2013-06-09 18:51:47 +02:00

220 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name : DB Manager
Description : Database manager plugin for QGIS
Date : May 23, 2011
copyright : (C) 2011 by Giuseppe Sucameli
email : brush.tyler@gmail.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from ..info_model import TableInfo, VectorTableInfo, RasterTableInfo
from ..html_elems import HtmlSection, HtmlParagraph, HtmlList, HtmlTable, HtmlTableHeader, HtmlTableCol
class PGTableInfo(TableInfo):
def __init__(self, table):
self.table = table
def generalInfo(self):
ret = []
# if the estimation is less than 100 rows, try to count them - it shouldn't take long time
if self.table.rowCount == None and self.table.estimatedRowCount < 100:
# row count information is not displayed yet, so just block
# table signals to avoid double refreshing (infoViewer->refreshRowCount->tableChanged->infoViewer)
tbl = [
(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Relation type:"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "View") if self.table.isView else QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Table")),
(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Owner:"), self.table.owner)
if self.table.comment:
tbl.append( (QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Comment:"), self.table.comment) )
(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Pages:"), self.table.pages),
(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Rows (estimation):"), self.table.estimatedRowCount )
# privileges
# has the user access to this schema?
schema_priv = self.table.database().connector.getSchemaPrivileges(self.table.schemaName()) if self.table.schema() else None
if schema_priv == None:
elif schema_priv[1] == False: # no usage privileges on the schema
tbl.append( (QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Privileges:"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "<warning> This user doesn't have usage privileges for this schema!") ) )
table_priv = self.table.database().connector.getTablePrivileges( (self.table.schemaName(), self.table.name) )
privileges = []
if table_priv[0]:
if self.table.rowCount == None or self.table.rowCount >= 0:
tbl.append( (QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Rows (counted):"), self.table.rowCount if self.table.rowCount != None else QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", 'Unknown (<a href="action:rows/count">find out</a>)')) )
if table_priv[1]: privileges.append("insert")
if table_priv[2]: privileges.append("update")
if table_priv[3]: privileges.append("delete")
priv_string = u", ".join(privileges) if len(privileges) > 0 else QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", '<warning> This user has no privileges!')
tbl.append( (QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Privileges:"), priv_string ) )
ret.append( HtmlTable( tbl ) )
if schema_priv != None and schema_priv[1]:
if table_priv[0] and not table_priv[1] and not table_priv[2] and not table_priv[3]:
ret.append( HtmlParagraph( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "<warning> This user has read-only privileges.") ) )
if not self.table.isView:
if self.table.rowCount != None:
if abs(self.table.estimatedRowCount - self.table.rowCount) > 1 and \
(self.table.estimatedRowCount > 2 * self.table.rowCount or \
self.table.rowCount > 2 * self.table.estimatedRowCount):
ret.append( HtmlParagraph( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "<warning> There's a significant difference between estimated and real row count. "
'Consider running <a href="action:vacuumanalyze/run">VACUUM ANALYZE</a>.') ) )
# primary key defined?
if not self.table.isView:
if len( filter(lambda fld: fld.primaryKey, self.table.fields()) ) <= 0:
ret.append( HtmlParagraph( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "<warning> No primary key defined for this table!") ) )
return ret
def getSpatialInfo(self):
ret = []
info = self.db.connector.getSpatialInfo()
if info == None:
tbl = [
(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Library:"), info[0]),
(QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Scripts:"), info[3]),
("GEOS:", info[1]),
("Proj:", info[2])
ret.append( HtmlTable( tbl ) )
if info[1] != None and info[1] != info[2]:
ret.append( HtmlParagraph( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "<warning> Version of installed scripts doesn't match version of released scripts!\n"
"This is probably a result of incorrect PostGIS upgrade.") ) )
if not self.db.connector.has_geometry_columns:
ret.append( HtmlParagraph( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "<warning> geometry_columns table doesn't exist!\n"
"This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables.") ) )
elif not self.db.connector.has_geometry_columns_access:
ret.append( HtmlParagraph( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "<warning> This user doesn't have privileges to read contents of geometry_columns table!\n"
"This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables.") ) )
return ret
def fieldsDetails(self):
tbl = []
# define the table header
header = ( "#", QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Name"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Type"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Length"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Null"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Default") )
tbl.append( HtmlTableHeader( header ) )
# add table contents
for fld in self.table.fields():
char_max_len = fld.charMaxLen if fld.charMaxLen != None and fld.charMaxLen != -1 else ""
is_null_txt = "N" if fld.notNull else "Y"
# make primary key field underlined
attrs = {"class":"underline"} if fld.primaryKey else None
name = HtmlTableCol( fld.name, attrs )
tbl.append( (fld.num, name, fld.type2String(), char_max_len, is_null_txt, fld.default2String()) )
return HtmlTable( tbl, {"class":"header"} )
def triggersDetails(self):
if self.table.triggers() == None or len(self.table.triggers()) <= 0:
return None
ret = []
tbl = []
# define the table header
header = ( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Name"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Function"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Type"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Enabled") )
tbl.append( HtmlTableHeader( header ) )
# add table contents
for trig in self.table.triggers():
name = u'%(name)s (<a href="action:trigger/%(name)s/%(action)s">%(action)s</a>)' % { "name":trig.name, "action":"delete" }
(enabled, action) = (QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Yes"), "disable") if trig.enabled else (QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "No"), "enable")
txt_enabled = u'%(enabled)s (<a href="action:trigger/%(name)s/%(action)s">%(action)s</a>)' % { "name":trig.name, "action":action, "enabled":enabled }
tbl.append( (name, trig.function, trig.type2String(), txt_enabled) )
ret.append( HtmlTable( tbl, {"class":"header"} ) )
ret.append( HtmlParagraph( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", '<a href="action:triggers/enable">Enable all triggers</a> / <a href="action:triggers/disable">Disable all triggers</a>') ) )
return ret
def rulesDetails(self):
if self.table.rules() == None or len(self.table.rules()) <= 0:
return None
tbl = []
# define the table header
header = ( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Name"), QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Definition") )
tbl.append( HtmlTableHeader( header ) )
# add table contents
for rule in self.table.rules():
name = u'%(name)s (<a href="action:rule/%(name)s/%(action)s">%(action)s</a>)' % { "name":rule.name, "action":"delete" }
tbl.append( (name, rule.definition) )
return HtmlTable( tbl, {"class":"header"} )
def getTableInfo(self):
ret = TableInfo.getTableInfo(self)
# rules
rules_details = self.rulesDetails()
if rules_details == None:
ret.append( HtmlSection( QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", 'Rules'), rules_details ) )
return ret
class PGVectorTableInfo(PGTableInfo, VectorTableInfo):
def __init__(self, table):
VectorTableInfo.__init__(self, table)
PGTableInfo.__init__(self, table)
def spatialInfo(self):
return VectorTableInfo.spatialInfo(self)
class PGRasterTableInfo(PGTableInfo, RasterTableInfo):
def __init__(self, table):
RasterTableInfo.__init__(self, table)
PGTableInfo.__init__(self, table)
def spatialInfo(self):
return RasterTableInfo.spatialInfo(self)