2016-06-02 21:29:35 +02:00

63 lines
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class QgsRasterHistogramWidget : QWidget
#include <qgsrasterhistogramwidget.h>
QgsRasterHistogramWidget( QgsRasterLayer *lyr, QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
/** Save the histogram as an image to disk */
bool histoSaveAsImage( const QString& theFilename, int width = 600, int height = 600, int quality = -1 );
/** Set the renderer widget (or just its name if there is no widget) */
void setRendererWidget( const QString& name, QgsRasterRendererWidget* rendererWidget = NULL );
/** Activate the histogram widget */
void setActive( bool theActiveFlag );
/** \brief Compute the histogram on demand. */
bool computeHistogram( bool forceComputeFlag );
/** Apply a histoActionTriggered() event. */
void histoAction( const QString &actionName, bool actionFlag = true );
/** Apply a histoActionTriggered() event. */
void setSelectedBand( int index );
* Emitted when something on the widget has changed.
* All widgets will fire this event to notify of an internal change.
void widgetChanged();
public slots:
/** \brief slot executed when user wishes to refresh raster histogramwidget */
void refreshHistogram();
/** This slot lets you save the histogram as an image to disk */
void on_mSaveAsImageButton_clicked();
private slots:
/** Used when the histogram band selector changes, or when tab is loaded. */
void on_cboHistoBand_currentIndexChanged( int );
/** Applies the selected min/max values to the renderer widget. */
void applyHistoMin();
void applyHistoMax();
/** Button to activate picking of the min/max value on the graph. */
void on_btnHistoMin_toggled();
void on_btnHistoMax_toggled();
/** Called when a selection has been made using the plot picker. */
void histoPickerSelected( QPointF );
/** Called when a selection has been made using the plot picker (for qwt5 only).
@note not available in python bindings
// void histoPickerSelectedQwt5( QwtDoublePoint );
/** Various actions that are stored in btnHistoActions. */
void histoActionTriggered( QAction* );
/** Draw the min/max markers on the histogram plot. */
void updateHistoMarkers();
/** Button to compute the histogram, appears when no cached histogram is available. */
void on_btnHistoCompute_clicked();