have enabled building of tests in CMake. cmake -DENABLE_TESTS=ON ..

Run tests

You can run all tests using make check. Note you will need xvfb-run for that (sudo apt-get install xfvb).

Individual tests can be run using ctest.

For example if the output of make check ends like this:

   The following tests FAILED:
         77 - PyQgsLocalServer (Failed)

You could re-run the failing test with:

   ctest -V -R PyQgsLocalServer

The parameter -V enables verbose mode and -R takes a regular expression as parameter and will only run matching tests.

For python tests, you can run a specific test inside a unit file with something like this:

   python ${srcdir}/tests/src/python/test_qgsvectorfilewriter.py

Advanced configuration


Make sure that you have enabled building of postgres test in CMake. cmake -DENABLE_TESTS=ON -DENABLE_PGTEST=ON ..

To test the postgres provider you will need to have a database available to which the postgres provider can connect. The server will need to have PostGIS support enabled.

By default the test uses one of the following connection string:


If these do not match your setup you can set the environment variable QGIS_PGTEST_DB to the desired connection string. Note that you can rely on standard libpq environment variables to tweak host, port user and password (PGHOST, PGPORT, PGUSER, PGPASSWORD).

Please note that the test database needs to be initialized using the sql-scripts:


They take care of activating PostGIS for the test database and create some tables containing test data.

For convenience, a shell script is provided to create the database and initialize it as needed:


Write tests

Instructions about writing tests for the processing framework can be found in a separate README file:


Information about labeling tests design and organization:


WCS testing information can be found in:


About benchmark tests you can read:


Run python tests in GDB

First find out the required environment variables by running the test outside the debugger.

ctest -V -R ProcessingQgisAlgorithmsTest

Which prints for somewhere in the initialization code something like:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=NOTFOUND:/home/m-kuhn/dev/cpp/qgis/build-qt5/output/lib:
export PYTHONPATH=/home/m-kuhn/dev/cpp/qgis/build-qt5/output/python/:/home/m-kuhn/dev/cpp/qgis/build-qt5/output/python/plugins:/home/m-kuhn/dev/cpp/qgis/QGIS/tests/src/python:

First, run these two commands in the terminal.

On the following line it says something like:

-- Running /usr/bin/python3 /home/m-kuhn/dev/cpp/qgis/QGIS/python/plugins/processing/tests/QgisAlgorithmsTest.py

Which you can run in gdb with:

gdb -ex r --args /usr/bin/python3 /home/m-kuhn/dev/cpp/qgis/QGIS/python/plugins/processing/tests/QgisAlgorithmsTest.py

Now you can start using the usual gdb (bt etc.) interface or - if you have installed the appropriate debug tools (adjust for python3!) even allows doing python introspection (py-bt).